54 research outputs found

    Sustainable, Smart and Muslim-Friendly Tourist Destinations

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools are perfect for developing tourism. Several countries are making an effort to become smart and sustainable tourist destinations, making it easier for tourists to interact with their environment while at the same time improving the quality of life for local people. There are many studies of this process and the benefits it brings, although most of them approach the subject from a western traveler's point of view. This article aims to study the benefits of being a smart and Muslim-friendly tourist destination. An exploratory study was therefore carried out, including a bibliographical review of over one hundred secondary sources. We analyze the Muslim-friendly online services provided by nine destinations, and one of our principal conclusions is that these online services are of the greatest importance for a destination to be truly Muslim-friendly. We also conclude that such services allow companies to design tailored proposals and promote them through digital channels aimed at Muslim people

    Gestión de calidad como estrategia clave de la felicidad en el deporte federado

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    La relación entre el deporte y la felicidad es un hecho probado en multitud de ocasiones. El ejercicio físico aporta al deportista diversas sensaciones positivas, todas ellas muy relacionadas con el término felicidad. Por tanto, partiendo del hecho de que la práctica deportiva produce felicidad, el objetivo de este estudio es de averiguar qué variables influyen principalmente en la felicidad del deportista y en concreto, del deportista federado. Una de las novedades de este estudio es que los resultados podrían ayudar a los miembros de las juntas directivas de las federaciones a tomar buenas decisiones y poder contribuir en mayor forma a la felicidad del deportista federado. Las principales variables que encontramos en la literatura que influyen positivamente en la felicidad son la calidad percibida y la satisfacción. A su vez encontramos estudios que confirman la influencia de la confianza y las relaciones sociales sobre la felicidad. El estudio empírico se ha realizado a través de datos primarios mediante encuesta sobre una muestra de 601 individuos federados en las distintas federaciones autonómicas de España, concretamente en la modalidad deportiva de kárate. Los resultados obtenidos confirman todas las hipótesis planteadas en este estudio por lo que como indicaba la literatura revisada las cuatro variables analizadas (la calidad percibida, la satisfacción, la confianza y las relaciones sociales) influyen de forma significativa y positivamente en la felicidad.//The relationship between sport and happiness has been proven on many occasions. On this way, physical sport gives sportspeople positive feelings which are all related to the term happiness. So, based on the fact that taking part in sports increases happiness, the main objective of this study is therefore to determine which variables have the greatest influence on sportspeople’s happiness, focusing specifically on federation members. One of the new developments in this study is that the results may help members of the Governing Boards of these federations to take better decisions and contribute more to the happiness of sportspeople who are federation members. The principal variables mentioned in the literature as having a positive influence on happiness are perceived quality and satisfaction. We have also found studies that confirm the influence of both trust and social relationships on happiness. The empirical research has used primary data from a survey of 601 members of the Spanish regional federations, specifically in the sport modality of karate. Our results confirm all the hypotheses advances in this study. Thus, as indicated by the literature reviewed, the four variables studied (perceived quality and satisfaction, trust and social relationships) all exert significant positive influence on levels of happiness

    Perception of Advertisements for Healthy Food on Social Media: Effect of Attitude on Consumers' Response

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    The growing concern for health is currently a global trend, so promoting healthy products is an opportunity that companies can exploit to differentiate their products in highly competitive markets. The purpose of this research is to examine the antecedents of social media advertising value and their consequences for attitudes to healthy food and intentions to consume it, in a representative sample of Spanish consumers. The theory of Ducoffe's advertising value model was used as a conceptual framework for the antecedents of attitudes based on utilitarian and hedonic values. To achieve this objective, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out based on primary data from a survey of a representative sample of the Spanish population with 2023 valid questionnaires. The Partial Least Square (PLS) method was applied to test the hypothesized relationships and predictive variables. The result of this research allows us to determine which variables influence the consumer's response, as measured by intention, motivated by the consumer's attitude to the value of healthy food, as influenced by the advertising value on social networks. Furthermore, the findings show that, for advertising healthy food on social networks to be valuable, it must be credible and richly informative

    Happiness perception in Spain, a SEM approach to evidence from the sociological research center

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    In the current study, we examined the relationship between perceived person happiness and factors that influence this perception, also, is inferred that life satisfaction is influence byhappiness. Among 2494 Spaniards individuals of both sexes, we found that these individuals valued political situation, economic situation and socio-demographic characteristics to have a strong association in that order, with happiness and that this last construct is a fundamental factor to life satisfaction. The importance of perception is validated using a structural equation model that evaluates relationships and validity on the constructs in question.Collinearity statistics, average variance extracted, and an estimated partial least square regression model are evaluated to confirm independent meaning, correct construct measureand endogenous variable explanation by the predictive constructs. Results indicate that the level of happiness in Spaniards is most influenced by political perception. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, and it is proposed to continue this study in a non-developed country

    Promoting Social Media Engagement Via Branded Content Communication: A Fashion Brands Study on Instagram

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    Social networks have become crucial communication channels for brands through awareness, engagement, and word of mouth. Instagram is firmly positioned as a direct gateway between brands and consumers, as it became the fifth most‐used social network globally in 2021. As such, branded content is expected to increase the brand's likability, by capturing the interest and attention of the consumer, which could differ depending on what social media platform is used. This study aims to analyze whether there is a relationship between the branded content published on the Instagram profile of luxury brands (Manolo Blahnik and Loewe) and the interactions of and with its followers, focusing on branded content commu‐ nication associated to industrial, social responsibility, and commercial issues. A correlational study is presented using a quantitative methodology to test the hypotheses through an ANOVA analysis. The results show which type of content is more productive on Instagram's social network profile, helping diffusion of the firm, as it provokes more reactions from followers when using branded content related to social responsibility. It is also worth noting the extent of the interactions that branded content shows within the brand, whose influence is detected not in averages but in reach. The study's con‐ clusions allow us to affirm that branded content directly impacts brand reputation, generating positive engagement in all the cases analyzed. The study contributes to a better understanding of the branded content effect on consumer

    The role of perceived usefulness and annoyance on programmatic advertising: moderating effect of Internet user privacy and cookies

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    Purpose: The study of the background to programmatic advertising is of great interest in the context of digital marketing. Therefore, the main aim of this research is to define a structural equation modelling (SEM) model, which allows studying the relationship between the usefulness and privacy of online ads to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of campaigns through the use of computation and big data. Design/methodology/approach: A cross-sectional descriptive study based on the Web Browsers Survey was carried out on a sample of 24,062 Internet users by the Association for Media Research. The partial least squares structural equation modelling method (PLS-SEM) was applied to evaluate the model with the study constructs and test the hypotheses. Findings: The result of this research allows us to know how perceived usefulness (U) and perceived annoyance (A) affect users' privacy concerns (P) and concerns about the storage and use of their data through cookies (C). The authors also seek if there is any relationship between privacy concerns (P) and cookies (C) on users' level of Internet usage (IU). Originality/value: One of the novelties of this study is the consideration not only of Internet user perceptions but also their concerns about privacy and the use of cookies, as key variables in the strategic management of the use of programmatic advertising in digital marketing

    The impact of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty in hypermarkets: A new socially responsible strategy

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to knowledge on the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on retailers' performance (hypermarkets). An analysis using a comprehensive conceptualization of CSR reveals that CSR has positive implications for hypermarkets' performance and illustrates which CSR dimensions are the most important to focus on. For this purpose, this study enhances its empirical validity by collecting data from 667 respondents in Spain and testing the hypothesis applying partial least squares structural equation modeling. The study finds that CSR is positively influencing customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction, image, and quality also intervened in their relationships. In particular, a new finding of the study highlights the importance of the mediating role played by image and quality in enhancing the effect of CSR on satisfaction. The research findings provide useful insights into how hypermarkets should develop a CSR strategy that would enhance customer loyalty

    The impact of the use of the B-Learning modality in higher education

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    Los nuevos escenarios educativos plantean adaptar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje al uso de las TIC –en especial la modalidad semi presencial o B-Learning–, el trabajo en colaboración, el desarrollo de competencias y de competencias comunicativas para satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de los estudiantes, el mercado laboral y las dinámicas sociales imperantes. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los condicionantes del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje de la universidad latinoamericana para la adopción de los nuevos planteamientos educativos. El diseño de la investigación es mixto con triangulación recurrente DITRIAC. En la fase cuantitativa el método empleado es descriptivo-transversal, a través de cuestionario con Escala de Likert a 50 profesores, 402 estudiantes y 6 autoridades. En la fase cualitativa el método fue etnográfico. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 10 docentes, 38 estudiantes y dos autoridades, con análisis descriptivos e interpretativos. Entre las principales conclusiones se vislumbra la necesidad de fomentar el factor social del aprendizaje y darle mayor protagonismo al estudiante. Los recursos empleados son tradicionales y analógicos. Los docentes acusan cambios en su práctica docente, pero poco en la inclusión de las TIC. Asimismo, los tres aspectos que más le cuesta cambiar a los docentes en su paso de la modalidad presencial a la B-learning son: dejarle el protagonismo al estudiante, cambiar de la clase transmisiva al aprendizaje colaborativo, y de la evaluación sumativa a la formativa.The new educational scenarios propose to adapt the teaching-learning process to the use of ICT, especially the semi-classroom or B-learning modality, the work in collaboration, the development of competences and communication skills to meet the needs and expectations of the students, the labor market and the prevailing social dynamics. The main objective of this research is to analyze the conditioning factors of the teaching-learning process of the Latin American university for the adoption of new educational approaches. The research design is mixed with recurrent triangulation DITRIAC. In the quantitative phase, the method used is descriptive-transversal, through questionnaire with Likert Scale to 50 teachers, 402 students and 6 authorities. In the qualitative phase the method was ethnographic. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 teachers, 38 students and 2 authorities, with descriptive and interpretative analysis. Among the main conclusions is the need to promote the social factor of learning and give greater prominence to the student. The resources used are traditional and analog Teachers accuse changes in their teaching practice, but little in the inclusion of ICT. Likewise, the three aspects that are most difficult for teachers to change in their face-to-face modality modality are: leaving the protagonism to the student changing from the transmissive class to collaborative learning and from the summative evaluation to the formative one

    Omnichannel Management in a B2B context: concept, research agenda and bibliometric review

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has driven increases in the provision of services through digitalchannels, even by more traditional companies. An Omnichannel model of service provisionposes new management challenges for companies. This research reviews the literature onOmnichannel Management by companies whose clients are other companies (B2B) andclassifies the different areas of research to date. The principal finding is that, despite considerable academic interest in Omnichannel management, there have been few studies of Omnichannel in the B2B field. This emphasizes a significant research gap to address. We have also outlined the Research Agenda to highlight future lines of research

    Omnichannel Management in B2B. Complexity-based model. Empirical evidence from a panel of experts based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

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    In recent years, academics and professionals have proposed omnichannel management as the best approach to offering multiple channels to end customers. This approach has been reinforced by the recent crisis caused by Covid-19 and the consequent demand for digital channels. In the current literature there is an evident gap in the study of omnichannel management for manufacturing or wholesale companies and their relationships with other companies, which typically use B2B models. This article includes a model that permits the identification of causal characteristics in omnichannel management based on fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM), the simulation of possible scenarios and the impact that changes in the environment or in the organization's internal activities may have on omnichannel management. From the results of a Delphi process based on an international Panel of Experts and using complexity theory, a Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) was built that can serve as a reference for B2B omnichannel management. The main value of the research is provided by the practical model that allows simulating what-if scenarios, that is, with the modification of the input conditions with respect to a base scenario and thus favors directing the omnichannel strategy to be followed in a B2B field
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