12 research outputs found

    Hemodynamic mechanisms of the attenuated blood pressure response to mental stress after a single bout of maximal dynamic exercise in healthy subjects

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    To determine the hemodynamic mechanisms responsible for the attenuated blood pressure response to mental stress after exercise, 26 healthy sedentary individuals (age 29 ± 8 years) underwent the Stroop color-word test before and 60 min after a bout of maximal dynamic exercise on a treadmill. A subgroup (N = 11) underwent a time-control experiment without exercise. Blood pressure was continuously and noninvasively recorded by infrared finger photoplethysmography. Stroke volume was derived from pressure signals, and cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance were calculated. Perceived mental stress scores were comparable between mental stress tests both in the exercise (P = 0.96) and control (P = 0.24) experiments. After exercise, the blood pressure response to mental stress was attenuated (pre: 10 ± 13 vs post: 6 ± 7 mmHg; P < 0.01) along with lower values of systolic blood pressure (pre: 129 ± 3 vs post: 125 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.05), stroke volume (pre: 89.4 ± 3.5 vs post: 76.8 ± 3.8 mL; P < 0.05), and cardiac output (pre: 7.00 ± 0.30 vs post: 6.51 ± 0.36 L/min; P < 0.05). Except for heart rate, the hemodynamic responses and the mean values during the two mental stress tests in the control experiment were similar (P > 0.05). In conclusion, a single bout of maximal dynamic exercise attenuates the blood pressure response to mental stress in healthy subjects, along with lower stroke volume and cardiac output, denoting an acute modulatory action of exercise on the central hemodynamic response to mental stress

    Supplementary Material for: Autologous Internal Limiting Membrane Fragment Transplantation for Large, Chronic, and Refractory Macular Holes

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    <b><i>Objective:</i></b> To evaluate a technique of autologous internal limiting membrane (ILM) fragment transplantation for the treatment of large, chronic, and/or refractory macular holes (MH). <b><i>Design:</i></b> This was a 6-month prospective interventional case series. <b><i>Method:</i></b> Ten eyes of 10 patients with MH underwent pars plana vitretomy (PPV) and ILM peeling followed by transplantation of an autologous ILM fragment to the MH. Six patients had primary MH with an internal diameter greater than 500 µm and a duration of more than 18 months, including 1 patient with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy previously treated with panretinal photocoagulation. Four eyes with MH had previously been submitted to PPV (i.e. 1 for retinal detachment and 3 to attempt to close large MH). One of the latter also displayed juxtapapillary choroidal neovascularization due to age-related macular degeneration. The primary and secondary outcomes were MH closure and improvement of the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), respectively. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Complete MH closure was achieved in all cases. A statistically significant improvement in the average BCVA was observed after 6 months of follow-up (p = 0.018; paired t test). The BCVA improved in 8 eyes (80%), and in 6 of those eyes it improved by ≥15 letters. In 1 patient, the BCVA remained unchanged after the surgery, but the visual field reportedly improved. One patient experienced a slight worsening (0.16 logMAR). Two cases developed atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium despite MH closure and BCVA improvement. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> Treatment with autologous ILM fragment transplantation seems to be an efficient alternative for large, chronic, and refractory MH

    Decomposição de amostras de solos assistida por radiação microondas: estratégia para evitar a formação de fluoretos insolúveis Microwave-assisted decomposition of soil samples: strategies to avoid formation of insoluble fluoride salts

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    A decomposição de amostras que contêm elevados teores de Si, utilizando mistura com os ácidos nítrico e fluorídrico, pode provocar a precipitação de fluoretos de Al(III), Ca(II), Fe(III) e Mg(II) durante a digestão, impedindo a recuperação total desses elementos. Visando minimizar esse problema, foram testados quatro procedimentos aplicados a diferentes amostras de solos. O procedimento mais eficiente envolveu a decomposição assistida por radiação microondas, seguida pela separação do material sólido residual com elevado teor de Si do sobrenadante ácido. A fração residual foi solubilizada usando HF concentrado e, após complexação com ácido bórico, essa solução foi misturada à fase líquida do digerido. Os teores de metais nos digeridos foram determinados por espectrometria de emissão óptica em plasma induzido (ICP OES) e a exatidão foi demonstrada aplicando o procedimento proposto em amostras provenientes do programa colaborativo International Soil-Analytical Exchange (ISE, Wegening Agricultural University, Holanda) e em amostra certificada de solo proveniente do National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST, SRM 2709), que apresentou respectivamente, os seguintes percentuais de recuperação: 100,0 &plusmn; 2,6; 99,5 &plusmn; 1,9; 108,5 &plusmn; 2,7; 94,6 &plusmn; 8,9; 92,2 &plusmn; 9,7; 95,7 &plusmn; 1,8; 96,7 &plusmn; 2,7; 95,2 &plusmn; 0,6; 103,6 &plusmn; 2,6 e 96,1 &plusmn; 1,6 para, Al, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, V e Zn.<br>The use of pre-mixed nitric and hydrofluoric acids for the decomposition of samples containing high amounts of Si can cause the precipitation of Al(III), Ca(II), Fe(III), and Mg(II) fluorides during digestion, reducing the total recovery of these elements. Four procedures were applied to certified soil samples in an attempt to circumvent this problem. The most efficient procedure was based on microwave-assisted acid digestion decomposition of the samples, followed by separation of the residual silicate compounds. This fraction was solubilized using concentrated HF and the remaining fluoride ions were complexed by adding boric acid. This solution was mixed with the liquid phase of the acid digest. Elemental analysis of the acid digests was performed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The accuracy of the procedure was confirmed by applying it to samples provided by the International Soil-Analytical Exchange (ISE- Wageningen Agricultural University, Netherlands) and to certified soil reference material from the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST, SRM 2709). The following elemental recovery (%) was obtained: 100.0 &plusmn; 2.6; 99.5 &plusmn; 1.9; 108.5 &plusmn; 2.7; 94.6 &plusmn; 8.9; 92.2 &plusmn; 9.7; 95.7 &plusmn; 1.8; 96.7 &plusmn; 2.7; 95.2 &plusmn; 0.6; 103.6 &plusmn; 2.6 and 96.1 &plusmn; 1.6 for Al, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, V, and Zn, respectively

    Perfil nutricional de crianças e suas mães em bolsões de pobreza do município de Campinas, SP - 1996 Nutritional profile of children and their mothers in poverty areas of Campinas, SP, Brazil - 1996

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    A desnutrição é ainda um problema de saúde pública no Brasil, apesar do declínio de sua prevalência mostrado em estudos nacionais. Contudo, dada a abrangência destes levantamentos, a situação em áreas de pobreza pode ser subestimada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a desnutrição em áreas de pobreza do município de Campinas, SP, identificadas segundo os critérios de renda familiar, condições de construção da moradia e contigüidade, de acordo com o censo de 1991. A amostra foi composta de 125 crianças de 0 a 24 meses de idade e suas mães, com coleta de dados antropométricos (peso e altura) e socioeconômicos. Os resultados mostraram uma prevalência de 7,2% de desnutrição infantil, muito semelhante à média de 7,4% observada para a mesma faixa etária em levantamento nacional feito em 1989. Em relação ao estado nutricional das mães, os resultados mostraram que 27,3% apresentaram Índice de Massa Corporal superior a 25kg/m². A fim de promover o declínio da prevalência de desnutrição, as ações de saúde devem considerar a importância do problema em grupos socioeconômicos especiais, como os de baixo poder aquisitivo, desenvolvendo um sistema de vigilância alimentar e nutricional capaz de atuar em regiões onde as ações tradicionais parecem ser menos eficientes.<br>Malnutrition is one of the major public health problems in Brazil, although recent data show a progressive decrease in its prevalence. However, the validity of national surveys can underestimate the magnitude of malnutrition in poverty areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate malnutrition in poverty areas of Campinas, SP, and efforts were made to locate those urban areas, considering families income, building conditions, and geographic contiguity according to 1991 census. During the study period, a total of 125 children aged 0 to 24 months and their mothers were interviewed, and anthropometric and socioeconomic data were collected. Results show a prevalence of 7.2% of malnutrition, which is similar to the value of 7.4% observed for the same age in a 1989 national survey. Concerning mother nutritional status, the results show that 27.3% of women are at Body Mass Index of 25 kg/m² or higher. Thus, in order to properly achieve malnutrition decline, health promoters must consider the magnitude of the problem in special socioeconomic groups, developing a nutritional surveillance system designed to assist low income people, to whom traditional actions seems to be less efficient

    Indicadores das condições nutricionais na região do Polonoroeste: VII. Estudo da prevalência de desnutrição e diarréias, 1985

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    Os autores realizaram um estudo do estado nutricional por antropometria num grupo de 405 crianças de 3 a 72 meses de idade, residentes na área urbana da cidade de Cáceres - Região do Polonoroeste no Estado do Mato Grosso. Mediante a aplicação de um questionário ao responsável pela criança, pesquisou-se a ocorrência de diarréias na mesma população. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a prevalência de desnutrição e a freqüência de diarréias nessas crianças. Utilizaram-se as classificações propostas por GOMEZ e WATERLOW para verificar a prevalência e a natureza da desnutrição. Foi verificado que a desnutrição ocorreu em 33% das crianças segundo a classificação de GOMEZ. Segundo os critérios de WATERLOW a forma de desnutrição de maior proporção encontrada foi a pregressa, com percentual de 36%. Entre as crianças desnutridas a freqüência de diarréias foi de 47% sendo a relação entre diarréia e desnutrição estatisticamente significante

    Breed and season influence on milk quality parameters and in mastitis occurrence

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    The aims of the present study were to evaluate the performance of Jersey and Holstein cows under different rainfall conditions (dry and rainy seasons) by monitoring aspects related to subclinical mastitis (somatic cell count, microbiological isolation, type of isolated pathogen), milk quality (lactose, protein, fat, total solids) and production (mean milk production) of both breeds. The study was carried out in a dairy farm located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Eight visitations were done to the farm, four in a period of high rainfall and four in a period of low rainfall. Milk samples were collected from 79 Holstein cows and 37 Jersey cows for electronic somatic cell count and determination of the main milk components (protein, fat, total solids, lactose). Milk fat, protein, total solids and production were influenced by breed and the season, with similar tendencies for both breeds in both seasons. Somatic cell count (SCC) showed similar results for both breeds. Holstein cows with intramammary infections (IMI) presented a higher increase in SCC when compared to Jersey cows (P<0.001). In the dry season, 53 animals had IMI in at least one month during the study, which 32 were Holstein and 21 were Jersey cows. In the rainy season, 65 animals had intramammary infection, being 43 Holstein and 22 Jersey cows. The frequency of IMI cases was larger in the rainy season than in the dry season. Jersey cows had a lower chance of showing IMI signs and symptoms than Holstein cows in the rainy season (odds ratio=0.52). The larger number of IMI cases in the rainy season may have led to a lower milk lactose rate for both breeds, thus milk lactose rate can be considered an indicator of IMI status. There was prevalence of contagious pathogens overall in the study. The applied model showed that environmental pathogens were more frequently isolated from the breed Jersey, regardless of the study season. There seems to be differences in the immune response of Jersey and Holstein breeds