15 research outputs found

    A gestão das rotas tecnológicas de tratamento e destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no município de João Pessoa/PB / Management of technological routes for treatment and final destination of urban solid waste in the municipality of João Pessoa / PB

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    O modelo de gestão dos resíduos sólidos municipais é a base de qualquer planejamento de percursos de coletas, tratamentos e disposição final ambientalmente adequada. Os estudos prévios como as quantidades e composição dos resíduos coletados, as rotas tecnológicas e o conhecimento do fluxo dos resíduos e seus custos, permitem uma melhor análise das possibilidades de aplicação de novas tecnologias ou formas de gerir os resíduos de determinada localidade. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar as rotas tecnológicas do município de João Pessoa e propor alternativas que sejam coerentes com a realidade da gestão. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir de um aprofundamento acerca da gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) do município, do levantamento da massa coletada de resíduos, da quantificação gravimétrica dos mesmos, roteirização do percurso da coleta indiferenciada e da estruturação da rota tecnológica existente. Por meio da metodologia empregada, que consistiu de levantamentos bibliográficos e documentais do órgão que gerencia os resíduos em João Pessoa, a Autarquia Especial Municipal de Limpeza Urbana (EMLUR), entrevistas e análise sistemática do fluxo dos resíduos, pôde-se verificar que o município possui duas rotas tecnológicas, uma com tratamento e outra sem tratamento, esta com destino final o aterro sanitário e aquela as indústrias da reciclagem. Entre os componentes das rotas tecnológicas estão a geração de resíduos, as coletas seletiva e convencional, a triagem nos galpões de coleta seletiva dos bairros e do aterro, a reciclagem e a destinação final no aterro sanitário. A rota tecnológica da coleta indiferenciada do município está formulada de acordo com os percursos da coleta convencional. A coleta seletiva compõe a etapa da rota tecnológica que fornece o único tratamento disponibilizado no município de João Pessoa para os RSU. Ao todo, 20,12% da população da capital recebe cobertura da coleta seletiva. Assim, após análises técnica e ambiental da gestão dos RSU do município de João Pessoa, são levantadas propostas de rotas tecnológicas com técnicas de tratamento e disposição final conforme a situação local, aspectos sócio, culturais e econômicas da população, tecnologias de tratamento aplicadas e legislação vigente. O estudo consiste em confrontar a rota tecnológica existente com possíveis tecnologias identificadas para o perfil do município.

    Study and evaluation of a hybrid forced airing method for composting in tillage.

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    Os sistemas de Leiras Estáticas Aeradas - Aeração Forçada - tem se constituído um dos mais eficientes processos, de baixo custo, para o tratamento de resíduos orgânicos (lixo urbano, lodos de esgoto, etc) . (SCHULZE, 1981). Os modos de aeração nas leiras de compostagem são por injeção de ar (modo positivo) e por sucção de ar (modo negativo), sendo que, o modo positivo, de acordo com FINSTEIN et alii (1984) é o que apresenta mais vantagem. Entretanto, muito ainda pode ser feito para melhoria do processo no que concerne a eliminação de patôgenos e aumento da degradação da matéria orgânica. Este trabalho teve como o bjetivo estudar e avaliar os métodos de aeração existentes e propor um modo híbrido (alternando os modos positivo e negativo, em ciclos ), cuja finalidade seria aumentar a eficiência do processo. Durante a pesquisa, foram montadas sete leiras de compostagem: duas, sob o modo positivo ; duas, sob o modo negativo e três sob o modo híbrido. A matéria-prima utilizada foi a fração orgânica do lixo urbano da cidade de Belo Horizonte-MG, triturado, com partículas de 20 a 50mm, "In natutia". A Tabela 3.1 apresenta a composição do lixo utilizado. A avaliação da eficiência de cada modo de aeração foi realizada através de analises físicas (densidade e temperatura), físico-químicas (teor de uinidade, sólidos voláteis, carbono orgânico total e pH); químicas (nitrogênico total ); bacteriológicas (determinação de estreptococos fecais),além de outras observações diárias como: aparência, odor, cor, atração de vetores, etc. Na comparação entre os modos de aeração constatou-se que o modo híbrido desenvolvido neste estudo, apresentou maior eficiência. Em todos os processos, até o décimo sexto dia da fase ativa, foi registrada a presença de microrganismos patogênicos e no último dia desta fase não foi mais detectada a presença destes organismos. Com relação à degradação de matéria orgânica, as leiras sob o modo híbrido, apresentaram, em média, uma redução de 35,431 (em vinte dias) revelando a alta eficiência do método em relação aos outros, visto que no modo positivo a redução foi de 20,79% (em trinta dias) e no modo negativo de 6,02% (em cinquenta e sete dias).0 presente estudo cumpriu seus objetivos, tendo era vista que desenvolveu um sistema que apresentou melhor eficiência com relação à redução de umidade, â degradação de matéria orgânica e à eliminação de patôgenos do que os demais sistemas em uso.The Aerate Static Pile Systems - Forced Aeration are constituted as one o£ the most efficient processes, o£ low costs, t o the treatment o£ organic residue (urban garbage, sewer mud, etc.) (SCHULZE, 1981). The modes of aeration in the composting piles are done through air injection ( positive mode) and a ir suction (negative mode), but the positive mode , according to FINSTEIN et alii (1984) is the one that presents more advantages. However, much more can be done yet t o develop the process in relation to the elimination of pathogens and the degradation increasing of the organic material. This work had as its objective to study and evaluate the existent aeration methods and t o propose a hybrid mode ( alternating the positive and the negative modes, in cycles ), which objective-would be the in crea sing of the process efficiency. During the research, seven composting piles were assembled: two, in the positive mode; two, in the negative mode and three in the hy brid mode. The raw material used i n the experiment was a organic fraction of the urban garbage of Belo Horizonte city - MG., triturated, with particles from 20 t o 50 mm, "Zn natafia.". Table 3.1 presents the composition of the utilized garbage. The efficiency- evaluation of each aeration mode was realized thrcugh physical (density, temperature); physicochemical (moisture content, volatilesolids , carbon and pH);chemical (nitrogen) ; and bacteriologic faecal Streptococais analysis besides other diary observations like : aspects, odour, color, attraction of vectores , etc. In the comparison among the aeration modes, was verified that the hybrid mode, developed in this study , presents a betterefficiency . In ali the processes, up to the sixteenth day of the active phase, was registered the presence of pathogenics micro-organisms and on the last day of this phase was not more found the presence of these organisms. In relation to organic material degradation, the hybrid mode piles , presented, in average, a reduction of 35,431 Cin. twenty daysj, revealing the high efficiency of this method'in relation to the others , as i n the positive mode the reduction was of 20,79% (in thirty daysj, and in the negative mode it was of 6,02$ [In fifty - seven days). This study executed its objectives , because it developed a system that elation to moisture reduction, organic material degradation , and elimination of pathogens than the other systems used nowadays

    Temporal evolution of the environmental performance of implementing selective collection in municipal waste management systems in developing countries: A Brazilian case study

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the evolution of the municipal solid waste management system of João Pessoa (Brazil), which was one of the Brazilian pioneers cities in implementing door-to-door selective collection programmes, in order to analyse the effect of policy decisions adopted in last decade with regard to selective collection. To do it, this study focuses on analysing the evolution, from 2005 to 2015, of the environmental performance of the municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system implemented in different sorting units with selective collection programmes by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and using as a starting point data collected directly from the different stakeholders involved in the MSWM system. This article presents the temporal evolution of environmental indicators measuring the environmental performance of the MSWM system implemented in João Pessoa by sorting unit, for each stage of the life cycle of the waste (collection, classification, intermediate transports, recycling and landfilling), for each waste fraction and for each collection method (selective collection or mixed collection), with the aim of identifying the key aspects with the greatest environmental impact and their causes. Results show on one hand, that environmental behaviour of waste management in a door-to-door selective collection programme significantly improves the behaviour of the overall waste management system. Consequently, the potential to reduce the existing environmental impact based on citizens' increased participation in selective collection is evidenced, so the implementation of awareness-raising campaigns should be one of the main issues of the next policies on solid waste. On the other hand, increasing the amount of recyclable wastes collected selectively, implementing alternative methods for valorising the organic fraction (compost/biomethanization) and improving the efficiency of the transportation stage by means of optimizing vehicles or routes, are essential actions to reduce the overall net environmental impact generated by the MSWM system

    Characterization of the superficial sediment of Jordão River in Center-South Region of the Parana state, Brazil

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    The present paper aimed to quantify the metals ions (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn) of sediments from the two centimeter surface layer of Jordão river in Guarapuava City, PR. Other parameters, such as pH, total phosphate (PT), total organic carbon (COT), total Nitrogen (NT) and granulometry were also evaluated. The results were suggestive that local anthropization, mainly originated from agricultural and domestic activities, occurred in that locality. A spatial variation among samples was detected. With concentrations expressed in mg Kg-1 we found: from 8,300 to 19,000 for Al; Cd: < LD; Cr, from 6.1 to 45.2; Cu, from 31.8 to 64.7; Fe, from 17,200 to 69,100; Mn, from 264 to 467; Ni, from 2.3 to 7.3; Pb, from 6.5 to 12.5; Zn, from 46.1 to 139.0. The level of contamination was also assessed by applying a contamination factor. Cu and Zn reached values above the considered moderate contamination. This concentration level may interfere with the equilibrium of the studied ecosystem

    Prevalência de genótipos predisponentes para doença celíaca, incluindo HLA-DQ2.2, em crianças brasileiras

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    CONTEXTO: A doença celíaca é uma enteropatia autoimune, desencadeada pela ingestão do glúten em indivíduos geneticamente predispostos. Quase todos os pacientes celíacos possuem genes que codificam os heterodímeros HLA-DQ2.5 e DQ8. Nos últimos anos, mesmo com algumas controvérsias a respeito, tem se dado grande importância ao HLA-DQ2.2 como outra provável variante predisponente para doença celíaca. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do nosso trabalho foi determinar a provável associação entre HLA-DQ2.2 e a doença celíaca em crianças brasileiras, mediante a análise da prevalência das variantes predisponentes para doença celíaca em um grupo representativo desta população que ainda carece de dita informação. MÉTODOS: A genotipagem das variantes HLA-DQ foi realizada em populações de crianças celíacas (n=100) e não celíacas (n=110). A presença das seguintes variantes foi testada em todas as amostras: DQA1*05-DQB1*02 (DQ2.5), DQA1*03-DQB1*03:02 (DQ8) e DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 (DQ2.2). A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: No grupo de 100 crianças celíacas, 78 (78%) foram positivas para DQ2, 13 (13%) para DQ2/DQ8 e 6 (6%) foram DQ8 positivas. O padrão de variantes predisponentes no grupo de 110 crianças não celíacas foi: 33 (29.9%) amostras positivas para DQ2, 2 (1.8%) DQ2/DQ8 positivas e 15 (13.6%) DQ8 positivas. Quando as prevalências de ambos grupos foram compradas, foram achadas diferenças significativas entre algumas, mas não todas as variantes predisponentes. CONCLUSÃO: A genotipagem das variantes HLA-DQ predisponentes para doença celíaca mostrou um padrão similar ao achado em populações europeias e não-europeias, o qual pode ser resultado da miscigenação que deu origem à população brasileira atual. Nosso trabalho não mostrou associação significativa entre a variante DQ2.2 e a doença celíaca na população estudada.BACKGROUND: Celiac disease is an autoimmune enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Almost all celiac patients carry immune recognition genes coding for HLA-DQ2.5 and DQ8 heterodimers. Over the last few years, great importance has been given to HLA-DQ2.2 as probable predisposing variant, although controversies still exist regarding its relevance. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine the possible existence of an association between HLA-DQ2.2 and celiac disease in Brazilian children by analyzing the prevalence of the predisposing variants for celiac disease in a representative group of children of a population in which this determination is still missing. METHODS: HLA-DQ typing was performed in samples from a group of celiac (n=100) and non-celiac children (n=110). All samples were tested for the presence of the following variants: DQA1*05-DQB1*02 (DQ2.5), DQA1*03-DQB1*03:02 (DQ8) and DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 (DQ2.2). Fisher`s exact test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: In the group of 100 celiac children, 78 (78%) were positive for DQ2, 13 (13 %) were DQ2/DQ8 and 6 (6%) were DQ8 positives. The HLA-DQ pattern in the 110 non-celiac children was as follows: positive for DQ2 in 33 (29.9%) samples, in 2 (1.8 %) was positive for DQ2/DQ8 and in 15 (13.6%) was positive for DQ8. We found significant differences between the distribution of some but not all of the analyzed alleles when comparing celiac and non-celiac children. CONCLUSION: The genotyping of celiac disease HLA-DQ predisposing alleles showed similarities with HLA-DQ patterns found in both European and non-European populations, which may be a reflection of the miscegenation, which gave origin to the current Brazilian population. No significant association was found between DQ2.2 variant and celiac disease in the studied population

    Effect of the decommissioned Roger open dump, João Pessoa, Brazil, on local groundwater quality

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    Throughout 45 years (1958-2003) the solid wastes from João Pessoa were disposed off in the former Roger’s open dump, which is situated adjacent to the mangrove at the sides of Sanhauá river, intensifying environmental problems and threatening the health of people living nearby. Between 1999 and 2003 the decommissioned open dump received wastes from the cities of Cabedelo and Bayeux. Several environmental impacts result from this inadequate disposal of solid wastes, including the pollution of groundwater nearby the former Roger´s open dump, which is the major point of investigation of this paper. The water quality of 6 wells situated in the region of influence of the open dump were monitored. Results have shown that the groundwater near the open dump cannot be drunk by the population without previous treatment, since it has some parameters of water quality in discordance with Brazilian legislation concerned with drinking water. Results have also shown that the level of pollution is higher in the wells closer to the open dump


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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Celiac disease is an autoimmune enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Almost all celiac patients carry immune recognition genes coding for HLA-DQ2.5 and DQ8 heterodimers. Over the last few years, great importance has been given to HLA-DQ2.2 as probable predisposing variant, although controversies still exist regarding its relevance. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine the possible existence of an association between HLA-DQ2.2 and celiac disease in Brazilian children by analyzing the prevalence of the predisposing variants for celiac disease in a representative group of children of a population in which this determination is still missing. METHODS: HLA-DQ typing was performed in samples from a group of celiac (n=100) and non-celiac children (n=110). All samples were tested for the presence of the following variants: DQA1*05-DQB1*02 (DQ2.5), DQA1*03-DQB1*03:02 (DQ8) and DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 (DQ2.2). Fisher`s exact test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: In the group of 100 celiac children, 78 (78%) were positive for DQ2, 13 (13 %) were DQ2/DQ8 and 6 (6%) were DQ8 positives. The HLA-DQ pattern in the 110 non-celiac children was as follows: positive for DQ2 in 33 (29.9%) samples, in 2 (1.8 %) was positive for DQ2/DQ8 and in 15 (13.6%) was positive for DQ8. We found significant differences between the distribution of some but not all of the analyzed alleles when comparing celiac and non-celiac children. CONCLUSION: The genotyping of celiac disease HLA-DQ predisposing alleles showed similarities with HLA-DQ patterns found in both European and non-European populations, which may be a reflection of the miscegenation, which gave origin to the current Brazilian population. No significant association was found between DQ2.2 variant and celiac disease in the studied population

    Molecular evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of phenolic lipid extracted from cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL)

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    Abstract Background Anacardium occidentale L phenolic lipid (LDT11) is used in traditional medicine as anti-inflammatory, astringent, antidiarrheal, anti-asthmatic and depurative. Phenolic derivatives, such as anacardic acid, extracted from cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) have demonstrated biological and pharmacological properties, and its profile makes it a candidate for the development of new anti-inflammatory agents. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory profile of a derivative, synthesized from LDT11, on an in vitro cellular model. Methods Organic synthesis of the phenolic derivative of CNSL that results in the hemi-synthetic compound LDT11. The cytotoxicity of the planned compound, LDT11, was analyzed in murine macrophages cell line, RAW264.7. The cells were previously treated with LDT11, and then, the inflammation was stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), in intervals of 6 h and 24 h. The analysis of the gene expression of inflammatory markers (TNFα, iNOS, COX-2, NF-κB, IL-1β and IL-6), nitric oxide (NO) dosage, and cytokine IL-6 were realized. Results The results showed that the phenolic derivative, LDT11, influenced the modulatory gene expression. The relative gene transcripts quantification demonstrated that the LDT11 disclosed an immunoprotective effect against inflammation by decreasing genes expression when compared with cells stimulated with LPS in the control group. The NO and IL-6 dosages confirmed the results found in gene expression. Discussion The present study evaluated the immunoprotective effect of LDT11. In addition to a significant reduction in the expression of inflammatory genes, LDT11 also had a faster and superior anti-inflammatory action than the commercial products, and its response was already evident in the test carried out six hours after the treatment of the cells. Conclusion This study demonstrated LDT11 is potentially valuable as a rapid immunoprotective anti-inflammatory agent. Treatment with LDT11 decreased the gene expression of inflammatory markers, and the NO, and IL-6 production. When compared to commercial drugs, LDT11 showed a superior anti-inflammatory action