528 research outputs found

    Analysis of parameters affecting the shelf life of liquid whole egg

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    In our measurements we tested the changes in viable cell count in liquid whole eggs. Central complex rotation design was used in planning our experiments, and response surface method (RSM) was applied to analyze the effect of each parameter (pH. storage temperature, storage time and preservative content) on the viable cell count. Based on our measurements, in addition to the storage time, the pH value and storage temperature of liquid egg samples significantly affect (p<0.0l) the viable cell count, but any inhibitory effect of preservatives (Na benzoate. K sĂłrbate mixture) on microbial growth could not be clearly detected. Using the secondary polynomial model which was adjusted to our data, the measurements were defined very well: therefore it is hoped that our results will afford real help in estimation of the microbiological condition of liquid whole egg products which are preserv ed by v arious methods


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    In this paper taxonomical revisions and treatments of Sorbus pseudosemiincisa during the last 80 years since its description until the present are discussed and summarised. As a result of these revisions the name and the interpretation of S. pseudosemiincisa were fi nally narrowed only to its lecto- and isolectotypes. According to our recent knowledge apart from the type specimens neither further herbarium materials nor living representatives of the species are known. All the remaining specimens deposited in BP and BPU and formerly identifi ed as S. pseudosemiincisa proved to belong to other taxa, such as S. adami, S. simonkaiana, S. karpatii, S. vertesensis, S. pseudolatifolia, S. cf. degenii as well as S. pyricarpa, a new species described here. Illustrations of the type specimens of S. pyricarpa, leaves, fruits and in situ photographs of its fl owering and fruiting shoots, in addition a detailed map of its actual distribution are also provided. Th e distribution of the stenoendemic S. pyricarpa is restricted to a narrow range, a network of dolomite valleys in the southwestern part of the Vértes Mts above the village of Csákberény


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    A new triploid Sorbus species, S. pelsoensis is described in Sorbus subgenus Tormaria (Sorbus latifolia group) from Balaton Uplands (Hungary). Illustrations (photographs of the type specimen, leaves, and fruits) and a detailed distribution map are provided as well as photographs of in situ fl owering and fruiting individuals. S. pelsoensis is a stenoendemic species putatively derived from hybridisation between S. torminalis and S. graeca. Th e species is restricted to two neighbouring valleys with about 100 individuals found in thermophilous oak woodlands (Vicio sparsifl oraeQuercetum pubescentis), pubescent oak shrub woodlands (Cotino-Quercetum pubescentis), mixed forests of rocky slopes (Primulo veris-Tilietum platyphyllae), mixed karstic forests (Fago-Ornetum), and at the light-rich margins of these plant communities, respectively

    Biodiversity of bryophilous Pezizales (Ascomycetes) in Hungary

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    Because of their tiny apothecia and special habitat bryophilous species of Pezizales belong to the overlooked and underrecorded groups of ascomycetous fungi, and many of them are represented only with a few localities worldwide. Particularly due to the activity of the bryologist Peter Erzberger (collector) and the mycologist Dieter Benkert (determinations) in the 1990s and the first part of the 2000s Hungary is one of the few countries that have fungistical data of bryoparasitic Pezizales at all. During systematic surveys in the last two years about 500 new occurrences of forty obligate bryophilous fungi taxonomically classified in the genera Lamprospora, Neottiella and Octospora have been observed in Hungary. Twenty of the taxa found are reported for the first time in the country and two of them seem to be new to science. By means of special parasitising structures (appressoria and haustoria) they parasitise mostly the rhizoids, rarely rhizoid tubers, stems, and leaves of various moss and liverwort species. The following taxa of bryophilous Pezizales were collected in the last two years in Hungary (bryophyte hosts indicated in brackets): Lamprospora dictydiola (Aloina ambigua, Tortula muralis), L. ditrichi (Ditrichum flexicaule), L. hispanica (Aloina ambigua), L. miniata var. miniata (Aloina ambigua., Phascum cuspidatum, Pottia spp.), L. miniata var. parvispora (Barbula unguiculata), L. miniata var. ratisbonensis (Didymodon spp.), L. minuta (Bryum sp.), L. retispora (Syntrichia ruralis), L. seaveri (Bryum spp.), L. tortulae-ruralis (Syntrichia ruralis), L. tuberculatella (Weissia sp.), Neottiella albocincta (Atrichum undulatum), N. ricciae (Riccia sorocarpa), Octospora axillaris var. axillaris (Phascum cuspidatum, P. curvicolle), O. axillaris var. tetraspora (Phascum cuspidatum), O. coccinea var. coccinea (Bryum spp., Encalypta vulgaris, very rarely Ceratodon purpureus), O. erzbergeri (Pseudoleskeella nervosa), O. excipulata (Aphanorhegma patens, Funaria hygrometrica), O. gemmicola var. gemmicola (Bryum spp.), O. gemmicola var. tetraspora (Bryum sp.), O. grimmiae (Grimmia pulvinata), O. gyalectoides (Aloina rigida, Barbula spp., Pottia spp., Phascum cuspidatum, Pterygoneurum ovatum, Tortula muralis, very rarely Bryum spp.), O. hetieri (Ceratodon purpureus), O. itzerottii (Pterygoneurum ovatum), O. leucoloma var. leucoloma (Bryum argenteum, very rarely Bryum dichotomum), O. leucoloma var. tetraspora (Bryum argenteum), O. lilacina (Pleuridium sp.), O. muscimuralis var. musci-muralis (Grimmia pulvinata), O. musci-muralis var. neglecta (Schistidium crassipilum), O. neerlandica (Syntrichia virescens), O. orthotrichi (Orthotrichum diaphanum), O. phagospora (Pohlia lutescens), O. pseudoampezzana (Schistidium crassipilum), O. rustica (Ceratodon purpureus), O. similis (Bryum sp.), O. wrightii (Amblystegium serpens)

    Calorimetric study of changes induced by preservatives in liquid egg products

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    In our tests we aimed to study the effects of additives normally used in liquid egg products on the calorimetric properties of liquid egg samples. Raw liquid egg white (pH=8.9±0.1), liquid egg yolk (pH=6.5±0.2) and whole liquid egg (pH=7.1±0.2) broken up in industrial conditions were used in our measurements. Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate were added to the samples to achieve solutions of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 g/L concentrations. We used citric acid to prepare liquid egg products with various pH value (5.5, 5.0 and 4.5). The calorimetric tests were performed with MicroDSC III device. Liquid egg samples were heated up from 20°C to 95°C generally with a heating rate of l.5°C/min. Sample weights were 500 mg±0.1 mg and water was used as reference solution. Evaluation was performed by Seftsoft2000 software, a component of the device. Our measurements have shown significant changes in calorimetric parameters of liquid egg samples by decreasing the pH value to 5.0. In addition to the reduced enthalpy due to acidification of samples, a decrease in denaturation temperature was also observed in the egg white. While the native egg white started to precipitate at 60°C, at pH 5.0 the denaturation was already started at 54.5°C. When sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate were added to liquid egg products a significant change of the tested calorimetric values was only found in the liquid egg samples containing the preservative at the concentration of 0.5 g/L

    A new liquid egg product

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    Nowadays, pre-processed egg products are preferred as raw materials rather than shell eggs by the food industry. These are sold as pasteurized liquid egg or egg powder products. Pasteurisation of egg products means a heat treatment of several minutes at about 60 °C. Two important issues shall be kept in mind: to destroy as much contaminating micro-organisms as possible and at the same time not to damage the valuable egg proteins. Research data show that the number of microorganisms in pasteurized liquid eggs is between 100-1000 cfu/ml and Salmonella strains can also be found among the survivors. Microbiological examinations were carried out to develop an alternative pasteurization method, which can be used in the manufacture of egg products. The effect of 24-hour incubation at 55 °C was studied. The samples were artificially contaminated with strains belonging to Enlerobacieriaceae family, which are the most frequently occurring contaminants in egg products. The samples were raw liquid whole egg. liquid egg white and liquid egg yolk produced by an egg products manufacturing plant. Liquid egg samples were inoculatcd with Serratia marcescens, E. coli, and Salmonella spp. During incubation at 55 °C , reduction in viable cell counts were determined. Having determined the reduction in viable cell counts against time, the data obtained were in good agreement with literary ones, as the destruction of bacteria is faster in liquid egg white than in products containing egg yolk. In the case of all three test strains, experience shows that during the incubation for 12 hours the initial cell count decreased by 4-5 log cycles. Our results showed that a 24 hours incubation at 55 °C can provide microbiologically safe, pasteurized products. The heat treatment was compared to the widely used pasteurization procedure for these products. Marked differences were detected, i.e.. while pasteurization only slightly decreased cell counts, after 24 hours of incubation at 55 °C. no viable cells were detected

    Györgyey László tevékenysége az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia diplomáciai testületében = László Györgyey's activities in the diplomatic corps of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

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    László Györgyey (originally called Táfler) was born in 1864 in Pest, a member of the fourth generation of a Jewish merchant family of Moravian descent, who settled in Hungary and found his vocation in the diplomatic service of the foreign missions of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. After serving as consul in several countries on behalf of the Common Foreign Office, he was taken over by Hungary after the dissolution of the Monarchy, where he worked for several years as ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. In recognition of his diplomatic activities, which were always of a high standard and carried out with a refined diplomatic flair, he received numerous state honours from the leaders of the countries where he served and from the monarch of the Monarchy. In 1922, he was forced to retire under rather undignified circumstances, citing redundancies, after which he tried to find useful employment in Hungarian political life. He was a member of the István Tisza Society until the end of his life and was a regular visitor to legitimist events. He died unmarried in 1944, with no descendants by blood. He had only one daughter, whom he adopted as an adult
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