322 research outputs found
Effect of irradiation wavelength on the heterogeneous photocatalytic removal of organic pollutants using TiO2 and ZnO
The efficiency of TiO2 and ZnO was compared during the photocatalytic removal of neonicotinoid pesticides (imidacloprid and thiacloprid) and sulfonamide antibiotics (sulfamethazine and sulfamethoxypyridazine), causing severe environmental and health problems. The differences between LEDs emitting at 365 nm and 398 nm were compared, and removal efficiencies were tested in tap water and biologically treated wastewater matrices. The effect of the most abundant anions, Cland HCO3 on the removal efficiency and •OH formation was also compared. TiO2 was more sensitive to the matrices and the irradiation wavelength. •OH production was higher for TiO2, and 398 nm photons resulted in a higher contribution of •OH. Efficiencies were not reduced by matrix components for ZnO, which is mainly the result of increased •OH-production by Cl- . In the case of TiO2 and 365 nm photons, the formation of CO3 from HCO3 -was assumed. For TiO2, the significant inhibition of matrices could not be explained solely by the effect of anions
A Társas elutasításra való érzékenység kérdőív (Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire) magyar nyelvre történő adaptációjának előzetes eredményei
Kutatásunk során magyar nyelvre adaptáltuk a Társas elutasításra való érzékenység (Rejection Sensitivity Questionannire, RSQ) kérdőívet. Célunk a kérdőív fak-
torstruktúrájának feltárása és pszichometriai vizsgálata volt. Az RSQ kérdőív három faktorát különítettük el feltáró (EFA) és a konfirmatív (CFA) faktorelemzéssel: a Szülői elutasításra való érzékenység skálát, amely a szülőkkel kapcsolatos szituációkat tartalmaz, a Partner elutasítására való érzékenység skálát, amely a partner visszautasításától való szorongást méri és az Ismerősök elutasítására való
érzékenység faktort, amely a távolabbi ismerősök elutasítására való érzékenység mérésére szolgál. A mérőeszköz struktúrája kiváló modell-illeszkedést mutatott, ezen kívül a kérdőív belső megbízhatósági mutatói szintén megfelelőnek bizonyultak. Az RSQ Magyarországon új mérőeszközt biztosít a társas elutasításra való érzékenység kutatására, valamint a kérdőív az iskola-, és szervezetpszichológiai munka, illetve klinikai felmérések során hozzájárulhat a gyakorlati munka
eredményességéhez is
Controlled growth of CHNHPbI nanowires in arrays of open nanofluidic channels
Spatial positioning of nanocrystal building blocks on a solid surface is a
prerequisite for assembling individual nanoparticles into functional devices.
Here, we report on the graphoepitaxial liquid-solid growth of nanowires of the
photovoltaic compound CHNHPbI in open nanofluidic channels. The
guided growth, visualized in real-time with a simple optical microscope,
undergoes through a metastable solvatomorph formation in polar aprotic
solvents. The presently discovered crystallization leads to the fabrication of
mm2-sized surfaces composed of perovskite nanowires having controlled sizes,
cross-sectional shapes, aspect ratios and orientation which have not been
achieved thus far by other deposition methods. The automation of this general
strategy paves the way towards fabrication of wafer-scale perovskite nanowire
thin films well-suited for various optoelectronic devices, e.g. solar cells,
lasers, light-emitting diodes and photodetectors
Spin dynamics in S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain compounds delta-(EDT-TTF-CONMe_2)_2X (X=AsF_6, Br): a multi-frequency Electron Spin Resonance study
We present a multi-frequency Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) study in the range
of 4 GHz to 420 GHz of the quasi-one-dimensional, non-dimerized, quarter-filled
Mott insulators, delta-(EDT-TTF-CONMe_2)_2X (X=AsF_6, Br). In the high
temperature orthorhombic phase above T~190 K, the magnitude and the temperature
dependence of the high temperature spin susceptibility are described by a S =
1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain with J_AsF6=298 K and J_Br=474 K
coupling constants for X=AsF_6 and Br respectively. We estimate from the
temperature dependence of the line width an exchange anisotropy, J'/J of ~2 *
10^{-3}. The frequency dependence of the line width and the g-shift have an
unusual quadratic dependence in all crystallographic orientations that we
attribute to an antisymmetric exchange (Dzyaloshinskii--Moriya) interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
Magnetotransport studies of Superconducting PrFeAsTeO
We report a detailed study of the electrical transport properties of single
crystals of PrFeAsTeO, a recently discovered iron-based
superconductor. Resistivity, Hall effect and magnetoresistance are measured in
a broad temperature range revealing the role of electrons as dominant charge
carriers. The significant temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient and
the violation of Kohler's law indicate multiband effects in this compound. The
upper critical field and the magnetic anisotropy are investigated in fields up
to 16 T, applied parallel and perpendicular to the crystallographic c-axis.
Hydrostatic pressure up to 2 GPa linearly increases the critical temperature
and the resistivity residual ratio. A simple two-band model is used to describe
the transport and magnetic properties of PrFeAsTeO. The
model can successfully explain the strongly temperature dependent negative Hall
coefficient and the high magnetic anisotropy assuming that the mobility of
electrons is higher than that of holes
Complex geoarcheological investigation at the Székelyudvarhely-Kadicsfalva/Cãdiseni site (Romania)
Environmental historical analyses, including sedimentological, pedological, palynological, archeobotanical and phytolith analyses were carried out on samples derived from the Kadicsfalva/Cãdiseni archeological site. Our aim was to provide paleoenvironmental data to the archeological results in order to reconstruct the former milieu of the Gothic population, and to provide information regarding their environment management. At the end of the Pleistocene loess and alluvial loess developed from the eolian dust that accumulated on the wet surfaces of the Pleistocene sediments. The site provided favorable conditions to host a settlement and supports its long-term colonization owning to the riverside terrace surface location. The comparative analysis of the recent and the Gothic soil horizon proved that the recent soil horizon is over-utilized; its productivity can be maintained only by intensive fertilization and almost every one of its parameters is below the element and nutrient composition of the Gothic soil horizon
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