224 research outputs found

    In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 136Te at relativistic energies

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    The reduced transition probability B(E2; 0+ 1 →2+ 1 ) to the first excited 2+ state of the neutron-rich nucleus 136Te, with two protons and two neutrons outside the doubly magic 132Sn core, was measured via Coulomb excitation at relativistic energies at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. A value of B(E2)= 0.191(26) e2b2 was extracted from the measured inelastic scattering cross section on an Au target taking into account the contributions from both Coulomb and nuclear excitations. In addition, an upper limit for the transition strength to a 2+ state of mixed-symmetry character in the excitation energy range of 1.5–2.2 MeV was determined and compared to the predictions of various theoretical calculations. Because of the high statistics gathered in the present experiment the error of the deduced B(E2) value is dominated by the systematic uncertainties involved in the analysis of Coulomb excitation experiments at beam energies around 150 MeV/u. Therefore, the latter are for the first time assessed in detail in the present work.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FPA2014-57196-C5-4-P, FPA2017-84756-C4-2-P, FIS2014-53448-C2-1-P

    rp-Process weak-interaction mediated rates of waiting-point nuclei

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    Electron capture and positron decay rates are calculated for neutron-deficient Kr and Sr waiting point nuclei in stellar matter. The calculation is performed within the framework of pn-QRPA model for rp-process conditions. Fine tuning of particle-particle, particle-hole interaction parameters and a proper choice of the deformation parameter resulted in an accurate reproduction of the measured half-lives. The same model parameters were used to calculate stellar rates. Inclusion of measured Gamow-Teller strength distributions finally led to a reliable calculation of weak rates that reproduced the measured half-lives well under limiting conditions. For the rp-process conditions, electron capture and positron decay rates on 72^{72}Kr and 76^{76}Sr are of comparable magnitude whereas electron capture rates on 78^{78}Sr and 74^{74}Kr are 1--2 orders of magnitude bigger than the corresponding positron decay rates. The pn-QRPA calculated electron capture rates on 74^{74}Kr are bigger than previously calculated. The present calculation strongly suggests that, under rp-process conditions, electron capture rates form an integral part of weak-interaction mediated rates and should not be neglected in nuclear reaction network calculations as done previously.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables; Astrophysics and Space Science (2012

    Deformation of the N=Z nucleus 76Sr using beta-decay studies

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    A novel method of deducing the deformation of the N=Z nucleus 76Sr is presented. It is based on the comparison of the experimental Gamow-Teller strength distribution B(GT) from its beta decay with the results of QRPA calculations. This method confirms previous indications of the strong prolate deformation of this nucleus in a totally independent way. The measurement has been carried out with a large Total Absorption gamma Spectrometer, "Lucrecia", newly installed at CERN-ISOLDE.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Chiral unitary approach to S-wave meson baryon scattering in the strangeness S=0 sector

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    We study the S-wave interaction of mesons with baryons in the strangeness S=0 sector in a coupled channel unitary approach. The basic dynamics is drawn from the lowest order meson baryon chiral Lagrangians. Small modifications inspired by models with explicit vector meson exchange in the t-channel are also considered. In addition the pi pi N channel is included and shown to have an important repercussion in the results, particularly in the isospin 3/2 sector.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 21 figure

    Characterization of a novel proton-CT scanner based on Silicon and LaBr3_3(Ce) detectors

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    Treatment planning systems at proton-therapy centres generally use X-ray computed tomography (CT) as primary imaging technique to infer the proton treatment doses to tumour and healthy tissues. However, proton stopping powers in the body, as derived from X-ray images, suffer from important proton-range uncertainties. In order to reduce this uncertainty in range, one could use proton-CT images instead. The main goal of this work is to test the capabilities of a newly-developed proton-CT scanner, based on the use of a set of tracking detectors and a high energy resolution scintillator for the residual energy of the protons. Different custom-made phantoms were positioned at the field of view of the scanner and were irradiated with protons at the CCB proton-therapy center in Krakow. We measured with the phantoms at different angles and produced sinograms that were used to obtain reconstructed images by Filtered Back-Projection (FBP). The obtained images were used to determine the capabilities of our scanner in terms of spatial resolution and proton Relative Stopping Power mapping and validate its use as proton-CT scanner. The results show that the scanner can produce medium-high quality images, with spatial resolution better than 2 mm in radiography, below 3 mm in tomography and resolving power in the RSP comparable to other state of the art pCT cameras

    The Neurogenesis Actuator and NR2B/NMDA Receptor Antagonist Ro25-6981 Consistently Improves Spatial Memory Retraining Via Brain Region-Specific Gene Expression

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    NR2B-containing NMDA (NR2B/NMDA) receptors are important in controlling neurogenesis and are involved in generating spatial memory. Ro25-6981 is a selective antagonist at these receptors and actuates neurogenesis and spatial memory. Inter-structural neuroanatomical profiles of gene expression regulating adult neurogenesis and neuroapoptosis require examination in the context of memory retrieval and reversal learning. The aim was to investigate spatial memory retrieval and reversal learning in relation to gene expression-linked neurogenetic processes following blockade of NR2B/NMDA receptors by Ro25-6981. Rats were trained in Morris water maze (MWM) platform location for 5 days. Ro25-6981 was administered (protocol days 6–7) followed by retraining (days 15–18 or 29–32). Platform location was tested (on days 19 or 33) then post-mortem brain tissue sampling (on days 20 or 34). The expression of three genes known to regulate cell proliferation (S100a6), differentiation (Ascl1), and apoptosis (Casp-3) were concomitantly evaluated in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and cerebellum in relation to the MWM performance protocol. Following initial training, Ro25-6981 enhanced visuospatial memory retrieval performance during further retraining (protocol days 29–32) but did not influence visuospatial reversal learning (day 33). Hippocampal Ascl1 and Casp-3 expressions were correspondingly increased and decreased while cerebellar S100a6 and Casp-3 activities were decreased and increased respectively 27 days after Ro25-6981 treatment. Chronological analysis indicated a possible involvement of new mature neurons in the reconfiguration of memory processes. This was attended by behavioral/gene correlations which revealed direct links between spatial memory retrieval enhancement and modified gene activity induced by NR2B/NMDA receptor blockade and upregulation

    Scattering of the Halo Nucleus 11Be on 197Au at Energies around the Coulomb Barrier

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    Angular distributions of the elastic, inelastic, and breakup cross sections of the halo nucleus 11Be on197 Au were measured at energies below (Elab =31.9 MeV) and around (39.6 MeV) the Coulomb barrier. These three channels were unambiguously separated for the first time for reactions of 11Be on a high-Z target at low energies. The experiment was performed at TRIUMF (Vancouver, Canada). The differential cross sections were compared with three different calculations: semiclassical, inert-core continuum-coupled-channels and continuum-coupled-channels ones with including core deformation. These results show conclusively that the elastic and inelastic differential cross sections can only be accounted for if core-excited admixtures are taken into account. The cross sections for these channels strongly depend on the β (E1) distribution in 11Be, and the reaction mechanism is sensitive to the entanglement of core and halo degrees of freedom in 11Be.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FPA2015-64969-P, FIS2014-53448-C2-1-P, FPA2013-47327-c02-01-R, FPA2012-32443, FIS2013-41994-PCentro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear CSD2007- 00042European Collaborative Research EUI-2009-04162European Unions 654002Nuclear Astrophysics Virtual Institute VH-VI-417European Commission, Seventh Framework Program 60037

    Proton radiographs using position-sensitive silicon detectors and high-resolution scintillators

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    Proton therapy is a cancer treatment technique currently in growth worldwide. It offers advantages with respect to conventional X-ray and γ\gamma-ray radiotherapy, in particular, a better control of the dose deposition allowing to reach a higher conformity in the treatments. Therefore, it causes less damage to the surrounding healthy tissue and less secondary effects. However, in order to take full advantage of its potential, improvements in treatment planning and dose verification are required. A new prototype of proton Computed Tomography scanner is proposed to design more accurate and precise treatment plans for proton therapy. Here, results obtained from an experiment performed using a 100-MeV proton beam at the CCB facility in Krakow (Poland) are presented. Proton radiographs of PMMA samples of 50-mm thickness with spatial patterns in aluminum were taken. Their properties were studied, including reproduction of the dimensions, spatial resolution and sensitivity to different materials. They demonstrate the capabilities of the system to produce images with protons. Structures of up to 2 mm are nicely resolved and the sensitivity of the system was enough to distinguish thicknesses of 10 mm of aluminum or PMMA. This constitutes a first step to validate the device as a proton radiography scanner previous to the future tests as a proton CT scanner.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submitted to IEEE TNS ANIMMA 2021 Conference Proceeding