7 research outputs found

    Localization Services for Online Common Operational Picture and Situation Awareness

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    Many operations, be they military, police, rescue, or other field operations, require localization services and online situation awareness to make them effective. Questions such as how many people are inside a building and their locations are essential. In this paper, an online localization and situation awareness system is presented, called Mobile Urban Situation Awareness System (MUSAS), for gathering and maintaining localization information, to form a common operational picture. The MUSAS provides multiple localization services, as well as visualization of other sensor data, in a common frame of reference. The information and common operational picture of the system is conveyed to all parties involved in the operation, the field team, and people in the command post. In this paper, a general system architecture for enabling localization based situation awareness is designed and the MUSAS system solution is presented. The developed subsystem components and forming of the common operational picture are summarized, and the future potential of the system for various scenarios is discussed. In the demonstration, the MUSAS is deployed to an unknown building, in an ad hoc fashion, to provide situation awareness in an urban indoor military operation.Peer reviewe

    Interface for Controlling a Fleet of Generic Machines

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    Abstract: This paper presents a dynamic interface for controlling a machine and a fleet of machines. A distributed communication framework, named GIMnet, provides in addition to service based communication, a tool listing all the available services in the network. On top of GIMnet, a hardware abstraction layer, named MaCI, is developed which is used to control and provide information from robots in a generic way. All the services that robots are providing are named so, that they can be identified from which robot and which device they belong to. Based on the service discovery, naming of services and the clients of MaCI, an interface for connecting and controlling a machine or a group of machines is presented. In case of new services from the machine appears, the interface dynamically connects to them and so provides a way to get information from it. In this work, as a use case, the interface is used to control a group of generic machines in a wanted formation

    Simultaneous RSS-based Localization and Model Calibration in Wireless Networks With a Mobile Robot

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    This paper presents a recursive expectation maximization-like algorithm that can be used to simultaneously locate the nodes of a wireless network and calibrate the parameters of received signal strength vs. distance models. The algorithm fine tunes one model for each node accounting for its local environment and small hardware differences with respect other nodes. In contrast with using a common model for all the nodes, it is not required to artificially inflate the standard deviation of the random variable accounting for uncertainties in order to accommodate differences of signal strength measurements from different nodes. As a consequence, the position estimate is more accurate. We conducted a series of experiments in which a mobile robot with known location was used as a mobile beacon in three environments with different propagation characteristics. The results show a significant decrease of the mean error of the position estimates in all environments when using individual models compared to using a commonone. Using a model with a third order polynomial and a mixture of two Gaussians, the algorithm was able to locate the nodes within a meter on average in an office and with less than half a meter in more open environments. The estimated potential accuracy is about half a meter in all the environments.Peer reviewe

    Ouverture des conférences de la Faculté des lettres de l'université de Paris

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    Croiset Alfred. Ouverture des conférences de la Faculté des lettres de l'université de Paris. In: Revue internationale de l'enseignement, tome 56, Juillet-Décembre 1908. pp. 385-395

    Localization services for online common operational picture and situation awareness

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    Many operations, be they military, police, rescue, or other field operations, require localization services and online situation awareness to make them effective. Questions such as how many people are inside a building and their locations are essential. In this paper, an online localization and situation awareness system is presented, called Mobile Urban Situation Awareness System (MUSAS), for gathering and maintaining localization information, to form a common operational picture. The MUSAS provides multiple localization services, as well as visualization of other sensor data, in a common frame of reference. The information and common operational picture of the system is conveyed to all parties involved in the operation, the field team, and people in the command post. In this paper, a general system architecture for enabling localization based situation awareness is designed and the MUSAS system solution is presented. The developed subsystem components and forming of the common operational picture are summarized, and the future potential of the system for various scenarios is discussed. In the demonstration, the MUSAS is deployed to an unknown building, in an ad hoc fashion, to provide situation awareness in an urban indoor military operation.©2013 by the authors. Published by IEEE. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Qualifying 5G SA for L4 Automated Vehicles in a Multi-PLMN Experimental Testbed

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/825496/EU//5G-MOBIXNational roaming, multi-SIM and edge computing constitute key 5G technologies for the cooperative perception and remote driving of L4 (automated) vehicles. To that end, this article reports our progress to trial these technologies at the multi-PLMN experimental 5G SA testbed of Aalto University, Finland. Overall, the objective is to qualify 5G as a core connectivity for connected, cooperative and automated mobility.Peer reviewe