1,854 research outputs found


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    Saturation effects in low-x DIS structure functions and related hadronic total cross sections

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    High-energy nucleon total cross sections are related to low-x DIS structure functions by using the additive quark model.Comment: Proceedings QUARKS-2016 - 19th International Seminar on High Energy Physics, Pushkin, Russia, 29 May - 4 June, 2016, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Intelektinės nuosavybės teisinės apsaugos sistemos kūrimas Ukrainoje ir moderniosios jos plėtojimo problemos

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    The article consistently identifies the stages of formation of legislation in the field of intellectual property and provides a general description of them. The impact on its formation of EU legislation, the TRIPSS Agreement and the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU is determined. Theoretical approaches to determining the essence of codification of legislation as a legal phenomenon are analyzed. The features of codification as an activity and as a result are distinguished. The experience of foreign countries in the codification of legislation in the field of intellectual property and different approaches to determining the type of codification act are analyzed. The stages of codification of legislation in the field of intellectual property are singled out and their content is determined.Straipsnyje nuosekliai atskleidžiami intelektinės nuosavybės srities teisės aktų kodifikavimo etapai ir pateikiamas bend­ras jų apibūdinimas. Nustatyta, kokią įtaką šiai sistemai kurti turės ES teisės aktai, TRIPS sutartis ir Ukrainos bei ES asociacijos sutartis. Nagrinėjami teoriniai teisės aktų kodifikavimo, kaip teisinio reiškinio, esmės nustatymo būdai. Išskiriami kodifikavimo, kaip veiklos ir rezultato, bruožai. Nagrinėjama užsienio šalių patirtis kodifikuojant teisės aktus intelektinės nuosavybės srityje bei skirtingi požiūriai į kodifikacijos aktų rūšis. Išskiriami intelektinės nuosavybės srities teisės aktų kodifikavimo etapai ir apibrėžiamas jų turinys

    Effects Of 4-thiazolidinone Derivatives Les-2658 And Les-1205 On Sleep - Wakefulness Cycle In Kindled Rats

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    The research is dedicated to in-depth study of neurotrophic and antiepileptic properties of original potential anticonvulsant agents from 4-thiazolidinones – LES-2658 (5-(3-nitro-benzylidene)-2-(thiazol-2-ylimino)-thiazolidin-4-one) and LES-1205 ([2,4-dioxo-5-(thiazol-2-ylcarbamoylmethyl)-thiazolidin-3-yl]-acetic acid ethyl ester), synthesized at the Department of Pharmaceutical, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine. Studying of sleep - wakefulness cycle characteristics in animals with chronic epileptic syndrome in conditions of 4-thiazolidinones derivatives LES-2658 and LES-1205 use was performed. The kindling syndrome was induced in Wistar rats via daily pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) (30 mg/kg, i.p.) administrations during three weeks and sleep - wakefulness cycle was studied under conditions of LES-2658 and LES-1205 administrations at doses 25.0and 100.0 mg/kg i.p.. Total wakefulness, non - rapid eye movement sleep, rapid eye movement sleep, falling asleep latency, REM - onset latency and also number of REM sleep episodes have been determined by behavioral characteristics of experimental animals. It was established that 4-thiazolidinone derivatives Les-1205 and Les-2658 reduce REM sleep fragmentation and increase its duration in PTZ-kindled rats. Les-1205 compound at dose 100.0 mg/kg show a clear correcting influence on kindling - induced sleep disturbances

    Нормативне Регулювання Земельних Відносин Добросусідства

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    A normative approach is one of the theoretical possible methods of the legal adjusting of neighbourliness relations. He foresees establishment of the system of the special norms, which in detail regulates a size of possible influence on the neighbouring domains. As lacks of the legal adjusting method it is necessary to consider impossibility of settlement of all conflicts in the field of neighbourly relations, and also formalization of the legal adjusting.Нормативний підхід є одним з теоретично можливих способів правового регулювання відносин добросусідства, що передбачає встановлення системи норм, які детально ці відносини регламентують. Недоліками такого способу регулювання, насамперед, є неможливість врегулювати всі конфлікти в сфері відносин добросусідства, а також формалізація правового регулювання, яка ви­ключає застосування індивідуального підходу щодо врегулювання конкретного спору


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     The last years brought substantial changes in solutions of problem of access defence to the resources of corporate network. Yet quite recently it was possible to provide security of the information systems with the high degree of reliability by such traditional measures as authentication and authentification, access differentiation, encryption, et cetera. However, with introduction and development of the open computer networks the situation changed sharply