986 research outputs found

    Diseño de un plan de mercadeo para la comercializacion de jabones naturales en la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Este documento plantea los conceptos puntuales para la implementación de estrategias en la elaboración de un plan de mercadeo enfocado en el segmento de aseo personal específicamente la línea de jabones naturales para el cuidado y preservación de la piel y del medio ambiente. Los siguientes estudios en planes de mercado establecen la creación, producción y comercialización de jabones naturales enfocado en el mercado del segmento de aseo, el documento que se toma como referencia sobra brinda herramienta de apoyo en la elaboración de este proyecto. Cabe resaltar que este trabajo de investigación fue elaborado en el año 2012 en la facultad de Ciencias Administrativas de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, el trabajo de grado consiste en un estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa productora y comercializadora de jabones artesanales exfoliantes de harina de maíz y efervescentes en la ciudad de Quito por Cristina Barbosa, para la obtención del título de ingeniera en administración de empresas. Los objetivos de trabajo eran analizar la viabilidad del negocio en la fabricación y comercialización de jabones artesanales, adicionalmente se concluyó que el proyecto financieramente es viable a pesar de tener que endeudarse por un año y que la retribución es sostenible. Consideraron de acuerdo a los resultados estadísticos que hay un 89% de mercado cautivo que les gustaría comprar esta línea de productos. Para el año 2011, en la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables de la Universidad de la Salle en Bogotá, en el Programa de Administración de Empresas, se presenta el trabajo de grado “Diseño de plan de mercadeo para 12 la comercialización del nuevo jabón de tocador pasión”, por Jorge Iván Muñoz, teniendo como objetivo obtener el título de Administración de Empresas. Con este trabajo el investigador logro establecer e identificar un diagnóstico de fallas de la empresas y así poder establecer objetivos metas y planes de mercadeo de acuerdo a los lineamientos que tiene la empresa, debido a los análisis identificados la empresa puede lanzar a

    Phenolic Compounds, Physico-Chemical properties and antioxidants activity of different residues from vinification (Vitis Vinifera L.) produced in Brazil

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    The present study aimed to determine the physical and chemical characteristics, color, anthocyanin content, total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity in vinification residue of red grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties: Merlot, Shiraz, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon. The residue had an optimum pH for its conservation as biomass, high fiber content, a protein influenced by its nitrogen content probably from the fertilization of grape cultivation and interesting energy content. The Merlot residue presented higher content of anthocyanins (118,92 mg cyanidin-3-gl/100g). The total phenolic compounds varied significantly between the varieties and Merlot was the residue which had the highest content at 3902,54 (mg gallic acid/100g dry weight). The Shiraz variety had the highest content of total flavonoids equivalent to 26,56 (mg quercetin/100g dry weight). It was observed that the Merlot residue differed significantly (

    Toxicity of Tamoxifen on Daphnia pulex

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    Daphnia pulex is a water flea considered an environmental indicator species. In this experiment we exposed Daphnia to Tamoxifen in low or high concentrations, dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide with water, and we measured the amount of proteins at day 2 and 7. With the R package maSigPro we selected proteins changing significantly over time among the four experimental groups and we developed a cluster analysis for the behavior of profiles over time, to understand which and how these specific proteins change according to the treatment received. The information obtained from this study represents an important first step towards characterizing patterns specific to environmental contaminants

    Sugarcane Bagasse Valorization Strategies for Bioethanol and Energy Production

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    The use of sugarcane bagasse pith as solid substrate for fungi and microbial growth is well known, as well as a source of microorganisms that can be isolated from it. Pith has also been used as a bulking agent for soil bioremediation. More recently, bagasse pith has been used for bioethanol production involving pretreatment and hydrolysis followed by fermentation and dehydration. However, little is reported about biomass valorization for the development of environmentally sound and innovative strategies to process sugarcane bagasse from sugar mills. Incineration of sugarcane bagasse pith is a very common and mature technology for waste disposal and generation of electrical and thermal energy. However, this approach may not be satisfactory in organic waste management due to pollutant emissions, economic and labor costs, loss of energy, and bad odor. In addition, no valuable product is generated from its decomposition process. Instead of incineration, recent research has focused on its utilization as biofuel source. In this chapter, the use of sugarcane bagasse pith as a waste material for incineration versus biomass to produce bioethanol is discussed in terms of energy ratio and emissions, in addition to elucidate the potential of sugarcane bagasse valorization for a more sustainable society

    Caracterización del diálogo como interacción discursiva en la oralidad en los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años de edad del nivel de jardín en el ciclo inicial

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    En este artículo se presentan experiencias realizadas en el aula a través de los talleres como una estrategia pedagógica que facilita el diálogo. El maestro en su rol de guía y orientador concibe escenarios brindando a los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años del nivel de jardín infantil del ciclo inicial, situaciones que favorecen la potenciación de aprendizajes y diálogos a través de talleres que tienen valor especial para el que aprende a través de la toma de decisiones, el intercambio con los demás y la acción e interaccion que establece con su entorno y que contribuye al desarrollo social, oportuno en la construcción de relaciones afectivas y en la construcción de su propia voz

    Caracterización del diálogo como interacción discursiva en la oralidad en los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años de edad del nivel de jardín en el ciclo inicial

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    En este artículo se presentan experiencias realizadas en el aula a través de los talleres como una estrategia pedagógica que facilita el diálogo. El maestro en su rol de guía y orientador concibe escenarios brindando a los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años del nivel de jardín infantil del ciclo inicial, situaciones que favorecen la potenciación de aprendizajes y diálogos a través de talleres que tienen valor especial para el que aprende a través de la toma de decisiones, el intercambio con los demás y la acción e interaccion que establece con su entorno y que contribuye al desarrollo social, oportuno en la construcción de relaciones afectivas y en la construcción de su propia voz

    Intersectionality and access to visual rehabilitation services: experiences of people with low vision, a qualitative study

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    Low vision is a condition of visual impairment, generated by an underlying pathology that affects visual functioning and the development of daily activities. In the field of visual impairment, the developments in the analysis of access to rehabilitation services are scarce and incipient. The study approaches the understanding of the experiences of people with low vision in Medellín, Colombia, in their search for visual rehabilitation services. Ethnographic collective case study was conducted. Intersectionality was adopted to explore people’s experiences with low vision management health services. Five women and four men with low vision who attended the healthcare center participated in the study. Twenty-nine interviews and 16 participant observation exercises were carried out. Three categories emerged in the study: (1) I had never heard of low vision services; (2) Interaction with the health system: A path of struggles; and (3) Barriers that are exacerbated by the intersection of multiple identities and systems of oppression. The Colombian health system acts as an axis of structural oppression that interacts with the economic condition, educational level, and geographical location to generate greater difficulties for the identification of low vision management options, which also interact with the multiple and dynamic identities of each subject.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::10 - Reducció de les DesigualtatsPostprint (published version

    Zerovalent bismuth nanoparticles inhibit Streptococcus mutans growth and formation of biofilm

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    Background and methods: Despite continuous efforts, the increasing prevalence of resistance among pathogenic bacteria to common antibiotics has become one of the most significant concerns in modern medicine. Nanostructured materials are used in many fields, including biological sciences and medicine. While some bismuth derivatives has been used in medicine to treat vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain, the biocidal activity of zerovalent bismuth nanoparticles has not yet been studied. The objective of this investigation was to analyze the antimicrobial activity of bismuth nanoparticles against oral bacteria and their antibiofilm capabilities. Results: Our results showed that stable colloidal bismuth nanoparticles had 69% antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans growth and achieved complete inhibition of biofilm formation. These results are similar to those obtained with chlorhexidine, the most commonly used oral antiseptic agent. The minimal inhibitory concentration of bismuth nanoparticles that interfered with S. mutans growth was 0.5 mM. Conclusion: These results suggest that zerovalent bismuth nanoparticles could be an interesting antimicrobial agent to be incorporated into an oral antiseptic preparation

    Arqueologia pública, iconografia didàctica i memòria de la batalla de l’Ebre

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    La Batalla de l’Ebre (1938) va ser el darrer gran combat de la Guerra Civil espanyola. Al llarg de 116 dies, soldats i màquines es van enfrontar assajant noves tècniques, tecnologies i tàctiques de combat que tindrien un paper principal en el conflicte mundial imminent. La utilització de trinxeres, tancs i aviació amb nous criteris va fer capgirar les concepcions quan a manera de fer la guerra. El present treball recull la experiència del grup de recerca DIDPATRI (Didàctica del Patrimoni) entre el 2009 i el 2019 a l’entorn de la Batalla de l’Ebre tot assajant enfocaments de recerca transversal i holística a l’entorn de la història, l’arqueologia i l’antropologia, amb una praxis de socialització dels sabers generats a partir de la museografia i la iconografia didàctica, i amb una voluntat paral·lela de promoure accions de memòria democràtic

    COVID-19’s impact on care practice for alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency patients

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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; COVID-19; Patient managementDeficiencia de alfa-1-antitripsina; COVID-19; Gestión del pacienteDeficiència d'alfa-1-antitripsina; COVID-19; Gestió del pacientBackground Patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), commonly categorized as a rare disease, have been affected by the changes in healthcare management brought about by COVID-19. This study’s aim was to identify the changes that have taken place in AATD patient care as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain and to propose experts’ recommendations aimed at ensuring humanized and quality care for people with AATD in the post-pandemic situation. Methods A qualitative descriptive case study with a holistic single-case design was conducted, using focus groups with experts in AATD clinical management, including 15 health professionals with ties to the Spanish health system (12 pneumologists and 2 hospital pharmacists from 11 different hospitals in Spain) and 1 patient representative. Results COVID-19 has had a major impact on numerous aspects of AATD clinical patient management in Spain, including diagnostic, treatment, and follow-up phases. The experts concluded that there is a need to strengthen coordination between Primary Care and Hospital Care and improve the coordination processes across all the organizations and actors involved in the healthcare system. Regarding telemedicine and telecare, experts have concluded that it is necessary to promote this methodology and to develop protocols and training programs. Experts have recommended developing personalized and precision medicine, and patient participation in decision-making, promoting self-care and patient autonomy to optimize their healthcare and improve their quality of life. The possibility of monitoring and treating AATD patients from home has also been proposed by experts. Another result of the study was the recommendation of the need to ensure that plasma donations are made on a regular basis by a sufficient number of healthy individuals. Conclusion The study advances knowledge by highlighting the challenges faced by health professionals and changes in AATD patient management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also proposes experts’ recommendations aimed at ensuring humanized and quality care for people with AATD in the post-pandemic situation. This work could serve as a reference study for physicians on their daily clinical practice with AATD patients and may also provide guidance on the changes to be put in place for the post-pandemic situation.This study was funded by CSL Behring