9 research outputs found

    Contribution of flow conditions and sand addition on hyporheic zone exchange in gravel beds

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    We conducted a series of tracer test experiments in 12 outdoor semi-natural flumes to assess the effects of variable flow conditions and sand addition on hyporheic zone conditions in gravel beds, mimicking conditions in headwater streams under sediment pressure. Two tracer methods were applied in each experiment: 2–5 tracer-pulse tests were conducted in all flumes and pulses were monitored at three distances downstream of the flume inlet (0 m, 5 m and 10 m, at bed surface), and in pipes installed into the gravel bed at 5 m and 10 m distances. The tracer breakthrough curves (total of 120 tracer injections) were then analysed with a one-dimensional solute transport model (OTIS) and compared with data from the gravel pipes in point-dilution pulse tests. Sand addition had a strong negative effect on horizontal fluxes (qh), whereas the fraction of the median travel time due to transient storage (F200) was determined more by flow conditions. These results suggest that even small additions of sand can modify the hyporheic zone exchange in gravel beds, thus making headwater streams with low sediment transport capacity particularly vulnerable to sediments transported into the stream from catchment land use activities

    Spatial and temporal variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages in boreal streams: implications for conservation and bioassessment

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    Abstract In this thesis, I studied spatial and temporal variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages of boreal streams. The main objectives were (i) to characterize macroinvertebrate assemblage types across large geographical extents, and to assess the utility of assemblage types and landscape and stream type classifications as the basis of stream bioassessment and conservation programs (ii, iii). I also examined the relative roles of large-scale spatial trends and local environmental conditions in structuring macroinvertebrate assemblages (iv). Finally, I assessed (v) if assemblage classifications produce temporally stable and predictable assemblage types. Stream macroinvertebrate assemblage structure exhibited continuous variation instead of distinct assemblage types. Although ecoregions clearly accounted for a considerable amount of variation of macroinvertebrate assemblage characteristics, a combination of regional stratification and prediction from environmental factors would probably yield the most comprehensive framework for the characterizations of macroinvertebrate assemblages of boreal headwater streams. Differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, as well as a group of effective indicator species for different stream types, suggest that landscape classifications could be used as a preliminary scheme for the conservation planning of running waters The strength of the relationship between assemblage structure and local environmental variables increased with decreasing extent, whereas assemblage variation related to spatially variables showed the opposite pattern. At the largest scale, spatial variation was related to latitudinal gradients, while spatial autocorrelation among neighbouring streams was the likely mechanism creating spatial structure within drainage systems. These results suggest that stream bioassessment should give due attention to spatial structuring of stream assemblage composition, considering that important assemblage gradients may not only be related to local environmental factors, but also to biogeographical constraints and neighbourhood dispersal processes. The classification strengths of macroinvertebrate assemblages based on data of three years were overall rather weak, and more importantly, the compositions of the site groups varied considerably from year to year. Such wide and continuous variation was also mirrored by low and inconsistent predictability of classifications from environmental variables. The observed level of temporal variation in assemblage structure may not be a serious problem for predictive approaches frequently used in bioassessment of freshwater ecosystems. For conservation purposes, however, alternative approaches (e.g. physical surrogates of biodiversity) need to be considered

    Estimates of benthic invertebrate community variability and its environmental determinants differ between snapshot and trajectory designs

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    Abstract Long-term data sets are essential for biodiversity research and monitoring. Researchers use 2 major approaches in the study of temporal variability of biological communities: 1) the trajectory approach (monitoring sites across several consecutive years) and 2) the snapshot approach (comparing sites among few sampling events several years apart). We used data on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in 23 near-pristine forested streams to compare these 2 approaches for different study periods ranging from 3 to 14 y. We asked whether the level of temporal turnover and the identity of the best explanatory variables underlying it were comparable across studies based on differing approaches, study periods, or total duration. The 2 approaches yielded partly different stories about the level of community variability and its environmental correlates. With the snapshot approach, variation in community similarity and factors explaining it reflected short-term (e.g., year-specific) conditions, which could be misinterpreted as long-term trends, the difference being most evident for periods that began or ended in an extreme drought year. Our results imply that snapshot studies may lead to ambiguous conclusions, whereas the trajectory approach yielded more consistent results. Trajectory data of differing length showed minor differences, apart from studies with the shortest durations. Overall, our results suggest that time sequences of ∼6 y of trajectory data (i.e., 6 generations for most benthic invertebrates in boreal streams) may be needed for the among-year similarity of macroinvertebrate communities in near-pristine streams to stabilize. If temporal replication is limited (snapshots/very short time sequences) the outcome depends strongly on the particular years included in a comparison. Based on our results, we advise caution when basing conclusions on a comparison of a few (e.g., just 2) occasions several years apart or on very short time sequences

    Streams and riparian forests depend on each other:a review with a special focus on microbes

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    Abstract In this review, we draw together the research on the two-way connection of streams and their riparian forests of the boreal zone from ecological points of view. Although the knowledge about stream-riparian interactions has increased considerably recently, in practice, riparian zones are still mainly seen as buffers for nutrient and sediment loading. However, recent research has shown that riparian forests disproportionately foster regional biodiversity and maintain stream ecosystem functions and diversity. On the other hand, streams contribute to riparian diversity and ecosystem functions. Microbes are key drivers of global biochemical cycles, and they also interact with plants and animals. The knowledge on microbial communities and understanding of processes they drive has considerably increased due to recent development in microbial profiling methods. However, microbes have been largely neglected in former reviews. Thus, this overview has a special focus on the role of microorganisms in controlling stream-riparian interaction. We also review the land-use pressures that are threatening biodiversity and ecosystem processes of riparian zones in forested landscapes. In addition, we review the possible effects of climate change on stream-riparian interactions. Finally, we outline the research gaps that call for future research

    Fungi originating from tree leaves contribute to fungal diversity of litter in streams

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    Abstract Biomass production and decomposition are key processes in ecology, where plants are primarily responsible for production and microbes act in decomposition. Trees harbor foliar microfungi living on and inside leaf tissues, epiphytes, and endophytes, respectively. Early researchers hypothesized that all fungal endophytes are parasites or latent saprophytes, which slowly colonize the leaf tissues for decomposition. While this has been proven for some strains in the terrestrial environment, it is not known whether foliar microfungi from terrestrial origin can survive or perform decomposition in the aquatic environment. On the other hand, aquatic hyphomycetes, fungi which decompose organic material in stream environments, have been suggested to have a plant-associated life phase. Our aim was to study how much the fungal communities of leaves and litter submerged in streams overlap. Ergosterol content on litter, which is an estimator of fungal biomass, was 5–14 times higher in submerged litter than in senescent leaves, indicating active fungal colonization. Leaves generally harbored a different microbiome prior to than after submergence in streams. The Chao1 richness was significantly higher (93.7 vs. 60.7, p = 0.004) and there were more observed operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (78.3 vs. 47.4, p = 0.004) in senescent leaves than in stream-immersed litter. There were more Leotiomycetes (9%, p = 0.014) in the litter. We identified a group of 35 fungi (65%) with both plant- and water-associated lifestyles. Of these, eight taxa had no previous references to water, such as lichenicolous fungi. Six OTUs were classified within Glomeromycota, known as obligate root symbionts with no previous records from leaves. Five members of Basidiomycota, which are rare in aquatic environments, were identified in the stream-immersed litter only. Overall, our study demonstrates that foliar microfungi contribute to fungal diversity in submerged litter

    Habitat patchiness, ecological connectivity and the uneven recovery of boreal stream ecosystems from an experimental drought

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    Abstract Ongoing climate change is increasing the occurrence and intensity of drought episodes worldwide, including in boreal regions not previously regarded as drought prone, and where the impacts of drought remain poorly understood. Ecological connectivity is one factor that might influence community structure and ecosystem functioning post‐drought, by facilitating the recovery of sensitive species via dispersal at both local (e.g. a nearby habitat patch) and regional (from other systems within the same region) scales. In an outdoor mesocosm experiment, we investigated how impacts of drought on boreal stream ecosystems are altered by the spatial arrangement of local habitat patches within stream channels, and variation in ecological connectivity with a regional species pool. We measured basal ecosystem processes underlying carbon and nutrient cycling: (a) algal biomass accrual; (b) microbial respiration; and (c) decomposition of organic matter, and sampled communities of aquatic fungi and benthic invertebrates. An 8‐day drought event had strong impacts on both community structure and ecosystem functioning, including algal accrual, leaf decomposition and microbial respiration, with many of these impacts persisting even after water levels had been restored for 3.5 weeks. Enhanced connectivity with the regional species pool and increased aggregation of habitat patches also affected multiple response variables, especially those associated with microbes, and in some cases reduced the effects of drought to a small extent. This indicates that spatial processes might play a role in the resilience of communities and ecosystem functioning, given enough time. These effects were however insufficient to facilitate significant recovery in algal growth before seasonal dieback began in autumn. The limited resilience of ecosystem functioning in our experiment suggests that even short‐term droughts can have extended consequences for stream ecosystems in the world‘s vast boreal region, and especially on the ecosystem processes and services mediated by algal biofilms

    The global EPTO database:worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects

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    Abstract Motivation: Aquatic insects comprise 64% of freshwater animal diversity and are widely used as bioindicators to assess water quality impairment and freshwater ecosystem health, as well as to test ecological hypotheses. Despite their importance, a comprehensive, global database of aquatic insect occurrences for mapping freshwater biodiversity in macroecological studies and applied freshwater research is missing. We aim to fill this gap and present the Global EPTO Database, which includes worldwide geo-referenced aquatic insect occurrence records for four major taxa groups: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata (EPTO). Main type of variables contained: A total of 8,368,467 occurrence records globally, of which 8,319,689 (99%) are publicly available. The records are attributed to the corresponding drainage basin and sub-catchment based on the Hydrography90m dataset and are accompanied by the elevation value, the freshwater ecoregion and the protection status of their location. Spatial location and grain: The database covers the global extent, with 86% of the observation records having coordinates with at least four decimal digits (11.1 m precision at the equator) in the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) coordinate reference system. Time period and grain: Sampling years span from 1951 to 2021. Ninety-nine percent of the records have information on the year of the observation, 95% on the year and month, while 94% have a complete date. In the case of seven sub-datasets, exact dates can be retrieved upon communication with the data contributors. Major taxa and level of measurement: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata, standardized at the genus taxonomic level. We provide species names for 7,727,980 (93%) records without further taxonomic verification. Software format: The entire tab-separated value (.csv) database can be downloaded and visualized at https://glowabio.org/project/epto_database/. Fifty individual datasets are also available at https://fred.igb-berlin.de, while six datasets have restricted access. For the latter, we share metadata and the contact details of the authors