333 research outputs found

    Design, commissioning and performance of a device to vary the turbulence in a recirculating flume

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    Ambient turbulent flow structures are one of the key drivers that will determine the rate of wake recovery downstream of tidal turbines. For second and third generation arrays or farms such a parameter is critical for the determination of inter-device spacing and the optimisation of energy extraction per unit surface area. At present offshore flow characterisation is dominated by seabed or surface-mounted diverging-beam acoustic Doppler profilers that whilst having a good spatial capture cannot characterise turbulent flow structures to the same accuracy as single point converging laboratory-scale velocimeters. So a paradox presently exists: We can measure the (mean) flow characteristics at real tidal energy sites but lack the ability to accuracy ascertain high-frequency flow characteristic at discrete spatial locations. This is possible at laboratory-scale with convergent-beam devices but as we do not know the real site conditions replication at small-scale can only be approximated. To date there has been few laboratory studies where the ambient flow turbulence has been varied. The standard method is to generate turbulence from a static structure such as a grid. Here we have developed an articulated rig that has the ability to oscillate cylindrical members along two axes in the flow upstream of tidal turbine models. Initial results presented in this paper show the effect upon the ambient flow that the turbulence-generating rig can impose and the effects upon wake dissipation for varying levels of turbulent length and time scales. Also the formation and insistence of turbulent structures shed from the device are reported. As expected increasing ambient turbulence intensity serves to dissipate the turbine wake more rapidly and whilst we cannot directly relate these laboratory flow characteristics to full-scale tidal energy sites at present it is hoped that offshore measurement technology and that of laboratory replication can converge so that device performance prediction can be performed at smaller-scale and at a corresponding lower cost to the technology

    The downstream wake response of marine current energy converters operating in shallow tidal flows

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    This paper presents findings from an experimental study investigating the downstream wake response from marine current energy convertors operating in various degrees of vertical flow constraint. The paper investigates deep vertically unconstrained sites, mid-depth sites and there is a particular emphasis on shallow tidal stream sites. Shallow tidal resources could be utilised for the deployment of first generation farms. The nature of the downstream wake flow will be a critical factor when determining the farm layout and the wake length is heavily influenced by the flow depth or ratio of rotor diameter to flow depth. A porous actuator disk is used to model the marine current energy convertor and an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter is used to map the downstream wake. Linear scaling of length ratios suggests mid depth sites of 30-50m will produce the shortest wake lengths and for deeper and shallower sites the wake length increases. It is hoped that these relationships between vertical flow constraint and wake length will help with the layout design of tidal stream farm

    New twist field couplings from the partition function for multiply wrapped D-branes

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    We consider toroidal compactifications of bosonic string theory with particular regard to the phases (cocycles) necessary for a consistent definition of the vertex operators, the boundary states and the T-duality rules. We use these ingredients to compute the planar multi-loop partition function describing the interaction among magnetized or intersecting D-branes, also in presence of open string moduli. It turns out that unitarity in the open string channel crucially depends on the presence of the cocycles. We then focus on the 2-loop case and study the degeneration limit where this partition function is directly related to the tree-level 3-point correlators between twist fields. These correlators represent the main ingredient in the computation of Yukawa couplings and other terms in the effective action for D-brane phenomenological models. By factorizing the 2-loop partition function we are able to compute the 3-point couplings for abelian twist fields on generic non-factorized tori, thus generalizing previous expressions valid for the 2-torus.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure; v2: typos corrected, proof in the Appendix improve

    Counter-propagating entangled photons from a waveguide with periodic nonlinearity

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    The conditions required for spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a waveguide with periodic nonlinearity in the presence of an unguided pump field are established. Control of the periodic nonlinearity and the physical properties of the waveguide permits the quasi-phase matching equations that describe counter-propagating guided signal and idler beams to be satisfied. We compare the tuning curves and spectral properties of such counter-propagating beams to those for co-propagating beams under typical experimental conditions. We find that the counter-propagating beams exhibit narrow bandwidth permitting the generation of quantum states that possess discrete-frequency entanglement. Such states may be useful for experiments in quantum optics and technologies that benefit from frequency entanglement.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Maladaptive avoidance patterns in Parkinson's disease are exacerbated by symptoms of depression

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    Available online 11 January 2020Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by a loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Given that dopamine is critically involved in learning and other cognitive processes, such as working memory, dopamine loss in PD has been linked both to learning abnormalities and to cognitive dysfunction more generally in the disease. It is unclear, however, whether avoidance behavior is impacted in PD. This is significant, as this type of instrumental behavior plays an important role in both decision-making and emotional (dys) function. Consequently, the aim of the present study was to examine avoidance learning and operant extinction in PD using a computer-based task. On this task, participants control a spaceship and attempt to shoot an enemy spaceship to gain points. They also learn to hide in safe areas to protect from (i.e., avoid) aversive events (on-screen explosions and point loss). The results showed that patients with PD (N = 25) acquired an avoidance response during aversive periods to the same extent as healthy age-matched controls (N = 19); however, patients demonstrated greater hiding during safe periods not associated with aversive events, which could represent maladaptive generalization of the avoidance response. Furthermore, this impairment was more pronounced during the extinction phase, and in patients who reported higher levels of depression. These results demonstrate for the first time that PD is associated with maladaptive avoidance patterns, which could possibly contribute to the emergence of depression in the disease.Jony Sheynin, Irina Baetu, Lyndsey E. Collins-Praino, Catherine E. Myers, Robyn Winwood-Smith, Ahmed A. Moustaf

    A Diffractive Study of Parametric Process in Nonlinear Photonic Crystals

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    We report a general description of quasi-phase-matched parametric process in nonlinear photonic crystals (NLPC) by extending the conventional X-ray diffraction theory in solids. Under the virtual wave approximation, phase-matching resonance is equivalent to the diffraction of the scattered virtual wave. Hence a modified NLPC Ewald construction can be built up, which illustrates the nature of the accident for the diffraction of the virtual wave in NLPC and further reveals the complete set of diffractions of the virtual wave for both of the air-dielectric and dielectric-dielectric contacts. We show the two basic linear sequences, the anti-stacking and para-stacking linear sequences, in one-dimension (1D) NLPC and present a general rule for multiple phase-matching resonances in 1D NLPC. The parameters affecting the NLPC structure factor are investigated, which indicate that not only the Ewald construction but also the relative NLPC atom size together determine whether a diffraction of the virtual wave can occur in 2D NLPC. The results also show that 1D NLPC is a better choice than 2D NLPC for a single parametric process

    Generalized harmonic formulation in spherical symmetry

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    In this pedagogically structured article, we describe a generalized harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations in spherical symmetry which is regular at the origin. The generalized harmonic approach has attracted significant attention in numerical relativity over the past few years, especially as applied to the problem of binary inspiral and merger. A key issue when using the technique is the choice of the gauge source functions, and recent work has provided several prescriptions for gauge drivers designed to evolve these functions in a controlled way. We numerically investigate the parameter spaces of some of these drivers in the context of fully non-linear collapse of a real, massless scalar field, and determine nearly optimal parameter settings for specific situations. Surprisingly, we find that many of the drivers that perform well in 3+1 calculations that use Cartesian coordinates, are considerably less effective in spherical symmetry, where some of them are, in fact, unstable.Comment: 47 pages, 15 figures. v2: Minor corrections, including 2 added references; journal version

    Higher Dimensional Recombination of Intersecting D-branes

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    We study recombinations of D-brane systems intersecting at more than one angle using super Yang-Mills theory. We find the condensation of an off-diagonal tachyon mode relates to the recombination, as was clarified for branes at one angle in hep-th/0303204. For branes at two angles, after the tachyon mode between two D2-branes condensed, D2-brane charge is distributed in the bulk near the intersection point. We also find that, when two intersection angles are equal, the off-diagonal lowest mode is massless, and a new stable non-abelian configuration, which is supersymmetric up to a quadratic order in the fluctuations, is obtained by the deformation by this mode.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, JHEP style. v3:references added, minor corrections, English improve

    Solid-state laser system for laser cooling of Sodium

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    We demonstrate a frequency-stabilized, all-solid laser source at 589 nm with up to 800 mW output power. The laser relies on sum-frequency generation from two laser sources at 1064 nm and 1319 nm through a PPKTP crystal in a doubly-resonant cavity. We obtain conversion efficiency as high as 2 W/W^2 after optimization of the cavity parameters. The output wavelength is tunable over 60 GHz, which is sufficient to lock on the Sodium D2 line. The robustness, beam quality, spectral narrowness and tunability of our source make it an alternative to dye lasers for atomic physics experiments with Sodium atoms

    A 750 mW, continuous-wave, solid-state laser source at 313 nm for cooling and manipulating trapped 9Be+ ions

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    We present a solid-state laser system that generates 750 mW of continuous-wave single-frequency output at 313 nm. Sum-frequency generation with fiber lasers at 1550 nm and 1051 nm produces up to 2 W at 626 nm. This visible light is then converted to UV by cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation. The laser output can be tuned over a 495 GHz range, which includes the 9Be+ laser cooling and repumping transitions. This is the first report of a narrow-linewidth laser system with sufficient power to perform fault-tolerant quantum-gate operations with trapped 9Be+ ions by use of stimulated Raman transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure