17 research outputs found

    Observing the origin of superconductivity in quantum critical metals

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    Despite intense efforts during the last 25 years, the physics of unconventional superconductors, including the cuprates with a very high transition temperature, is still a controversial subject. It is believed that superconductivity in many of these strongly correlated metallic systems originates in the physics of quantum phase transitions, but quite diverse perspectives have emerged on the fundamentals of the electron-pairing physics, ranging from Hertz style critical spin fluctuation glue to the holographic superconductivity of string theory. Here we demonstrate that the gross energy scaling differences that are behind these various pairing mechanisms are directly encoded in the frequency and temperature dependence of the dynamical pair susceptibility. This quantity can be measured directly via the second order Josephson effect and it should be possible employing modern experimental techniques to build a `pairing telescope' that gives a direct view on the origin of quantum critical superconductivity.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures; minor changes in the experimental part; added a new appendix section calculating the pair susceptibility of marginal Fermi liqui

    Spin and orbital hybridization at specifically nested Fermi surfaces in URu2_2Si2_2

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    The Fermi surface (FS) nesting properties of URu2_2Si2_2 are analyzed with particular focus on their implication for the mysterious hidden order phase. We show that there exist two Fermi surfaces that exhibit a strong nesting at the antiferromagnetic wavevector, Q0\boldsymbol{Q}_0=(0,\,0,\,1). The corresponding energy dispersions fulfill the relation ϵ1(k)\epsilon_{1}(\boldsymbol{k})=−ϵ2(k±Q0)- \epsilon_{2} (\boldsymbol{k}\pm \boldsymbol{Q}_0) at eight FS hotspot lines. The spin-orbital characters of the involved 5f5f states are {\it distinct} (jzj_z=±\pm5/2 {\it vs.} ±\pm3/2) and hence the degenerate Dirac crossings are symmetry protected in the nonmagnetic normal state. Dynamical symmetry breaking through an Ising-like spin and orbital excitation mode with Δjz\Delta j_z=±\pm1 induces a hybridization of the two states, causing substantial FS gapping. Concomitant spin and orbital currents in the uranium planes give rise to a rotational symmetry breaking.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic field effect on Fe-induced short-range magnetic correlation and electrical conductivity in Bi1.75_{1.75}Pb0.35_{0.35}Sr1.90_{1.90}Cu0.91_{0.91}Fe0.09_{0.09}O6+y_{6+y}

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    We report electrical resistivity measurements and neutron diffraction studies under magnetic fields of Bi1.75_{1.75}Pb0.35_{0.35}Sr1.90_{1.90}Cu0.91_{0.91}Fe0.09_{0.09}O6+y_{6+y}, in which hole carriers are overdoped. This compound shows short-range incommensurate magnetic correlation with incommensurability δ=0.21\delta=0.21, whereas a Fe-free compound shows no magnetic correlation. Resistivity shows an up turn at low temperature in the form of ln(1/T)ln(1/T) and shows no superconductivity. We observe reduction of resistivity by applying magnetic fields (i.e., a negative magnetoresistive effect) at temperatures below the onset of short-range magnetic correlation. Application of magnetic fields also suppresses the Fe induced incommensurate magnetic correlation. We compare and contrast these observations with two different models: 1) stripe order, and 2) dilute magnetic moments in a metallic alloy, with associated Kondo behavior. The latter picture appears to be more relevant to the present results.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The dual nature of magnetism in a uranium heavy fermion system

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    The duality between localized and itinerant nature of magnetism in 5f5\textit{f} electron systems has been a longstanding puzzle. Here, we report inelastic neutron scattering measurements, which reveal both local and itinerant aspects of magnetism in a single crystalline system of UPt2_{2}Si2_{2}. In the antiferromagnetic state, we observe broad continuum of diffuse magnetic scattering with a resonance-like gap of ≈\approx 7 meV, and surprising absence of coherent spin-waves, suggestive of itinerant magnetism. While the gap closes above the Neel temperature, strong dynamic spin correlations persist to high temperature. Nevertheless, the size and temperature dependence of the total magnetic spectral weight can be well described by local moment with J=4J=4. Furthermore, polarized neutron measurements reveal that the magnetic fluctuations are mostly transverse, with little or none of the longitudinal component expected for itinerant moments. These results suggest that a dual description of local and itinerant magnetism is required to understand UPt2_{2}Si2_{2}, and by extension, other 5ff systems in general.Comment: see supplementary material for more detail

    Hysteretic behavior and magnetic ordering in CeRuSn

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    We report the thermodynamic and transport properties of the newly synthesized Ce-intermetallic compound CeRuSn. This ternary stannide possesses an unconventional structure with two Ce sites at room temperature which exhibit different valencies. Just below room temperature there are large thermal hysteretic effects in the magnetic susceptibility, in the specific heat, as well as in electronic and heat transport properties suggesting the formation of an incommensurate charge density wave modulation whose q vector changes as a function of temperature. Our measurements indicate that one site displays magnetic Ce3+ behavior while the other is a valence fluctuator. At 2.7 K antiferromagnetic long-range order occurs within one-half of the Ce sites, e.g., the magnetic entropy of the transition is 1/2Rln2. Below TN a series of metamagnetic transitions takes place in rather small fields (~1–2 T), leaving a magnetically fluctuating background. Such behavior is unique among the many Ce–transition-metal compounds