17 research outputs found

    Beyond a unitary household measure: Does Gender matter in Legume Seed Systems among Smallholder Farmers?

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    We employ a non-unitary household model to analyze the main Pigeonpea seed channels for in Kenya. The paper is based on a household survey conducted on a 500 randomly selected households within three counties of Eastern Kenya. The study sites are based on the distance from the main trading center (county headquarters) which informs agro business infrastructure. We assess the participation in seed channels with regards to joint plots, women plots and male plots for Pigeonpeas legumes. More than half of the Pigeonpea plots (>50 %) in the sample are managed jointly by men and women; while around 10% are managed entirely by women. There were very few plots (<1%) managed by men alone. The main legumes seed sources are own saved seeds and cereal stockists. There is very limited sourcing from the certified seed channel (<10%), the certified seeds from agrovets are only acquired for joint plots. Using a multinomial logistic regression, we analyze the factors influencing the choice of Pigeonpea seed channels, encompassing characteristics of the wife of the household head. Literate wives and wives with high exposure to extension services were more likely to access seed from the agrovets, these variables were however not significant for the male head. Other significant determinants were total livestock unit, distance to the source of seed, amount of seed required, location of the household, and occupation. We conclude that targeting women farmers with knowledge and capacity building on the advantages of using certified seeds for legumes has the potential to enhance adoption of legumes in Eastern Kenya, education levels notwithstanding

    Changing Perception through a Participatory Approach by Involving Adolescent School Children in Evaluating Smart Food Dishes in School Feeding Programs – Real-Time Experience from Central and Northern Tanzania

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    The study aimed to test the prospects for, and acceptance of, pigeonpea and finger millet-based dishes in a school feeding program for 2822 adolescents’ in Central Tanzania. The focus was on incorporating nutritious and resilient crops like finger millet and pigeonpea through a participatory approach involving series of theoretical and practical training sessions, for the period of 6 months on the nutritional quality and sensory characteristics of these two unexplored foods in Tanzania. Sharing knowledge on the nutritional value of these crops and involving students in the acceptance study changed their negative perception of finger millet and pigeonpea by 79.5% and 70.3%, respectively. Fifteen months after the study period, schools were still continued feeding the dishes and more than 95% of the students wanted to eat the finger millet and pigeonpea dishes at school. Around 84.2% of the students wanted to include pigeonpea 2–7 times a week and 79.6% of the students wanted to include finger millet on all 7 days in school meal. The study proved that it is possible to change food perceptions and bring about behavior change by sharing knowledge on their benefits and by engaging the consumers through a participatory and culturally appropriate approach

    Interventions to reduce pesticide exposure from the agricultural sector in Africa: a workshop report

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    Despite the fact that several cases of unsafe pesticide use among farmers in different parts of Africa have been documented, there is limited evidence regarding which specific interventions are effective in reducing pesticide exposure and associated risks to human health and ecology. The overall goal of the African Pesticide Intervention Project (APsent) study is to better understand ongoing research and public health activities related to interventions in Africa through the implementation of suitable target-specific situations or use contexts. A systematic review of the scientific literature on pesticide intervention studies with a focus on Africa was conducted. This was followed by a qualitative survey among stakeholders involved in pesticide research or management in the African region to learn about barriers to and promoters of successful interventions. The project was concluded with an international workshop in November 2021, where a broad range of topics relevant to occupational and environmental health risks were discussed such as acute poisoning, street pesticides, switching to alternatives, or disposal of empty pesticide containers. Key areas of improvement identified were training on pesticide usage techniques, research on the effectiveness of interventions targeted at exposure reduction and/or behavioral changes, awareness raising, implementation of adequate policies, and enforcement of regulations and processes

    Economics of Harvesting and Marketing Selected Indigenous Fruits in Mwingi District, Kenya

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    Constant droughts especially in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) have led to recurrent crop failures and livestock losses. Households have therefore resulted to other alternatives which can provide both food and income. Trade in indigenous fruits contributes to livelihoods through income generation and as a safety net for consumption and income smoothing. This paper presents the analysis of economic returns from harvesting and marketing indigenous fruits and the socio economic factors that influence participation in trade of indigenous fruits. The results are based on a survey conducted in Nuu division, Mwingi District, where 120 randomly selected households were interviewed using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Logistic regression model, Gross Margin Analysis, and Benefit cost ratios were used during the analysis. Data was processed and analyzed using SPSS20. The Gross margins depicted harvesting of indigenous fruits for trade as a profitable venture. High benefit cost ratios of greater than 3.0 were reported in all the three fruits under study. Higher returns to labour and other associated costs were notably reported in the distant market as compared to the local market. The analysis of socioeconomic factors influencing participation in indigenous fruits’ trade identified household size, gender, form of employment and market distance to be significant variables. Respectively, market distance and household size negatively and positively influenced participation in harvesting indigenous fruits for trade. The female headed households and low income earners were more likely to participate in trade of indigenous fruits

    Characterization of polymer–quarry dust composite for structural applications

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    This study explores the utilization of quarry dust in producing polymer composite for roofing tiles application. Quarry dust was incorporated into high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) in various weight proportions (5 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, and 80 %). Experimental tests that were conducted include the melt flow index (MFI), microstructural analysis, water absorption, Shore D hardness, and Charpy impact strength. The PP+60 wt.% quarry dust had the highest MFI value of 24.5 g/10 min hence easy to process. The water absorption for 60 % and 80 wt.% composition was found to be significantly high as compared to other proportions. The Shore D hardness increases with an increase in the amount of quarry dust with the highest Shore D hardness value of 82 attained for samples having 80 wt.% quarry dust. For the impact strength, only 5 wt.% composition of quarry dust in both polymer composites had a higher value than the pure polymer with PP+5 wt.% quarry dust exhibiting a higher impact strength of 69.6 kJ/m2. This work demonstrates that the properties of waste plastics can be improved by using quarry dust as reinforcement, suiting green construction applications such as the production of roofing tiles

    Measuring and Influencing Behavior Change in Dietary Intake: Integrated Photovoice Approach in Nutrition Interventions in Eastern Kenya

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    A study conducted in two wards of Tharaka Nithi subcounty in Kenya documented the impact of using photovoice as a learning tool to build awareness about diets in order to influence behavior change, as well as a method to measure dietary intake. After a year’s nutrition awareness drive using Smart Food branding, in the intervention area, a total of 60 participants from intervention and control areas were identified for the photovoice exercise. The analysis showed household and women’s dietary diversity scores to be higher in the intervention group by 35% and 45%, respectively. An estimate of nutrient intake revealed a higher intake of calories, protein, calcium, iron and zinc ranging from 70% to 205% in the intervention group. Qualitative feedback on the photovoice approach reflected increased nutrition awareness and behavior change. Results showed the efficacy of the approach in evaluating diets while simultaneously improving participants’ realization of what they were consuming using images captured and a one-on-one dis-cussion with nutritionists. The improvement in dietary diversity scores reflected the effectiveness of this creative participatory and branded approach in imparting a strong message on and enthusiasm for learning about nutrition, resulting in behavior change