47 research outputs found


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    Teaching and Learning Resources refer to the materials that the classroom teacher uses to help the learners to acquire and understand knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes that he/she introduces during his/her lesson. Teaching and learning resources include but are not limited to structural facilities like properly ventilated classrooms, furniture, kitchen, safe clean water, playground, toilets, and play grounds. Teaching and learning resources entail also instructional materials including text books (course books and supplementary books), charts, wall maps, picture books, flash cards, and real objects(realia), to name but a few. The general aim of this study was to examine the influence of the teaching and learning resources on the integration on the national goals of education in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE). Since this objective was about the relationship between the teaching/learning resources and the integration of the national goals of education, the researcher used the Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient to determine whether there was a relationship between the teaching and learning resources and the integration of the national goals of education in Early Childhood Development and Education, and the strength of the relationship if it existed. The N=158 including 28 head teachers and 130 preschool teachers. The n=66 including 14 head teachers and 52 preschool teachers. The head teachers were interviewed following the guide with the following questions in the interview guide: What is the influence of the teaching and learning resources on the integration of the national goals of education? The head teachers interviewed indicated that the correlation coefficient between the teaching and learning resources and the integration of the national goals of education rates at 0.85. This shows that there is a very strong positive (relationship) correlation between teaching and learning resources and the integration of the national goals of education. The preschool teachers responded to questions in the questionnaires. (a) The closed questions required the respondents to indicate the extent to which they agreed/disagreed on the statements given on a scale of 5-1. (b) The open ended questions required the respondents to state, on their opinion how teaching and learning resources influenced the integration of the national goals of education in Early Childhood Development and Education. The respondents indicated that the teaching and learning resources’ prevalence presented a very strong positive correlation between the teaching and learning resources and the integration of the national goals of education in Early Childhood Development and Education, which is statistically significant (p<0.05). The study established that teaching and learning resources influence effective implementation of Early Childhood Development and Education programmes in preschools. A unit increase of the teaching and learning resources would lead to an increase in effective Early Childhood Development and Education by a factor of 0.702. This study recommends that Early Childhood Development and Education centers should be provided with the age appropriate, relevant, and adequate teaching and learning resources. These resources will go a long way in enhancing effective curriculum content delivery as they create a conducive learner friendly environment fully equipped with structural and instructional resources that learners can freely, actively, interestingly, variably, and creatively manipulate to generate, create and acquire knowledge, concepts, skills, and attitudes with minimal teacher guidance.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of drug use on student interest in learning and identify counselling interventions that can be used when dealing with drug use among secondary school students in Matinyani district. Descriptive survey was used in this study. Fourteen public secondary schools were involved with population of 1701 students. Purposive sampling was used in the sample selection to select 5 schools which included a girls’ boarding, a boys’ boarding school, a mixed day school, a mixed boarding school and a mixed day and a boarding school. A sample size of 269 was used. The data was collected by use of a Core Alcohol and Drug Survey Questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the study instrument was established through a pilot study. A correlation coefficient alpha of 0.7408 was obtained. According to, Fraenkel and Wallen (2002) a reliability co efficient of 0.7 or more implies high degree of reliability. Data was analysed by use of descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The descriptive analysis, percentages, tables, bar graphs and charts were used in presenting and summarizing the findings. The study established that drug use lead to increased lack interest in learning among students. The study further established that it is the responsibility of all members of society to fight drug use in our country. This is so because when students use drugs, the effects are felt all over. The study recommends that; teacher counselors should adopt group counseling and peer counseling techniques in assisting adolescents overcome the problem of drug use; schools should have active and working guidance and counseling departments with well trained personnel to handle drug related case; school administrators should discourage transfers/admissions of indiscipline students from one school to another; among other recommendations


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    The role of parents in helping their children to face the adolescence challenges and specifically the challenge of drug abuse cannot be underestimated; however, the extent to which parenting styles predetermine secondary school students’ involvement in drugs is not well understood. This study investigated parenting styles, as predictors of drug abuse among public secondary school students in Embu County, Kenya. A population of 8820 (4886 girls and 3934 boys) form two and three students distributed in 132 public secondary schools in Embu County was targeted. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample of 15 schools which had reported more cases of drug abuse for the last three years in the county. Stratified random sampling and systematic random sampling were used to select 399 participants (221 girls and 178 boys). Purposive sampling was used to select 15 Guidance and counseling teachers and 70 secondary school dropouts from the 15 schools. Reliability for the parenting styles questionnaires and risky behaviours were calculated an average Cronbach alpha (α) of α = 0.82 for parenting styles questionnaires was reported and for risky behaviours α = 0.78. Multiple linear regression showed that parenting styles significantly predict drug abuse among secondary school students, and that parenting styles accounts for, 64.4% (R2=0.644, p< 0.05) of students’ drug abuse, The study, therefore, recommends that the government through the Ministry of Education should   train   the teacher counselor, to identify and counsel drug abusing students and train parents on how to handle drug abusive children   Article visualizations

    The Influence of Principal Related Factors on Mobilization of Financial Resources in Day Secondary Schools in Kitui Central Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of principal related factors on mobilization of financial resources in day secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub-county, Kitui County, Kenya. The researcher used descriptive survey research design. Census sampling of the 16 public day secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub-conty was done and the 16 principals were investigated. The study also investigated 48 Board of Management Members. The researcher also gathered information from 16 head of departments from each studied school. Data were collected using the questionnaires as the main research instruments. The study established that all the principals (100%) in Kitui Central Sub-county had attended management training courses in addition to their professional training. The agencies which had organized the trainings includes, University which trained in the area of academics, KEMI training on management of secondary schools, KSSHA organizing heads conferences geared towards training on quality management among others. Professional growth/ training equip principals’ with management skills and enabled them to interact with other principals facing the same challenges and therefore share on how such challenges can be handled hence improving their administrative skills. From the findings of this study the researcher recommended that school principals should be constantly trained on financial resource management so that they can be effective in financial mobilization and management. Keywords: Financial management, Financial resources, Mobilization, Public Secondary Schools, School size

    Influence of Child-headed Families on Preschool Learners’ Class Participation: A Case of Mwingi Zone, Kitui County-Kenya

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    This study was designed to investigate whether child-headed families have influence on pre-school learners’ class participation. The study was carried out in Mwingi zone of Kitui County Kenya. The zone had a total of 67 public pre-schools and the study targeted all the 67 public pre-schools, 1030 pre-school learners and 88 pre-school teachers. The researcher employed descriptive survey design so as to get information from the sampled respondents. The researcher obtained the sample size of the study by using both probability and non-probability sampling techniques. The sampling techniques included stratified random sampling and purposive sampling. The schools in the zone were grouped into five clusters namely: Musukini, Kanzanzu, Mwingi, Ithumbi and Kyethani. The researcher used a representative sample of 10% of the targeted preschool learners and 20.5% of the targeted preschool teachers. To collect data from the respondents, the researcher used questionnaires and observation checklists. The questionnaires were used to collect data from pre-school teachers, while observation checklists were used to collect data from pre-school learners. After collecting the data, the researcher processed it by editing, coding, classifying and tabulating it and then analyzed the processed data using descriptive analysis, frequency distribution tables and percentages and Pearson Correlation Tables. The findings of the study indicated that there was a strong negative correlation (r= -0.891, P <0.05) between child-headed families and the class participation of pre-school learners. The study recommended that, the pre-schools should be encouraged to be conducting frequent guidance and counseling sessions for learners from child-headed families. Pre-school class teachers should also identify the learners who are not active in class participation and encourage them to be active in class by offering rewards

    Attachment Styles as Predictors of Substance Use Among Secondary School Students in Nairobi County, Kenya

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    Substance use is common among secondary school students in Kenya and poses a threat to their health and academic achievement. Therefore, there is need to find out determinants of substance use so that measures can be taken to discourage it. Previous research has shown that attachment styles influence not only adolescents’ adjustment but also their tendency to engage in deviant behaviors like substance use. This study investigated whether attachment styles predict substance use among secondary school students in Nairobi County. The study was based on the attachment theory and attachment security was conceptualized in terms of four attachment styles: secure, preoccupied, dismissing and fearful.  A correlational design was adopted for the study. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The Attachment Styles Questionnaires was used to measure the four attachment styles and substance use was measured on an 11 item likert scale. The study targeted 10,451 Form Three students in 79 public secondary schools in Nairobi County. Three sub-counties were purposively selected and nine schools from the three sub-counties were selected using stratified random sampling. A sample of 385 students was randomly selected from the nine schools. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis and determine the prediction of substance use by the attachment styles. The main finding of the study was that attachment styles predicted substance use among secondary school students (F = 4.954, P = .001) and accounted for 5.6% of the variance in substance use (R2 = 0.56). Secure attachment style predicted less substance use (β = -.117, P = .028) whereas dismissing attachment style significantly predicted higher levels of substance use (β = .174, P = .004). The study recommended that guidance and counseling teachers take students’ attachment styles into consideration when tackling substance use and encourage parents and guardians to foster more secure attachment with their children. Keywords: Attachment styles, attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, secure, preoccupied, dismissing, substance use DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-30-11 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Social Networking Sites and Their Influence on the Self Esteem of Adolescents in Embu County, Kenya

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    As technology improves and advances, social networking sites have an even bigger impact on society and human relationships, both positive and negative.  Social networking sites have influence on teenagers in the way they develop socially. The way teenagers are connected to these global SNSs is both a frightening prospect for parents and educators and an intriguing area for social science research. Further there is no comprehensive knowledge of the activities adolescents do on these sites as well as how they impact their social life. This study therefore sought to specifically investigate the influence of social networking sites on the self-esteem of adolescents in secondary schools in Embu County Kenya. The researcher adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population of the respondents for this research was secondary school students and teachers in Embu County. Random sampling technique was used to select five boarding schools for the study sample. From each school, fifteen students and three teachers was selected for each unit of analysis to make a total sample of one fifty students and 15 teachers selected from the target population. The data collection instruments designed for the researches were questionnaires, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, and interview schedules. The questionnaires and Rosenberg self-esteem scale was designed for the students while interview guides were for teachers. Data collected was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The study concluded that almost all the students use social network sites, therefore that social networking is very common among students who are in secondary schools. Facebook topped the list of the most common social site used by secondary schools students. The study further concludes that various students have different motivation for visiting the social networking sites. The study further concluded that social networking influence the self-esteem and psychological wellbeing of secondary school student. The study recommends that secondary schools students should be given guidance and counseling on how to positively utilize the social networking sites to their advantage and not to have a negative impact on their self-esteem.   Keywords: Social Networking Sites, Self-esteem, Psychological well-being


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    The study sought to underscore the influence of parental involvement in activities at school on learning outcomes among preschool learners. Its purpose was to determine the influence parental involvement in activities at school on learning outcomes among preschool learners in Mbooni Sub County, Makueni County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design that use structured interviews and questionnaire that intended to verify information, perceptions opinions and views of the respondents and an observation schedule for collecting data on the learning outcomes of the children. The dependent variable of the study was learning outcomes among preschool learners in Makueni County, Kenya, while independent variable was parental involvement in activities at school. The target population was teachers, parents and preschool learners in the County. Purposive sampling was used to select the teachers and parents whereas simple random sampling was used to select learners. A sample of 42 teachers, 33 parents and 72 ECDE learners were involved. Validity of the instruments was tested during piloting. Reliability of the instruments was ascertained through testing and re-testing to a sample that was not sampled for the actual study. Data was collected after acquiring permit from NACOSTI. Instructions and arrangements on how to collect the data was made with regard to dates agreed between the researcher and the respondents on when to deliver the questionnaire and observe the children during live lessons as well as conducting of the interviews. Data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically along the specific themes and presented in narrative forms whereas the quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using frequencies and percentages with the help of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 23). The data was presented using tables in order to get the findings. This study may inform teachers, parents and policy makers about the influence of parental involvement in activities at school on children’s learning outcomes in Mbooni East Sub County. The study highlighted the significance of parents- teachers meeting, parent teacher child association, school feeding programmes as well as parents being resource person in passing first-hand information to children as they discuss different roles they undertake in the community. The study thus recommends partnerships of all stakeholders through proper communication and feedback. The National and County Governments should ensure food security in the preschools to enhance school retention, attendance rates, and enrollment for better learning outcomes among other benefits.  Article visualizations

    Influence of Single-Parent Families on Preschool Learners’ Class Participation: A Case of Mwingi Zone, Kitui County, Kenya

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    This study was designed to investigate whether single-parent families have influence on pre-school learners’ class participation. The study was carried out in Mwingi zone of Kitui County, Kenya.  The zone had a total of 67 public pre-schools and the study targeted all the 67 public pre-schools, 1030 pre-school learners and 88 pre-school teachers.  The researcher employed descriptive survey design so as to get information from the sampled respondents.  The researcher obtained the sample size of the study by using both probability and non-probability sampling techniques. The sampling techniques included stratified random sampling and purposive sampling. The schools in the zone were grouped into five clusters namely: Musukini, Kanzanzu, Mwingi, Ithumbi and Kyethani. The researcher used a representative sample of 10% of the targeted preschool learners and 20.5% of the targeted preschool teachers. To collect data from the respondents, the researcher used questionnaires and observation checklists. The questionnaires were used to collect data from pre-school teachers, while observation checklists were used to collect data from pre-school learners. After collecting the data, the researcher processed it by editing, coding, classifying and tabulating it and then analyzed the processed data using descriptive analysis, frequency distribution tables and percentages and Pearson Correlation Tables. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data. The findings of the study indicated that there was a strong negative correlation (r= -0.712, P <0.05) between single-parent families and the class participation of pre-school learners. The study recommended that the pre-schools should be encouraged to be conducting frequent guidance and counseling sessions for learners from single-parent families. Pre-school class teachers should also identify the learners who are not active in class participation and encourage them to be active in class by offering rewards. Keywords: Family structure, single-parent family, Pre-school, Pre-school learner, Class Participation, School access DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-11-10 Publication date: April 30th 202


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    The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of school related factors in integration of Information Communication Technology in the management of public secondary schools in Kitui County, Kenya. A descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The study was carried out in 58 public secondary schools in Kitui County that have functional ICT infrastructure. This study used sample size table as proposed by Krejcie and Morgan (1970) whereby 58 principals, 58 senior teachers and 266 assistant teachers from schools that have functional ICT infrastructure were selected. All 16 Sub-county Directors of Education and one County Director of Education were selected for the study. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from principals, senior teachers and assistant teachers while interview schedule was used to collect data from Sub-county Directors of Education and the County Director of Education in Kitui County. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches whereby both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Descriptive statistics that were used in this study include percentages and mean. Hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s moment of correlation coefficient and Pearson’s Chi-square tests for independence. The qualitative data were presented in the form of narrative and integrated within the quantitative data. The findings of the study were; there was a strong positive correlation r(50) = 0.842, p<0.05 between computer infrastructure and ICT integration in management of public secondary schools. The study recommended that; The government should increase their supply of computers to all schools as well as building computer laboratories for schools and that all the schools should have internet connections to enable principals and teachers to use ICT in the school. The government should make it compulsory for all schools to integrate ICT in management.  Article visualizations