The Influence of Principal Related Factors on Mobilization of Financial Resources in Day Secondary Schools in Kitui Central Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of principal related factors on mobilization of financial resources in day secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub-county, Kitui County, Kenya. The researcher used descriptive survey research design. Census sampling of the 16 public day secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub-conty was done and the 16 principals were investigated. The study also investigated 48 Board of Management Members. The researcher also gathered information from 16 head of departments from each studied school. Data were collected using the questionnaires as the main research instruments. The study established that all the principals (100%) in Kitui Central Sub-county had attended management training courses in addition to their professional training. The agencies which had organized the trainings includes, University which trained in the area of academics, KEMI training on management of secondary schools, KSSHA organizing heads conferences geared towards training on quality management among others. Professional growth/ training equip principals’ with management skills and enabled them to interact with other principals facing the same challenges and therefore share on how such challenges can be handled hence improving their administrative skills. From the findings of this study the researcher recommended that school principals should be constantly trained on financial resource management so that they can be effective in financial mobilization and management. Keywords: Financial management, Financial resources, Mobilization, Public Secondary Schools, School size

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