712 research outputs found

    A climate-smart agriculture approach using double digging, Zai pits and Aquacrop model in rain-fed sorghum cultivation at Wiyumiririe location of Laikipia County, Kenya

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    The smallholder farmers of Wiyumiririe in Laikipia County are food insecure and highly vulnerable to climate related hazards owing to dearth of resources and over reliance on rain-fed agriculture. A preliminary reconnaissance pre-field visit of the area showed that there were no tangible CSA measures in place that could significantly improve the farmers’ adaptive capacity in a way that would make them food secure. This study therefore sought to investigate how double digging, Zai pits and Aquacrop model would be applied to help the community overcome food insecurity and adapt to climate change. The researcher identified experimental plots that were set out based on the split plot design. The field trials were done from January 2016 to February 2019. Daily weather data, soil water content, above ground biomass and percent canopy cover measured at regular intervals formed input data to calibrate Aquacrop model. The validated model was then used to determine the impacts of climate change on Sorghum crop yields at Wiyumiririe and to prepare scenarios for policy makers. The findings show that the interventions had significant impact because farmers who adopt either double digging or Zai pits and farmyard manure at 5 tons/ha, can obtain yields of approximately 9tons per hectare under current weather conditions and in future under climate change. This is because the attainable yields of 9 tons/ha are more than double the average production in Kenya of 4 tons/ha. Furthermore, the model output showed sorghum crop yields will generally increase in future mainly due associated increased carbon dioxide fertilization. However, the increase in yields needs to be taken with caution. This is because the compounding effects of water stress which is likely to cause a 61% reduction in canopy expansion, 31% closure in stomata and temperature stress of 31% is not yet fully understood. Moreover, the impacts of altered weather patterns to crop physiology, soil chemical properties and; prevalence of crop pests and diseases are still obscure

    Accessibility of mathematics examinations to students with hearing impairment: a case study of a school for the deaf in Nyeri County-Kenya

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    The objective of this study was to establish the extent to which mathematics examinations are accessible to students with HI. The study adopted a qualitative approach via a case study design. The participants included the principal, Head of the mathematics department, teachers, and students from Clifftop school for the deaf. Purposive sampling was used to select the 5 students with HI and 3 mathematics teachers. Data was collected through focus group discussion (FGD) with students and teachers separately and classroom observation. In addition, the principal and the head of the mathematics department were interviewed to ascertain the general accessibility of mathematics examinations to students with HI and identify strategies that can be employed to enhance the accessibility of mathematics examinations to students with HI. Furthermore, documents such as students’ mathematics examinations answer sheets, standard examination test papers, and KCSE results were analysed for corroboration of data collected from interviews and FGD. Although the students stated that they could access some mathematics concepts, the findings showed that mathematics examinations are highly inaccessible to students with HI. At the end of the study, the teachers and students indicated that mathematics needs to be adapted to increase access to mathematics examinations. The study suggests that providing necessary accommodations in testing should be done with caution to avoid affecting the validity of the test scores

    Adhesive Transparent Chlorohexidine Gluconate Tegadermâ„¢ Gel Dressing for Central Venous Catheter

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    Central-line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) occur during the insertion or change of the dressing of the central venous catheter (CVC) and are reportable healthcare-associated infections at the state and the national level. The purpose of this systematic review of the literature was to evaluate and synthesize available evidence to establish the effectiveness of using an adhesive transparent chlorohexidine gluconate (CHG) Tegaderm™ gel dressing for CVC in the prevention of CLABSIs. The logic model was used as a framework to guide the review of the literature to establish how an intervention that is not currently practiced can contribute to CVC prevention of infection. The practice question focused on gathering evidence to support the effects of CHG Tegaderm™ gel central-line dressing compared with the Biopatch® dressing. A total of 373 articles were retrieved and 16 met the inclusion for review and were graded according to the Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt hierarchy level of evidence and evidence synthesis broken down into the reduction of CLABSI, the cost-effectiveness and ease of use of the CHG Tegaderm™ gel. Findings from the systematic review supported the use of CHG gel dressing as a CLABSI preventative measure. The findings from the project support positive social change by reducing CLABSI and associated illnesses and saving the increased cost, mortality, and morbidity associated with CLABSIs

    The Influence of Self-Disclosure on the use of Contraceptives among Couples in Changamwe Constituency, Mombasa County

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    The purpose of the research was to study the influence of self-disclosure on contraceptive use among couples in Changamwe constituency. The study adopted descriptive survey design. Multi-stage sampling was used in arriving at the target population in Migadini Estate. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from the 269 respondents. The study found out that self-disclosure influenced contraceptive use because there was a weak but positive significant correlation between self-disclosure and contraceptive use. Pearson’s correlation showed that they were correlated, r (269), = .32, p < .001. Therefore, behaviour change communication programmes should focus on self-disclosure in order to convince married couples and romantic friends to disclose about their preferred contraceptives.  Keywords: self-disclosure, contraceptive use, correlatio

    Macroscopic, Radiographic and Histopathologic Changes of Claws with Laminitis and Laminitis-Related Disorders in Zero-Grazed Dairy Cows

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    Laminitis and laminitis-related claw disorders are prevalent in zero-grazed dairy cows. Confinement and limited movement influences claw size and shape. Abnormal claw size and shape causes imbalanced body weight distribution on the claws. Claw horn growth and wear is impaired, further aggravating laminitis disorders. The objective of this study was to determine: macroscopic disorders on the claws, as well as radiographic features and histopathologic changes on the claws with laminitis/laminitis-related disorders. A total of 159 dairy cow forelimb and hind limb feet (318 claws) were collected from an abattoir and a slaughter slab around Nairobi, Kenya. The claws were examined for macroscopic abnormalities, dorso-palmar or dorso-plantar radiography done, sagittal claw sections done, corium gross changes observed and corium tissues harvested for histopathology. Macroscopic disorders observed were: sole bruising, claw deformities, heel erosion, subclinical laminitis sole haemorrhages, double soles, chronic laminitis and white line separation. Radiographic changes observed mainly on distal phalanges were dilated vascular channels, irregular margins, exostoses/periostitis, distal phalangeal narrowing and lysis. Histopathologic changes in the corium included arterio-venous shunts, vascular wall rupture and thickening, vascular proliferation and thrombosis, corium and connective tissue oedema, degeneration, haemorrhages and spongiosis. Hence macroscopic, radiographic and histopathologic changes in laminitis claws affect locomotion

    The Level of Self-Disclosure and Contraceptive Use among Couples in Changamwe Constituency, Mombasa County

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    The problem of this study was the high rate of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions despite high contraceptive knowledge and family planning awareness in Kenya. The purpose of the research was to study the level of self-disclosure and contraceptives used by couples in Changamwe constituency. Descriptive survey design was used and a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 269 respondents. It found out that self-disclosure among the couples was average - 52%. The study found out that 55.4% of the respondents used contraceptives while 44.6% did not. On the other hand, 72.9% reported to know of at least one contraceptive method. The common contraceptives used were birth control pills, birth control implants, injectable birth control and the male condom. The study concluded that there was still a wide gap between contraceptive awareness and its use because of the level of self-disclosure. Keywords: Contraceptive, Self-disclosure, family planning, couple

    Effect of Reforms on Technical Efficiency of Electricity Production in Kenya Relative to Other Developing Countries

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    The current structure of the Kenyan electricity sector has resulted from many changes brought about by both donor and government driven reforms. The sector which was once run as a government owned monopoly is now a more market-oriented entity. The reforms have resulted in splitting of generation, transmission and distribution into independent entities, establishment of an independent regulatory authority, private sector participation in generation and institution of other complementary entities. One of the drivers of these reforms was the need to improve the economic performance of the sector to make it capable of supporting the economy. This study uses Data Envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier methods to analyse the effect of the reforms on the efficiency of Kenya’s power sector in relation to other countries in similar stage of development. The findings reveal that Kenya’s Power sector has been experiencing positive changes in technical efficiency over the period after the reforms. The countries which have undertaken reforms, to a larger extent, appear to be more efficient. However, they experience huge system losses which need to be reduced to better the sector’s efficiency Keywords: Reforms, Technical efficiency, Data envelopment analysis, Stochastic frontier analysis DOI: 10.7176/JETP/13-1-03 Publication date: January 31st 202

    A Theoretical and Empirical Review of the Relationship between Head Teachers’ Leadership Styles and KCPE Performance in Public Primary Schools in Kenya

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    The quality of education depicted in any school is largely influenced by the quality of leadership exhibited by the school administrator in that institution. Effective teamwork and networking among stakeholders in a school is a source of motivation that drives all people involved to work towards the achievement of the goals of that institution. It is the obligation of the institution leader to influence those workers under him or her to strive to achieve the institutional goals through the application of appropriate leadership skills. In this article, the authors discuss the findings from the study carried out on the relationship between headteachers’ leadership styles on KCPE performance in public primary schools in central region of Kenya. The study is based on normative decision theory by Vroom and Yetton (1973). The study adopted mixed methods and applied sequential exploratory design which involved quantitative and qualitative procedures in data collection and analysis. The study adopted purposive and stratified simple random sampling and data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis for the secondary data. The instruments’ validity was established through the guidance of the experts in the department of management, administration and leadership of Mount Kenya University. The researchers established instrument reliability by using split half technique which involved calculating the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) between the two halves of the tests.  Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 21 and qualitative data was analyzed thematically according to the objectives. The findings of the study indicated that pupils’ performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education corresponded to leadership styles to a very great extent. The study also found out that there was laxity by the headteachers in delegating power and duties to their teaching staff and lack of participation of all stakeholders in the welfare of the school thus affecting the pupils’ performance. The findings of this study drew conclusion that would assist education policy makers and implementers to formulate strategies that could be used to improve leadership styles that would promote better examination performance at primary school level. Keywords: Leadership, leadership styles, performanc

    Isotopic and Geochemical Study of Groundwater in the Eastern Province of Kenya

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    The Eastern Province of Kenya has both arid and semi-arid climatic conditions and drought-related problems are common. The isotopic and geochemical compositions of surface water and groundwater of the province were surveyed in an attempt to identify the sources and nature of groundwater recharge and groundwater flow directions. The isotopic data is characterized by a large scatter in 6180, 6D, and tritium levels. The variations are due to differences in altitude and climate (temperature and rainfall) of the recharge areas. Differences in groundwater chemistry are also evident and as in the case of isotopic composition, are the result of differences in altitude and climate. Geology is equally important in controlling the chemical composition of groundwater. Volcanic terrains have groundwater that is either magnesium or sodium-magnesium bicarbonate. Sodium chloride or sodium bicarbonate groundwaters are found in sediments. Groundwaters of variable chemical composition occur in the metamorphic rocks of the Basement System. The isotopic and geochemical results show that the high elevation and high rainfall areas are the recharge zones for the groundwater in the low-lying arid areas. Groundwater recharge also occurs along seasonal stream valleys after heavy rains. Local groundwater recharge from precipitation on the low-lying areas is sporadic owing to aridity, and occurs only after exceptionally high rains. Evaporation of precipitation and surface-water occurs before and during the recharge processes. Three groundwater systems are identified: the Chalbi-Kaisut Deserts; the Ewaso Nyiro-Lorian Swamp; and East Lake Turkana. Within each of these systems, different and unconnected aquifers and/or fracture zones occur

    Nest food provisioning in the Red-capped Lark Calandrella cinerea does not vary with parental sex differences and time of day

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    The Red-capped Lark Calandrella cinerea inhabits some of the most highly threatened grassland ecosystems in Kenya. Although previous studies have been undertaken on feeding ecology of this species, a knowledge gap still exists in relation to its nest food provisioning behaviour. We studied the food provisioning behaviour of Red-capped Larks in open grassland habitat at Kedong Ranch in Naivasha, Kenya. Observations were completed on 18 active nests for a total of 163 observation hours between 07:00 and 18:00. Results confirmed that nestling diet comprised insect larvae (including caterpillars), grasshoppers, butterflies/moths, ants and beetles. Food provisioning rates for males and females combined, as well as independently, did not vary with the nestling age. In relation to specific prey items, provisioning rates of insect larvae and butterflies/moths during different hours of the day did not vary. However, there was a significant difference in provisioning rates of grasshoppers for the time periods. The findings provide an understanding of food requirements and feeding behaviour of the Red-capped Lark, and therefore are important for predicting how future changes in the availability of food resources could infl uence feeding, reproductive success, and possibly survival of the species.Keywords: Kedong Ranch, lark, grassland, nestling diet, insect
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