82 research outputs found


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    Spending money which is not earned becomes more available practice with help of the various types of cash loans. It causes social problem in society because easiness of getting money puts families at risk due to the high loan percent. Our study aims to understand ifhuman values are related to attitudes towards money and in what way if any.Values are motivational constructs that apply to abstract goals (Schwartz, 1992). Schwartz believes that the main aspect of value contents is the type of goal or the motivation it expresses (Schwartz, 1992). Also, values are abstract goals and do not effect decisions in specific situations they can work as the underlying assumptions for creating attitudes. Attitudes are more situation-specific and correlate with behavior at moderate level. In our study values were measured using Portrait Values Questionnaire, PVQ-21 (Schwartz, Melech, Lehmann, Burgess, Harris, 2001). Attitudes towards money were measured using modified version of Money Attitude Scale (Yamauchi Templer, 1982). Question regarding money related behavior were also asked. We surveyed one thousand and five respondents from whom 58% were female, all age groups where presented according to Latvia’s population (representative sample). Results reveal that values correlate with attitudes towards money although modestly

    Personnel Management Functions Improvement in JSC “Manager of public assets Possessor”.

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    Izvēlētais bakalaura darba temats ir „Personāla vadības funkciju pilnveidošanas iespējas A/S Publisko aktīvu pārvaldītājs Possessor”. Temata aktualitāte pamatojama ar to, ka jebkurš uzņēmums ir nozīmīga pasaules ekonomikas daļa gan tirdzniecības, gan nodarbinātības ziņā. Uzņēmējdarbības organizācijas sniegums daļēji ir atkarīgs no tās darbinieku iespējām. Darbinieks ir vissvarīgākais posms uzņēmuma attīstības procesā. Darba ietvaros tiek izvirzītas personāla vadības problēmas, ko ir izraisījuši dažādi faktori, piemēram, nepietiekama darbinieku motivācija un darbinieku novērtējuma trūkums. Daudzos uzņēmumos personāla speciālisti efektīvi nepārvalda darbiniekus un tas ir vērtējams negatīvi, kā rezultātā vērojama darbinieku mainība, netiek izpildīti izvirzītie uzņēmuma mērķi, darbinieki ir nemotivēti un neapmierināti ar veicamajiem pienākumiem. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorētiskajām nostādnēm un uz personāla vadības funkciju izpēti A/S “Publisko aktīvu pārvaldītājs Possessor”, noskaidrot to pilnveides iespējas. Empīriskā pētījuma rezultāti norāda, ka 43% respondentu uzskata, ka uzņēmumā pastāvošā personāla plānošanas sistēma ir efektīva, tāpat 69% aptaujāto respondentu norāda, ka darbinieku amata apraksts ir skaidrs un saprotams, tas tiek izsniegts pie darba līguma parakstīšanas. 85% respondentu tika apmācīti darba vietā uzņēmumā A/S “Publisko aktīvu pārvaldītājs Possessor”, mācīšanās darbībā, bet mācības ārpus uzņēmuma notiek ļoti reti. Atslēgvārdi – personāla vadība, personāls, cilvēkresursi, darbinieki, personāla funkcijas.The topic of the bachelor's thesis is „Personnel Management Functions Improvement in JSC “Manager of public assets Possessor””. The topicality is justified by the fact that any company is an important part of the world economy in terms of both trade and employment. The performance of a business organization depends in part on the capabilities of its employees. The employee is the most important element in the company's development process. Within the framework of the work, personnel management problems are raised, which are caused by various factors, such as insufficient employee motivation and lack of employee evaluation. In many companies, personnel specialists do not effectively manage employees and this can be assessed negatively, as a result of which there is a turnover of employees, the set goals of the company are not met, employees are unmotivated and dissatisfied with the duties to be performed. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to find out the possibilities of their improvement on the basis of theoretical principles and the research of personnel management functions of JSC “Public Asset Manager Possessor”. The results of an empirical study indicate, that 43% of respondents believe that the existing personnel planning system in the company is effective, also 69% of surveyed respondents indicate that the job description of employees is clear and understandable, it is issued when signing the employment contract. 85% of respondents were trained in the workplace at JSC “Public Asset Manager Possessor” in learning activities, but training outside the company is very rare. Keywords - personnel management, personnel, human resources, employees, personnel functions

    A Novel Gas Sensor Transducer Based on Phthalocyanine Heterojunction Devices

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    Experimental data concerning the changes in the current-voltage (I-V) perfor-mances of a molecular material-based heterojunction consisting of hexadecafluorinatednickel phthalocyanine (Ni(F16Pc)) and nickel phthalocyanine (NiPc),(Au|Ni(F16Pc)|NiPc|Al) are introduced as an unprecedented principle of transduction for gassensing performances. The respective n- and p-type doped-insulator behaviors of therespective materials are supported, owing to the observed changes in surface potential(using the Kelvin probe method) after submission to electron donor (ammonia) and electronacceptor gases (ozone). On the other hand, the bilayer device exhibits strong variations inthe built-in potential of the junction and in its rectification ratio. Moreover, large increasesoccur in forward and reverse currents in presence of ammonia vapors. These make possiblea multimodal principle of detection controlled by a combined effect between theheterojunction and the NiPc|Al contact. Indeed, this metal/organic junction plays a criticalrole regarding the steady asymmetry of the I-V profiles during the device’s doping evenusing high ammonia concentrations. This approach offers a more sophisticated alternative tothe classically studied, but at times rather operation-limited, resistive gas sensors

    Values, Attitudes and Drivers Behaviour

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    Anotācija Promocijas pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot vai individuālās vērtības spēj prognozēt riskantu braukšanu. Tika izvirzītas trīs hipotēzes – par vērtību saistību ar riskantu braukšanu, attieksmju pastarpinošo lomu vērtību – uzvedības sakarībās un attieksmju funkciju nozīmību. Tika veikti trīs secīgi pētījumi, katrs nākamais pētījums papildina iepriekšējo. Visos pētījumos kopā piedalījās 1114 respondenti. Respondenti aizpildīja pašnovērtējuma Autovadītāju uzvedības aptauju, Portreta vērtību aptauju, Attieksmes pret pārgalvīgu braukšanu aptauju un Attieksmju funkciju aptauju. Promocijas darba mērķis tika sasniegts un visas trīs hipotēzes apstiprinās. Tā kā promocijas darba zinātniskā aktualitāte ir individuālo vērtību pētīšana saistībā ar riskantu braukšanu, tad galvenais secinājums ir, ka vērtības nozīmīgi prognozē riskantu braukšanu. Atslēgas vārdi: vērtības, attieksme, attieksmju funkcijas, riskanta braukšana .Summary The aim of this doctoral study has been to establish whether individual values are able to predict risky driving and whether attitudes and attitude functions mediate the relations between values and behavior. Three hypotheses have been put forward – values predict risky driving; the attitudes as mediator within the value-behavior correlation. Three successive studies formed part of the doctoral thesis, each complementing the previous one. A total of 1114 respondents took part in these studies. The respondents filled out a self-assessment Drivers Behavior Questionnaire, Portrait Values Questionnaire, Attitudes to Reckless Driving Inventory and Attitude Function Questionnaire. The aim of the doctoral thesis has been achieved and all three hypotheses have been confirmed. The main conclusions is that values are significant predictors of risky driving. Key words: values, attitudes, attitude functions, risky drivin

    European Union Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation and its impact on crypto-asset issuers and service providers

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    The current laws for crypto-assets are not sufficient or are fragmented between countries. The European Union has taken the initiative to create a harmonized comprehensive regulation for crypto-assets. This thesis aims to analyse MiCA to determine if the proposed regulation will reduce the risk inherent in crypto-assets while fostering innovation and identify consequences and possible future improvements. The results indicate that MiCA is effective and will create a single regulatory framework within the EU. The authorisation and compliance requirements are adjusted for each type of crypto-asset, setting stricter rules for ARTs and EMTs. It will create legal certainty for CAIs and CASPs, improve investor confidence, and ensure market stability. MiCA will serve as an example for further development of international rules for crypto-assets. However, MiCA will need to be improved across multiple dimensions, and interconnections between the crypto-assets and the traditional financial system will need to be addressed

    Games and learning activities with nature materials for 4-5 years old children in order to stimulate interest

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    Bakalaura temats ir “Rotaļas ar dabas materiāliem 4-5 gadus veciem bērniem intereses sekmēšanai”. Darba mērķis: Teorētiski un praktiski pētīt rotaļas ar dabas materiāliem 4-5 gadus veciem bērniem intereses sekmēšanai. Darba teorētiskajā daļā autore ir analizējusi dažādu autoru atziņas par rotaļām ar dabas materiāliem 4-5 gadus veciem bērniem intereses sekmēšanai un dabas materiālu izmantošanu rotaļās un to nozīmīgumu pedagoģiskajā procesā. Bērna intereses līmenis sekmē kognitīvo un emocionālo procesu norisi un atvieglo dažādu prasmju pilnveidi. Darbā tiek apkopoti dažādu autoru, pedagogu un psihologu viedokļi par rotaļām ar dabas materialiem 4-5 gadus veciem bērniem intereses sekmēšanai. Darba empīriskajā daļā autore, pamatojoties uz apgūto teoriju, pētījusi intereses sekmēšanu rotaļās ar dabas materiāliem 4-5 gadus veciem bērniem, ja pedagoģiskajā procesā tiek piedāvāti daudzveidīgi dabas materiāli un atbilstoša vide. Pētījumā iesaistījās 4-5 gadus veci bērni un viņu vecāki, tika apkopots viņu viedoklis par rotaļām ar dabas materiāliem. Vadoties pēc aptaujas datiem un novērojumiem, autore bērniem rotaļās piedāvaja daudzveidīgus dabas materiālus kas sekmētu bērnu interesi. Autores izvirzītā hipotēze: 4-5 gadus vecu bērnu interese rotaļās ar dabas materiāliem tiek sekmēta, ja, pedagogs piedāvā daudzveidīgus dabas materiālus rotaļām un bērns iesaistās rotaļās. Veiktais darbs ļauj apgalvot, ka rotaļu ar dabas materiāliem nozīme bērna darbībā ir īpaši svarīga, tā ne tikai sekmē interesi, bet arī attīsta sadarbības prasmes, sniedz jaunas zināšanas un ļauj radoši un patstāvīgi darboties. Pētnieciskā darba autors – Agnese Muzikante. Darba apjoms – 45 lapas, attēlu skaits – 12, tabulu skaits – 3, pielikumu skaits – 2, izmantotās literatūras avotu skaits – 42. Atslēgas vārdi: rotaļas ar dabas materiāliem, intereses sekmēšana, bērna praktiskā darbība, sajūtu izmantošana.The topic of the bacheor thesis is “Games and learning activities with nature materials for 4-5 years old children in order to stimulate interest”. The purpose of the thesis: To study theory and practically analyze games and learning activities with nature materials for children aged 4-5 years to stimulate interest. In the theoretical part of this work, the author has gathered and analyzed the ideas of various authors about games with nature materials for children aged 4-5 years, as well as was observing the importance of it in the pedagogical process. The child's level of interest promotes cognitive and the process of emotional processes and facilitates the development of different skills. To complete the aim the author reviewed theory and findings of various authors - teachers, researchers and psychologists. In the analytic part of the thesis, based on theory, the author conducted several experiments and surveys about how children involvemnt and interest changes if children are provided with diverse natural materials in creative environment. The study involved 4-5 year old children and their parents, their opinion about games, activities and results were gathered and analysed. The author's hypothesis: the interest of 4-5 year old children in playing with nature materials is encouraged, if the teacher offers a variety of nature materials to play with and the child is encoraged to use it’s creativity in playing. Based on survey data and the author’s observations in the children’ playground offered a variety of natural materials that would create interest. The result of survey proved that games and activities with nature materials are essentially important, it not only boosts further interest, but also provides new, exciting knowledge about nature, stimulates cooperation skills and also encourages children to work creatively and independently. Author of work - Agnese Muzikante. The size of thesis – 45, the author used 45 literary sources, 12 figures, 3 tables and 2 appendices. Key words - learning activities with nature materials, interest stimulation, child’s practical work, usage of senses

    The identity of "Playboy" brand and its image in the viewpoint among the Latvian magazine version readers and Facebook pages PlayboyLatvia users (2013)

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    Bakalaura darba „Zīmola „Playboy” identitāte un tēls žurnāla latviešu versijas lasītāju un Facebook lapas PlayboyLatvia lietotāju priekšstatos (2013)” mērķis ir izpētīt, kāda ir šī zīmola identitāte un, kāds tēls ir Latvijas auditorijas priekšstatos. Teorētiskajā daļā tiek apskatīta zīmola un globālo žurnālu tirgus procesu teorijas. Metodoloģijas daļā apskatītas pētījumā izmantotās metodes, proti, kontentanalīze, semantiskais diferenciālis, anketēšana, daļēji strukturēta intervija un salīdzinātas kvalitatīvo, kvantitatīvo pētījumu metodes. Pētījuma rezultātos secināts, ka žurnāla Playboy latviskās versijas identitāte ir nestabila, tāpēc arī tēls Latvijas auditorijas priekšstatos ir neviennozīmīgs un mainīgs. Atslēgas vārdi: Playboy, zīmols, tēls, globālais medijs, glokalizācijaThe purpose of the bachelor thesis “The identity of "Playboy" brand and its image in the viewpoint among the Latvian magazine version readers and Facebook pages PlayboyLatvia users (2013)” is to find out what is the identity of brand and image of it in the perception of its audience. In the theoretical section is described the brand and the global magazine market process theory. This section covers the methodology used in the study methods, namely, content analysis, semantic differential, surveys, and semi-structured interview, as well as compared qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study results concluded that the Latvian version of “Playboy” magazine identity is unstable, the image of the Latvian audience perceptions is ambiguous and variable. Keywords: Playboy, brand, image, global medium,glocalization