6 research outputs found

    Histološko i histomorfometrijsko istraživanje kore malog mozga i srebrom obojenih regija nukleolusne organizacije Purkinjeovih neurona u štakora kronično tretiranim morfinom

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    The effects of chronic morphine administration on the rat cerebellum and silver stained nucleolus organizer regions in Purkinje cells were investigated by means of histological, histochemical and histometrical techniques. Thirty-two young (30-32 days of age) Wistar rats (equal numbers of both genders) were randomly divided into 2 groups, as control and morphine-treated, each having equal numbers of both genders, a total of 16 animals. The control animals were injected subcutaneously with 1mL/kg physiological saline, and the morphine-treated rats received 5 mg/kg morphine hydrochloride subcutaneously at daily intervals for 30 days. The thickness of the molecular and granular layers of the cerebellum, the diameters of the nuclei and nucleoli of cerebellar Purkinje neurones, and the number and size of the silver staining nucleolus organizer regions of the Purkinje cell nuclei were determined histomorphometrically. The morphine administration caused slight histological changes in the cerebellum. The molecular layer thickness of the cerebellum was significantly (P<0.05) reduced, and the decrease was mainly in the male animals. In contrast, the layer thickened insignificantly in the morphine-treated females. The granular layer thickened slightly but insignificantly in both genders of the morphine-treated group. The Purkinje cell count significantly decreased with morphine treatment. Nucleus size did not change with morphine treatment. However, morphine-treated animals had smaller nucleoli. It was concluded that morphine treatment caused significant histomorphological changes in the cerebellar cortex in a sexually dimorphic manner.Učinci kronične primjene morfina na mali mozak štakora i na srebrom obojene regije nukleolusne organizacije Purkinjeovih neurona istraživani su histološkim, histokemijskim i histometrijskim tehnikama. Trideset i dva mlada Wistar štakora (dob 30 - 32 dana), u jednakom omjeru spolova, metodom slučajnog izbora podijeljena su u dvije skupine s po 16 jedinki u svakoj skupini. Životinjama u kontrolnoj skupini potkožno je primijenjen 1 mL/kg fiziološke otopine, dok su životinje u pokusnoj skupini dobile 5 mg/kg morfin hidroklorida, potkožno, svaki dan tijekom 30 dana. Za određivanje zadebljanja molekularnih i granulacijskih slojeva maloga mozga, promjera jezgre i nukleolusa Purkinjeovih neurona u malom mozgu te broja i veličine srebrom obojenih regija nukleolusne organizacije Purkinjeovih neurona primijenjena je histomorfometrijska metoda. Davanje morfina izazvalo je blage histološke promjene u malom mozgu. Debljina molekularnog sloja maloga mozga značajno je smanjena (P<0,05). To je ponajprije bilo izraženo kod životinja muškoga spola, dok je molekularni sloj kod ženki tretiranih morfinom bio tek neznatno zadebljan. Granulirani sloj bio je blago i nesignifikantno zadebljan u oba spola unutar skupine tretirane morfinom. Broj Purkinjeovih stanica značajno je smanjen nakon primjene morfina, dok to nije bio slučaj s veličinom jezgre koja se nije mijenjala. No, životinje koje su dobivale morfin imale su manje nukleole. Zaključeno je da liječenje morfinom uzrokuje značajne histomorfološke promjene u kori maloga mozga, pri čemu važnu ulogu ima spol jedinke

    The morphometric and immunocytochemical analysis of the human carotid body.

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    The carotid bodies are paired organs located at the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries. Together with the aortic bodies they constitute the major arterial chemoreceptors that monitor the partial pressure of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH of arterial blood. The carotid body consists of groups of specific cells located in a rich vascular connective tissue including many nerve fibres. The functional unit of the organ: the cell clusters or glomoids, consists of two different cell types, namely the Type I cells and Type II cells. The thesis reviews previous work on the structure of human carotid body (HCB) and experimental studies so far on the organ including histopathological studies. In this thesis the following four types of study are reported: 1-General histology and ultrastructure of the normal human carotid body; 2-Postmortem changes in rat and human carotid bodies, the distribution of Type I cells in different pathological conditions and after different postmortem delays in fixing the tissue; 3-Quantitative studies of the human carotid body using morphometric and stereological techniques in various pathological conditions especially chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases "COPD", Essential hypertension (EH), Diabetes mellitus (DM), Thoracic carcinoma (THC); 4-The analysis of cell constituents of human carotid body using immunocytochemical (ICC) techniques. The following antibodies were studied: Neurofilament (for nervous constituents), S100 protein (for Type II and Schwann cells), Synaptophysin (for Type I cells). Von Willebrand Factor (to outline blood vessels), and Vimentin (for cells of mesencyhmal origin). Their immunoreactivity in different pathological conditions are also discussed. The carotid bodies in experimental animals contain only one variety of Type I cells whilst in the human carotid body three varieties of this cell type have been described (namely light, dark and pyknotic cells). The present study provides data, obtained from different postmortem human material, showing that the three different varieties of Type I cell are the effect of delays in fixation (autolytic changes) on the cell structure. The quantitative study of the distribution of cells, ultrastructural observation, and ICC analysis of the organ all together provide data that to perform an adequate human carotid body study it is essential that specimens should be obtained within 8 hours for light microscopy and immunocytochemistry and within 3 hours for electron microscopy. It has been reported that in chronic hypoxia and EH there is an increase in the size of the organ. The present work confirms these reports and in addition, provides stereological data that DM,THC, and chronic infection also alter HCB structure (hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia). The ICC study of COPD cases shows very variable results: in some cases the classic picture of the structural changes could not be observed whilst in others it was very strong. It was observed that there is an increase in the number of blood vessels and the volume of vasculature in COPD, EH, and DM. The morphological and ICC data presented provide new insight into the structure of human carotid body and advance the postmortem study of the organ. The changes in the structure of the human carotid body in different pathological conditions also provide better understanding of the condition of the organ in health and disease. It is also postulated that the previous experimental animal studies which were exposed to "long term hypoxic conditions" may not have been sufficiently exposed. This is essential to obtain similar structural changes that match human observations. It might be interesting to study much longer periods of hypoxia on experimental animals in order to see whether these longer exposures result ultimately in Type II cell hyperplasia

    Klinik Oncesi Yillardaki Tip Ogrencilerinin Anksiyete ve Depresyon Duzeyleri ve Etkili Olabilecek Faktorler

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    AIM: While training knowledgeable, competent and professional physicians for the patients health medical education distresses and sicken medical students. The aim of this study was to describe the general features of the preclinical years&#8217; students and the affect of these features on the anxiety and depression level of them. METHOD: In this descriptive and cross-sectional study an anonymous and voluntary questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic variables, questions related to medical education and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was applied to the first three years&#8217; students of medical faculty. For the analyses of the data Student-t test, One-way ANOVA and chi-square tests were used. RESULTS: The mean age of the students in the study group was 19.49&#177;1.54 years and 272 of them (56.1%) were male. The anxiety and depression levels of the students from rural parts of the country and whose parents&#8217; education levels were primary school or below were high (p<0.05). According to questions related to medical education there was a difference in anxiety levels of year one and two students who selected medical education in between first three choice (p=0.01) and between year two and three students who chose medicine because of occupation guarantee (p=0.00). There was a significant difference between students who noted family-intimates as the reason of their choice and liking medicine (p=0.00). The anxiety levels of the students who were absolutely unpleased with their choice were the highest (p<0.05). The mean anxiety and depression levels were 7.45&#177;3.79 and 5.60&#177;3.74 points and 87 students (17.9%) anxiety level, 136 students&#8217; (28.0%) depression level were above the cut of levels in the whole group. CONCLUSION: The results of this study points to the importance of voluntary and informed selection of medical education. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2011; 10(3.000): 303-312

    Poster presentations.

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