90 research outputs found

    An Action Research to Overcome Undergraduates’ Laboratory Anxiety

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    AbstractIn this study, it was aimed to determine and overcome undergraduates’ laboratory anxiety. For this purpose, Laboratory Anxiety Questionnaire (LAQ) was developed by researchers. LAQ was applied to 92 undergraduates as a pre-test and focus group interviews were performed to determine their laboratory anxiety. An action research was conducted by researchers. After instruction was accomplished in ten weeks, LAQ was applied as post-test. According to results, it was found that undergraduates’ laboratory anxiety related to working chemicals especially acids, using laboratory materials and equipments, laboratory accidents and making mistake, which were determined in the pre-test, were overcame in highly percentages

    Comparison of inquiry-based instruction in real and virtual laboratory environments: Prospective science teachers’ attitudes

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    This research aimed to compare how prospective science teachers’ attitudes towards chemistry laboratory and chemistry lesson changed after participation in inquiry-based instructions that were conducted in real and virtual laboratories. Thirty-four freshman prospective science teachers from an education faculty participated in the research and participants were assigned as Group-1 (N=17) and Group-2 (N=17). While Group-1 was accomplished inquiry-based instruction in the real laboratory, Group-2 was conducted the same instruction in the virtual laboratory. As a data source, attitude towards chemistry lesson scale and attitude towards chemistry laboratory scale were used. The semi-constructed interview was also conducted with all participants. According to results, although all the prospective science teachers’ attitudes toward chemistry lesson and laboratory improved significantly in both real and virtual laboratory environments, improvement in the prospective science teachers’ scores in a real laboratory environment significantly higher than those in the virtual laboratory. In addition to these, semi-structured interview results cohered with the results of the scales

    Comparison of the results of the tear function tests, ocular surface staining tests with vital dies, conjunctival impression cytology tests and conjunctival cultures of the patients with dry eye, anterior blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis and control group patients.

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    Kuru göz gözyaşı yetersizliğinden ya da aşırı gözyaşı buharlaşmasından kaynaklanan, interpalpebral alanda oküler yüzey hasarına ve oküler rahatsızlık semptomlarına yol açan gözyaşı filmi bozukluğudur. Blefarit kirpik diplerinin ve göz kapaklarının inflamatuar ve iltihabi bir hastalığıdır. Allerjik konjonktivit; spesifik antijenlere karşı gelişen bir aşırı duyarlılık reaksiyonudur. Bu üç hastalığın zemininde kronik oküler yüzey inflamasyonu vardır. Kuru göz de inflamasyonun şiddeti ile hastalarda görülen bulgu ve semptomların ciddiyeti paralellik gösterir. Blefarit ve allerjik konjonktivit de ise inflamasyonun şiddeti ve evresine göre hastalarda hem bu tablolara özel bulgu ve semptomlar vardır hem de oküler yüzeyin etkilenmesine ikincil kuru göz benzeri tablo da mevcuttur. Birbirlerine öykü, muayene bulguları ve laboratuar testleri olarak benzer bu üç hastalık grubu ve kontrol grubunun; gözyaşı fonksiyon testlerinin, vital boyalar ile oküler yüzey boyanma testlerinin, konjonktival impresyon sitolojisi testinin ve konjonktival kültür sonuçlarının; birbirleriyle karşılaştırıp, aralarındaki benzer ve farklı sonuçları ortaya çıkarılmasını amaçlayan bu prospektif, randomize, kontrollü çalışmaya Schirmer 1 testi değeri 10 mm'nin altında, gözyaşı kırılma zamanı 10 sn'nin altında olan 20 kuru göz hastası, kirpikler üzerinde kurutlanma, kabuklanma, ve keratokonjonktivitin bulunduğu 20 ön blefarit hastası, üst göz kapak tarsal konjoktivasında papiller hipertrofinin bulunduğu 20 allerjik konjonktivit hastası ve bu üç tabloya benzer hiçbir bulgusu olmayan 20 kontrol grubu hastası çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Tüm hastaların; Schirmer test skoru, gözyaşı kırılma zamanı değerleri, Oxford şemasından yararlanılarak derecelendirilen floreseinle korneal boyanma, lissamin yeşiliyle konjonktival boyanma evreleri, impresyon sitolojisi yöntemiyle bakılan goblet hücre yoğunluğu ve Nelson evrelemesi kullanılarak değerlendirilen metaplazi skorları ve konjonktival kültür sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak çalışmamızda; inflamatuar zeminde gelişen bu üç hastalığın, oküler yüzeyde meydana getirdikleri lokal inflamasyonun ciddiyeti ile paralel olacak şekilde hasara yol açtığı saptanmıştır. Özellikle bu hasarın; konjonktival goblet hücre yoğunluğu üzerinde çok ciddi etkileri saptanmıştır. Goblet hücrelerindeki bu kaybın derecesi ile hasta semptomlarının ve klinik bulguların ilişkili olduğu saptanmıştır. Üç hasta grubunda da bakteriyolojik açıdan düşük üreme oranının olduğu saptanmıştır.Dry eye is a tear film disorder which may result in ocular surface damage and ocular discomfort symptoms in the interpalpebral region due to tear insufficiency or excessive tear evaporation. Blepharitis is an inflammatory disease of the eyelash bottoms and eye lid margin. Allergic conjunctivitis is an excessive sensitivity reaction which developed against the specific antigens. Chronic ocular surface inflammation underlies these three diseases. The degree of the inflammation in the dry eye and severity of the findings and symptoms which are observed in the patients are similar to each other. As for blepharitis and allergic conjunctivitis, findings and symptoms which are specific to these tables are existent in the patients depending on the magnitude and phase of the inflammation and also a table like dry eye is also existent secondary to the affection of the ocular surface. Twenty dry eye patients whose Schirmer 1 scores were under 10 mm and tear break up time is under 10 seconds; 20 anterior blepharitis patients who had drying, crusting, keratoconjunctivitis; 20 allergic conjunctivitis patients having papillary hypertrophy in upper eye lid tarsal conjunctiva and 20 control group patients who had no findings in common to these three tables were included into this prospective, randomized and controlled study which aimed to compare the results of the tear function tests, ocular surface staining tests with vital dies, conjunctival impression cytology tests and conjunctival cultures of the three patients groups and control group patients who had similar to each other in terms of anamnesis, examination findings and laboratory tests and set forth the similar and different results among them. Schirmer scores, tear break up time scores, corneal staining with fluorescein and conjunctival staining with lissamine green which were graded by means of Oxford scheme, goblet cell density which was observed with the impression cytology and metaplasia scores which were assessed with the Nelson gradation and the conjunctival culture results of all patients were compared. In conclusion, it was ascertained that, these three diseases which developed due to inflammatory reasons led to damages which were parallel to the severity of the local inflammation they caused. It was especially found that this damage had very serious impacts on the goblet cell density. It was detected that the degree of this loss on the goblet cells were associated with the patient?s symptoms and the clinical findings. It was also found that a low rate of bacteriological reproduction was existent in three patient groups

    Impact of virtual chemistry laboratory instruction on pre-service science teachers' scientific process skills

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    This study aimed to investigate the impact of virtual chemistry laboratory instruction on pre-service science teachers' scientific process skills. For this purpose, eight laboratory activities related to chemical kinetic, chemical equilibrium, thermochemistry, acids-bases, and electrochemistry were developed. Those activities were performed in virtual laboratory environment by the pre-service teachers in the experimental group and in the real laboratory environment by c the pre-service teachers in the control group during eight weeks. Scientific process skills test developed by Burns, Okey and Wise [3], and translated into Turkish by Ates and Bahar [2] was used before and after the instructions for data collection. According to results, while there was no significant difference between pre-test mean scores (U=133.500, p>0.05), significant difference between post-test mean scores was found in favour of experimental group (U= 76.000, p<0.05). In addition, while no significant difference between pre-test mean scores for each sub-dimension was found, significant difference between post-test mean scores for designing investigation and formulating hypothesis skills was found in favour of experimental group

    Kimya Laboratuvarında Tahmin-Gözlem-Açıklama Uygulamaları: Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Anlamaları veTutumları

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    Sunulan çalışmada ,Karışımlar, Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Değişim, Asitler ve Bazlar' konularında tahmin gözlem açıklamaya dayalı laboratuvar etkinliklerinin sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının anlamalarına ve kimya dersine ve kimya laboratuvarına karşı tutumlarına etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla sınıf öğretmeni adayları deney (N=26) ve kontrol (N=30) gruplarına ayrılmıştır. Laboratu-var etkinlikleri on hafta süresince deney grubunda tahmin gözlem açıklamaya dayalı olarak ger çekleştirilirken, kontrol grubu geleneksel yaklaşıma dayalı yürütülmüştür. Veri toplama aracı ola-rak iki aşamalı kavram testi, kimya dersine karşı tutum ölçeği ve kimya laboratuvarına karşı tutum ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar tahmin gözlem açıklamaya dayalı laboratuvar etkinlikleriyapan sı-nıf öğretmeni adaylarının geleneksel yaklaşıma dayalı etkinlikler gerçekleştirenlere kıyasla başarı, kimya dersine ve kimya laboratuvarına karşı tutum açısında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde daha yüksek puana sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Ayrıca tahmin gözlem açıklamaya dayalı labo-ratuvar etkinliklerinin çalışmanın öncesinde belirlenen alternative kavramları gidermede oldukça başarılı olduğu bulunmuştur.This study was conducted to investigate the effects of laboratory activities based on predictobserve-explain tasks related to the subjects of ,Mixtures, Physical and Chemical Changes, Acids and Bases' on pre-service elementary teachers' understanding and attitude toward chemistry lesson and chemistry laboratory. For this purpose, the pre-service elementary teachers were randomly assigned to experimental (N=26) and control (N=30) groups. The experimental group was instructed using laboratory activities based on predict-observe-explain task and the control group was taught using traditional cook-book design laboratory activities during ten weeks. For the data collection, a two-tier concept test, attitude toward chemistry lesson scale and attitude toward chemistry laboratory scale were applied before and after the instructions. The results indicated that the pre-service elementary teachers who were trained using laboratory activities based on predictobserve-explain task had significantly higher scores in terms of achievement and attitude toward chemistry lesson and laboratory than those taught by the traditional approach. It was also found that instruction for laboratory activities based on predict-observe-explain task was more successful in remediation of the predetermined alternative conception

    Evaluating of preservice science teachers’ understanding DF general chemistry cdncepts by using twd tier diagnostic test

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    This research aimed at evaluating pre-service science teachers’ understanding of the subject matters such as “thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases and electrochemistry”. For this purpose, a two-tier diagnostic test consisting of 44 items (? = 0.84) related to the aforementioned concepts was developed by the researchers. This test was applied on to the first, second, and third year pre-service science teachers in Hasan Ali Yucel Education Faculty, Istanbul University. The results showed that the pre-service science teachers had alternative conceptions about endothermic-exothermic reactions, conservation of energy, reaction enthalpy, calorimeters; rate of reaction, reaction rate constant, effects of some factors on reaction rate and reaction rate constant; effects of some factors on equilibrium, equilibrium dynamics, Le Chatelier Principle; equivalence point, end point, indicators, buffers, titrations, neutralization, strength and properties of acids and bases, pH; effects of concentrations on cell potential, metal electrodes, localization of anode and cathode, plating, galvanization. © 2016, Scientific Methodical Center. All rights reserved.2-s2.0-8496035421