63 research outputs found

    The impact of hybrid capture-based comprehensive genomic profiling on treatment strategies in patients with solid tumors

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    Objective: The development of bioinformatics and comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) has provided insights into the ap-plicability and functionality of the genomic alterations (GA). In this study, we evaluated the impact of CGP on the treatment plan and outcomes in a significant number of patients. Material and Methods: We carried out a retrospective case-control study on 164 adult patients with advanced solid tumors from 15 oncology centers in Türkiye. Results: In all cases, CGP was performed within 23.8 [standard deviation (SD)±32.1] months of initial diagnosis. Non-small cell lung carcinoma, breast cancer, unknown primary carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, and sarcoma were among the most common tumor types, accounting for 61.5% of all cases. CGP was performed immediately after the diagnosis of advanced cancer in 13 patients (7.9%). In 158 patients (96.4%), at least one GA was found as per the CGP report. Also, in the reports, the average tumor mutational burden (TMB) and GAs were 7.3 (SD±8.7) mut/Mb and 3.5 (SD±2.0), respectively. According to CGP reports, 58 patients had 79 evidence-based drug suggestions for their particular tumor type, whereas 97 patients had 153 evidence-based drug suggestions for another tumor type. After the primary oncologist interpreted the CGP reports, significant changes were made to the treatment of 35 (21.3%) patients. Conclusion: We strongly believe that in the future, high-TMB or other tumor-agnostic biomarkers will become much more afford-able, and CGP will serve as one of the major decision-making tools for the treatment of patients along with pathological, radiological or lab-oratory tests

    Örgütsel tükenmişlik ve örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisi; bir sivil toplum kuruluşu üzerinde araştırma

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    ÖZETAraştırmanın amacı kâr amacı gütmeyen örgütler olarak ifade edilen sivil toplum kuruluşları iş görenlerinin örgütsel tükenmişlik ile örgütsel bağlılık boyutları arasındaki ilişkiyi ampirik çalışmayla ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma kapsamında evrenin tümüne ulaşmakta engeller olduğu için evreni temsil gücü yüksek İstanbul’da faaliyet yürüten örgütlerden Marmara Hukuk Derneği iş görenleridir. Derneğin 400 iş görenine gönderilen anketlerden 124 tanesi geri dönüş yapmış olup 110 tanesi örnekleme dahil edilmiştir. Veri toplama araçları için Genel Bilgi Formu, Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği ve Allen Meyer Bağlılık Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde SPSS yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın modeli, hipotezleri, varsayım ve sınırlılıkları tespit edilmiş olup; standart sapmaları, aritmetik ortalamalar, frekans ve varyanslar ve yüzde dağılımları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmanın güvenilirlik, geçerlilik ve faktör analizleri yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Pearson Korelasyn Analizi, KMO ve Barlett’s ve Principal Component Analysis, Vrimax With Kaiser Normalization teknikleri kullanılarak verilerin analizi yapılmıştır.Araştırma sonucunda; Marmara Hukuk Derneği iş görenlerinin örgütsel tükenmişlik düzeyleri ile örgütsel bağlılık düzeyleri arasında ters yönlü ve anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda kâr amacı güden örgütler ile kâr amacı gütmeyen örgüt iş görenleri arasında önemli farklılıklar olmadığı, iş görenlerin davranış tutum ve tepkilerinin farklı olmadığı saptanmıştır. --------------------ABSTRACTThe purpose of the research is reveal the relationship between Organizational Burnout and Organizational Commitment of personnel in non-govermental Organizations which is expressed non-profit organizations.Because of the fact that have some obstacles to reach all population within research, Marmara Law Organization’s personnel, having high representative sample was preferred. The surveys have been sent to 400 personnel. 110 of 124 surveys has been included to the sample. General Information Form, Maslach Burnout Inventory and Allen Meyer Organizational Commitment Inventory were used to collect data. SPSS was used to analyse the data collected. Both research method, hypotheses, constraints of research and the standards deviations, arithmetic averages, frequencies variations and percentage distributions of the research was determined. Besides the reliability, validity and factor analyses was done. With the contribution of Pearson Correlation Analysis, KMO and Barlett’s and Principal Component Analysis and Vrimax with Caiser Normalization techniques, collected data was able to analyzedTo conclude, it has been established that there are negative and significant differences between Organizational burnout level and Organizational Commitment level of personnel in Marmara Law Organization. Finally it has been established that there are no significant differences between attitude and behaviours of personnel in non-profit organizations and profit-oriented organizations. In light of these findings, the results were discussed with the literature and recommendations were made

    Internet Addiction, Psychosocial Variables and Perceived Social Support in University Students

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    Aim:The aim of this study was to examine socio-demographic data and perceived social support that predict internet addiction in university students.Materials and Methods:Randomly selected 399 university students living in Istanbul, the data collection tools were delivered over the internet, were included.Results:The frequency of internet use has been determined that 31.83% of the participants use the internet for five hours or more a day, and 72.18% use the internet seven days a week. It was determined that there was a significant difference between the internet addiction level of the participants and their age (p=0.010) and marital status (p=0.017). No significant difference was found between marital status and perceived social support level (p=0.845). It was determined that the level of perceived social support had a negative and significant effect on internet addiction at the level of -0.199 (p=0.000).Conclusion:The results of our study indicate that as the perceived social support level in university students increases, the level of internet addiction decreases. Studies are needed to determine the mediating factors between perceived social support and internet addiction

    Unexplained ınfertility: A current overview

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    Açıklanamayan infertilite, kovansiyonel tetkiklerle sebebi tespit edilemeyen ve infertil çiftlerin %15’inde görülen bir durumdur. Nedeni tespit edilemediği için tedavisinde kullanılan yöntemler nedeni ortadan kaldırmaktan çok ampirik olarak fertilite oranlarını artırmaya yöneliktir. Bu amaçla; bekleme tedavisi, klomifen sitrat, gonadotropin ile ovaryen hiperstimulasyon, intrasevikal inseminasyon, intrauterine inseminasyon ve in vitro fertilizasyon gibi tedavi yöntemleri günümüze kadar tek başlarına veya kombine olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemedeki amaç, literatürde mevcut tedavi yöntemlerinin etkinliğini göstererek, açıklamayan infertilite tedavisinde uygun tedavi stratejileri geliştirmeye yardımcı olmaktır.Infertility is defined as unexplained when all of the tests of a basic infertility evaluation return within normal limits and present in 15% of infertile couples. Since the reason for infertility cannot be diagnosed, the treatment usually tries to improve fertility rates empirically. Several different treatment modalities, such as expectant management, clomiphene citrate, ovarian hyperstimulation with the use of gonadotropins, intracervical insemination, intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization, have been used alone or in combination up to date. The purpose of this review is to present the current treatment options in the literature and hopefully to aid clinicians in developing efficient and effective treatment strategies for unexplained infertility

    Bilateral smiltaneously central serous choroidoretinopathy in a physician related to working conditions

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    Kırk yaşında mesleği doktorluk olan hasta, her iki gözde hafif derecede görme azalması ve baktığı nesneleri karanlık görme şikayetiyle başvurdu. Her iki gözde görme keskinliği 9/10 seviyesindeydi ve tashihle artış göstermedi. Göz içi basıncı her iki gözde 14mmHg olarak ölçüldü. Bilateral ön segment muayenesi doğal, fundus muayenesinde her iki gözde fovea refle kaybı vardı. Maküler bölgede seröz dekolman gözlenmedi. Optik koherans tomografi (OKT)’de sığ bir santral seröz koryo- retinopati (SSKR) gözlendi. Sistemik bir hastalığı mevcut değildi. Ancak bir ay önce yeni geçtikleri ?aile hekimliği sistemi ? nedeniyle bir hayli stresli olduğunu söyledi. Hastaya iş ortamından bir süre uzaklaşması önerildi ve herhangi bir tıbbi te- davi verilmedi. İki ay sonra hastanın şikayetleri tamamen düzeldi. Retina tabakalarındaki iyileşme OKT ile görüntülendi.Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSR) is commonly seen in young men, and self limited retinal disease. There are several treatments for this disease but usually %90 self limitation can be seen in young men in a few months.Emotional Stress is the leading factors of the pathogenesis of this disease. We here represent clinical and OCT features of a bilateral CSR case whose job is family doctor. There is no any other stress factor in his life but his job instability. Medical profession is one of the most stressful vocation, in this case we want to concluse that CSR in a young physician

    A case of bilateral giant macular hole with chronic renal failure

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    Ondört yıldır kronik böbrek yetmezliği (KBY) olan 25 yaşındaki erkek hasta 8 yıl önce her iki gözden katarakt cerrahisi geçirdiğini ifade etti. Ameliyattan bir yıl sonra bir hemodiyaliz seansında her iki gözde görmesinin azaldığını ifade etti. Yapılan oftalmolojik muayenede iki taraflı dev maküla deliği saptandı. Olgumuzun KBY hastası olması ve dev maküla de- liğinin bilateral özellik taşıması literatürde sık görülmeyen bir durumdur. Bu denli büyük boyuttaki iki taraflı dev maküla deliği olgusunu sunmayı amaçladık.A 25-year old male with chronic renal failure admitted to our outpatient clinic. He had a history of cataract surgery for the both eyes. The patient noticed reduced vision during the hemodialysis procedure one year after the cataract surgery. Oph- thalmological examination revealed bilateral giant macular holes. It is rare in the literature that a patient has bilateral gi- ant macular holes associated with chronic renal failure. We aimed to present such giant bilateral holes in the current study