126 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPerpustakaan Keliling ialah perpustakaan umum untuk melayani masyarakat yang tidak terjangkau oleh pelayanan perpustakaan umum mengingat keterbatasan dan kelemahan perpustakaan umum. Perpustakaan keliling berperan penting dalam meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat di pedesaan. Kurangnya minat masyarakat untuk berkunjung ke perpustakan keliling menjadi suatu permasalahan besar terhadap peningkatan minat baca masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh program perpustakaan keliling terhadap minat baca masyarakat di kawasan Ulee Lheue. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Peranan milik Soerjono Soekanto. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan Ulee Lheue Kecamatan Meuraxa Kota Banda Aceh, karena kawasan ini merupakan salah satu kawasan yang memiliki perpustakaan keliling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis metode purposive sampling, dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kehadiran perpustakaan keliling di kawasan Ulee Lheue kurang diminati oleh masyarakat setempat, selain karena bahan bacaan yang terbatas dan tidak beragam, pihak perpustakaan keliling juga sangat minim dalam melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat menumbuhkan minat baca pada masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Perpustakaan Keliling, Minat Baca, Masyaraka

    Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens Fed Ration Containing Coriander Seeds (Coriandrum sativum Linn)

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    The aims of this study were to determine the effect of diets containing different levels of coriander seeds on performance and egg quality of Lohmann Brown laying hens. A total of 96 Lohmann Brown laying hens of 43 weeks of age were randomly allocated into 16 experimental units by assigning a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications that kept for 6 weeks. The treatment diets were R0: diet with 0% supplementation of coriander seeds powder (control), R1: diet with supplementation of 1% coriander seeds powder, R2: diet with supplementation of 2% coriander seeds powder, and R3: diet with supplementation of 3% coriander seeds powder. The results showed that supplementation of coriander seeds in diets did not affect egg weight, egg production, and egg mass. Supplementation of coriander seeds 2%-3% significantly (P<0.05) decreased feed consumption and feed conversion ratio. Supplementation of coriander seeds 1%-3% significantly (P<0.05) increased yellowness in yolk color without affecting other quality parameters. It can be concluded that supplementation of coriander seeds at the levels of 2%-3% decreased feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and increased yolk color, however, the supplementation at all levels in diets did not affect egg weight, egg production, and egg mass

    Ipteks Pelayanan Prima terhadap Kinerja Bagian Keuangan Atas Klaim Dana Pensiun PT Taspen (Persero) Cabang Manado

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    PT TASPEN (Persero) Manado Branch is a State-owned business entity whose task is to manage social insurance programs which in this case handle the pension fund and old age savings program. Then, in its service, PT TASPEN (Persero) certainly requires the existence of procedures that are implemented in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Good service in insurance companies is certainly very influential on the assessment of financial performance and the existence of companies in shutter outside the company. Influence on financial performance because in the implementation of its main duties the part that regulates the problem of claiming funds is the field of services and benefits, where the fields are directly related to customers. So it is very important that there is good customer service so that it can carry out its duties and responsibilities in accordance with the objectives of the company, which is to become a trusted, clean and healthy pension and THT social insurance provider

    Ketahanan Aksesi Jeruk Seedles Terhadap Tiga Strain Virus Tristeza Jeruk

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    Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) merupakan salah satu penyakit yang merugikan secara ekonomi pada jeruk. Penyakit ini telah menyebar merata di pertanaman jeruk seluruh Indonesia. Tiap varietas jeruk mempunyai ketahanan yang berbeda-beda terhadap penyakit ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat ketahanan kandidat jeruk seedless hasil mutasi dengan radiasi sinar Gamma terhadap tiga strain penyakit Citrus tristeza virus. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Terpadu dan screen house Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Balitjestro)selama 1 tahun. Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah seleksi dan perbanyakan strain CTV, pengujian ketahanan 9 kandidat mutan dan 2 tanaman berasal dari induk MT-49, MT-50, MT-52, MT-54, MT-89, MT-92 (mutasi dari tetua K SoE), MT-68 (mutasi dari tetua K Garut), KS 001(hasil silangan), KS 002 (tetua Tai Ayam), MT P2A6 (mutasi dari tetua Pamelo Nambangan1), MT P1A4 (mutasi dari tetua Pamelo Nambangan2). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap masa inkubasi, intensitas penyakit berdasarkan gejala visual dan uji serologi Elisa. Tingkat ketahanan didasarkan pada gejala visual dan hasil pengujian dengan Elisa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gejala vein clearing, vein cupping, vein crocking dan stem pitting di temukan pada areal pertanaman jeruk. Masa inkubasi CTV pada kandidat mutan dengan inokulasi masing-masing strain bervariasi antara 3-5 minggu. Intensitas penyakit yang timbul akibat inokulasi masing-masing strain bervariasi, demikian juga tingkat ketahanan tanaman. Aksesi varietas yang resisten terhadap strain CTV parah (severe strain) adalah MT P2A6 dan MT P1A4; aksesi toleran terhadap strain CTV parah adalah MT 49, MT 52, MT 54, MT 68, MT 92, KS 002 dan aksesi yang peka terhadap strain CTV parah adalah MT 50, MT 89, KS 001

    Pengaruh Faktor Kepribadian Pegawai dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Kantor Regional XII Bkn Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to investigate the influence of personality and environmentalfactors on the performance of employees working at the Regional Office XII BKNPekanbaru. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive statisticalanalysis method and multiple linear regression analysis.This research uses a survey method, where as many as 48 employees weresampled prior to hypothesis testing, the primary data questionnaire validity andtested first realibitasnya using SPSS version 17. The regression equation was thentested with analysis of classical assumption of normality test, multicollinearity,heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test and linearity test analysis of therelationship of independent variables with the dependent variable is done byanalysis of t test, F test, determinant coefficient ( adjusted R 2 ) and correlationcoefficient ( R ).The results showed an employees personality and work environmentsimultaneously (together) have a significant effect on the performance ofemployees in an employees personality persial significant effect on theperformance of employees, where the indicator accuracy (conscientiousness) andbreadth indicators (extraversion). For the working environment persialsignificant effect on the performance of employees, where the physical workenvironment indicator gets low value that needs to be done to repair the physicalworking conditions.Kata Kunci : Employee Personality,Work Environment,Employee Performanc

    Performance of Layer Hen Fed Fermented Jatropha Curcas L. Meal Supplemented with Cellulase and Phytase Enzyme

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    The objective of the experiment was to study the effect of feeding fermented Jatropha curcas L.meal (JCM) supplemented with cellulase and phytase on the performances of ISA-Brown laying henaged 25-30 weeks. The Jatropha curcas meal was fermented using Rizhopus oligosporus. In this study200 laying hens were used and distributed to 5 treatments and 4 replications in Completely RandomizedDesign. The diet treatments were: R0 = control diet (without JCM), R1; diet contained fermented JCM7.5%, R2; diet contained fermented JCM 7.5% + celullase 200 g/ton, R3; diet contained fermented JCM7.5% + phytase 200 g/ton and R4; diet contained fermented JCM 7.5% + cellulase 200 g/ton + phytase200 g/ton. The parameters observed were feed consumption, hen day egg production, egg massproduction, egg weight and feed conversion ratio. The results showed that feeding fermented JCM 7.5%,both enzyme supplemented as well as unsupplemented significantly decreased (P<0.05) the feedconsumption, hen day egg and egg mass production. However, the treatments did not influence the eggweight. Supplementation of cellulase (R2) or phytase (R3) improved the feed conversion ratio with thevalue as same as the R0 diet

    Uji Patogenisitas Jamur Entomopatogen Hirsutella Citriformis, Beauveria Bassiana, Dan Metarhizium Anisopliae Secara Eka Dan Dwiinfeksi Untuk Mengendalikan Diaphorina Citri Kuw.

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    . Dwiastuti, M.E., W. Nawir, and S. Wuryantini. 2007. Pathogenicity Test of Entomopathogens of Hirsutella citriformis, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae with Single and Double Infection to Control Diaphorina citri Kuw. The chemical control of D. citri, CVPD disease vector's was one of major method applied in the field, but it has several side effects, such as of insect resistance or environmental pollution. Control measures of D. citri by using biological agents have the potency to reduce insecticide application, especially the use of H. citriformis entomopathogen, besides M. anisopliae and B. bassiana, that were popular before. Several field pest observers indicated that natural infection of H. citriformis could accelerate the mortality of D. citri if combined with other entomopathogens. The objectives of this study was to measure entomopathogenicity of H. citriformis in controlling D. citri in combination with other entomopathogens. The research was conducted at the Micology Laboratory, Indonesian Citrus and Subtropic Fruit Research Institute and Jombang citrus farmer field. The treatments tested were H. citriformis, B. bassiana, M. anisopliae and their combination. The randomized block design with 3 replications was used in this experiment. The results showed that double infection of B. bassiana and H. citriformis was most sinergism than others treatments, which caused highest mortality of D. citri, followed by single infection of H. citriformis

    Evaluation of Feeding Indigofera Zollingeriana Leaf Meal and Sardinella Lemuru Fish Oil on Lipids Metabolism of Local Ducks

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness USAge of Indigofera zollingeriana leaf meal (I) and Sardinella lemuru fish oil (L) in diets on the decreasing levels of cholesterol and lipid metabolism of laying duck. One hundred and forty-four Magelang ducks aged 20-32 weeks, laying periode, with an average body weigth of 1,72±0,12 kg were used, which were divided into 6 groups of experimental diets, 3 replications, and of 8 layers each. A completely randomized design, 3x2 factorial design was used in this experiment. The first factor was USAge Indigofera zollingeriana leaf meal which replaced protein soybean meal (0%, 5,5%, 11%). The second factor was USAge Sardinella lemuru fish oil (0%, 2%). The results showed that the treatment (I5.5L2) was highly significant affected (P<0.01) the level of triglyceride, HDL, and LDL in the blood. The treatment I0L2 significantly decrease (P<0.05) total cholesterol of blood lipid profile and meat cholesterol. The treatment (I11L2) was highly significantly decreased (P<0.01) egg cholesterol. The conclusion of this study was that feeding Indigofera zollingeriana leaf meal 5.5% and Sardinella lemuru fish oil 2% in laying duck's diet could maintain the balance of blood lipid profiles by lowering plasma triglycerides, LDL, cholesterol and raising up plasma HDL and plays an important role on lipid metabolism of Magelang laying ducks to produce eggs and meat with low cholesterol content
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