140 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Hukum Waris Adat Minangkabau dalam Pembagian Warisan pada Masyarakat Minangkabau di Aceh (Studi di Kecamatan Tapaktuan, Aceh Selatan)

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    The Customary Inheritance Law in Indonesia is highly influenced by the kinship system relevant to the related community. To Minangkabau people who have settled permanently in other regions (perantauan) like Tapaktuan Subdistrict, can have different views on the implementation of their customary law, particularly in inheritance system. The research used a judicial empirical and descriptive analytic method. 86.6% of the Minangkabau community that settles in Tapaktuan Subdistrict nowadays implements Acehnese customary law in distributing inheritance. The procedures are as follows: a)excluding the rights related to the inheritance, (b)involving Religious Leader to carry out the distribution of inheritance (some of them in with the family relationship), (c) deciding who the heirs are, (d)determining the share of each heir, (e)performing the inheritance distribution. The obstacles that discourage the implementation of Minangkabau Customary Inheritance Law in Tapaktuan Sub-district are: a)the influence of the religious belief, b)marriage, c)the absence of witness from Minangkabau communit

    Supplementation of Mangosteen Pericarp Meal and Vitamin E on Egg Quality and Blood Profile of Laying Hens

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    This research aimed to study the supplementation effects of mangosteen pericarp meal (MPM) and vitamin E (VE) in the diets on the egg quality and blood profile of laying hens. This research used 160 laying hens of Lohman strains 24 weeks of age. The observation was conducted for 11 weeks. A completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications (10 birds each) was used in this experiment. The treatments consisted of R0 (control diet), R1 (R0 + 1 g MPM/kg ration), R2 (R0 + 2 g MPM/kg ration) and R3 (R0 + 200 mg VE/kg ration). Variables measured were egg quality, yolk cholesterol, and blood profiles. The data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and any significant difference between the treatment means were further tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that supplementation of 1 g MPM/kg ration in the diet significantly (P<0.05) decreased blood triglycerides compared with the control, laying hens fed with diet suplemented with of 2 g MPM/kg ration, and laying hens with diet suplemented with 200 mg VE/kg ration. Supplementation of MPM and VE did not affect (P>0.05) egg quality (except shell thickness), blood cholesterol, and HDL, respectively. In conclusion, supplementation of 1 g MPM/kg in the diet of laying hens could decrease blood triglycerides

    Normalization of China-Indonesia’s diplomatic relations and the role of the mianzi concept

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    This thesis examines the normalization of China-Indonesia’s diplomatic relations in order to understand China’s main motivation. The “micro-macro linkage” approach is used to uphold the empirical evidence that is enhanced by the mianzi concept. In Chinese culture, mianzi consists of honourable values and meanings. The result of this research shows that the changes in China’s foreign policy priority have been caused by the demise of the socialist power in the late 1980s and the Tiananmen incident in 1989. Threat to China’s sovereignty and unity has been the basis of the priority to keep the country’s honour and existence. The term baoquan mianzi is used in this matter. It means using the whole potential of the Chinese people to defend the country’s honour. The People's Republic of China’s international image and glory need to be restored. The normalization of diplomatic relations has proven to be part of baoquan mianzi effort and has given China a big opportunity to participate in regional and global forums. KeywordsNormalization of relations, China-Indonesia’s diplomatic relations, baoquan mianzi, global opportunities

    The Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 Gene with Organic Selenium Supplementation and Its Effetc on Productivity of Broilers in Tropical Environment

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    The purpose of this experiment is to study the effect of organic selenium (Se) supplementation on the expression of heat shock protein 70 gene (HSP70), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) enzyme activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) and productivity of broilers in tropical environment. Three kinds of environmental pens were designed in this experiment: comfortable environment pens with temperature of air conditioner adjusted at 22oC (R0), tropical environment pens (±30oC ) without organic Se (R1), and tropical environment pens supplemented with 0.30 ppm organic Se (R2). One hundred and twenty broiler chickens (unisex) were used in this study. There were 40 chicks per pen for each treatment. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications for each treatment. The data were statistically analyzed using the general linear model of SAS program. Results showed that R0 and R2 groups had significantly increased (P<0.05) feed intake, body weight, body weight gain, and decreased feed conversion ratio compared to R1 groups. Meanwhile, the expression of HSP70, GSH-Px enzyme activity and MDA of R2 groups and R0 groups were significantly lower (P<0.05) than that of R1 groups. It was concluded that the broilers given 0.30 ppm organic Se in tropical environment had similar productivity and expression of HSP 70 with broilers kept in comfortable environment

    Effects of Amino Acid Supplementation on Nutritional Values and L-Carnitin of Broiler Meat

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    . Fat is the source of energy and fatty acid in poultry nutrition but palm oil addition will increase fat and lower protein meat content. Proper diet manipulation can modify broiler meat nutrient content and increase its nutritional value. Essential and nonessential amino acid supplementation was reported to affect meat nutrient composition. This research was aimed to manipulate meat nutrient content by amino acid supplementation. Completely Randomized Design was assigned to six treatment and four replicates. Broilers were fed with treatment feed consisted of R0 (basal feed with 5% palm oil); R1 (basal feed + 0.25% glycine); R2 (basal feed + 0.25% taurine); R3 (basal feed + 15% total lysine and methionine basal feed); R4 (basal feed + 0.25% glycine + 0.25% taurine); R5 (basal feed + 0.25% glycine + 0.25% taurine + 15% total lysine and methionine of basal feed). Parameters observed were dry matter content, crude protein, crude fat and L-carnitine of meat. Meat nutrient content was subjected to anova followed by Tukey test for changes in variables, while descriptive statistics were used to analyzed L-carnitine. Result showed that amino acid supplementation significantly increased broiler dry matter and fat content but did not significantly affect protein content. L-carnitine decreased after amino acid supplementation except broilers fed with R5 ration. It can be concluded that broilers fed with R5 ration was the most nutritious due to high L-carnitine and meat protein but relatively low fat

    Membran Alginat Sebagai Pembalut Luka Primer Dan Media Penyampaian Obat Topikal Untuk Luka Yang Terinfeksi

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    Alginat sampai saat ini belum dimanfaatkan untuk tekstil medis, terutama sebagai produk alternatif pembalut luka primer. Dari penelitian terdahulu diperoleh membran alginat berdaya serap tinggi, bersifat anti bakteri dan dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka, namun bukan antibiotik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lanjutan yang bertujuan untuk membuat membran alginat yang mengandung obat (Basitrasin dan Neomisin), agar dihasilkan membran dengan kualitas lebih baik, karena dapat menyembuhkan luka yang terinfeksi. Oleh karenanya diperlukan penelitian lanjutan. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi uji fisika, analisa gugus fungsi dan struktur mikro serta uji pre klinis.Penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan membran yang dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka yang terinfeksi. Diharapkan, produk ini dapat digunakan untuk mensubstitusi kebutuhan pembalut luka impor. Dengan demikian, apabila bahan bakunya berasal dari sumber daya alam yang ada, maka selain akan lebih ekonomis lagi, diharapkan terciptanya diversifikasi produk yang mempunyai nilai tambah.Dari hasil uji ternyata kualitas produk dipengaruhi oleh kondisi proses. Semakin besar konsentrasi alginat, membran semakin kuat, berat dan tebal, namun mulurnya berkurang. Membran memenuhi beberapa kriteria sebagai pembalut luka dan media penyampaian obat topikal, yaitu berdaya absorpsi tinggi, berpori, memiliki sifat fisik yang memadai, dan dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka yang terinfeksi

    Pembuatan Karboksimetil Selulosa Dari Limbah Tongkol Jagung Untuk Pengental Pada Proses Pencapan Tekstil

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    Limbah pertanian, antara lain tongkol jagung sampai saat ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Untukitu dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan menaikkan nilai tambah limbah tersebut melalui proses karboksimetilasi,sehingga dihasilkan produk, yaitu karboksimetil selulosa (CMC) yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengental padaproses pencapan tekstil. Penelitian dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan proses, meliputi pemurnian awal,delignifikasi, alkalisasi, karboksimetilasi, pemurnian CMC, penetralan dan pengeringan. Reaksi karboksimetilasiyang terjadi dapat diketahui melalui analisa dengan spektra FTIR yang menunjukkan adanya gugus fungsi C=O.Percobaan dilakukan dengan 4 (empat) variasi proses, dan kondisi optimal dicapai pada Variasi Proses IV,yaitu proses tanpa pemurnian awal dan delignifikasi yang menghasilkan derajat substitusi (DS) 0,55. Pada prosespencapan kain kapas dengan zat warna reaktif menggunakan kasa datar, digunakan CMC tongkol jagung tersebutdengan viskositas 1750 cps. Untuk mencapai viskositas tersebut diperlukan CMC 16,5%, sedangkanpembandingnya (CMC komersil) hanya 2,1%. Namun demikian memberikan kualitas pencapan yang cukup baik,yaitu tidak memberikan efek migrasi dan ketuaan warnanya terhadap CMC komersil relatif sama (rata - rata Δ E &lt;1). Selain itu tahan luntur warnanya terhadap pencucian, gosokan, keringat dan sinar menunjukkan nilai baik dankekakuan kainnya relatif sama dengan kain tanpa cap. Dengan demikian CMC hasil penelitian ini memenuhipersyaratan sebagai pengental untuk proses pencapan tersebut, karena tidak menodai kain putih, tidak berpengaruhterhadap warna dari zat warna yang digunakan dan mudah dihilangan pada proses pencucian

    Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens Fed Ration Containing Coriander Seeds (Coriandrum sativum Linn)

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    The aims of this study were to determine the effect of diets containing different levels of coriander seeds on performance and egg quality of Lohmann Brown laying hens. A total of 96 Lohmann Brown laying hens of 43 weeks of age were randomly allocated into 16 experimental units by assigning a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications that kept for 6 weeks. The treatment diets were R0: diet with 0% supplementation of coriander seeds powder (control), R1: diet with supplementation of 1% coriander seeds powder, R2: diet with supplementation of 2% coriander seeds powder, and R3: diet with supplementation of 3% coriander seeds powder. The results showed that supplementation of coriander seeds in diets did not affect egg weight, egg production, and egg mass. Supplementation of coriander seeds 2%-3% significantly (P&lt;0.05) decreased feed consumption and feed conversion ratio. Supplementation of coriander seeds 1%-3% significantly (P&lt;0.05) increased yellowness in yolk color without affecting other quality parameters. It can be concluded that supplementation of coriander seeds at the levels of 2%-3% decreased feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and increased yolk color, however, the supplementation at all levels in diets did not affect egg weight, egg production, and egg mass
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