51 research outputs found

    Attention-effective multiple instance learning on weakly stem cell colony segmentation

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    The detection of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) colonies often needs the precise extraction of the colony features. However, existing computerized systems relied on segmentation of contours by preprocessing for classifying the colony conditions were task-extensive. To maximize the efficiency in categorizing colony conditions, we propose a multiple instance learning (MIL) in weakly supervised settings. It is designed in a single model to produce weak segmentation and classification of colonies without using finely labeled samples. As a single model, we employ a U-net-like convolution neural network (CNN) to train on binary image-level labels for MIL colonies classification. Furthermore, to specify the object of interest we used a simple post-processing method. The proposed approach is compared over conventional methods using five-fold cross-validation and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The maximum accuracy of the MIL-net is 95%, which is 15% higher than the conventional methods. Furthermore, the ability to interpret the location of the iPSC colonies based on the image level label without using a pixel-wise ground truth image is more appealing and cost-effective in colony condition recognition

    Deep neural network models for colon cancer screening

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    Early detection of colorectal cancer can significantly facilitate clinicians’ decision-making and reduce their workload. This can be achieved using automatic systems with endoscopic and histological images. Recently, the success of deep learning has motivated the development of image- and video-based polyp identification and segmentation. Currently, most diagnostic colonoscopy rooms utilize artificial intelligence methods that are considered to perform well in predicting invasive cancer. Convolutional neural network-based architectures, together with image patches and preprocesses are often widely used. Furthermore, learning transfer and end-to-end learning techniques have been adopted for detection and localization tasks, which improve accuracy and reduce user dependence with limited datasets. However, explainable deep networks that provide transparency, interpretability, reliability, and fairness in clinical diagnostics are preferred. In this review, we summarize the latest advances in such models, with or without transparency, for the prediction of colorectal cancer and also address the knowledge gap in the upcoming technology

    Completion of Missing Labels for Multi-Label Annotation by a Unified Graph Laplacian Regularization

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    The task of image annotation is becoming enormously important for efficient image retrieval from the web and other large databases. However, huge semantic information and complex dependency of labels on an image make the task challenging. Hence determining the semantic similarity between multiple labels on an image is useful to understand any incomplete label assignment for image retrieval. This work proposes a novel method to solve the problem of multi-label image annotation by unifying two different types of Laplacian regularization terms in deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for robust annotation performance. The unified Laplacian regularization model is implemented to address the missing labels efficiently by generating the contextual similarity between labels both internally and externally through their semantic similarities, which is the main contribution of this study. Specifically, we generate similarity matrices between labels internally by using Hayashi's quantification method-type III and externally by using the word2vec method. The generated similarity matrices from the two different methods are then combined as a Laplacian regularization term, which is used as the new objective function of the deep CNN. The Regularization term implemented in this study is able to address the multi-label annotation problem, enabling a more effectively trained neural network. Experimental results on public benchmark datasets reveal that the proposed unified regularization model with deep CNN produces significantly better results than the baseline CNN without regularization and other state-of-the-art methods for predicting missing labels.This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16K00239

    Automated Detection of Cancer Associated Genes Using a Combined Fuzzy-Rough-Set-Based F-Information and Water Swirl Algorithm of Human Gene Expression Data

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    <div><p>This study describes a novel approach to reducing the challenges of highly nonlinear multiclass gene expression values for cancer diagnosis. To build a fruitful system for cancer diagnosis, in this study, we introduced two levels of gene selection such as filtering and embedding for selection of potential genes and the most relevant genes associated with cancer, respectively. The filter procedure was implemented by developing a fuzzy rough set (FR)-based method for redefining the criterion function of f-information (FI) to identify the potential genes without discretizing the continuous gene expression values. The embedded procedure is implemented by means of a water swirl algorithm (WSA), which attempts to optimize the rule set and membership function required to classify samples using a fuzzy-rule-based multiclassification system (FRBMS). Two novel update equations are proposed in WSA, which have better exploration and exploitation abilities while designing a self-learning FRBMS. The efficiency of our new approach was evaluated on 13 multicategory and 9 binary datasets of cancer gene expression. Additionally, the performance of the proposed FRFI-WSA method in designing an FRBMS was compared with existing methods for gene selection and optimization such as genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) on all the datasets. In the global cancer map with repeated measurements (GCM_RM) dataset, the FRFI-WSA showed the smallest number of 16 most relevant genes associated with cancer using a minimal number of 26 compact rules with the highest classification accuracy (96.45%). In addition, the statistical validation used in this study revealed that the biological relevance of the most relevant genes associated with cancer and their linguistics detected by the proposed FRFI-WSA approach are better than those in the other methods. The simple interpretable rules with most relevant genes and effectively classified samples suggest that the proposed FRFI-WSA approach is reliable for classification of an individual’s cancer gene expression data with high precision and therefore it could be helpful for clinicians as a clinical decision support system.</p></div

    A Foreground Prototype-Based One-Shot Segmentation of Brain Tumors

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    The potential for enhancing brain tumor segmentation with few-shot learning is enormous. While several deep learning networks (DNNs) show promising segmentation results, they all take a substantial amount of training data in order to yield appropriate results. Moreover, a prominent problem for most of these models is to perform well in unseen classes. To overcome these challenges, we propose a one-shot learning model to segment brain tumors on brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) based on a single prototype similarity score. With the use of recently developed few-shot learning techniques, where training and testing are carried out utilizing support and query sets of images, we attempt to acquire a definitive tumor region by focusing on slices containing foreground classes. It is unlike other recent DNNs that employed the entire set of images. The training of this model is carried out in an iterative manner where in each iteration, random slices containing foreground classes of randomly sampled data are selected as the query set, along with a different random slice from the same sample as the support set. In order to differentiate query images from class prototypes, we used a metric learning-based approach based on non-parametric thresholds. We employed the multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation (BraTS) 2021 dataset with 60 training images and 350 testing images. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated using the mean dice score and mean IoU score. The experimental results provided a dice score of 83.42 which was greater than other works in the literature. Additionally, the proposed one-shot segmentation model outperforms the conventional methods in terms of computational time, memory usage, and the number of data