65 research outputs found

    Sedenion extension loops and frames of hypercomplex 2[superscript n]-ons

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    This research work is mainly on hypercomplex numbers with major emphasis on the 16 dimensional sedenions. In Chapter 1, a literature review on current and past work on the area of hypercomplex numbers is given. Basic definitions to be used in the rest of the work are given. We introduce the sedenions and the different doubling formulas for obtaining sedenions from the octonions and general 2n-ons from 2n -1-ons. We also discuss some advantages and disadvantages of these doubling formulas.;In Chapter 2 the sedenions are considered from the point of view of loop theory. Although the sedenions do not directly yield loops in the way that Moufang loops are obtained from octonions, the left loop of non-zero sedenions does contain new two-sided subloops as sedenion extensions. These loops are constructed abstractly as extensions of subloops L of the octonions. The chapter examines the satisfaction by these extensions of various standard loop-theoretical identities. Equivalent conditions for the extensions to be groups are discussed. Consequences arising from these conditions are also given. For example, it turns out that they are all power-associative, even though the full left loop of all non-zero sedenions is not itself power-associative.;Chapter 3 gives a powerful result, the multiplication of the frames of the 2n-ons fits in the projective geometry PG(n - 1, 2). In doing so, it is convenient to consider this projective geometry from several different viewpoints: as a design, in terms of Nim addition, and as the geometry of linear subspaces of a vector space. It is then shown that the number of nontrivial subloops of order 2k inside the loop formed by the frame of the 2n-ons, the set of basic elements together with their negatives, is given by nk 2=2n-1 2n-1-1 2n-2-1&cdots;2 n-k+1-12 1-122-1 23-1&cdots; 2k-1.;In Chapter 4, Hadamard matrices are discussed. It is shown that the sign matrix of the frame multiplication in the 2n-ons under the Smith-Conway or Cayley-Dickson process is a skew Hadamard matrix. These matrices are shown to be equivalent to Kronecker products when n ≤ 3. Chapter 5 gives some open problems for future research

    Community Participation in Slum Upgrading Projects: A Case of Nairobi Slums

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    The proliferation of slums in Kenya is largely attributed to rapid urbanisation. Most of these slums are shaped by a history of un-equitable and undefined urban development policies. To reverse these trends, there has been a shift to participatory slum upgrading as it has been identified as a key mechanism to promote urban equity and sustainable urbanisation. This study evaluates the influence of community participation in slum upgrading projects, in context of Nairobi slums. The aim of this research is to evaluate the factors that influence the success of a slum upgrading program, to analyse how a participatory slum upgrading model can be adopted to achieve a positive outcome and to investigate if Nairobi slums have successfully adopted community participatory models in the past. The research is done using a comparative case study approach that will draw lessons from 3 slums in Nairobi: Kibera, Mukuru and Korogocho, that will generate a criteria of success that can be applied in Nairobi slums. The research uses secondary data from Governments, NGO’s, academic papers and newspaper articles to critically evaluate the factors that influence the outcome of a slum upgrading project. The preliminary findings demonstrate that the level community participation in the different stages of slum upgrading affects the outcome of a project. Consequently, the nature of how the communities are organised determines the impact of the upgrading process. Lastly, it is important to find innovative ways to prevent state neglect in participatory slum development to ensure a successful outcome

    Factors Influencing Adherence to Asthma Control Measures among Patients in Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Nairobi Kenya

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     Background: Asthma is an obstructive respiratory disease characterized by wheezing, chest tightness, cough and shortness of breath that is evidenced by expiratory airflow limitation. Patient awareness of asthma control measures is key in ensuring compliance with asthmatic drugs. The main aim of the study was to assess determinants of adherence to asthma control measures among adult asthmatic clients attending chest clinics in Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital. Materials and Method: We employed a descriptive cross-sectional study design involving asthmatic patients interviewed at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. The study participants had to have been diagnosed with asthma for at least three months preceding the study, attend the chest clinic and consent to participate in the study. We pretested the study tools at Mbagathi county hospital on 11 asthmatic patients. A systematic random sampling method was used to select 110 study participants and data was collected using a modified questionnaire and lung function test between March to June 2018. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS 22.0. The Chi-square test was used to establish the association between independent variables and asthma adherence control measures at a 95% confidence interval. Results: Our findings report a response rate of 89% (98). The majority (58.2%) of participants were females. On average 57.1% had good adherence to asthma control measures. Control of asthma was poor, with well-controlled being 27.5%, moderately controlled at 53.1% and poorly controlled at 19.4%, respectively P (0.003). Respondents with adequate knowledge were 56.1% and positive attitude with 71.2%. There was a significant association between adherence to asthma control measures and participants’ attitude (P-value=0.000), knowledge (P-value=0.000), level of education (P-value=0.000), level of asthma control (P-value=0.003). Environmental factors were cleaning carpets/curtains (P-value=0.001), type of fuel (P-value=0.003), and use of carpet (P-value=0.014). Conclusion: Adherence to asthma control measures was suboptimal resulting in a generally poor asthma control. Adequate knowledge was associated with a positive attitude. Adherence was strongly associated with attitude, knowledge, education and asthma control


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    This study aims to discuss how to overcome the challenges of cooperatives through community socialization as a form of seeking the welfare of cooperative members during the pandemic, especially industry 4.0, in which the authors use qualitative methods with the type of descriptive research discussed. The data collection procedure was carried out online by the author to the management of the PT X cooperative and several members of the PT X cooperative who were randomly selected to fulfill the research of this journal. In addition, the evaluation of the IT 4.0 challenges on the socialization of cooperatives to members aims to provide opportunities for the community to obtain economic stability for the feasibility of their daily lives

    Knowledge of Emergency Preparedness among Nurses in Machakos Level Five Hospital in Machakos County, Kenya

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    Background: An emergency is an unexpected event that disrupts normal operations within a health facility and requires immediate interventions to address it. Knowledge of emergency preparedness is an important role of clinical nursing to enhance patient outcomes. This study aimed to determine the types of emergencies received at Machakos Level 5 Hospital (ML5H) and to assess the nurses’ level of knowledge on emergency preparedness. Materials and Method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional research design. The study was conducted at Machakos Level 5 Hospital, Machakos County, Kenya. The sample included 132 nurses working at ML5H, who were randomly selected and consented to participate in the study. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire and an observation checklist. Data were coded and entered into SPSS version 25 software and the analysis included descriptive statistical tests. Results: A little more than a half (56%) of the nurses were found to have adequate knowledge of emergency preparedness; 65% had attended training on emergency preparedness and 63% indicated that training had enhanced their competence. Conclusion: A higher proportion of nurses reported not participating in emergency drills that could be used to improve their knowledge and skills in emergency preparedness. The results of the study indicate that there is a need to enhance the knowledge of nurses’ on emergency preparedness

    Odnos između resursa visokih učilišta i rezultata učenja: razmatranje posredničkog učinka studentske angažiranosti

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between college resources and learning outcomes through the mediation of student engagement. Based on data collected from 430 college students and 122 faculties spread across the Coastal Region of Kenya, we used the structural equation model approach to test a model that hypothesised the relation between college resources and learning outcomes. Using student engagement as a parameter, statistical analyses demonstrated that college resources have a significant and indirect effect on student learning outcomes. The regression coefficient of college resources on student learning outcomes is reduced from 0.62 to 0.01 and is insignificant when student engagement is added to the model. The results reveal that the effects of college resources should be evaluated in terms of the degree to which they increase student engagement. Implications for practice and further research directions are also discussed.Cilj ovog rada jest istražiti odnos između resursa visokih učilišta i rezultata učenja posredovanjem studentske angažiranosti. Oslanjajući se na podatke prikupljene od 430 studenata i 122 obrazovne ustanove diljem obalne regije Kenije, koristili smo se statističkim modelom utemeljenim na strukturnim jednadžbama sa svrhom ispitivanja modela koji upućuje na odnos između resursa učilišta i rezultata učenja. Uzimajući studentski angažman kao parametar, rezultati statističke analize pokazali su da resursi obrazovnih ustanova imaju značajan i neizravan učinak na rezultate učenja studenata. Koeficijent regresije resursa učilišta u odnosu na rezultate učenja smanjen je s 0.62 na 0.01, te postaje beznačajan kad se modelu pridoda studentska angažiranost. Rezultati pokazuju da učinke resursa učilišta treba ocijeniti u kontekstu njihova utjecaja na uvećanje angažmana studenata. U radu se raspravlja i o implikacijama za praksu, kao i o daljnjim pravcima istraživanja

    Fodder Crop Adoption through Push-Pull Technology (PPT) for Fall Armyworm (FAW) Control in Cereals Cropping Systems

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    There is an urgent need to increase grain yields and animal products due to increasing human population in Africa. Push-pull technology (PPT) is a conservation agriculture intercrop technology which protects and enhances natural resources productivity and ecosystem services in mixed farming systems. The technology involves growing of a cereal crop with a repellent intercrop, Desmodium genus (silverleaf, D. uncinatum and greenleaf, D. intortum) with grass such as Pennisetum purpureum or Brachiaria spp. planted as a border around the cereal-legume intercrop. The plants accompanying the cereal crop are typically valuable high quality fodder thus integrating crop-livestock production. The PPT was initially developed in the high altitude areas which were mainly suitable for optimal growth of Desmodium sp. In contrast, Clitoria ternatea (Blue pea) is the recommended herbaceous forage legume crop for the low altitude areas. In addition, clitoria and dolichos demonstrated their ability to effectively repel stem-borer pests in push pull technology systems within the coastal lowlands. The experiments were established in four sites representing diverse coastal lowlands (CL) agro-ecological zones (CL3, CL4, and CL5). The species used in the system were: maize (cereal crop, the main target by Spodoptera pests); climate-smart brachiaria grass (as a pull crop) and blue pea (as a push crop). It was demonstrated that the push-pull technology can also control FAW and that this system be promoted for provision of high quality fodder for livestock in smallholder mixed farms