7 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Integrated Social Cognitive Remediation vs. Neurocognitive Remediation in Improving Functional Outcome in Schizophrenia: Concept and Design of a Multicenter, Single-Blind RCT (The ISST Study)

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    Background: Although clinically effective treatment is available for schizophrenia, recovery often is still hampered by persistent poor psychosocial functioning, which in turn is limited by impairments in neurocognition, social cognition, and social behavioral skills. Although cognitive remediation has shown general efficacy in improving cognition and social functioning, effects still need to be improved and replicated in appropriately powered, methodologically rigorous randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Existing evidence indicates that effects can most likely be optimized by combining treatment approaches to simultaneously address both social cognitive and social behavioral processes. Objectives: To assess whether Integrated Social Cognitive and Behavioral Skill Therapy (ISST) ismore efficacious in improving functional outcome in schizophrenia than the active control treatment Neurocognitive Remediation Therapy (NCRT). Methods: The present study is a multicenter, prospective, rater-blinded, two-arm RCT being conducted at six academic study sites in Germany. A sample of 180 at least partly remitted patients with schizophrenia are randomly assigned to either ISST or NCRT. ISST is a compensatory, strategy-based program that targets social cognitive processes and social behavioral skills. NCRT comprisesmainly drill and practice-oriented neurocognitive training. Both treatments consist of 18 sessions over 6 months, and participants are subsequently followed up for another 6 months. The primary outcome is all-cause discontinuation over the 12-month study period; psychosocial functioning, quality of life, neurocognitive and social cognitive performance, and clinical symptoms are assessed as secondary outcomes at baseline before randomization (V1), at the end of the six-month treatment period (V6), and at the six-month follow-up (V12). Discussion: This RCT is part of the German Enhancing Schizophrenia Prevention and Recovery through Innovative Treatments (ESPRIT) research network, which aims at using innovative treatments to enhance prevention and recovery in patients with schizophrenia. Because this study is one of the largest and methodologically most rigorous RCTs on the efficacy of cognitive remediation approaches in schizophrenia, it will not only help to identify the optimal treatment options for improving psychosocial functioning and thus recovery in patients but also allow conclusions to be drawn about factors influencing and mediating the effects of cognitive remediation in these patients

    N-Acetylcysteine and a Specialized Preventive Intervention for Individuals at High Risk for Psychosis: A Randomized Double-Blind Multicenter Trial.

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    BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESIS Clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR-P) offers a window of opportunity for early intervention and recent trials have shown promising results for the use of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in schizophrenia. Moreover, integrated preventive psychological intervention (IPPI), applies social-cognitive remediation to aid in preventing the transition to the psychosis of CHR-P patients. STUDY DESIGN In this double-blind, randomized, controlled multicenter trial, a 2 × 2 factorial design was applied to investigate the effects of NAC compared to placebo (PLC) and IPPI compared to psychological stress management (PSM). The primary endpoint was the transition to psychosis or deterioration of CHR-P symptoms after 18 months. STUDY RESULTS While insufficient recruitment led to early trial termination, a total of 48 participants were included in the study. Patients receiving NAC showed numerically higher estimates of event-free survival probability (IPPI + NAC: 72.7 ± 13.4%, PSM + NAC: 72.7 ± 13.4%) as compared to patients receiving PLC (IPPI + PLC: 56.1 ± 15.3%, PSM + PLC: 39.0 ± 17.4%). However, a log-rank chi-square test in Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed no significant difference of survival probability for NAC vs control (point hazard ratio: 0.879, 95% CI 0.281-2.756) or IPPI vs control (point hazard ratio: 0.827, 95% CI 0.295-2.314). The number of adverse events (AE) did not differ significantly between the four groups. CONCLUSIONS The superiority of NAC or IPPI in preventing psychosis in patients with CHR-P compared to controls could not be statistically validated in this trial. However, results indicate a consistent pattern that warrants further testing of NAC as a promising and well-tolerated intervention for CHR patients in future trials with adequate statistical power

    Arte Nova e Eclectismo no palacete projectado por Ernesto Korrodi para a família Bouhon

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    In the early twentieth century, Interior Design resulted from the work of architects, decorators, painters and carvers. Although then integrated into the world of decorative arts, we believe that already existed as a profession regulated by a coherent network design principles and the understanding of interior space as global web of relationships established between plans, ornament, lighting and furniture solutions. At the end of the previous century, before the need for a reform of industrial training, the Portuguese Government opened a tender for hiring of foreign teachers. We emphasize the role of Ernesto Korrodi (1870-1944). His works arise from an attitude paradoxically modern and eclectic, leaning one hand on a reinterpretation of solutions referenced in the medieval period or the Renaissance, on the other, based on formulas from Arts and Crafts movement, Art Nouveau or Secession. In his projects certain rooms and hierarchies remain, but these are intersect with the needs aroused by technical innovations, which causes an attempt to answer to the emergence of new functions and features in the house, along with the hygienists demands of the moment. This article consists in the analysis of Bouhon home, located in the city of Covilhã, Portugal. If Art Nouveau is visible in the elevations, inside we find a cleaner space, marked by decorative notes which we can find in tiles and embedded in the stucco or coffered ceilings. The ornament thus contributes to the dignity of the walls, wainscots and ceiling plans, assuming a key role in the spatial composition.No início do século XX, o design de interiores resultava do trabalho desenvolvido por arquitectos, decoradores, pintores ou entalhadores. Embora então integrado no universo das artes decorativas, acreditamos que já existia como prática profissional regulada por uma rede coerente de princípios de concepção e pelo entendimento do espaço interior como teia global de relações que se estabelece entre planos, ornamento, iluminação e mobiliário. No final do século anterior, perante a necessidade de proceder a uma reforma do ensino industrial, o governo português abrira um concurso para contratação de professores estrangeiros. Evidenciamos o papel de Ernesto Korrodi (1870-1944). As suas obras decorrem de uma atitude paradoxalmente ecléctica e moderna, apoiando-se por um lado, numa reinterpretação de soluções referenciadas no período medieval ou na Renascença; por outro, em fórmulas sediadas nos movimentos Arts and Crafts, Arte Nova (Art Nouveau) ou Secessão. Nos seus projectos persistem determinadas dependências e hierarquias, mas estas se cruzam com as necessidades despertadas pelas inovações técnicas, o que faz com que se preocupe também com a resposta à eclosão de novas funções e mobiliário na casa, a par das exigências higienistas do momento. O presente artigo consiste na análise da casa da família Bouhon, localizada na cidade da Covilhã, Portugal. Se a Arte Nova marca as suas fachadas, no interior deparamo-nos com espaços mais depurados, marcados por apontamentos decorativos, incorporados na azulejaria e nos tectos estucados ou em caixotões. O ornamento contribui, deste modo, para a dignificação dos planos das paredes, lambris e tectos, assumindo um papel fundamental na composição espacial

    Preserved metacognition despite impaired perception of intentionality cues in schizophrenia

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    Social cognition and metacognition are frequently impaired in schizophrenia, and these impairments complicate recovery. Recent work suggests that different aspects of metacognition may not be impaired to the same degree. Furthermore, metacognition and the cognitive capacity being monitored need not be similarly impaired. Here, we assessed performance in detecting cues of intentional behaviour as well as metacognition about detecting those cues in schizophrenia. Thirty patients and controls categorized animations of moving dots into those displaying a dyadic interaction demonstrating a chase or no chase and indicated their confidence in these judgments. Perception and metacognition were assessed using signal detection theoretic measures, which were analysed using frequentist and Bayesian statistics. Patients showed a deficit compared to controls in detecting intentionality cues, but showed preserved metacognitive performance into this task. Our study reveals a selective deficit in the perception of intentionality cues, but preserved metacognitive insight into the validity of this perception. It thus appears that impairment of metacognition in schizophrenia varies across cognitive domains - metacognition should not be considered a monolithic stone that is either impaired or unimpaired

    Feasibility of six-month outpatient cognitive remediation in schizophrenia: Experience from the randomized controlled integrated social cognition and social skills therapy study

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    Patients with schizophrenia often have cognitive impairments that contribute to diminished psychosocial functioning. Cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) has proven efficacy and is recommended by evidence-based treatment guidelines. Important moderators of efficacy include integration of CRT into a psychiatric rehabilitation concept and patient attendance at a sufficient number of therapy sessions. These conditions can probably best be met in an outpatient setting; however, outpatient treatment is prone to higher rates of treatment discontinuation and outpatient settings are not as well protected as inpatient ones and less closely supervised.The present study investigated the feasibility of outpatient CRT in schizophrenia over a six-month period. Adherence to scheduled sessions and safety parameters were assessed in 177 patients with schizophrenia randomly assigned to one of two matched CRT programs.Results showed that 58.8 % of participants completed the CRT (>80 % of scheduled sessions) and 72.9 % completed at least half the sessions. Predictor analysis revealed a high verbal intelligence quotient as favorable for good adherence, but this factor had only low general predictive power. During the six-month treatment phase, serious adverse events occurred in 15.8 % (28/177) of the patients, which is a comparable rate to that reported in the literature.Our findings support the feasibility of six-month outpatient CRT in schizophrenia in terms of adherence to scheduled sessions and safety. Trial registration number: NCT02678858, DRKS00010033

    Multimodal prevention of first psychotic episode through N-acetyl-l-cysteine and integrated preventive psychological intervention in individuals clinically at high risk for psychosis: Protocol of a randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial

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    Aim Meta-analyses indicate positive effects of both antipsychotic and cognitive-behavioural interventions in subjects clinically at high risk (CHR) for psychosis in terms of a delay or prevention of psychotic disorders. However, these effects have been limited regarding social functioning and the relative efficacy of both types of interventions remains unclear. Furthermore, neuroprotective substances seem to be a promising alternative agent in psychosis-prevention as they are associated with few and weak side-effects. Methods In this multi-centre randomized controlled trial (RCT), we investigate the effects of two interventions on transition to psychosis and social functioning: (a) an integrated preventive psychological intervention (IPPI) including stress-/symptom-management and social-cognitive remediation; (b) N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) as a pharmacological intervention with glutamatergic, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Results This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled RCT with regard to NAC and a single-blind RCT with regard to IPPI using a 2 x 2-factorial design to investigate the individual and combined preventive effects of both interventions. To this aim, a total of 200 CHR subjects will be randomized stratified by site to one of four conditions: (a) IPPI and NAC; (b) IPPI and Placebo; (c) NAC and psychological stress management; (d) Placebo and psychological stress management. Interventions are delivered over 26 weeks with a follow-up period of 12 months. Conclusion This paper reports on the rationale and protocol of an indicated prevention trial to detect the most effective and tolerable interventions with regard to transition to psychosis as well as improvements in social functioning, and to evaluate the synergistic effects of these interventions