16 research outputs found

    Baños de Budapest

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    Fotografias de los baños de Budapes

    Baños de Budapest

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    Fotografias de los baños de Budapes

    Una suerte de visión. La concepción de la fotografía como una conclusión experimental entre el arte y la ciencia

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    [ES] Esta ponencia es una síntesis de mi tesis "Atrapando la luz. Origen y materialidad de la fotografía" presentada en la facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelona. Una investigación que reflexiona acerca del origen y materialidad de la fotografía como un hecho que preexiste imaginalmente en las diversas figuraciones mágicas, técnicas y simbólicas que la ciencia, la religión y el arte han ido produciendo en torno a la proyección de la luz sobre las cosas. Proyecciones que han sido, como veremos, la causa primera y la fuente principal de todas la formas posteriores de representar la realidad. Siguiendo las reflexiones y rastros de otros autores, en mi trabajo he considerado que actualmente resulta imprescindible investigar y construir una historia de la fotografía que no se limite al discurso dominante –cronológico y por géneros– y que sea capaz de reflejar e incidir con mayor exactitud, cómo fueron los esfuerzos conjuntos del arte y la ciencia los que lograron Atrapar la luz a través de la fotografía.[EN] This paper is a synthesis of my thesis "Catching the light. Origin and materiality of photography" presented at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona. An investigation that reflects on the origin and materiality of photography as a fact that preexists imaginally in the various magical, technical and symbolic figurations that science, religion and art have been producing around the projection of light on things. Projections that have been, as we shall see, the first cause and the main source of all subsequent forms of representing reality. Following the reflections and traces of other authors, in my work I have considered that it is now essential to investigate and construct a history of photography that is not limited to the dominant discourse - chronological and by genres - and be able to reflect and influence more accurately, how were the joint efforts of the art and science that managed to capture the light through photography.Gil Bell Mutell, R. (2018). Una suerte de visión. La concepción de la fotografía como una conclusión experimental entre el arte y la ciencia. En I Congreso Internacional sobre fotografía. Nuevas propuestas en investigación y docencia de la fotografía. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 177-196. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIFo17.2017.6757OCS17719

    Age-Related Changes In Skeletal Muscle Strength And Modifications Through Exercise: A Literature Review

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    We do not have permission to post this article and do not have access to it through our databases. Please use the link to the WorldCat database to find a library with the article or request it from your library through inter-library loan.As people age in industrialized societies, there is a concomitant loss of muscle strength. This loss of strength is often thought to be a direct result of the aging process. There is a direct association between the loss of strength and loss of cross-sectional area of muscle. Thus, decreased strength seems to be the result of atrophy and not some inherent change in the function of the muscles themselves. There are morphological changes to skeletal muscle that are also associated with aging. Specifically, there is a shift in muscle fiber types from type II to type I fibers. Thus, endurance increases and power decreases. There seems to be a morphological shift from random distribution of both fiber types toward a tendency for type II fibers to localize to the boundaries of muscle fascicles and for type I fibers to localize more centrally in the fascicle. These changes in muscle fibers may be the result of age-related decrease in number of motor neurons. Studies have investigated the effectiveness of self-directed and investigator- directed exercise programs in preventing and reversing the age-related loss of muscle strength. These studies have shown that the ability of the elderly to increase muscle strength is comparable with that of young people. Few studies have looked at preventing morphological changes, but these studies have found that exercise prevents the changes thought to be the result of aging. It is concluded that most of the changes seen in the muscles of the elderly are the result of lifestyle and are not direct effects of the aging process.http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/19699138