6 research outputs found

    The Development Of Islamic Education Curriculum On Building Religious Moderation At Manbaul Ulum Islamic Boarding School

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    Manbaul Ulum Islamic boarding school is a classical Salaf educational institution that develops its educational curriculum based not only on nushus sharia but also on maqashidus sharia. Technically, the curriculum development is oriented towards the construction of the character of tawazun, i'tidal, and tawassuth in religion. The research on the development of a religious moderation curriculum is of utmost importance because it aims to prevent extremism, enhance understanding and tolerance among different religions, and instill ethical and moral values within the religious context. This study aims to explore the development of an Islamic education curriculum in building religious moderation in the Islamic boarding school Manbaul Ulum Bondowoso. This research is field research with a qualitative approach. Data were obtained by using data collection instruments in the form of observation, documentation, and interviews. Then the data were analyzed with qualitative data analysis of the Miles and Huberman model. The validity of the data was tested by triangulation. The results showed that first, the Manbaul Ulum Islamic boarding school developed a pesantren learning curriculum based on maqashid shari'ah and not only on nushus shari'ah, which in this case has the principles of Tawazun, I'tidal, and Tawassuth  in thinking and acting; second, the curriculum developed at the Manbaul Ulum Islamic boarding school is oriented to build religious moderation in the students so that they can preach it after associating with the wider community.   Keywords: Islamic Education Curriculum, Manbaul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Religious Moderatio

    Malay Culture-Based Local Content Curriculum in Islamic Education

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    Globalization is a reality that humans must accept and penetrates various aspects of life, such as the economy and education. Education is not anti-globalization, but through education, there should be filtering of globalization that supports the realization of national education goals. Therefore, the position of the curriculum is seen as the basis for fortifying a generation aware of the superiority of local culture. This study aims to reveal the rationality of genre-based local culture in the curriculum, the elements of local culture teaching, and the design of the gradation of genre-based local content of Malay culture. The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the library research method to analyze the Malay cultural genre contained in the curriculum through data sources in the form of articles, books, and scientific reports. The result of this research is the implementation of Malay genre-based local content subjects has a clear foundation, namely the State of Indonesia and the Indonesian language comes from the Malay language in Indonesia. The Malay genre, as a local curriculum content, is understood as a whole of ideas, actions, and human works and has become an inseparable system from the life of the Indonesian people. Malay genre-based local curriculum design can be done by internalizing Malay culture in every subject set in the curriculum, especially those related to the cultural history of the Indonesian nation and its relation to Islamic religious education. This finding is based on the culture of the country as well as the ideology of the Indonesian state is inseparable from Islamic values

    The Kyai’s Position in Rural Local Democracy Based on Patronage Politics at Tapal Kuda

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    AbstractSociologically, the village community in the East Java Tapal Kuda is dominated by the sarong people who have affiliation with certain Pesantren either as alumni or only as sympathizers. This is because the distribution of Islamic boarding schools in this area is relatively highand is socio-cultural educational basis of rural communities in the region. The indication is the domination of society Nahdliyin affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama as a social organization social largest in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the role of Kyai in the context of local democracy rural based on patronage politics in the East Java Tapal Kuda. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitativewith inductive approach. While the type study is a case study. The data collection instruments used were observation, documentation and in-depth interviews. In collecting data, this research uses Miles and Huberman’s interactive model, namely; data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. In testing the validity of the data, researchersuse triangulation, namely source triangulation, method triangulation, peer discussion andmember check. The results of the study show that rural communities are ordinary people who do not have political awareness in local democracy so they are independent patron to Kyai as role models in their lives and the role of the Kyai in the patronage politics of rural communities determines the flow of support for local democratic communities because politics is a subordinate area of the religiosity of rural communities.  AbstrakMasyarakat desa secara sosiologis di Tapal Kuda Jawa Timur didominasi oleh kaum sarungan yang  memiliki afiliasi pada pesantren tertentu baik sebagai alumni maupun hanya sebatas simpatisan. Pasalnya, sebaran pesantren di daerah ini tergolong tinggi dan merupakan basis sosial-budaya pendidikan masyarakat pedesaan di wilayah tersebut. Indikasinya adalah dominasi masyarakat Nahdliyin yang berafiliasi pada Nahdlatul Ulama sebagai organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan terbesar di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran Kyai dalam konteks demokrasi lokal pedesaan yang berbasis pada politik patronase di lingkup Tapal Kuda Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan induktif. Sedangkan jenis penelitian adalah studi kasus. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara secara mendalam.  Dalam pengumpulan data, penelitian ini menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman, yaitu; reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan. Dalam uji keabsahaan data, peneliti menggunakan triangulasi, yaitu triangulasi sumber, triangulasi metode, diskusi sejawat dan member check. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat pedesaan adalah masyarakat awam yang tidak memiliki kesadaran politis dalam demokrasi lokal sehingga mereka berpatron pada Kyai sebagai panutan dalam kehidupan mereka dan peran Kyai dalam politik patronase masyarakat pedesaan menentukan terhadap arus dukungan masyarakat demokrasi lokal sebab politik merupakan wilayah subordinat dari religiusitas masyarakat desa

    Teaching English for Tertiary Students in Pesantren: A Narrative during and Post Pandemic COVID-19

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    The problem in English learning is determining how learners and teachers adjusted to remote learning methods. This study identified and evaluated the English learning difficulties encountered by students in non-English departments. This study included students from five different academic programs, namely Islamic Education (PAI), Management of Islamic Education (MPI), Akhwalusy Syakhshiyah (AS), Primary School Teacher Education (PGMI), and Islamic Banking (PS). The qualitative research was used in this study, along with a phenomenological approach. The data were obtained from a questionnaire through Google Form to students in these departments. The questionnaire discussed challenges that students had when learning English with an online system, materials that students did not grasp, and students' expectations for English language learning. The data were analyzed by including several research and ideas related to previously formulated materials in the questionnaire. This study was supposed to be taken into account while developing techniques and strategies for English language acquisition for non-English students in higher education. This study resulted that the dominant problems faced by respondents were online learning systems (54.8%), and applications used as learning media (29%). Other problems included limited internet network access, difficulty in understanding English courses, lack of detailed material exposure, and laziness