87 research outputs found

    Anti-inflammatory properties of "Cantharellus cibarius" from "In vitro" culture enriched in zinc

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    Cantharellus cibarius Fr. (Basidiomycota), commonly known as Chanterelle, is one of the most valued and currently most often collected species of edible mushrooms in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the northern USA. Cantharellus genus (chanterelles) includes seventy species, seven of which are noted in Europe. Due to the valuable and biologically active metabolite content in the fruiting bodies, C. cibarius was selected for the study. The combinations of carbohydrates, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins revealed the nutritional, in particular, anti-inflammatory properties of this species. Zinc (Zn) is one of the microelements present in significant quantities in the fruiting bodies and biomass from in vitro cultures of edible mushrooms. Zn plays a crucial role as an anti-inflammatory agent. This paper presents a study on investigation of the pro- or antiinflammatory properties of mushroom extracts from fruiting bodies and biomass from in vitro culture of C. cibarius enriched in Zn. As an additive to the modified Oddoux liquid medium, on which in vitro C. cibarius cultures were grown, the following two compounds were used: zinc sulfate and zinc hydroxyaspartate. In order to compare which complex will most effectively increase the anti-inflammatory activity of C. cibarius, inorganic and organic compounds were used. Both zinc salts were used in such quantities that the calculated additive amount of zinc into the culture media was the same. Control cultures were represented by in vitro cultures on Oddoux medium grown without the supplementation of zinc compounds. In addition, we studied whichsource of zinc is best for enhancing anti-inflammatory properties in A549 (Human Lung Epithelial Carcinoma, ATCC) cell models activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce inflammation. Results of the study showed the important role of zinc during inflammation in the lung epithelial cells. Cantharellus cibarius in vitro cultures with high ability to accumulate zinc enabled the precise application of zinc compounds at a known concentration that may influence their immuno-modulatory properties


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    Energy security policy is currently one of the most crucial areas of foreign policy. Infl uencing states through the price of energy resources and conditions of their supply is a common phenomenon nowadays. The purpose of this article is to show the policy methods to realize energy security pursued by the European Union and Russian Federation as well as to show their effectiveness. The analysis is based on the examples of Nabucco and South Stream pipelines.Polityka bezpieczeństwa energetycznego jest współcześnie jedną z kluczo wych dziedzin polityki zagranicznej państw. Zjawisko wywierania wpływu na podmioty międzynarodowe za pomocą cen surowców energetycznych oraz warunków ich dostaw występuje obecnie powszechnie. Celem pracy jest ukazanie sposobów realizacji energetycznej polityki bezpieczeństwa prowadzonej przez Unię Europejską oraz Federację Rosyjską (na przykładzie gazociągu Nabucco i Gazociągu Południowego) i ocena ich skuteczności

    Evaluation of nutritional and medicinal properties of "Bacopa monnieri" biomass and preparations

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    Bacopa monnieri (Scrophulariaceae) is a well-known plant and has been used by humans for several thousand years. In traditional Hindu medicine, it is one of the most important medicinal plants. The aim of the work was to determine the content of Fe, Mg, and Zn and selected organic compounds before and after extraction into the artificial digestive juices obtained from preparations containing B. monnieri. Commercial preparations in the form of tablets and capsules and B. monnieri shoot cultures were used in the experiment. The metal content in the considered mineralized samples was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry and organic compounds by RP-HPLC method. The maximum measured content of the metals released into the digestive juices was as follows: Fe ñ 32.85; Mg ñ 367.51; and Zn ñ 16.41 mg/100 g of the preparation. The existing research shows that metals are best released into the artificial digestive juices from the B. monnieri shoot cultures, and least efficiently from the commercial preparations available in the form of tablets. The phenolic compounds analyzed in the methanol extracts and the extracts of the artificial digestive juices were as follows: protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, cynaroside, trifolin, and luteolin. Bacoside A was only determined in the extracts from the B. monnieri shoot cultures. The experimental results revealed that B. monnieri distributed in the form of tablets did not break down in the artificial digestive juices during the considered time intervals

    Feasibility of the use of Lentinula edodes mycelium in terbinafine remediation

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    A detailed understanding of the fate of xenobiotics introduced into the environment and the mechanisms involved in their biotransformation, biodegradation, and biosorption is essential to improve the efficiency of remediation techniques. Mycoremediation is a form of bioremediation technique that has become increasingly popular in recent years as fungi are known to produce various effective extracellular enzymes that have the potential to neutralize a wide variety of xenobiotics released into the environment. Hence, mycoremediation appears to be a promising technique for the removal of a wide array of toxins and pharmaceutical residues from a damaged environment and wastewater. This study primarily aimed to investigate whether white-rot fungus (Lentinula edodes) can be utilized for the bioremediation of common antifungal agent terbinafine, which is mainly available in the market as powder or cream. The cultures of L. edodes were cultivated in the medium containing terbinafine powder or terbinafine 1% cream, each at a final concentration of 0.1 mg mL−1. The addition of terbinafine in powder form have a negative effect on biomass growth (p < 0.05). The total amount of terbinafine in the dry weight of mycelium after culture was estimated to be 7.63 ± 0.45 mg and 12.52 ± 2.46 mg for powder and cream samples, respectively. In addition, there were no traces of terbinafine in any of the samples of medium used for culturing L. edodes after the experimental duration period. The biodegradation products of terbinafine were identified for the first time using UPLC/MS/MS. The biodegradation of terbinafine resulted in the loss of 1-naphthylmethanol, which occurred via oxidative deamination, N-demethylation, or tert-butyl group hydroxylation. The results of the study demonstrate that L. edodes mycelium can be effectively used for the remediation of terbinafine

    Comparative study of metals accumulation in cultured in vitro mycelium and naturally grown fruiting bodies of Boletus badius and Cantharellus cibarius

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    Cantharellus cibarius Fr. (chanterelle) and Boletus badius Pers. (bay bolete) harvested from natural sites in Poland were used to derive in vitro cultures. The optimal medium composition for cultures was developed. Concentrations of the chosen elements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, and Cd) in mycelium samples were measured by means of atomic absorption spectrometry. Fe concentration in the analyzed mushroom materials was in the range 215.4–680.3 μg/g dry weight. Mean values of Mg were respectively (in micrograms per gram dry weight) 541.8 for mycelium of C. cibarius cultured in vitro and 1,004.1 for C. cibarius fruiting bodies and 928.9 for the mycelium of B. badius cultured in vitro and 906.4 for B. badius fruiting bodies. The mean concentrations of Zn were 442.7 μg/g dry weight in mycelium from in vitro cultures of B. badius and 172.1 in B. badius fruiting bodies and 131.9 in the case of C. cibarius in mycelium from in vitro cultures and 95.5 for the C. cibarius fruiting bodies. Cu exhibited a reversal tendency, i.e., the element concentrations in naturally grown mushrooms were significantly higher (43.57 μg/g dry weight for C. cibarius and 43.54 μg/g for B. badius) than in cultured in vitro mycelium (12.47 μg/g for C. cibarius and 4.17 μg/g for B. badius). Ni was found in lowest concentrations ranging from 0.33 to 1.88 μg/g dry weight. Toxic metal Cd was found in relatively high concentrations in naturally grown species (0.79 μg/g dry weight—1.02). The lowest was the concentration of Cd in C. cibarius mycelium from in vitro culture—0.06 μg/g dry weight—a bit higher than it was in the B. badius mycelium (0.21 μg/g)