4 research outputs found

    Managing Revitalization to Conserve Cultural Heritage Kampong in Kauman Surakarta

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    Kelurahan Kauman is one of the cultural heritage kampong in Surakarta, formerly inhabited by abdi dalem ulama Keraton and batik entrepreneurs. Kauman developed when Pakubuwono III built the Great Mosque in 1757, the kampong then developed into a batik industrial center in the early 1800s, shown by the number of luxury homes built by batik entrepreneurs that year. But in 1939 to 1970 batik companies went bankrupt; Therefore, the ancient houses and buildings were damaged and became a slum neighborhood. Revitalization of the area has been done since 2006, the economy rose again but the environmental conditions have not been optimal. The purpose of this study is to manage the revitalization program that has been done to find a better settlement strategy. The research was conducted by qualitative rationalistic approach. Data were collected through literature studies, interviews and field surveys. The sample selection is purposive, the sample being studied is the impact of revitalization on physical and non-physical environment and community activities of Kauman. Revitalization management is needed to make Kauman more comfortable in the future as a healthy settlement and can be developed into a tourist kampong to improve the welfare of the people who live in i


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    Management of hawkers has purpose to improve the welfare of hawkers, maintain publicorder, and sanitation. Management of hawkers in the city of Surakarta, which began in 2006, the successful concept of the arrangement is not only seen from the hawkers town aesthetic that hasalways been the main reason, but also improving the quality of performance of the activities afterthe program implemented to ensure sustainability.One of form of arrangement that has been implemented in the city of Surakarta is stabilization. In determining the form of the arrangement,unique character and behavior are very diverse hawkers must be known to ensure that hawkers canreceive the planned arrangement. This paper aims to know determine the efficacy of this form ofstabilization arrangement hawkers particular arrangement was done by first looking at thecharacteristics of hawkers activity. Statistical analysis used to determine the success of the arrangement of the hawkers performance combined with qualitative analysis found that the successof the arrangement hawkers aesthetic form of stabilization in the city is not same with the improved performance / empowerment of hawkers


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    This study aims, formulate design of Rusunawa service space based  on Post Occupancy Evaluation.The approach used in this study is qualitative rationalistic, that emphasize the empiri meaning, intellectual understanding and the ability to maintains logic supported by relevant empirical data. Object of research is Rusunawa in Surakarta and its surroundings. Samples studied are a group of Services space in Rusunawa, consisting of individual service each unit house : Kitchen, warehouse / storage, KM / WC, wash dishes, wash clothes, the clothes drying. And communal service space consisting of: landfills, parking lots. The sampling technique is porpusive of maximum variation, that means taking a sample that has information about the service space. Model Rusunawa service space designed based on the type of occupant activities, evaluation / assessment of the best performance of each service spac, the best perception of occupants indicated by behavioral responses, an ideal precedent servicing space obtained from results of field surveys, comparative studies and standards or the basic criteria design of service space Rusunawa.