34 research outputs found

    IS Process Innovation Unlearning in Organizations

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    This paper identifies mechanisms that affected over 200 Information System Process Innovation (ISPI) unlearning decisions in three organisational environments over a period that spanned four decades. The analysis is based on previous unlearning studies. Four distinct generations analysed are early computing (1954-1965); main frame era (1965-1983); office computing era (1983-1991), and distributed applications era (1991-1997). These follow roughly Friedman’s and Cornford’s categorisation of IS development eras. We also distinguish four types of ISPI’s: base line technologies, development tools, description methods, and managerial process innovations. Our analysis shows that the most important unlearning mechanisms were new knowledge creation, poor performance, react to changing environment, changes in management, and too complicated to use. In the organisations the unlearning mechanisms varied significantly according to the ISPI category, and time generation. The variation can be thus partly explained by the fact that the technological development and the rapid diffusion of microcomputers in the beginning of 1980s changed IS development (ISD) work, and new skills and ISPIs were needed. In the beginning of 1990s technological platforms, operating systems, databases, tools, and working procedures changed to object orientation, and the previous ISPIs had to be unlearned

    Components of defence strategies in society’s information environment: a case study based on the grounded theory

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    The goal of this study is to explore the components of defence strategies faced by society in its information environment, and how these strategies are inter-related. This qualitative in-depth case study applied past research and empirical evidence to identify the components of defence strategies in a society’s information environment. The data collected was analysed using the Grounded Theory approach and a conceptual framework with the components of defence strategies and the relationships between these components was developed using the Grounded Theory. This study shows that the goal of politically and militarily hostile actors is to weaken society’s information environment, and that their operations are coordinated and carried out over a long time period. The data validates past studies and reveals relationships between the components of defence strategies. These relationships increase confidence in the validity of these components and their relationships, and expand the emerging theory. First, the data and findings showed 16 inter-connected components of defence strategies. Second, they showed that the political, military, societal, power, and personal goals of the hostile actors carrying out cyber operations and cyber attacks are to weaken society’s information environment. Third, they revealed that cyber operations and cyber attacks against networks, information and infrastructures are coordinated operations, carried out over a long time period. Finally, it was revealed that the actors defending society’s information environment must rapidly change their own components of defence strategies and use the newest tools and methods for these components in networks, infrastructures and social media.</p

    Information technology innovation diffusion: an information requirements paradigm

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    Information technology (IT) innovation research examines the organizational and technological factors that determine IT adoption and diffusion, including firm size and scope, technological competency and expected benefits. We extend the literature by focusing on information requirements as a driver of IT innovation adoption and diffusion. Our framework of IT innovation diffusion incorporates three industry-level sources of information requirements: process complexity, clock speed and supply chain complexity. We apply the framework to US manufacturing industries using aggregate data of internet-based innovations and qualitative analysis of two industries: wood products and beverage manufacturing. Results show systematic patterns supporting the basic thesis of the information processing paradigm: higher IT innovation diffusion in industries with higher information processing requirements; the salience of downstream industry structure in the adoption of interorganizational systems; and the role of the location of information intensity in the supply chain in determining IT adoption and diffusion. Our study provides a new explanation for why certain industries were early and deep adopters of internet-based innovations while others were not: variation in information processing requirements.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72203/1/j.1365-2575.2007.00260.x.pd

    A knowledge-based taxonomy of critical factors for adopting electronic health record systems by physicians: a systematic literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The health care sector is an area of social and economic interest in several countries; therefore, there have been lots of efforts in the use of electronic health records. Nevertheless, there is evidence suggesting that these systems have not been adopted as it was expected, and although there are some proposals to support their adoption, the proposed support is not by means of information and communication technology which can provide automatic tools of support. The aim of this study is to identify the critical adoption factors for electronic health records by physicians and to use them as a guide to support their adoption process automatically.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper presents, based on the PRISMA statement, a systematic literature review in electronic databases with adoption studies of electronic health records published in English. Software applications that manage and process the data in the electronic health record have been considered, i.e.: computerized physician prescription, electronic medical records, and electronic capture of clinical data. Our review was conducted with the purpose of obtaining a taxonomy of the physicians main barriers for adopting electronic health records, that can be addressed by means of information and communication technology; in particular with the information technology roles of the knowledge management processes. Which take us to the question that we want to address in this work: "What are the critical adoption factors of electronic health records that can be supported by information and communication technology?". Reports from eight databases covering electronic health records adoption studies in the medical domain, in particular those focused on physicians, were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The review identifies two main issues: 1) a knowledge-based classification of critical factors for adopting electronic health records by physicians; and 2) the definition of a base for the design of a conceptual framework for supporting the design of knowledge-based systems, to assist the adoption process of electronic health records in an automatic fashion. From our review, six critical adoption factors have been identified: user attitude towards information systems, workflow impact, interoperability, technical support, communication among users, and expert support. The main limitation of the taxonomy is the different impact of the adoption factors of electronic health records reported by some studies depending on the type of practice, setting, or attention level; however, these features are a determinant aspect with regard to the adoption rate for the latter rather than the presence of a specific critical adoption factor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The critical adoption factors established here provide a sound theoretical basis for research to understand, support, and facilitate the adoption of electronic health records to physicians in benefit of patients.</p

    Rakentaminen maatilalla-tutkinnon osan teoriaosuus

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    Rakentaminen maatilalla – tutkinnon osan teoriaosuus antaa opettajalle lähtökohdat laadukkaaseen ja monipuoliseen opetukseen. Teoriaosuus on rakennettu maatilan rakentamisen näkökulmasta ja se antaa opiskelijalle tietoa maatilan rakennuttamisesta ja rakennustöistä. Työn toteuttaminen on aloitettu tekemällä yleissuunnitelma, jossa todettiin valtakunnalliset perusteet, opetuksen tavoitteet ja arvioinnin mittarit. Yleissuunnitelmassa opintokokonaisuus on jaettu pienempiin aihepiireihin. Opetuksen teoriaosuus koostuu PowerPoint-esityksistä ja muusta esimerkki aineistosta, jota opettaja voi hyödyntää omassa opetustyössään. Tuottamamme teoriaosuus sisältää rakentamisen pääkohtia aina lainsäädännöstä korjausrakentamisee

    Methodologies Choice and Adoption: Using Diffusion of Innovations as the Theoretical Framework

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    This goal of this paper is to represent the method choice and adoption factors in two organizations over the 43 years period. General theoretical framework, chosen research approach, the research problems concerning method choice, implementation and use (adoption), the research methodology, related research and historical background of the organizations are represented. Methods for validity and reliability checking of the data sources are checked. The method choice using the theory of Diffusion of Innovations is taken as a focal point in this research

    Tupakatta työelämään - Ammatillisten oppilaitosten savuttomuusopas, osa 7

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    Tupakatta työelämään on opas savuttomuuden suunnitteluun, toteuttamiseen ja arviointiin ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Opas on monipuolinen paketti, joka tarjoaa tutkittua tietoa sekä konkreettisia vinkkejä ja työvälineitä savuttomuuden toteuttamiseen koulutuksen järjestäjille, opettajille ja muille nuorten parissa työskenteleville. Opiskelijoiden tupakointi on ammatillisessa peruskoulutuksessa moninkertaisesti yleisempää kuin lukiossa ja myös henkilöstön asenteet opiskelijoiden tupakointia kohtaan ovat sallivampia. Oppilaitos on nuorille tärkeä kehitysympäristö, jonka tulee mahdollistaa terveyttä edistävät tavat ja valinnat. Savuton oppilaitos on jokaisen opiskelijan oikeus. Tupakasta aiheutuvat sairaudet ja ennenaikaiset kuolemat ovat ennaltaehkäistävissä. Tupakointikiellot vähentävät tutkitusti tupakoinnin yleisyyttä. Niiden rinnalle tarvitaan kuitenkin monipuolista tupakoimattomuutta edistävää toimintaa ja rakenteita erityisesti kouluissa ja oppilaitoksissa. Tupakoimattomuus on keskeinen osa tulevien ammattiosaajien työkykyä, terveyttä ja ammattitaitoa. Ammattiin opiskelevien nuorten terveyttä ja hyvinvointia tukemalla saadaan työelämään terveitä ja työkykyisiä aikuisia.

    Historical Research in Information System Field: from Data Collection to Theory Creation

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    This paper gives important methodological, theoretical, and practical guidelines to the information system (IS) researchers to carry out a historical study. This study shows how a new theory can be discovered inductively from historical studies using a methodological guideline from Mason et al. (1997b); using multiple data collection methods, such as semi-structured interviews, archival files, and published news; and using novel data analysis methods from learning and intelligent systems, such as the Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs), SOMs combined with U-matrices, and the Bayesian network modeling. It also outlines the benefits, the main problems, the characteristics, and the implications of historical research in the information system field. Finally this paper gives future some research directions of historical research.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Information Influence in Society’s Information Environment : An Empirical Analysis Using the Grounded Theory

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    This paper investigates information influence in society’s Information Environment. The Grounded Theory approach was used to collect and to analyse the data. A conceptual framework of the thematic categories and item categories was developed on the basis of empirical evidence and past studies that reflect the findings of the field. The most fundamental components in this conceptual framework were six thematic categories (information influence, information operations, cyber operations, psychological operations, kinetic operations, and deception), their item categories, the items themselves, and the interrelationships between the thematic categories. The propositions regarding the thematic categories and the interrelationships between them showed 13 higher levels of abstractions of statements in the conceptual framework, which was a unique result of this study.peerReviewe