95 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Bpr. Picu Manunggal Sejahtera Denpasar

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    Job satisfaction is directly related to the employee\u27s performance. Job satisfaction felt by employees may decrease or increase employee performance. Employees who are satisfied with the work that is obtained will be motivated to improve performance so that will impact on increasing the company\u27s overall performance. This study uses Job Satisfaction and Motivation as an independent variable, while the Employee Performance as a Dependent variables. The purpose of this study are: (1) test and analyze the effect of Job Satisfaction and Motivation simultaneously the Employee Performance, (2) test and analyze the effects of job satisfaction and motivation partially on Employee Performance. The population in this study were all employees at PT. BPR Trigger Manunggal Sejahtera Denpasar. In this study used census method by giving questionnaires entire population of 30 people. The analysis includes the validity, reliability and classical assumption.Based on the results of multiple linear regression is expressed in the form of the regression equation: Y = 3.112 + 0.5651 X1 + 0.822 X2. a. The constant of 3.112 means that when employee satisfaction (X1) and employee motivation (X2) increases, employee performance (Y) will also be increased by 3.112. b. Multiple correlation analysis obtained by the R value of 0.942 which is located between 0.8 to 1.0 which means that the effect between job satisfaction and motivation on employee performance is very high. c. Results of determination (R2) coefficient of determination of 88.8%, which means the effect of job satisfaction and motivation on employee performance amounted to 88.8%. The remaining 100.0% - 88.8% = 11.2% influenced by other factors not examined on this occasion. Judging from the significant value 106.99 F-count is greater than F table 3.39, H0 is rejected. This means that the error rate of 5 per cent of job satisfaction (X1) and motivation (X2) together have a significant effect on employee performance. Judging from the significant value t count the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of employees 2,730 bigger than t-table is 1.701 then Hi accepted. This means that the error rate of 5 percent, job satisfaction (X1) partially significant positive effect on employee performance (Y). While significant value t count the influence of motivation (X1) on employee performance (Y) of 3.497 is greater than t table is 1.701 then Hi accepted. This means that the error rate of 5 percent, motivation (X1) is partially significant effect on employee performance (Y)

    The Translation of Idioms in Rowling’s "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" into Indonesian

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    This study analyzes the idioms and its translation strategies used in novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. RThe rsearcher classifies the translation strategies by using accuracy analysis. The result of this research shows that there are three strategies used by the Indonesian translator. The first strategy is idiom to idiom, which means transferring idioms in English into idioms in Indonesian. This method is used when two idioms, in both English and Indonesian, contain the same form and meaning. Second method is paraphrase, which means transferring idioms in English directly into its real meaning in Indonesian. This strategy is the most frequently used considering the fact that it is very difficult to find idioms in Indonesian that has the same meaning and form with the idioms in English. The third method is literal translation. In some cases, idioms in English can be literally translated. This kind of case is specifically occurs when an idiom happens to be part of a dialogue or informal sentence

    Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis in Young Female: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge

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    Alcoholic liver cirrhosis is a disease due to excessive alcohol consumption that manifest as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and chronic hepatitis with fibrosis or liver cirrhosis. Alcohol consumption as much as 60-80 g per day for 20 years or more in male, or 20 g/day (approximately 25 mL/day) in female significantly increases the risk of hepatitis and fibrosis as much as 7-47%. The aim of this case report was to explore the diagnostic and therapeutic challenge of alcoholic liver disease in young aged female. A female, 24 years old, came with complaints of bloody vomiting, blacktarry stool, abdominal distention and history of alcohol consumption (canned beer 5%, equal to 56-70 g/day) for 9 years. Physical examination revealed anaemic conjunctiva (Hb 2.9 g/dL), ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, and bilateral legs oedema. Laboratory examinations showed thrombocytopenia (125000/uL) and hypalbuminaemia (2.65 gr/dL). AST and ALP were increased with the value of 175 U/L and 456 U/L, respectively. Albumin-globulin ratio was 0.93 g/dL with serum ascites albumin-gradient was 2.20 g/dL (ascites fluid albumin level was 0.45 gr/dL and serum albumin level was 2.65 gr/dL). Abdominal USG revealed hepatomegaly with coarse heterogenic ecoparenchyma, portal vein dilatation, and splenomegaly. Diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis was made based on clinical, laboratory, and radiologic findings, while biopsy result did not confirm the pathology. Patients condition improved with education of stop alcohol consumption and was given supportive therapy

    Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis in Young Female: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge

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    Alcoholic liver cirrhosis is a disease due to excessive alcohol consumption that manifest as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and chronic hepatitis with fibrosis or liver cirrhosis. Alcohol consumption as much as 60-80 g per day for 20 years or more in male, or 20 g/day (approximately 25 mL/day) in female significantly increases the risk of hepatitis and fibrosis as much as 7-47%. The aim of this case report was to explore the diagnostic and therapeutic challenge of alcoholic liver disease in young aged female. A female, 24 years old, came with complaints of bloody vomiting, blacktarry stool, abdominal distention and history of alcohol consumption (canned beer 5%, equal to 56-70 g/day) for 9 years. Physical examination revealed anaemic conjunctiva (Hb 2.9 g/dL), ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, and bilateral legs oedema. Laboratory examinations showed thrombocytopenia (125000/uL) and hypalbuminaemia (2.65 gr/dL). AST and ALP were increased with the value of 175 U/L and 456 U/L, respectively. Albumin-globulin ratio was 0.93 g/dL with serum ascites albumin-gradient was 2.20 g/dL (ascites fluid albumin level was 0.45 gr/dL and serum albumin level was 2.65 gr/dL). Abdominal USG revealed hepatomegaly with coarse heterogenic ecoparenchyma, portal vein dilatation, and splenomegaly. Diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis was made based on clinical, laboratory, and radiologic findings, while biopsy result did not confirm the pathology. Patients condition improved with education of stop alcohol consumption and was given supportive therapy

    Nutrition Content and Antioxidant Activity of Black Garlic

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    Black garlic is a garlic that has been naturally processed at a certain temperature in a long time. Therefore, the new chemical content and formulations are produced. Black Garlic has stronger antibacterial properties, as well as antioxidants two times higher than regular garlic due to it consists of Sallycysteine. The longer black garlic fermentation of Sallycysteine content increases. The study was intended to identify the nutritional content and antioxidant activity found on black garlic based on fermentation time. The research type used was an analytical observation with complete randomized design included making, observing, and analyzing nutrient content (carbohydrate, protein, and fat) and antioxidant activity on black garlic based on fermentation length. The research sample was black garlic fermented at 700C. The experiment was carried out by different treatment of fermentation length was 30 days, 40 days, 60 days, and 90 days. The results showed that nutrient content and antioxidant activity of black garlic during the fermentation process tended to increase. The highest protein content was found on 60 fermented black garlic (7.52% bb). The highest fat content was found in 90 fermented black garlic (5.4% bb). The highest carbohydrate content was found on 90 fermented black garlic (45,476% bb)

    Aspek Alam Sebagai Bagian Therapeutic Architecture Pada Rumah Sakit Ketergantungan Obat

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    Arsitektur adalah produk dari manusia untuk manusia. Sejak jaman dulu kala, meskipun bentuknya masih sederhana (naungan, lindungan, tumpukan batu), manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan darinya. Sedikit banyak arsitektur atau lingkungan binaan berdampak bagi user bangunan dan lingkungan sekitarnya, seperti kutipan dari Winston Churchill “We shape our building, thereafter they shape us”. Secara umum, arsitektur sebagai media behaviour modifier diharapkan membawa dampak positif untuk proses kesehatan jiwa bila diterapkan pada bangunan atau lingkungan binaan. Konsep therapeutic architecture dapat diterapkan pada healthcare building ataupun lingkungan binaan yang terdapat aktivitas pengobatan di dalamnya, seperti rumah sakit ataupun pusat rehabilitasi. Dalam konsepnya, aspek-aspek arsitektur dimanipulasi sedemikian rupa untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Deposito Mudharabah pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia

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    Mudharabah Deposit is one of Islamic banking products, which is the biggest contributor to sharia banking compared to other collecting products. In addition, according to Bank Indonesia\u27s report, the number of Islamic banking deposits each year has increased significantly. Therefore, in this study, the authors want to know the factors that are expected to affect the number of mudharabah deposits. There are 6 factors that are expected to affect the number of deposits, namely the profit-sharing rate, the interest rate, the promotion rate, the inflation rate, the FDR, and the number of offices. The authors use a weighted average in terms of rate of profit sharing and interest rate and data processing using multiple linear regression. The results of these regression calculations, simultaneously show positive and significant results for all variables. This value resulted from the four regression has a value of sig-F 0.000 is smaller than 10% significance. Partially, profit sharing, promotion cost and number of offices show significant and positive effect on total mudharabah deposit, while interest rate, inflation and FDR show no effect on mudharabah deposit amount
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