72 research outputs found

    Vegetation development in sown field margins and on adjacent ditch banks

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    The creation of temporal and newly sown field margins for 6 years is a common agri-environment scheme (AES) in the Netherlands. Conservation profits resulting from AES vary over different areas and need further studying. We examined plant species richness in such field margins and adjacent ditch banks in the province of Zeeland, where these linear elements do not experience plant biomass removal after mowing as management strategy. First, during 2 years, we inventoried field margins sown with a wildflower mixture and related the species composition and richness to the age of the margins. In a second assessment, we studied plant species richness on ditch banks protected from arable fields by these margins. Major clusters in a principal component analysis (PCA) on species composition in the field margins showed a succession from sown and ruderal annual species (year 1), to sown perennial species (year 2) and ending with a dominance by tussock forming grass species and Urtica dioica (year 5–6). Total plant species richness decreased with increasing age of the margins, and this was caused by the combination of a decline in sown species and a stable number of not-sown species. The presence of field margins during several years did not result in an increase in plant species richness on adjacent ditch banks. In both the field margins and on the ditch banks, mowing management is not followed by the removal of the cuttings. For plant conservation, the results of these field margins are disappointing, probably due to the lack of a proper management. Therefore, we recommend implementing a hay-making and opening management, to increase plant richness and to reduce noxious weeds in the margins and on the ditch bank

    De grote waarde van kleine wateren.

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    Environmental Biology - ol

    Using eggshell membranes as a DNA source for population genetic research

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    In the context of population genetic research, a faster and less invasive method of DNA sampling would allow large-scale assessments of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation with the help of volunteer observers. The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of eggshell membranes as a DNA source for population genetic research, by addressing eggshell membrane DNA quality, degeneration and cross-contamination. To this end, a comparison was made with blood-derived DNA samples. We have demonstrated 100% successful DNA extraction from post-hatched Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) eggshell membranes as well as from blood samples. Using 11 microsatellite loci, DNA amplification success was 99.1% for eggshell membranes and 97.7% for blood samples. Genetic information within eggshell membrane DNA in comparison to blood DNA was not affected (F-ST = -0.01735, P = 0.999) by degeneration or possible cross-contamination. Furthermore, neither degeneration nor cross-contamination was apparent in total genotypic comparison of eggshell membrane DNA and blood sample DNA. Our research clearly illustrates that eggshell membranes can be used for population genetic research

    Geostatistische opschaling van concentraties van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in het Nederlandse oppervlaktewater

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    Metingen van concentraties van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in het Nederlandse oppervlaktewater worden met een geostatistische methode opgeschaald naar landelijke waarden. De methode maakt gebruik van ruimte-tijd regressie-kriging, waarbij zowel informatie in de metingen zelf als in landsdekkende kaarten van gecorreleerde omgevingsvariabelen wordt benut. De methode berekent eveneens de onzekerheid in de opgeschaalde waarde zodat ook de statistische significantie van temporele trends in landelijke waarden kan worden bepaald. Toepassing van de methode op metribuzin en carbendazim voor de periode 1997-2006 geeft plausibele resultaten die voor metribuzin in alle jaren rond 12 ng/liter liggen en voor carbendazim een dalende trend van 170 ng/liter in 1997 naar 100 ng/liter in 2006 laat zien. De methode is bewerkelijk en stelt hoge eisen aan de beschikbaarheid van data. Belangrijke aandachtspunten voor toekomstig onderzoek zijn statistische validatie van modeluitkomsten, analyse van de gevoeligheid van het model voor gemaakte aannames en de verbeterde verwerking van metingen beneden de kwantificeringslimiet. Trefwoorden: gewasbeschermingsmiddelen, kriging, milieu, regressie, statistische modellering, trend, waterkwalitei

    Statistische evaluatie van het MWTL-waterplantenmeetnet

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    Wetensch. publicatieInstitute of Environmental Science

    Analysis of species attributes to determine dominant environmental drivers, illustrated by species decline in the Netherlands since the 1950s

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    The relative impact of climate change and land use change on biodiversity loss is still under discussion. To alleviate drawbacks related to the use of observed species distributions, we introduce a novel approach to separate the effects of climate change and land use change, the latter split into fragmentation, agricultural intensification and reforestation. This approach, coined the Attribute Importance Analysis (AIA), uses the ability of species attributes to explain population declines. Through the a priori association between attributes and individual drivers, the relative importance of the drivers in causing the species decline can be assessed. We tested this approach on the population decline of vertebrate, insect, vascular plant, and fungi species in the Netherlands since the 1950s. Fragmentation was clearly the strongest driver of species decline for vertebrates and plants, and this may also be true for insects. For fungi, climate change seems the only driver. We found a weak signal of the importance of agricultural intensification for the decline of vertebrates only. We ascribe this unexpected low importance of agricultural intensification to our partitioning of agricultural effects into fragmentation and intensification. Our generic approach can offer valuable quantitative information on the relative importance of drivers that change local community composition without the need for spatial explicit information. Without data on temporal trends in drivers, including local climate and land use change, accurate information on species decline, species attribute values and association of attributes with drivers can give insights into the causes of species decline, which, in turn, can be used to adapt nature management accordingly.Conservation Biolog

    The effect of coloured light on nature.

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    Conservation Biology - ol

    Anti-aging interventions affect lifespan variability in sex, strain, diet and drug dependent fashion

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    Decreased forkhead box O1 (FoxO1) activity induces hyperlipidemia and increased PPARγ, leading to hyperlipidemia in association with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In the liver, aging and comorbidities such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes significantly influence a wide variety of steatosis, but the underlying mechanisms are complex and remain elusive.To establish the modulatory role of FoxO1 and the functional consequences of its altered interaction with PPARγ in the present study, we utilized a cell culture system, aged rats and diabetic db/db mice.We found that, under ER stress, FoxO1 induces PPARγ-mediated lipid accumulation in aged rat livers. Our data showed that the FoxO1-induced hepatic lipid accumulation was negatively regulated by Akt signaling. PPARγ, a key lipogenesis transcription factor, was increased in aged liver, resulting in lipid accumulation via hepatic ER stress under hyperglycemic conditions. We further demonstrated that loss of FoxO1 causes a decline in PPARγ expression and reduces lipid accumulation. In addition, the interaction between FoxO1 and PPARγ was shown to induce hepatic steatosis in aging and db/db mice.We provide evidence that, in aged rats, FoxO1 interaction with PPARγ promotes hepatic steatosis, due to hyperglycemia-induced ER stress, which causes an impairment in Akt signaling, such in aging-related diabetes.Environmental Biolog

    Distribution of ground-dwelling arthropods across landscapes with intensive agriculture in temperate areas

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    The idea that land use in the surroundings may affect the abundance of arthropods on a location plays an important role in the argument that agriculture is the prime cause of the recently discovered general decline of insects. We studied the abundance of ground-dwelling arthropods in agricultural fields along a gradient of increasing distance from (semi)natural areas and in relation to landscape complexity in both the North America (Illinois, USA) and Europe (The Netherlands) using pitfalls. Our results showed that the total abundance did not change with distance when we controlled for vegetation height and landscape complexity around the sample locations. Vegetation height affected abundance positively in crop land and negatively in grassland. Landscape complexity only affected abundance when it was measured in a 6000 m radius around sample location, not at lower levels of scale. We conclude that an effect of increasing landscape complexity may be expected when that is done on a large enough scale.Environmental Biolog
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