138 research outputs found

    Water Body Distributions Across Scales: A Remote Sensing Based Comparison of Three Arctic Tundra Wetlands

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    Water bodies are ubiquitous features in Arctic wetlands. Ponds, i.e., waters with a surface area smaller than 104 m2, have been recognized as hotspots of biological activity and greenhouse gas emissions but are not well inventoried. This study aimed to identify common characteristics of three Arctic wetlands including water body size and abundance for different spatial resolutions, and the potential of Landsat-5 TM satellite data to show the subpixel fraction of water cover (SWC) via the surface albedo. Water bodies were mapped using optical and radar satellite data with resolutions of 4mor better, Landsat-5 TM at 30mand the MODIS water mask (MOD44W) at 250m resolution. Study sites showed similar properties regarding water body distributions and scaling issues. Abundance-size distributions showed a curved pattern on a log-log scale with a flattened lower tail and an upper tail that appeared Paretian. Ponds represented 95% of the total water body number. Total number of water bodies decreased with coarser spatial resolutions. However, clusters of small water bodies were merged into single larger water bodies leading to local overestimation of water surface area. To assess the uncertainty of coarse-scale products, both surface water fraction and the water body size distribution should therefore be considered. Using Landsat surface albedo to estimate SWC across different terrain types including polygonal terrain and drained thermokarst basins proved to be a robust approach. However, the albedo–SWC relationship is site specific and needs to be tested in other Arctic regions. These findings present a baseline to better represent small water bodies of Arctic wet tundra environments in regional as well as global ecosystem and climate models

    An 18-year record (1998-2016) of permafrost soil temperature, soil water content, and meteorological data from a high Arctic permafrost site Bayelva (Svalbard)

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    Since 1998 we record hourly data from the Bayelva site close to Ny-Alesund, on Spitsbergen Island in the Svalbard archipelago (78°551 N, 11°571 E), where continuous permafrost underlies the un- glaciated coastal areas. The West Spitsbergen Ocean Current, a branch of the North Atlantic Current, warms this area to an average air temperature of about −13 °C in January and +5 °C in July, and provides about 400 mm of precipitation annually, falling mostly as snow between September and May. Significant warming of air temperatures has been detected since 1960, which is generally attributed to changes in the radiation budget and in atmospheric circulation. This warming is also reflected in the permafrost temperatures, as recorded from boreholes as well as increased active layer thaw depths. The scientific goal is to establish a long term- permafrost observational site to investigate the observed warming of permafrost and potential causes. At the site, weather components (radiation components, temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, snow) and soil temperature and moisture in the seasonally thawing surface layer. In 2007, additional instruments were added: an eddy covariance system and a 10 m permafrost temperature profile. In 2012, this site was equipped with a 220 V power supply and data transfer cables that are buried in the soil. Data are transferred hourly to Potsdam and loggers and sensors can be accessed and programmed remotely from AWI. Due to this major improvement, we obtained a data record without gaps since 2012. Thus, this site is included as validation site in satellite missions, for example in NASA’s soil moisture active passive mission (SMAP). We give an overview of the available data, as well as the processing and cleaning routines that are applied

    Permafrost - physical aspects and carbon cycling, databases and uncertainties

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    Permafrost is defined as ground that remains below 0°C for at least 2 consecutive years. About 24% of the northern hemisphere land area is underlain by permafrost. The thawing of permafrost has the potential to influence the climate system through the release of carbon (C) from northern high latitude terrestrial ecosystems, but there is substantial uncertainty about the sensitivity of the C cycle to thawing permafrost. Soil C can be mobilized from permafrost in response to changes in air temperature, directional changes in water balance, fire, thermokarst, and flooding. Observation networks need to be implemented to understand responses of permafrost and C at a range of temporal and spatial scales. The understanding gained from these observation networks needs to be integrated into modeling frameworks capable of representing how the responses of permafrost C will influence the trajectory of climate in the future

    ESA GlobPermafrost - WebGIS based Visualisation of Remote Sensing Data

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    GIS server and desktop GIS technologies support scientific work at all levels, from data collection and data processing to data management and data visualisation. Here we present how the development and publication of scalable WebGIS data services supports the ESA DUE Globpermafrost (2016-2018), and the ESA CCI+ Permafrost (2018-2021) projects, specifically in the interaction with the permafrost community. Within ESA DUE programs, user feedback is essential to improve the remote sensing products. This is why ESA GlobPermafrost had to focus on methods and infrastructure for data presentation, and established PerSYS (Permafrost Information System). PerSYS became the ESA GlobPermafrost geospatial information service for publishing and visualisation of information and data products to the public. Data products are described and searchable in the PerSYS Data Catalogue, a core component of the Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC), established within the framework of ERC PETA-CARB at AWI. All GlobPermafrost data products will be DOI-registered and archived in the data archive PANGAEA provided by AWI. The data visualisation employs AWI’s WebGIS-infrastructure maps@awi (http://maps.awi.de), a highly scalable data visualisation unit within AWI’s data workflow framework O2A (from Observation to Archive). GIS services have been created and designed using ArcGIS for Desktop (latest Version) and finally published as a Web Map Service (WMS), an internationally standardized format (Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)), using ArcGIS for Server. The project-specific data WMS as well as a resolution-specific background map WMS are embedded into a GIS viewer application based on Leaflet, an open-source JavaScript library. The GIS viewer application was adapted to interlink all GlobPermafrost WebGIS projects, and especially to enable their direct accessibility via the GlobPermafrost Overview WebGIS. The PerSys WebGIS is accessible via the GlobPermafrost project webpage and linked to the respective product groups as well as to maps@awi. WebGIS technology within maps@awi supports the project-specific visualisation of raster and vector data products of diverse spatial resolutions and remote sensing sources. This is a prerequisite for the visualisation of the wide range of GlobPermafrost remote sensing products like: Landsat multispectral index trends (Tasseled Cap Brightness, Greeness, Wetness; Normalized Vegetation Index NDVI), Arctic land cover (e.g., shrub height, vegetation composition), lake ice grounding, InSAR-based land surface deformation, rock glacier velocities and a spatially distributed permafrost model output with permafrost probability and ground temperature per pixel. All WebGIS projects are adapted to the products’ specific spatial scales. For example, the WebGIS ‘Arctic’ visualises the Circum-Artic products. Higher spatial resolution products for rock glacier movements are visualised on regional scales in the WebGIS projects ‘Alps’, ‘Andes’ or ‘Central Asia’. The PerSYS WebGIS also visualises the locations of the WMO GCOS ground monitoring networks of the permafrost community: the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost GTN-P managed by the International Permafrost Association IPA. The PerSYS WebGIS has been presented on several User workshops and at conferences, and is being continuously adapted in close interaction with the IPA

    PerSys - WebGIS-based permafrost data visualisation system for ESA GlobPermafrost

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    ESA DUE GlobPermafrost (www.globpermafrost.info) provides a remote sensing data service for permafrost research and applications. This service comprises of the generation of remote sensing products for various regions and spatial scales, and specific infrastructures for visualisation, dissemination and access to datasets. PerSys is the ESA GlobPermafrost geospatial information service for publishing and visualisation of information and data productstothepublic.DataproductsaredescribedandsearchableinthePerSysDataCatalogue,acorecomponent of the Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC), established within the framework of ERC PETA-CARB at AWI. The data visualisation employs the AWI WebGIS-infrastructure maps@awi (http://maps.awi.de), a highly scalable data visualisation unit within the AWI data-workflow framework O2A, from Observation to Archive. WebGIS technology in maps@awi supports the project-specific visualisation of raster and vector data products of diverse spatial resolutions and remote sensing sources. This is a prerequisite for the visualisation of the wide range of GlobPermafrost remote sensing products like: Landsat multispectral index trends (Tasseled Cap Brightness, Greeness, Wetness; Normalized Vegetation Index NDVI), Arctic land cover (e.g., shrub height, vegetation composition), lake ice grounding, InSAR-based land surface deformation, rock glacier velocities and a spatially distributed permafrost model output with permafrost probability and ground temperature per pixel. All WebGIS projects are adapted to the products specific spatial scale. For example, the WebGIS ‘Arctic’ visualises the Circum-Artic products. Higher spatial resolution products for rock glacier movements are visualised on regional scales in the WebGIS projects ‘Alps’, ‘Andes’ and ‘Central Asia’. GIS services were created and designed using ArcGIS for Desktop (10.4) and finally published as a Web MapService(WMS),aninternationallystandardizedformat(OpenGeospatialConsortium(OGC)),usingArcGIS for Server (10.4). The project-specific data WMS as well as a resolution-specific background map WMS are embedded into a GIS viewer application based on Leaflet, an open-source JavaScript library. The GIS viewer application was adapted to interlink all WebGIS projects, and especially to enable their direct accessibility via the GlobPermafrost Overview WebGIS project. The PerSys WebGIS is accessible via the GlobPermafrost project webpage and linked to the respective product groups as well as on maps@awi (maps.awi.de). All GlobPermafrost data products will be DOI-registered and archived in PANGAEA. In future, PerSys intends to encourage permafrost researchers other than GlobPermafrost to integrate and visualise their dat

    Investigating patterns of pond and lake distributions to enhance the modeling of future Arctic surface inundation

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    Permafrost acts as an impermeable subsurface in Arctic lowland landscapes. This hydrological barrier results in carbon-rich, water-saturated soils as well as many ponds and lakes. The rapidly warming Arctic climate very likely will affect the surface inundation in Arctic lowlands due to changes in precipitation, evapotranspiration, and permafrost degradation. Drying and wetting of the surface may occur in different regions and potentially alter the exchange of energy and carbon between the surface and the atmosphere. With increased permafrost thaw, for example, water may drain to deeper soil layers or drainage maybe enhanced due to newly forming drainage networks. Melting ground ice and subsequent inundation, on the other hand, may enhance formation of new ponds and wet areas. The current distribution of ponds and lakes in the Arctic is the result of complex interactions between climate, ground ice volume, topography, age and sediment characteristics. Because lake formation and growth processes occur at spatial scales orders of magnitude below those of the resolution for global or pan-arctic models land surface models, statistical representations of lake size distributions and other properties to inform such processes in future models are needed that can be related to macroscopic landcape properties. This study proposes basic observationally-constrained relationships to enhance the modeling of future Arctic surface inundation. We mapped ponds and lakes in 21 circum-arctic sites representing different permafrost-soil landscapes, i.e., physiographic regions with similar surface geology, regional climate, and biomes. We used high-resolution optical and radar satellite imagery with spatial resolutions of 4 m or better to create detailed water body maps and derive representative probability density functions (PDF). PDFs of ponds and lakes vary little within the same ecoregion. Significant differences, however, do occur between landscapes. We used regional permafrost-soil landscape maps of Alaska, Canada, and Siberia to upscale the water body distributions to the circum-arctic. We here present regional distribution parameters, i.e. pond and lake fractions as well as PDF moments (mean surface area, standard deviation, and skewness) and their uncertainties. Younger landscapes, that developed in the early Holocene exhibit very skewed water body distributions. These landscapes are dominated by many ponds and feature only very few large lakes. Older landscapes, on the other hand, show more larger lakes but also a higher variability in pond and lake size. For lakes smaller than 5*10⁵ m², PDFs change in a regular fashion across all sites: Relationships between mean surface area and standard deviation show a linear behaviour whereas the correlation between mean and skewness log-normal. We hypothesize that these relationships are an expression of pond and lake growth and/or lake formation in the landscapes and discuss the potential of the observed patterns to improve predictions of future distributions of Arctic ponds and lakes

    Size Distributions of Arctic Waterbodies Reveal Consistent Relations in Their Statistical Moments in Space and Time

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    Arctic lowlands are characterized by large numbers of small waterbodies, which are known to affect surface energy budgets and the global carbon cycle. Statistical analysis of their size distributions has been hindered by the shortage of observations at sufficiently high spatial resolutions. This situation has now changed with the high-resolution (<5 m) circum-Arctic Permafrost Region Pond and Lake (PeRL) database recently becoming available. We have used this database to make the first consistent, high-resolution estimation of Arctic waterbody size distributions, with surface areas ranging from 0.0001 km2 (100 m2) to 1 km2. We found that the size distributions varied greatly across the thirty study regions investigated and that there was no single universal size distribution function (including power-law distribution functions) appropriate across all of the study regions. We did, however, find close relationships between the statistical moments (mean, variance, and skewness) of the waterbody size distributions from different study regions. Specifically, we found that the spatial variance increased linearly with mean waterbody size (R2 = 0.97, p < 2.2e-16) and that the skewness decreased approximately hyperbolically. We have demonstrated that these relationships (1) hold across the 30 Arctic study regions covering a variety of (bio)climatic and permafrost zones, (2) hold over time in two of these study regions for which multi-decadal satellite imagery is available, and (3) can be reproduced by simulating rising water levels in a high-resolution digital elevation model. The consistent spatial and temporal relationships between the statistical moments of the waterbody size distributions underscore the dominance of topographic controls in lowland permafrost areas. These results provide motivation for further analyses of the factors involved in waterbody development and spatial distribution and for investigations into the possibility of using statistical moments to predict future hydrologic dynamics in the Arctic

    PeRL:A circum-Arctic Permafrost Region Pond and Lake database

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    Ponds and lakes are abundant in Arctic permafrost lowlands. They play an important role in Arctic wetland ecosystems by regulating carbon, water, and energy fluxes and providing freshwater habitats. However, ponds, i.e., waterbodies with surface areas smaller than 1. 0 × 104ĝ€m2, have not been inventoried on global and regional scales. The Permafrost Region Pond and Lake (PeRL) database presents the results of a circum-Arctic effort to map ponds and lakes from modern (2002-2013) high-resolution aerial and satellite imagery with a resolution of 5ĝ€m or better. The database also includes historical imagery from 1948 to 1965 with a resolution of 6ĝ€m or better. PeRL includes 69 maps covering a wide range of environmental conditions from tundra to boreal regions and from continuous to discontinuous permafrost zones. Waterbody maps are linked to regional permafrost landscape maps which provide information on permafrost extent, ground ice volume, geology, and lithology. This paper describes waterbody classification and accuracy, and presents statistics of waterbody distribution for each site. Maps of permafrost landscapes in Alaska, Canada, and Russia are used to extrapolate waterbody statistics from the site level to regional landscape units. PeRL presents pond and lake estimates for a total area of 1. 4 × 106ĝ€km2 across the Arctic, about 17ĝ€% of the Arctic lowland ( &lt; ĝ€300ĝ€mĝ€a.s.l.) land surface area. PeRL waterbodies with sizes of 1. 0 × 106ĝ€m2 down to 1. 0 × 102ĝ€m2 contributed up to 21ĝ€% to the total water fraction. Waterbody density ranged from 1. 0 × 10 to 9. 4 × 101ĝ€kmĝ'2. Ponds are the dominant waterbody type by number in all landscapes representing 45-99ĝ€% of the total waterbody number. The implementation of PeRL size distributions in land surface models will greatly improve the investigation and projection of surface inundation and carbon fluxes in permafrost lowlands. Waterbody maps, study area boundaries, and maps of regional permafrost landscapes including detailed metadata are available at https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.868349

    Size Distributions of Arctic Waterbodies Reveal Consistent Relations in Their Statistical Moments in Space and Time

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    Arctic lowlands are characterized by large numbers of small waterbodies, which are known to affect surface energy budgets and the global carbon cycle. Statistical analysis of their size distributions has been hindered by the shortage of observations at sufficiently high spatial resolutions. This situation has now changed with the high-resolution (&lt;5 m) circum-Arctic Permafrost Region Pond and Lake (PeRL) database recently becoming available. We have used this database to make the first consistent, high-resolution estimation of Arctic waterbody size distributions, with surface areas ranging from 0.0001 km2 (100 m2) to 1 km2. We found that the size distributions varied greatly across the thirty study regions investigated and that there was no single universal size distribution function (including power-law distribution functions) appropriate across all of the study regions. We did, however, find close relationships between the statistical moments (mean, variance, and skewness) of the waterbody size distributions from different study regions. Specifically, we found that the spatial variance increased linearly with mean waterbody size (R2 = 0.97, p &lt; 2.2e-16) and that the skewness decreased approximately hyperbolically. We have demonstrated that these relationships (1) hold across the 30 Arctic study regions covering a variety of (bio)climatic and permafrost zones, (2) hold over time in two of these study regions for which multi-decadal satellite imagery is available, and (3) can be reproduced by simulating rising water levels in a high-resolution digital elevation model. The consistent spatial and temporal relationships between the statistical moments of the waterbody size distributions underscore the dominance of topographic controls in lowland permafrost areas. These results provide motivation for further analyses of the factors involved in waterbody development and spatial distribution and for investigations into the possibility of using statistical moments to predict future hydrologic dynamics in the Arctic