11 research outputs found

    Research on the Influence of Roadside Billboards on Cognitive Workload of Young Drivers and Traffic Safety

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    Based on a vast number of worldwide studies concerning driving behavior and traffic safety, lack of drivers\u27 attention and distraction is recognized as two of the most critical factors for road safety. While roadside advertising is often identified as a potential source of distraction, it has received less attention compared to other types of distractions such as texting or calling while driving. Young drivers, 18 - 25 years old, seem to invest more resources interacting with roadside advertising, suggesting a lower capacity to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant driving information. Combined with lesser driving experience, susceptibility to roadside distractions such as advertising signs, static or changeable, can increase traffic safety risks involving young drivers. Therefore, this study focused on the impact of roadside advertising signs on young drivers, specifically on their cognitive workload while driving in an urban environment cluttered with roadside billboards. The research has been conducted by simultaneously using driving simulator, wireless mobile EEG device for the measurement of the brain\u27s electrical activity, and mobile ETG (eye-tracking glasses) for the measurement of eye movement while driving. The research included 20 young drivers 18 - 25 years old. Research results from EEG device showed statistically significant difference in young drivers\u27 cognitive workload related to roadside advertising, with higher cognitive workload while driving in an environment including billboards. Research results from the simulator showed statistically significant driving speed change-drivers accelerating while driving through environment saturated with roadside billboards. Research results from ETG and questionnaire showed three common features of the static roadside billboards that draw more of driver\u27s attention: bigger billboards (mega-boards), well-known brands, and provocative design

    Use of Green Industry 5.0 Technologies in Logistics Activities

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    Industry 5.0 is a human-centred concept of industrial development towards the sustainable and resilient system presented by the European Union which aims to become the global both innovation and industrial leader. It should overcome the barriers of the previously presented Industry 4.0. This paper presents the research conducted in the 112 Croatian manufacturing companies, dealing with their awareness level of the Industry 5.0, as well as the use of green and digital elements in logistics activities. The results have shown that the awareness of the digital concept of both Industry 4.0 or 5.0 remains low, but the companies are more open towards the implementation of the green elements than the digital ones, with the potential for future development recognized

    Expert approach to safety improvement in road work zones

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    Povećan obim prometa na hrvatskim cestama zahtijeva sve viÅ”e radova na njihovom održavanju. Radovi na cestama smanjuju mobilnost prometa i sigurnost korisnika ceste, ali i samih izvođača radova. Povećanje mobilnosti i sigurnosti prometa u radnim zonama temeljni su problemi koje trebaju rjeÅ”avati sve zainteresirane strane (oni koji planiraju i upravljaju radovima, ali i oni koji izvode radove na cesti). Ublažavanje navedenih negativnih posljedica moguće je uz pomoć mjera ekspertnih sustava. U radu su prikazane mogućnosti uvođenja ekspertnih sustava u zone radova na cestama kao element unapređenja održavanja cesta i povećanje sigurnosti protoka prometa u radnim zonama i sigurnosti cestarskih radnika koji rade u zonama radova na cesti. Popunjavanjem baze znanja ekspertnog sustava s mjerodavnim podacima dobiva se ekspertni sustav koji nudi vozaču koji dolazi do zone radova na cesti nekoliko alternativnih pravaca kretanja. U radu je prikazan dijagram upravljanja vozilom u zonama radova na cesti s posebnim osvrtom na smanjenje prilazne brzine vožnje pri dolasku vozila u zonu radova na cesti. Iz rezultata istraživanja vidljivo je da bi primjena ekspertnih sustava koji imaju popunjenu bazu znanja s mjerodavnim, vjerodostojnim podacima, značajno olakÅ”ala upravljanje prometom kroz radne zone i povećala sigurnost prometa i sigurnost radnika na održavanju cesta kao i samu učinkovitost radnika.An ever-increasing volume of traffic on Croatian roads increases the volume of maintenance work. Road works negatively impact traffic mobility and road user safety, and also safety of the maintenance workers. Improving traffic mobility and safety is the key issue that all interested parties (planning and managing road works and those executing them) should address. Mitigation of negative effects is possible via certain expert system measures. Presented in the paper are the options provided by expert systems implemented in the road work zones as factors for improving road maintenance and safe traffic flow, as well as road workers safety. Introducing relevant data into the data base, an expert system is created providing the driver approaching a road work zone with a number of alternative routes. Also shown is a driving diagram for road work zones with special focus on slowing down speed upon entering the road work zone. The results show that the implementation of expert systems based on relevant data would significantly facilitate traffic management in road work zones and improve the safety of traffic and road workers, as well as the workers\u27 efficacy

    Site selection model for placing roadside billboards with regard to road traffic safety

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    U ovom istraživanju prikazan je prijedlog ekspertnog sustava koji može biti koristan u detekciji područja koja su s aspekta sigurnosti povoljna za postavljanje oglasnih povrÅ”ina uz cestovne prometnice. Urbanizacija generira povećanu mobilnost u urbanim sredinama Å”to čini upravljanje vozilom kompleksnijom i distraktibilnijom radnjom za vozače. Distrakcija postaje glavni izazov za sve koji se bave cestovnom prometnom sigurnoŔću (znanstvena zajednica, automobilska industrija, nadležna tijela), a definirana je kao odvraćanje pozornosti od prioritetno bitnih aktivnosti za sigurnu vožnju. Pozornost vozača može biti ugrožena nizom čimbenika koji se pojavljuju u raznim oblicima pa je time istraživanje distrakcija zahtjevno i treba biti pažljivo metodoloÅ”ki pripremljeno i isplanirano. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja dokazuju da je distrakcija vodeći uzročnik prometnih nesreća dok istraživanja provedena testnim vožnjama na autocestama gdje su kombinirana veća brzina i gusto postavljene oglasne povrÅ”ine dokazuju da distrakcije u takvim uvjetima ugrožavaju sigurno upravljanje vozilom. Istraživanjem tematike identificirani su glavni generatori distrakcija u cestovnom prometu koji imaju daljnju podjelu po utjecaju na sigurnu vožnju. U prvom dijelu istraživanja prikazani su osnovni pojmovi iz područja oglaÅ”avanja u cestovnom prometu. Autori su metodom modeliranja predložili model ekspertnog sustava koji može biti koristan u detekciji područja koja su s aspekta sigurnosti povoljna za postavljanje oglasnih povrÅ”ina uz cestovne prometnice. Metodom klasifikacije pomoću simulatora vožnje klasificirani su određeni elementi oglasnih povrÅ”ina koji utječu na koncentraciju vozača u vožnji te direktno na sigurnost cestovnog prometa. Deskriptivne i inferencijalne statističke analize, metoda indukcije, dedukcije i sinteze koriÅ”tene su za prikaz rezultata istraživanja. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja simulatorom i ETG naočalama daju jasan obrazac ponaÅ”anja ljudske percepcije u vožnji, Å”to čini validnu podlogu za izradu ekspertnog sustava za poboljÅ”anja sigurnosti u prometu s aspekta distrakcije od strane oglasnih povrÅ”ina.Presented in the study is the proposed system that may be useful in selecting the sites suitable for the placement of billboards along roads. Urbanization generates increased mobility in urban areas. Driving a vehicle in such areas is more demanding due to the visual distractions encountered by drivers. Distractions are a major issue for all those concerned with road traffic safety (professional community, automobile industry, authorities) and constitute anything and everything that may avert driversā€™ attention from the key focus on safe driving. Driversā€™ attention may be jeopardized by a number of factors, thus making the study of distractions a demanding task that needs to be carefully planned and prepared. Studies carried out to date prove that distractions are the chief cause of road accidents, and studies of test drives on motorways show that the combination of high speed and densely placed, visually distracting billboards pose a threat to safe driving. Additional studies have identified the main distractions in road traffic, providing also a classification with regard to their specific impacts on safe driving. In the first section, the study puts forth the basic terminology relating to billboards and road traffic. The model proposed by the authors may be useful in identifying the sites safe for putting up billboards alongside roads. Using a drive simulator for classification, certain billboard features are accented as potential distracters affecting driversā€™ focus while driving, causing direct impact on road traffic safety. Descriptive and inferential statistic analyses, induction method, deduction, and synthesis were used to present the results. The results obtained using a simulator and ETG glasses help determine the behaviour pattern of human perception in driving, thus constituting a valid base for the development of traffic safety improvements with respect to the matter of roadside billboards

    Korelacija između slikovnog prikaza magnetskom rezonancijom i histopatologije u diferencijaciji bolesti guÅ”terače

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    In the last four decades, the incidence of pancreatic cancer has tripled in Western countries. More than 90% of all pancreatic cancers are detected in the advanced stage of the disease when surgical treatment is no longer possible and survival after initial diagnosis is usually very short. The aim of this study was to correlate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) established diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, benign lesion and malignant neoplasm with final histopathology. The study included 29 patients in whom the nature of pancreatic pathology could not be determined clinically and by other imaging modalities including abdominal ultrasonography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and multislice computed tomography. MRI examination was performed and radiological report was compared with histopathology assessment of the pancreatic lesion detected. The data obtained indicated systematic conformity between radiological and histopathology findings, confirmed high diagnostic accuracy of MRI for selected pancreatic pathology, and demonstrated the role of MRI as a problem solving diagnostic imaging modality in undetermined pancreatic changes.U posljednja četiri desetljeća incidencija karcinoma guÅ”terače se u zapadnim zemljama utrostručila. ViÅ”e od 90% svih karcinoma guÅ”terače otkriva se u uznapredovalom stadiju kada kirurÅ”ko liječenje viÅ”e nije moguće, a preživljavanje bolesnika nakon postavljene dijagnoze je najčeŔće vrlo kratko. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti nalaz magnetske rezonancije s histopatoloÅ”kim nalazom promjena u guÅ”terači u bolesnika oboljelih od kroničnog pankreatitisa te dobroćudnih i zloćudnih novotvorina guÅ”terače. U istraživanje je uključeno 29 bolesnika kod kojih se narav patoloÅ”ke promjene guÅ”terače nije mogla utvrditi klinički niti drugim radioloÅ”kim metodama koje su uključivale ultrazvučni pregled, endoskopsku retrogradnu kolangiopankreatografiju te viÅ”eslojnu kompjutoriziranu tomografiju. Podaci istraživanja upućuju na podudaranje u radioloÅ”koj i histopatoloÅ”koj prosudbi opaženih promjena, potvrđuju visoku točnost magnetske rezonancije u dijagnostici patoloÅ”kih promjena guÅ”terače i ilustriraju njenu važnost u procjeni naravi nejasnih promjena guÅ”terače

    The Požega hospital during the war in Croatia

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    PožeÅ”ka Bolnica djelovala je u ratnim uvjetima od sredine kolovoza 1991. godine, a do sada je jedna od vrlo rijetkih u Slavoniji koja nije pretrpjela izravna ratna razaranja. Veliki podrumski prostori omoguĀ­Ä‡ili su relativno siguran rad i smjeÅ”taj oko 150 ležajeva. Tijekom rata zbrinuto je 589 ranjenika s požeÅ”ke i drugih bojiÅ”nica. Većina ranjenika ozlijeđena je eksplozivnim oružjima (50%) Å”to je ijedno od značajki ovoga rata. Na hrvatskim bojiÅ”nicama 49 Požežana izgubilo je život, od čega je 10 umrlo nakon prijema u bolnicu, Å”est u prvom satu po prijemu a četiri u prva tri dana. U većine se ranjenika radilo o politraumi, a najčeŔće su bili ozlijeđeni udovi (73,9%) potom prsni koÅ”, glavai trbuh. Postupnim gaÅ”enjem većine hrvatskih bojniÅ”nica, požeÅ”ka Bolnica postala je oslonac susjednim općinama, prije svega Slavonskom Brodu i Novoj GradiÅ”ci, u zbrinjavanju ranjenika s preostalih posavskih bojiÅ”ta, kao i oboljelih koji joÅ” uvijek ne mogu zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu ostvariti u svojim bolnicama.The Požega Hospital worked in war conditions from the midlle of the August 1991. Up to now, it is one of the very rare hospitals that were not damaged. Spacious cellars enabled relatively secure work and the accomodation of cca 150 beds. During the war 589 wounded from Požega and other battlefields were accepted and treated. Half of the wounded (50%) were injured by explosive weapons and this is one of the characteristics of this war. 49 inhabitants of Požega lost their lives on Croatian battlefields. 10 of them died after they were accepted to the hospital; six of them during the first hour after the receipt and four in first three days. The majority of the wounded were polytraumatic cases. The most often limbs were injured (73,9%), upon that thoracic cage, head and belly. As the war had been diminishing, the hospital in Požega became the foot-hold for the neighbourning communities of Slavonski Brod and Nova GradiÅ”ka and others in taking care of the wounded from the rest of battlefields in the Sava valley. The hospital took care on other sick people who were not cured in the hospitals in their towns

    Distracting influence of advertising in traffic area on young drivers' safety

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    Prema spoznajama iz dosad provedenih znanstvenih istraživanja, distrakcija vozača može utjecati na smanjenu sposobnost zamjećivanja važnih detalja prilikom upravljanja vozilom Å”to posljedično utječe na sigurnost u prometu i u određenim situacijama može biti jedan od uzroka prometnih nesreća. Uz distrakcije koje se pojavljuju unutar vozila sve veću opasnost predstavlja distrakcija koja dolazi izvan vozila. Prometna okolina postala je brzo rastuća platforma unutar oglaÅ”avačkog marketinga pa vožnja u takvoj okolini postaje vrlo zahtjevna. Naime, oglasne povrÅ”ine mogu u određenoj mjeri utjecati na ponaÅ”anje vozača, odnosno odvratiti njegovu pozornost od važnog detalja koji je u datom trenutku ključan za njegovu pravovremenu reakciju. Prema dodasaÅ”njim istraživanjima i statističkim pokazateljima prometnih nesreća nedvojbeno je da mladi vozači (od 18-24 g.) spadaju u rizičnu skupinu te da su izrazito podložni utjecaju različitih oblika distrakcije. Upravo iz navedenog razloga, cilj ove doktorske disertacije je istražiti utjecaj vizualne i kognitivne distrakcije uzrokovane oglasnim povrÅ”inama neposredno uz prometnicu na mlade vozače. S obzirom na to da se radi o jednom od najvećih izvora vanjske distrakcije i najpodložnijoj skupini vozača, zadatak ovog istraživanja je takvu distrakciju detektirati i odrediti njen stvarni utjecaj na kognitivno opterećenje i promjene ponaÅ”anja u vožnji. KoriÅ”tenjem naočala koje prate pokret oka (ETG) i elektroencefalografskog uređaja za mjerenje moždanih aktivnosti (EEG) dobiven je veći spektar ulaznih podataka koji su značajno točniji od podataka koji su koriÅ”teni u ranijim istraživanjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na suvremenom simulatoru vožnje i preklapanjem dobivenih rezultata iz navedenih uređaja dokazan je utjecaj oglaÅ”avanja uz prometnice na mlade vozače, posebno na povećanje kognitivnog opterećenja u vožnji.Driver distraction is one of the main causes of traffic accidents. With distractions appearing inside the vehicle, an increasing danger is a visual distraction coming from outside the vehicle. The traffic environment has become a rapidly growing platform within advertising marketing, and driving in such environment requires increased attention. While this is not their primary goal, it has been proven that the presence of billboards could have an impact on the driver's behavior and can draw the driver's attention over a time period that may be crucial for a timely reaction. Research has shown that young drivers, 18-24 years of age are the most susceptible to various types of distraction and in this paper visual and cognitive distraction on young drivers by advertising surfaces located just along the road is explored. Since it is one of the main external distractors and the most appropriate driver group, the goal was to detect such distraction and determine its actual impact on behavior, cognitive workload and changes in driving behaviour. Using glasses that detect eye movement (ETG) and electroencephalographic device for measuring brain activity (EEG) a larger spectrum of input data has been obtained; data significantly more accurate than the ones used in previous research. The research was carried out on a driving simulator and overlapping of the results obtained from mentioned devices was used to demonstrate the impact of advertising on young drivers. Data analysis determined a specific threat to traffic safety caused by roadside advertising, especially in relation to increased cognitive workload of young drivers

    Distracting influence of advertising in traffic area on young drivers' safety

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    Prema spoznajama iz dosad provedenih znanstvenih istraživanja, distrakcija vozača može utjecati na smanjenu sposobnost zamjećivanja važnih detalja prilikom upravljanja vozilom Å”to posljedično utječe na sigurnost u prometu i u određenim situacijama može biti jedan od uzroka prometnih nesreća. Uz distrakcije koje se pojavljuju unutar vozila sve veću opasnost predstavlja distrakcija koja dolazi izvan vozila. Prometna okolina postala je brzo rastuća platforma unutar oglaÅ”avačkog marketinga pa vožnja u takvoj okolini postaje vrlo zahtjevna. Naime, oglasne povrÅ”ine mogu u određenoj mjeri utjecati na ponaÅ”anje vozača, odnosno odvratiti njegovu pozornost od važnog detalja koji je u datom trenutku ključan za njegovu pravovremenu reakciju. Prema dodasaÅ”njim istraživanjima i statističkim pokazateljima prometnih nesreća nedvojbeno je da mladi vozači (od 18-24 g.) spadaju u rizičnu skupinu te da su izrazito podložni utjecaju različitih oblika distrakcije. Upravo iz navedenog razloga, cilj ove doktorske disertacije je istražiti utjecaj vizualne i kognitivne distrakcije uzrokovane oglasnim povrÅ”inama neposredno uz prometnicu na mlade vozače. S obzirom na to da se radi o jednom od najvećih izvora vanjske distrakcije i najpodložnijoj skupini vozača, zadatak ovog istraživanja je takvu distrakciju detektirati i odrediti njen stvarni utjecaj na kognitivno opterećenje i promjene ponaÅ”anja u vožnji. KoriÅ”tenjem naočala koje prate pokret oka (ETG) i elektroencefalografskog uređaja za mjerenje moždanih aktivnosti (EEG) dobiven je veći spektar ulaznih podataka koji su značajno točniji od podataka koji su koriÅ”teni u ranijim istraživanjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na suvremenom simulatoru vožnje i preklapanjem dobivenih rezultata iz navedenih uređaja dokazan je utjecaj oglaÅ”avanja uz prometnice na mlade vozače, posebno na povećanje kognitivnog opterećenja u vožnji.Driver distraction is one of the main causes of traffic accidents. With distractions appearing inside the vehicle, an increasing danger is a visual distraction coming from outside the vehicle. The traffic environment has become a rapidly growing platform within advertising marketing, and driving in such environment requires increased attention. While this is not their primary goal, it has been proven that the presence of billboards could have an impact on the driver's behavior and can draw the driver's attention over a time period that may be crucial for a timely reaction. Research has shown that young drivers, 18-24 years of age are the most susceptible to various types of distraction and in this paper visual and cognitive distraction on young drivers by advertising surfaces located just along the road is explored. Since it is one of the main external distractors and the most appropriate driver group, the goal was to detect such distraction and determine its actual impact on behavior, cognitive workload and changes in driving behaviour. Using glasses that detect eye movement (ETG) and electroencephalographic device for measuring brain activity (EEG) a larger spectrum of input data has been obtained; data significantly more accurate than the ones used in previous research. The research was carried out on a driving simulator and overlapping of the results obtained from mentioned devices was used to demonstrate the impact of advertising on young drivers. Data analysis determined a specific threat to traffic safety caused by roadside advertising, especially in relation to increased cognitive workload of young drivers

    Distracting influence of advertising in traffic area on young drivers' safety

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    Prema spoznajama iz dosad provedenih znanstvenih istraživanja, distrakcija vozača može utjecati na smanjenu sposobnost zamjećivanja važnih detalja prilikom upravljanja vozilom Å”to posljedično utječe na sigurnost u prometu i u određenim situacijama može biti jedan od uzroka prometnih nesreća. Uz distrakcije koje se pojavljuju unutar vozila sve veću opasnost predstavlja distrakcija koja dolazi izvan vozila. Prometna okolina postala je brzo rastuća platforma unutar oglaÅ”avačkog marketinga pa vožnja u takvoj okolini postaje vrlo zahtjevna. Naime, oglasne povrÅ”ine mogu u određenoj mjeri utjecati na ponaÅ”anje vozača, odnosno odvratiti njegovu pozornost od važnog detalja koji je u datom trenutku ključan za njegovu pravovremenu reakciju. Prema dodasaÅ”njim istraživanjima i statističkim pokazateljima prometnih nesreća nedvojbeno je da mladi vozači (od 18-24 g.) spadaju u rizičnu skupinu te da su izrazito podložni utjecaju različitih oblika distrakcije. Upravo iz navedenog razloga, cilj ove doktorske disertacije je istražiti utjecaj vizualne i kognitivne distrakcije uzrokovane oglasnim povrÅ”inama neposredno uz prometnicu na mlade vozače. S obzirom na to da se radi o jednom od najvećih izvora vanjske distrakcije i najpodložnijoj skupini vozača, zadatak ovog istraživanja je takvu distrakciju detektirati i odrediti njen stvarni utjecaj na kognitivno opterećenje i promjene ponaÅ”anja u vožnji. KoriÅ”tenjem naočala koje prate pokret oka (ETG) i elektroencefalografskog uređaja za mjerenje moždanih aktivnosti (EEG) dobiven je veći spektar ulaznih podataka koji su značajno točniji od podataka koji su koriÅ”teni u ranijim istraživanjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na suvremenom simulatoru vožnje i preklapanjem dobivenih rezultata iz navedenih uređaja dokazan je utjecaj oglaÅ”avanja uz prometnice na mlade vozače, posebno na povećanje kognitivnog opterećenja u vožnji.Driver distraction is one of the main causes of traffic accidents. With distractions appearing inside the vehicle, an increasing danger is a visual distraction coming from outside the vehicle. The traffic environment has become a rapidly growing platform within advertising marketing, and driving in such environment requires increased attention. While this is not their primary goal, it has been proven that the presence of billboards could have an impact on the driver's behavior and can draw the driver's attention over a time period that may be crucial for a timely reaction. Research has shown that young drivers, 18-24 years of age are the most susceptible to various types of distraction and in this paper visual and cognitive distraction on young drivers by advertising surfaces located just along the road is explored. Since it is one of the main external distractors and the most appropriate driver group, the goal was to detect such distraction and determine its actual impact on behavior, cognitive workload and changes in driving behaviour. Using glasses that detect eye movement (ETG) and electroencephalographic device for measuring brain activity (EEG) a larger spectrum of input data has been obtained; data significantly more accurate than the ones used in previous research. The research was carried out on a driving simulator and overlapping of the results obtained from mentioned devices was used to demonstrate the impact of advertising on young drivers. Data analysis determined a specific threat to traffic safety caused by roadside advertising, especially in relation to increased cognitive workload of young drivers

    Implementation and Use of Digital, Green and Sustainable Technologies in Internal and External Transport of Manufacturing Companies

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    The concept of Industry 5.0 provides a human-centered, sustainable, and resilient manufacturing system with a high emphasis on green technologies. This paper will examine the current use and perception of the green and digital technologies in the internal and external transport systems of Croatian manufacturing companies, relying on the continuous work of the authors in the field of local manufacturing industry development and digitalization. On a sample of 112 companies, statistical analysis of the results has shown that the greatest challenge in the digital technologies implementation is the unavailability of the technology on the market and employee resistance to change. The companies perceive benefits of renewable resource usage in internal transport in the rise in environmental awareness and increased flexibility, while the productivity increase and human safety improvement are the crucial reasons for the digitalization of internal transport in Croatian manufacturing companies. In external transport, the use of renewable energy sources is very rare, due to high price and low endurance of the vehicles, but the main reasons for its future possible implementation are environmental awareness, profitability, and sustainability. The majority of the companies in Croatia are still not familiar with Industry 4.0 or 5.0 concept but have shown a high interest for digital and green technology implementation to enable sustainable future development