5 research outputs found

    Approche sédimentologique et micromorphologique de l'ensemble stratigraphique C III de la grotte du Lazaret (Nice, Alpes-Maritimes)[ Sedimentology and micromorphology approach applied to the stratigraphie unit C III in the Lazaret cave at Nice (Alpes-maritimes).]

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    Granulométric analysis, petrography and micromorphology of the stratigraphic unit C III, deposited during the upper Middle Pleistocene in the Lazaret cave at Nice, allows to characterise the origin of the sedimentary layers and the process of deposition and the post-sedimentary transformations. This unit is a slope colluvium, derived from quaternary formations surrounding the cave and very rich in fine particles, deposited in several sheets at the entrance of the cave, it got further spread through runoff. In the middle of the unit C III, coarse components increase due to desquamation and falling in from the wall of the cave composed of a Miocene conglomerate and Jurassic limestone. After deposition, this colluvium was subjected to sorting of the fine particles (silts and clays) towards the cave centre and back and secondary carbonation crusts calcareous beds. These data are confirmed by the results of paleontologic and palynologic analyses regarding the climatic conditions prevailing during the deposition of the unit C III.L'étude granulométrique, pétrographique et micromorphologique du remplissage Pléistocène moyen supérieur de l'ensemble stratigraphique C III de la grotte du Lazaret à Nice, a permis de caractériser l'origine et le mode de mise en place des couches sédimentaires ainsi que les transformations post-sédimentaires. Il s'agit de colluvions de pentes, héritées des formations quaternaires de l'environnement immédiat de la grotte, très riches en éléments fins qui se sont déposés en plusieurs nappes à l'entrée de la grotte, puis étalés par ruissellement. Ces colluvions s'enrichissent au milieu de l'ensemble stratigraphique C III en éléments grossiers hérités de la paroi calcaire Jurassique, par desquamation et effondrement, et dont une partie est constituée d'un conglomérat Miocène. Après leur dépôt à l'entrée de la grotte, les sédiments ont été affectés par un triage des éléments fins (limons et argiles) vers le centre et le fond de la grotte et par des carbonatations secondaires (formation d'encroûtements et de lits calcaires). Ces données sont confirmées par les analyses paléontologiques et palynologiques en ce qui concerne les conditions climatiques qui ont été à l'origine de la formation de l'ensemble stratigraphique C III.Abdessadok Salah, Maâtouk Mustapha, Laafar Saïd, Lumley Henry de. Approche sédimentologique et micromorphologique de l'ensemble stratigraphique C III de la grotte du Lazaret (Nice, Alpes-Maritimes)[ Sedimentology and micromorphology approach applied to the stratigraphie unit C III in the Lazaret cave at Nice (Alpes-maritimes).]. In: Quaternaire, vol. 8, n°2-3, 1997. pp. 189-196

    Evaluation of the physicochemical and bacteriological quality of the Loukkos wetlands complex (Morocco)

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    The estuary of the Loukkos River is a complex ecosystem where various factors affect the quality of water. Our study is assessing the degree of water pollution in the complex of the lower Loukkos wetland’s surface water, which is situated at the river mouth of the Loukkos river in the eastern periphery of Larache city. To realize this objective, we collected water samplings from five area sites during summer period from May to August 2016 to analyse eight parameters physicochemical including dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, salinity, suspended matter and nitrates. This study was accompanied by a bacteriological analysis relating to the enumeration of total coliforms and faecal coliforms, intestinal enterococci and reducing anaerobic sulphites. The analysis’s results shed lights on factors of contamination and collaborate to the physicochemical evaluation and bacteriologic quality of surface water. The quality indicators spatialization reveals interactions between the various phenomena acting on the functions of this Ramsar site

    GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Methods for Aquaculture Site Selection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    With the growing demand for aquatic products, aquaculture has become a prominent means of meeting this demand. However, the selection of suitable sites for aquaculture remains a key factor in the success of any aquaculture operation. While various methods exist for site selection, geographic information system (GIS)-based multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) methods have emerged as the most widely utilized approach to identifying potential aquaculture sites. Following the guidelines of the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA), this paper presents a systematic review and meta-analysis of GIS-based MCE methods used in aquaculture sites selection. The objective of this study is to offer a comprehensive overview of existing research in this field and develop a general model for selecting sites for fish and shellfish aquaculture. The main findings indicate a growing number of studies utilizing GIS-based MCE in aquaculture site selection in recent years, with Asia being the leading continent in terms of publications in this domain. Among the journals publishing in this field, the Aquaculture journal stands out as the top publisher. Using consistent criteria across the reviewed studies, two models have been generated, each consisting of four sub-models: water quality, soil quality, infrastructure, and socioeconomic factors; and topography, environment, and physical parameters. These models can aid future researchers and assist decision-makers in identifying optimal locations for aquaculture development

    Assessment of performance of the regional climate model (RegCM4.6) to simulate winter rainfall in the north of Morocco: The case of Tangier-TĂ©touan-Al-Hociema Region

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    We examine the performance of the regional climate model RegCM v4.6 to simulate spatial variability of precipitation in the northwestern region of Morocco during the winter of 2009–2010. Simulations cover 24 months from 2009 to 2010 with 30 km as a horizontal grid. We use NCEP reanalysis as forcing data and for better comparison of results, observed precipitations derived from CRU, CHIRPS, and CMORPH data. Results indicate that, on the whole, the RegCM4 model represents appropriate regional aspects of rainfall over the study area but underestimates precipitations over mountainous and Mediterranean regions of the study area (Case of Tangier-Tétouan-Al-Hociema Region) which is probably due to poor representation of orography in the Model and some aspects of local Mediterranean climate. Projected precipitations are also examined in this work in comparison with the reference period of 1970–2005, with simulations performed by RegCM 4.6 regional model for the period 2023–2099 under scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, forced by HadGEM2-ES General Circulation Model. Results show a decrease in precipitations mean for (2023–2099) for both RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios over the study area in comparison with the historical period (1970–2005), with a significant decrease under RCP8.5 scenarios. This work proves that the RegCM v4.6 model can be used for regional climate prediction, particularly for the spatial distribution of precipitation, but for sectorial applications and impact studies, the Model outputs should be bias corrected