780 research outputs found

    Growth and Yield of Pearl Millet (\u3cem\u3ePennisetum glaucum\u3c/em\u3e L.R. Br.) As Influenced by Downey Mildew and Smut Diseases in Kabuga Area of Kano State, Nigeria

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    The performance of four Pearl millet varieties comprising three improved varieties and one local variety was investigated in terms of their yield and response to natural infestation of Downy mildew (DM) and smut diseases. Data on yield parameters, disease score and weather were collected over the two year period of the investigation. The investigation revealed the existence of inherent differences among the four varieties tested and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on some of the yield parameters. The variety ICMN IS 88224 was found to be the most susceptible to DM and smut disease while two improved varieties (ICMn IS series) were found to be tolerant. The local variety, INMV 55 was found to be the most tolerant and as such, ICMN IS 88212 is recommended for this location

    Inheritanceof seed coat colour pattern in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata) (L) Walp.]

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    Hybridization experiments were conducted in the screen house to study the inheritance of seed colour pattern in cowpea. Cowpea varieties of varying seed coat colour were used as parents for the investigation. Parental, F1 and segregating F2 populations were raised in the field and the study revealed that self colour pattern is dominant over other seed coat colour patterns. The study also revealed that several genes are involved in the control of seed colour patterns and that some of the genes may be allelic. Key words: hybridization, inheritance, self colour, alleli

    Inheritance of pod colour in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (l.) Walp)

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    Hybridization experiments were conducted in the screen house to study the pattern of inheritance of pod and pod tip pigmentation in cowpea. Segregating F2 populations were raised along with F1 and parental lines while F3 progenies were raised later for progeny testing. Chi-square test was used to analyze the result obtained with a view to determining the number of genes controlling the traits. Pod pigmentation is digenic while pigmentation in the pod tip followed two patterns of inheritance (monogenicity and digenicity). The investigation revealed that pigmentation is dominant over non-pigmenta Key words: Cowpea, Inheritance, dominant, monogenicity, and digenicity

    Determination of carbohydrate and β-carotene content of some vegetables consumed in Kano metropolis, Nigeria

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    A study was carried out to determine the soluble carbohydrate and β-carotene content of some selected vegetables which include sorrel (Hibiscus subdariffa), carrot (Daucus carota) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera).Soluble carbohydrate was determined by Anthrone method Spectrophotometry at wavelength of 620nm. It was found that Moringa leaves had the highest percentage of carbohydrate (10.1%) followed by carrot with (8.7%), while sorrel had the least (7.1%). The β-carotene content was determined by spectrophotometry and the values obtained were used to estimate retinol equivalent (vitamin A content) of the vegetables. Moringa leaves were found to have the highest concentration of β-carotene (2.33 x 102 μg/l) followed by sorrel with 1.264 x 102μg/l, while carrot had the least value of 3.03 x 101μg/l. The findings of the investigation have revealed varying levels of carbohydrate and β-carotene content in the vegetables analysed which have direct bearing on their nutritional status

    Screening for Development of Host Plant Resistance to Infestation by Aphid (Aphis Craccivora Koch) in Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata [L] Walp)

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    A study was carried out at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Kano station during 2009 and 2010 growing season, to screen fifty two (52) cowpea varieties for resistance to aphids (Aphis craccivora) attack. It was found that only seven (7) varieties were highly resistant, nine (9) were highly susceptible and the remaining thirty six (36) varieties were neither resistant nor susceptible (intermediate) to aphids attack. Five (5) varieties were selected from the two extremes for multiple crosses to raise F1 , backcrosses and F2 populations in which three (3) varieties including Danila, IT98K-131-2 and IT98K-1092-1 were among highly resistant and two (2) varieties including Aloka L and IT98K-1263 were among the highly susceptible varieties, Nine (9) progenies were obtained for F1 generation from which only five (5) were found to be resistant to aphids attacks while four (4) were susceptible, Out of the nine (9) backcross populations, six (6) progenies were found to be resistant while the remaining three (3) were susceptible. From the nine (9) F2 progeny obtained, six (6) were also found to be resistant while three (3) were susceptible. The investigation revealed that crossing susceptible with resistant varieties of cowpea yields progenies that are highly resistant. This is an indication that the gene for resistance is highly heritable

    Effect of different media on the in vitro growth of cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) explants

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    The effect of media composition on the growth of cactus explants was investigated. Two media designated A and B were used in this study. Medium A contained basal Murashige Skoog salt (MS salt)and vitamins supplemented with 5% sucrose and 1% BAP (benzyl amino purines) and media B containing vitamins and MS salt supplemented with 3% sucrose, 1.25 mg/l BAP, and 0.25 mg/l IAA (indole acetic acid). These media were used to culture cactus explants over a period of 30 days, with aview to determine the effect of difference in the supplements on days to shoot emergence, shoot height, percentage survival and percentage oxidation (secretion of phenolic compounds) of the explants in. Analysis of the results indicated that there was no significant difference between the two media used in terms of the shoot height and days to shoot emergence

    Effect of genotype and 2,4-d concentration on callogenesis in sugarcane (saccharum spp. hybrids)

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    The effect of genotype and 2, 4-D on callogenesis was investigated in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) hybrid cultivars; SP726180, B47419, M1176/77 and M2119/88. To evaluate the response of the genotypes to callus induction and embryogenic callus production, leaf base explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0mg/L) 2,4-D for 8wks. While, the number of responding explants was found to generally increase with the increase in 2,4-D concentration from 2.5 to 4.0mg/L, embryogenic callus producation was highest on media supplemented with 3.0 and 2.5mg/L. There were no significant differences in the number of responding explants and embryogenic callus production among B47419, M1176/77 and M2119/88, these genotypes however exhibited a significantly higher response when compared to SP726180 indicating their high propensity to in vitro callogenesis

    The use of spent mushroom substrate of L. subnudus Berk as a soil condition for vegetables

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    The effects of spent mushroom substrate on the vegetative growth and yields of cowpea and tomato were determined. Autoclaved and unautoclaved spent mushroom substrates, mixed with loamy soil in ratio 1:9 were utilized with both composted and uncomposted spent mushroom substrates. Composted spent mushroom substrate mixed with loamy soil produced greater vegetative growth and yields of cowpea and tomato than uncomposted spent mushroom substrate, which in turn gave better results than loamy soil controls. Autoclaving was found to be unnecessary in sterilizing the spent substrate; loamy soil mixture as autoclaving caused biodegradation of some of the component nutrients, thus resulting in lower vegetative growth and yields of cowpea and tomato. Oven-drying only of the spent substrate; loamy soil mixture was found to confer enough sterilization. Key words: Spent mushroom substrate, Lentinus subnudus, loamy soil, cowpea, tomat

    Effect of pre-sowing hardening treatments on germination, relative growth rate and yield of Pennisetum americanum (l) and s. Bicolor (Moench)

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    The effects of pre-sowing hardening treatment using 1 and 2 cycles of 1% calcium chloride, 50ppm ascorbic acid and 200ppm indole-3-butyric acid on embryo enlargement, relative growth rate and yields of Pennisetum americanum (cvs, ex Bornu, hairy compositae) and Sorghum bicolor (cvs, ksv11 and ksv12) were investigated. Seeds of the 2 cultivars of P. americanum and S. bicolor hardened with 2 cycles of water were employed as the controls. The 1 and 2 cycles of hardening treatments increased plumule and radicle lengths and relative growth rate of all the cultivars of P. americanum and S. bicolor with increases obtained for 2 cycles of hardening treatments being statistically significant. Yields of plants of 1 and 2 cycles ascorbic acid, calcium chloride and indole- 3-butyric acid treated seeds were significantly higher than those of the control plants. For all the cultivars of P. americanum and S. bicolor, 2 cycles of hardening treatments were generally better than 1 cycle of hardening treatments because they induced greater plumule and radicle growth, relative growth rate and yield. Out of the 4 hardening agents used in the study, indole-3-butyric acid stimulated the greatest plumule and radical lengths, relative growth and yield and was as such the best pre-sowing hardening agent. It was followed by ascorbic acid while water was the poorest
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