12 research outputs found

    Integration of the Antennal Lobe Glomeruli and Three Projection Neurons in the Standard Brain Atlas of the Moth Heliothis Virescens

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    Digital three dimensional standard brain atlases (SBAs) are valuable tools for integrating neuroimaging data of different preparations. In insects, SBAs of five species are available, including the atlas of the female Heliothis virescens moth brain. Like for the other species, the antennal lobes (ALs) of the moth brain atlas were integrated as one material identity without internal structures. Different from the others, the H. virescens SBA exclusively included the glomerular layer of the AL. This was an advantage in the present study for performing a direct registration of the glomerular layer of individual preparations into the standard brain. We here present the H. virescens female SBA with a new model of the AL glomeruli integrated into the atlas, i.e. with each of the 66 glomeruli identified and labelled with a specific number. The new model differs from the previous H. virescens AL model both in respect to the number of glomeruli and the numbering system; the latter according to the system used for the AL atlases of two other heliothine species. For identifying female specific glomeruli comparison with the male AL was necessary. This required a new male AL atlas, included in this paper. As demonstrated by the integration of three AL projection neurons of different preparations, the new SBA with the integrated glomruli is a helpful tool for determining the glomeruli innervated as well as the relative position of the axonal projections in the protocerebrum

    Digital, Three-dimensional Average Shaped Atlas of the Heliothis Virescens Brain with Integrated Gustatory and Olfactory Neurons

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    We use the moth Heliothis virescens as model organism for studying the neural network involved in chemosensory coding and learning. The constituent neurons are characterised by intracellular recordings combined with staining, resulting in a single neuron identified in each brain preparation. In order to spatially relate the neurons of different preparations a common brain framework was required. We here present an average shaped atlas of the moth brain. It is based on 11 female brain preparations, each stained with a fluorescent synaptic marker and scanned in confocal laser-scanning microscope. Brain neuropils of each preparation were manually reconstructed in the computer software Amira, followed by generating the atlas using the Iterative Shape Average Procedure. To demonstrate the application of the atlas we have registered two olfactory and two gustatory interneurons, as well as the axonal projections of gustatory receptor neurons into the atlas, visualising their spatial relationships. The olfactory interneurons, showing the typical morphology of inner-tract antennal lobe projection neurons, projected in the calyces of the mushroom body and laterally in the protocerebral lobe. The two gustatory interneurons, responding to sucrose and quinine respectively, projected in different areas of the brain. The wide projections of the quinine responding neuron included a lateral area adjacent to the projections of the olfactory interneurons. The sucrose responding neuron was confined to the suboesophageal ganglion with dendritic arborisations overlapping the axonal projections of the gustatory receptor neurons on the proboscis. By serving as a tool for the integration of neurons, the atlas offers visual access to the spatial relationship between the neurons in three dimensions, and thus facilitates the study of neuronal networks in the Heliothis virescens brain. The moth standard brain is accessible at http://www.ntnu.no/biolog/english/neuroscience/brai

    Representation of Primary Plant Odorants in the Antennal Lobe of the Moth Heliothis virescens Using Calcium Imaging

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    The primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe of Heliothis virescens moths, contains 62 glomeruli which process plant odour information and four male-specific glomeruli which form the macroglomerular complex, involved in processing information about pheromone and interspecific signals. Using calcium imaging, we recorded the spatio-temporal activity pattern of the glomeruli in the anterior antennal lobe during stimulation with odorants produced by plants or insects. Each odorant elicited specific excitatory responses in one or a few glomeruli: the major pheromone component did so exclusively in the large glomerulus of the macroglomerular complex and the plant odours exclusively in the ordinary glomeruli. Eight glomeruli, with corresponding plant odour responses and positions, were identified within each sex. Glomeruli responded specifically to linalool, beta-ocimene/beta-myrcene or germacrene D/alpha-farnesene. Responses to two essential plant oils covered the response areas of their major constituents, as well as activating additional glomeruli. Stronger activation in the AL due to increased odour concentration was expressed as increased response strength within the odorant-specific glomeruli as well as recruitment of less sensitive glomeruli

    Digital Atlases of the Antennal Lobe in Two Species of Tobacco Budworm Moths, the Oriental Helicoverpa assulta (Male) and the American Heliothis virescens (Male and Female)

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    The antennal lobe of the moth brain is the primary olfactory center processing information about pheromones and plant odors. We present here a digital atlas of the glomerular antennal lobe structures in the male of Helicoverpa assulta and the male and female of Heliothis virescens, based on synaptic antibody staining combined with confocal microscopy. The numbers of the glomeruli in the three specimens were similar, 65, 66, and 62, respectively. Whereas the male antennal lobe has a macroglomerular complex consisting of three and four units in the two species, the female lobe has two enlarged glomeruli at a corresponding position, near the entrance of the antennal nerve. Another large glomerulus, showing homology in the three specimens, is ventrally located. The small size of the heliothine moths is advantageous for confocal microscopy because the entire brain can be visualized as a single image stack. The maps are freely accessible on the internet, and the digital form of the data allows each atlas to be rotated and sectioned at any angle, providing for the identification of glomeruli in different preparations

    Effects of two bitter substances on olfactory conditioning in the moth Heliothis virescens.

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    In nature, moths encounter nutritious and toxic substances in plants, and thus have to discriminate between a diversity of tastants. Whereas olfactory learning allowing memory of nutritious plants is well demonstrated, little is known about learning and memory of toxic items in adult lepidopterans. Moths may use bitter substances to detect and possibly learn to avoid noxious plants. We have studied the physiological and behavioural effects of two bitter substances, quinine and sinigrin, on the moth Heliothis virescens. Electrophysiological recordings showed responses to both compounds in gustatory receptor neurons on the antennae. The response patterns suggested a peripheral discrimination between quinine and sinigrin. We evaluated their putative aversive effect in an appetitive conditioning context where the moths learned to associate an odour with sucrose. We first aimed at enhancing olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension response by testing the effect of the sucrose concentration on acquisition, retention and extinction. 2 mol l(-1) and 3 mol l(-1) sucrose concentration gave similar acquisition, retention and extinction performances. Experiments involving pre-exposure or facilitated extinction with an odour paired with quinine, sinigrin or no tastant showed a latent inhibitory effect, as well as an aversive effect of quinine and, to a lesser extent, of sinigrin. The results suggested that the two tastants may act as negative reinforcers in H. virescens

    Representation of pheromones, interspecific signals, and plant odors in higher olfactory centers; mapping physiologically identified antennal-lobe projection neurons in the male heliothine moth

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    The arrangement of anatomically separated systems for information about general and pheromone odorants is well documented at the initial levels of the olfactory pathway both in vertebrates and insects. In the primary olfactory center of the moth brain, for example, a few enlarged glomeruli situated dorsally, at the entrance of the antennal nerve, are devoted to information about female-produced substances whereas a set of more numerous ordinary glomeruli (OG) receives input about general odorants. Heliothine moths are particularly suitable for studying central chemosensory mechanisms not only because of their anatomically separated systems for plant odors and pheromones but also due to their use of female-produced substances in communication across the species. Thus, the male-specific system of heliothine moths includes two sub-arrangements, one ensuring attraction and mating behavior by carrying information about pheromones released by conspecifics, and the other inhibition of attraction via signal information emitted from heterospecifics. Based on previous tracing experiments, a general chemotopic organization of the male-specific glomeruli has been demonstrated in a number of heliothine species. As compared to the well explored organization of the moth antennal lobe (AL), demonstrating a non-overlapping representation of the biologically relevant stimuli, less is known about the neural arrangement residing at the following synaptic level, i.e., the mushroom body calyces and the lateral horn. In the study presented here, we have labeled physiologically characterized antennal-lobe projection neurons in males of the two heliothine species, Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpa assulta, for the purpose of mapping their target regions in the protocerebrum. In order to compare the representation of plant odors, pheromones, and interspecific signals in the higher brain regions of each species, we have created standard brain atlases and registered three-dimensional models of distinct uniglomerular projection neuron types into the relevant atlas