7 research outputs found

    On the possibility of obtaining the elastic and biocompatible film materials based on chitosan and N-succinyl chitosan

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    For the first time, the studies of polyhydric alcohols (glycerol, ethylene glycol and propylene glycol) impact on the structure, deformation–strength characteristics and hemocompatibility of the film materials based on chitosan and N-succinyl chitosan were carried out. It was shown that the introduction of polyhydric alcohols into molding solutions during the creation of the films based on chitosan and succinyl chitosan in the amount up to 0.05 mol/l is accompanied by the tensile elongation value increase by 2–2.5 times. The value of the breaking stress in this case decreases by 3–4 times. There is also a decrease in the overall surface roughness and a sharp drop in the elastic modulus of the films. The stabilizing impact of the systems based on chitosan and succinyl chitosan in the presence of glycerol and propylene glycol upon the cell membranes in physiological conditions allows inferring their high hemocompatibility

    On the Fate of Lost Property in the Medieval Turkic-Mongol States

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    Поступила в редакцию: 12.09.2022. Принята к печати: 06.04.2023.Submitted: 12.09.2022. Accepted: 06.04.2023.В статье анализируется государственная политика средневековых тюрко-монгольских (чингизидских) государств в отношении утерянного имущества. Впервые в научный оборот вводится в русском переводе ярлык о назначении на должность буларгучи — специального чиновника, в чьи функции входили поиск, хранение и возврат утерянного имуществах — из «Дастур ал-катиб фи та‘йин ал-маратиб» — персидского трактата, созданного в 1360-х гг. чиновником Мухаммедом б. Хиндушахом Нахчивани, находившимся на службе у правителей монгольского Ирана. Проводится комплексный анализ этого документа, в ходе которого осуществляется характеристика правового статуса буларгучи, просле- живается эволюция деятельности в отношении утерянного имущества в тюрко-монгольских государствах, начиная с Монгольской империи и империи Юань в Китае и заканчивая Крымским ханством. Выявляются различия в отношении чиновников рассматриваемых государств к имуществу, которое было потеряно, и к тому, которое признавалось выморочным в связи со смертью его владельца в пределах иностранной державы. Авторы приходят к выводу, что в тюрко-монгольских государствах принимались определенные меры для обеспечения прав собственников имущества, но, вместе с тем, существовала практика злоупотреблений со стороны соответствующих чиновников своими полномочиями с целью поступления такого имущества в казну, в связи с тем, что оно представляло собой немаловажную часть государственных доходов. Источниковую основу исследования составляют исторические памятники — правовые акты, свидетельства современников, дипломатическая переписка, также авторы опираются на труды специалистов, в той или иной степени обращавшихся к исследованию института буларгучи и вопросов о судьбе утерянного имущества в средневековых тюркомонгольских государствах.This article analyses the state policy of the medieval Turkic-Mongol khanates towards lost property. The authors introduce the first Russian translation of a yarligh on the appointment of bularguchi, an official who oversaw the search, storage, and return of lost property. The yarligh comes from the Dastur al-Katib Fi Ta’yin al-Maratib, a Persian-language treaty written in 1360s by Muhammad b. Hindushah Nakhchivani, an official at the service of the rulers of Mongol Iran. A complex interdisciplinary analysis of this document helps characterize the legal status of the bularguchi and the evolution of the state policy towards the lost property in the Turkic-Mongol states from the Mongol and Yuan Empires to the Crimean Khanate. The authors attempt to clarify the differences between the property which was lost and that which was recognized escheat after the death of its owner abroad. The authors establish that the rulers of the Turkic-Mongol states took measures to provide the rights of the owners of the lost property, but at the same time, officials abused their power to pass such property to the state treasury as it was a substantial part of the state revenue. The source base of the research includes legal acts, notes of contemporaries, and diplomatic correspondence. The authors also consider works of specialists who dealt with the bularguchi institution as well as questions on the fate of the lost property in the medieval Turkic-Mongol states.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда, проект № 23-18-00147 «Социально-политическая организация евразийского пространства в Средние века (исторический опыт Золотой Орды и Ирана XIII–XIV вв.), https://rscf.ru/project/23-18-00147, реализуемого в Воронежском государственном университете.The study was granted by Russian Science Foundation, project no. 23-18-00147 “Social and Political Organization of the Eurasian Area in the Middle Ages (by the Example of the Golden Horde and Iran of 13th–14th cc.)”, https://rscf.ru/project/23-18-00147, realized at the Voronezh State University


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    A review and analysis of the design, construction and monitoring of the technical state of underground pedestrian crossings, erected in the city of Kazan water saturated soils in areas with developed infrastructure is given. Modern and effective methods of erecting of stock piles under the foundations of underground structures are described, as well as amplification of weak water-saturated soil base with using of vertical reinforced concrete elements in cramped urban condition

    BJS commission on surgery and perioperative care post-COVID-19

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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the WHO on 11 March 2020 and global surgical practice was compromised. This Commission aimed to document and reflect on the changes seen in the surgical environment during the pandemic, by reviewing colleagues experiences and published evidence. Methods: In late 2020, BJS contacted colleagues across the global surgical community and asked them to describe how severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) had affected their practice. In addition to this, the Commission undertook a literature review on the impact of COVID-19 on surgery and perioperative care. A thematic analysis was performed to identify the issues most frequently encountered by the correspondents, as well as the solutions and ideas suggested to address them. Results: BJS received communications for this Commission from leading clinicians and academics across a variety of surgical specialties in every inhabited continent. The responses from all over the world provided insights into multiple facets of surgical practice from a governmental level to individual clinical practice and training. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered a variety of problems in healthcare systems, including negative impacts on surgical practice. Global surgical multidisciplinary teams are working collaboratively to address research questions about the future of surgery in the post-COVID-19 era. The COVID-19 pandemic is severely damaging surgical training. The establishment of a multidisciplinary ethics committee should be encouraged at all surgical oncology centres. Innovative leadership and collaboration is vital in the post-COVID-19 era

    BJS commission on surgery and perioperative care post-COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the WHO on 11 March 2020 and global surgical practice was compromised. This Commission aimed to document and reflect on the changes seen in the surgical environment during the pandemic, by reviewing colleagues' experiences and published evidence