305 research outputs found

    Incentives and factors affecting the improvement of the human capital quality in the innovative economy

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    Development of innovative economy, accelerating of technological change require new forms and methods for solving of economic and social problems, among which the development of the system of motives and incentives for improvement of the quality of human capital occupies the important place. However, motivation of employees, only the financial reward, does not achieve the strategic objectives of output the economy to a qualitatively new level. Necessary and other, non-financial incentives of productive labor motivate people to improve their physical and intellectual capital. The development of advanced forms and methods of motivating employees should be based on a system of tangible and intangible incentives to work and self-realization. Stimulation as a way to control the quality of human capital involves consideration of the interests and needs of the individual and of the staff, the degree of their satisfaction, because the needs are a critical factor in the behavior of social systems. The author makes an attempt to systematize the needs and incentives that affect improving the human capital, the possibility of their application in the innovation economy and analyzed the prospects of their development on innovative - active enterprises in the production and service sectors of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Production of Ferroalloys and Recycling in the Continuous Oxygen Reactor

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    A new technology for the production of ferronickel in a new type of unit – a continuous oxygen reactor (COR). The heat source of the process is heat from the afterburning of the exhaust gases. High recovery rate is achieved by carrying out the recovery process in the ore-coal briquettes. Briquettes are located on a carbon substrate. The products are metal and slag granules. The process is characterized by satisfactory performance and low cost of ferronickel. Keywords: ferroalloy industry, continuous oxygen reactor, briquettes, ferronicke

    New Information about Baron A. Ch. Luberas and his Role in the Collegiate Reform of Peter I

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    The article was submitted on 12.06.2017.Baron Ananias Christian Pott von Luberas, who served as the vice-president of the Collegium of Mining and Manufacturing, was the author of a significant number of drafts and notes. In the historiography, his role in the collegiate reform has received controversial assessments, although most of his writings have not been the focus of research. This article is based on a wide range of archival sources from the funds of AFPRE (AVPRI), RSAAA (RGADA), and DM RSL (OR RGB). The author managed to identify new documents that contain previously unknown facts about the biography of Luberas. A textual analysis of the identified copies of his works enables the author to conclude that his projects were translated only in the mid-1770s. A comparative analysis of the legislation of the Petrine era and Luberas’ projects shows that his ideas influenced the establishment of systems for collegiate paperwork and for relationships between collegia and other institutions, rather than the drawing up of the regulations of Peter’s collegia. There is no reason to either deny the influence of the baron’s ideas on the reforms of Peter I or to consider it as being overly significant, since there are no documents about the discussion of Luberas’ writings in the Senate, collegia, commissions, and generally among political elites. At the same time, these works are interesting not only in connection with discussions about the influence of foreign experience on the reforms of Peter I, but also in the context of the history of social thought in Russia. The quite voluminous discourses by Luberas contain many ideas, which, although never realised in Peter’s time, became relevant later. Thus, his notes and projects expand established ideas about the history of statistics in Russia. The paper demonstrates that the main issue Luberas focused on was the organisation of accounting and the collection of statistical information.Барон Ананиас Христиан Потт фон Люберас, служивший вице-президентом Берг-мануфактур-коллегии, является автором значительного числа проектов и записок. В историографии его роль в коллегиальной реформе Петра I оценивается разноречиво, а большая часть его сочинений осталась вне внимания научного сообщества. Представленная работа основана на широком круге архивных источников из фондов АВПРИ, РГАДА, ОР РГБ. В частности, удалось выявить новые документы, сведения которых сообщают не известные ранее факты о биографии А. Х. Любераса. Текстологический анализ выявленных списков его сочинений позволил сделать вывод, что его проекты были переведены только в середине 1770-х гг. Сравнительный анализ проектов А. Х. Любераса и законодательства Петровской эпохи показывает, что его идеи повлияли не столько на составление регламентов петровских коллегий, сколько на учреждение в России системы коллежского делопроизводства, взаимоотношения между коллегиями и другими институтами государственной власти. Нет оснований отрицать влияние идей барона на реформы Петра I, как и признать его существенным, поскольку пока не известны какие-либо документы, свидетельствующие об обсуждении сочинений Любераса, его регламентов в Сенате, коллегиях, комиссиях и вообще в среде политической элиты. Вместе с тем, эти сочинения вызывают интерес не только в связи с дискуссиями о влиянии иностранного опыта на преобразования Петра I, но и в контексте истории общественной мысли в России. Весьма пространные рассуждения А. Х. Любераса содержат немало идей, которые хотя и не были реализованы в то время, позднее стали актуальными. В частности, его записки и проекты расширяют устоявшиеся представления об истории статистической мысли в России. Показано, что главная проблема, на которую обращал внимание А. Х. Люберас, это организация учета и сбора статистических сведений в России.Исследование выполнено в рамках Программы фундаментальных исследований НИУ ВШЭ в 2017 г.Автор выражает благодарность И. И. Федюкину, Г. О. Бабковой

    Features of russian economy in the context of innovative modernization and increasing role of human capital

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    In transition of any economic system to an innovative type of reproduction of its resources organization and management are particularly important. Practical experience of developed countries demonstrates that organizational and managerial changes in the economy provided them with an innovative sustainable development even during world crisis at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Therefore, we believe that the Russian economy as a whole and it`s regions in particular need to search for new management, organizational solutions, which are based on a systematic approach to innovative modernization and new management mechanisms, naturally built into all types of innovative processes of economic life in the center and in places

    The controlling process of the human capital through the effective redistribution of the general welfare

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The controlling process of the human capital during the globalization of the world processes in the innovative development in the economy requires from all the economies an overall approach to tackling the general welfare in their countries. The progressive development of the society in general and innovation processes inside of the economic systems in particular depends on that. We come to a new understanding of the general welfare on that case: the best way of the achieving the general welfare won’t be the marginal efficiency of the gain of the individual (personal well-being), but it will be the effective limit of the benefit of the society (general welfare)

    Formation of the human capital assessment quality model at the present stage of development of innovative economy

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    Human capital becomes more sensitive factor of production in the innovation economy when the situation related to its under-provision in quality or quantity can be critical for production. At the meso- and micro levels of the economy human capital is considered as a necessary production resource the quality and quantity of which depend on the effectiveness of management systems. In turn, the formation and development of human capital of the necessary quality and purpose strengthens the organization management mechanism and thereby allows more successfully solving the problems associated with increasing the competitiveness of production, the use of innovative technologies, increasing production efficiency and labour productivity. The authors have developed a model for estimation of the level of human capital development at the micro level. This model is based on human needs in the capacity of a participant in the production process. Such models can become the basis for revealing of "bottlenecks" in the development of human potential and improving its quality

    Автоматизация процесса установки программного обеспечения на компьютеры кафедры ИСИТ

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    This paper discusses various approaches to automate the installation of software on computer systems and the department of information technology. Choose the best option automate the installation of software on computer chair in terms of minimal the cost of temporary resources.В настоящей работе рассматриваются различные подходы по автоматизации процесса установки программного обеспечения на компьютеры кафедры информационных систем и технологий. Выбран наиболее оптимальный вариант автоматизации установки программного обеспечения на компьютеры кафедры с точки зрения минимальных затрат временных ресурсов

    Teaching courses on information disciplines to achieve the highest practical skills of students

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    В настоящей работе рассматриваются различные подходы по решению проблемы приобретения практических навыков студентом. Выбран наиболее оптимальный вариант, которым можно достичь высоких практических навыков у студентов.In the present paper discusses various approaches to solving the problem of the acquisition of practical skills by the student. Selected the best option, which can achieve high practical skills of students