Formation of the human capital assessment quality model at the present stage of development of innovative economy


Human capital becomes more sensitive factor of production in the innovation economy when the situation related to its under-provision in quality or quantity can be critical for production. At the meso- and micro levels of the economy human capital is considered as a necessary production resource the quality and quantity of which depend on the effectiveness of management systems. In turn, the formation and development of human capital of the necessary quality and purpose strengthens the organization management mechanism and thereby allows more successfully solving the problems associated with increasing the competitiveness of production, the use of innovative technologies, increasing production efficiency and labour productivity. The authors have developed a model for estimation of the level of human capital development at the micro level. This model is based on human needs in the capacity of a participant in the production process. Such models can become the basis for revealing of "bottlenecks" in the development of human potential and improving its quality

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