55 research outputs found

    Bimbingan kerjaya menurut perspektif Islam

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    Bekerja merupakan suatu amalan manusia yang disuruh dan dituntut oleh agama Islam. Malah tujuan manusia bekerja ialah untuk mencari sumber rezeki bagi menanggung diri sendiri, kaum keluarga dan membantu orang lain. Bagi melahirkan pekerja Muslim yang profesional, para kaunselor di Malaysia disarankan supaya membimbing para pelajar di sekolah mahupun di Institut Pengajian Tinggi berdasarkan tiga peringkat. Peringkat-peringkat itu ialah peringkat sebelum memilih kerjaya, peringkat semasa melaksanakan kerja dan peringkat selepas menyelesaikan kerja. Dengan memfokuskan tiga peringkat perkembangan ini bakal-bakal pekerja Muslim akan memahami, menyedari dan seterusnya mengamalkan ciri-ciri pekerjaan yang diredhai Allah

    The barriers of enhancing creativity developed by parents in developing countries

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    Most parents believe that they can only promote their children's creativity level by using enhancing creativity factors; whereas, the barriers of enhancing creativity can influence the process of improving creativity. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of barriers of enhancing creativity developed by parents upon children's creativity level. This research was carried out based on the questionnaire survey; Raven intelligent test and Torrance creativity test for children amongst Malaysian parents as a developing country. The results show that some of the parents had poor performance in some items due to lack of awareness of barriers factors

    Teori dan praktis kaunseling kelompok kontemporari

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    Manusia menghadapi pelbagai cabaran kesan daripada globalisasi yang melanda seluruh dunia. Impaknya kesihatan mental dan kehidupan manusia menjadi tidak berarah. Justeru, pengetahuan dan kemahiran bermasyarakat yang dinamakan sebagai Kaunseling Kelompok amat penting dikuasai oleh manusia pada hari ini. Menerusi Kaunseling Kelompok, sekurang–kurangnya masalah yang terpendam dapat diluah dan dikongsi bersama rakan–rakan lain bagi menuju kesejahteraan hidup. Buku ini mengandungi sembilan jenis Kaunseling Kelompok, iaitu Kelompok Terapi Pemusatan Klien, Kelompok Terapi Gestalt, Kelompok Terapi Analisis Transaksional, Kelompok Terapi Emosi Rasional, Kelompok Terapi Tingkah Laku, Kelompok Terapi Realiti, Kelompok Kanak–Kanak, Remaja, dan Dewasa. Buku ini sesuai sebagai rujukan utama kepada ahli psikologi, pengamal kaunseling, pelajar psikologi dan kaunseling di peringkat siswazah dan pascasiswazah, pendidik sekolah, pensyarah di kolej, maktab dan universiti atau individu yang berminat menambahkan pengetahuan dalam bidang Kaunseling Kelompok

    Questionnaire construction of deviant sexual behavior and awareness on sexual deviation behaviour.

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of developing Questionnaires of DeviantSexual Behavior and Awareness on Sexual Deviation Behavior Based on Islam. Somecriteria’s has been identified to develop these questionnaires in the aspect of psychology,counseling and Islamic education. The benefit is to produce an applicable instrument to theIslamic context. These questionnaires were developed through integrated discipline of psychology, counseling and Islam and the aim is for enable to measure sexual deviantbehavior from the Islamic perspective. The main sources of these references were based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text Revision (2000), Checklist Sexual Behavior Inventory (Friedrich, 1997), Al Ghazali Model (Yatimah and MohdTajudin, 2008) and the tendency of immoral behavior based on human sense according toIslam (Amir Hassan, 2007). DSM-IV-TR (2000) which involved some clinical items such as exhibitionism, frotteurism and voyeurism. Meanwhile Checklist Sexual Behaviour Inventory (Friedrich, 1997) were refers to personal boundaries, exhibitionism, self-stimulation, sexualinterest, sexual knowledge and voyeuristic behavior. Counseling Model Based On HumanTraits Al Ghazali (Yatimah and Mohd Tajudin, 2008) involved some items such aslimitation in intermingle, aurat limitation, sense limitation, and the tendency of immoralbehaviour based on human sense according to Islam (Amir Hassan, 2007) such as part of body, hands, mouth, ear and eye. These questionnaires has been evaluated for the contentvalidity and expert validity from the internal expert and external expert. The result of thesequestionnaires showed a commonly acceptable for the Cronbach alpha value more than 0.6(Kerlinger, 1979). The Questionaires of Deviant Sexual Behaviour Based on Islam for thevalue of Cronbach Alpha was 0.7038 and Awareness on Sexual Deviation Behaviour Based on Islam for the Cronbach Alpha was 0.7183

    Visual arts in counselling adults with depressive disorders

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    This study provides a better understanding of using visual arts in counselling adults with depressive disorders. Three in-depthcase studieswere conducted in the counselling unit of amentalhealth hospital inMalaysia. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied to explore three adult participants’ counselling experiences. They attended six individual counselling sessions, which included four art-making activities, and two after-session interviews, for approximately two months. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. The findings showed that through the therapeutic use of visual arts, the participants were able to explore and express various emotions, face their problems, communicate better with themselves and the counsellor, achieve a deeper self-understanding, and make meaningful progress in counselling, even though some of them experienced a sense of uncertainty at the beginning of some art-making activities

    Visual arts in counselling adults with depressive disorders

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    This study provides a better understanding of using visual arts in counselling adults with depressive disorders. Three in-depthcase studieswere conducted in the counselling unit of amentalhealth hospital inMalaysia. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied to explore three adult participants’ counselling experiences. They attended six individual counselling sessions, which included four art-making activities, and two after-session interviews, for approximately two months. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. The findings showed that through the therapeutic use of visual arts, the participants were able to explore and express various emotions, face their problems, communicate better with themselves and the counsellor, achieve a deeper self-understanding, and make meaningful progress in counselling, even though some of them experienced a sense of uncertainty at the beginning of some art-making activities

    Eclectic approach to anxiety disorders among rural children [Abordagem eclética a transtornos de ansiedade em crianças de zona rural]

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    Introduction: Anxiety disorders in primary school-aged children negatively affect their mental health and psychological development. Available non-medical treatments for these conditions are time-consuming and expensive. In this context, eclectic therapy is a therapeutic approach that incorporates some therapeutic techniques and philosophies to create the ideal treatment. In this study, eclectic therapy consisted of art therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy designed for children suffering from high level of anxiety in their middle childhood years. The therapy also included group guidance sessions for their mothers. The effectiveness of this intervention was examined in the study. Methods: 61 students aged 9-12 years with high levels of anxiety participated in the study. Intervention A (n = 20) consisted of 9-hour eclectic therapy for children with 3-hour group guidance sessions for their mothers. Intervention B (n = 20) consisted of 9-hour eclectic therapy for children. There was also a control group (n = 21). Results: Teacher ratings of children’s mental health difficulties and self-report ratings of anxiety disorders indicated a significant difference from pretest to posttest, revealing a large effect size between the two interventions. Higher levels of pretest scores significantly predicted higher posttest scores for all domains of anxiety and mental health difficulties. Furthermore, age, gender, mothers working a 15-hour day, mother’s educational level, parental divorce rates, parental death, and family monthly income predicted therapy outcomes. Conclusion: Results provide support for the effectiveness of eclectic art and CBT to improve children’s mental health and reduce anxiety through changing thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors that may cause fear and anxiety. © 2017, Sociedade de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul. All rights reserved

    Effect of personality traits and learning styles towards students' academic achievement in Johor Bahru

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of personality traits and learning styles towards the students' academic achievement in Johor Bahru. A total of 101 students from IPG Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim were chosen to be part of the respondents with the use of simple random sampling. The instrument Big Five Inventory (BFI), Kolb's Learning Style Inventory and The students' academic achievement is measured through the Cumulative Grade Point Average, also known as CGPA. Descriptive statistics, Chi-Square Test, Spearman's Correlation and Multiple Regression was used to anser research questions. The findings revealed that the most common per-sonality traits displayed by the students are Openness and Conscientiousness while the most common learning style displayed by the students is Converger. The research also revealed that there is no significant effect of the combination of both the personality traits and learning style towards the prediction of the academic achievement among school students. The same goes to the difference of personality traits and learning style between male and female students was not significant as well