35 research outputs found

    Mineral Content Changes of Some Halophyte Species Evaluated As Alternative Forage Crops For Ruminants’ Nutrition

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    Mineral contents of herbaceous produced in rangelands with intensive composition of species are usually high and can meet the requirements of ruminants. However, it has been reported that mineral contents of the herbs produced in especially disturbed rangelands due to different reasons such as salinity and drought were less than the levels required by the grazing ruminants. Our aim was to determine whether Salsola dendroides, Salsola nitraria, Seidlitzia florida, Suaeda microphylla, Suaeda altissima, Petrosimonia brachiata, Kalidium caspicum and Alhagi pseudalhagi harvested in late autumn periods are adequate for ruminants’ mineral demands, and to reveal the potential P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn contens of the browse grazed. This is the first scientific report on the mineral composition of the present species. For this purpose, a research was planned in a completely randomized block design with three replications in saline rangelands of Turkey’s Igdir Province between the years of 2012-2013. Results showed that there was a significant difference in mineral contents among species, and K. caspicum, S. dendroides and S. nitraria had a higher mineral contents compared to other species. While Ca, B, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn contens of forages were adequate for ruminants’ demands, it was found that K content was low and P, Mg and Na were higher than the recommended values

    Large-scale proteomic analysis of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis using a label-free LC-MS/MS approach

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    Objective: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a metabolic disease whose molecular events have not yet been fully clarified. However, next-generation powerful molecular approaches such as mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics holds promise. In this study, we aimed to reveal the protein profile of serum samples obtained from patients with T2D and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease using the high-resolution liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS system. Materials and Methods: Immune depletion was performed for the top 12 abundant proteins in 10 μl serum samples taken from individuals. Then, tryptic peptides were obtained from total proteins by applying a digestion protocol. Accordingly, reduction, alkylation, and digestion with trypsin enzyme were carried out, respectively. Tryptic peptides were analyzed in an ultra-high-pressure LC-MS/MS system with a label-free proteomic approach. The raw data were processed using the software program. Results: LC-MS/MS analyses revealed 120 proteins with significant expression changes. Some of these proteins were associated with inflammation, lipid transport, and oxidative stress, which are known to play an important role in T2D and its complications. Conclusion: As a result, LC-MS/MS analyses highlighted the proteins that will provide predictions in the treatment and course of T2D. We believe that validation of these proteins with targeted proteomic approaches in a larger sample in further studies will contribute to the development of clinically usable panels

    Effects on the pattern of plant crop of temperature and precipitation change in Igdir province

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    Dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de önemli iklim parametrelerinden olan sıcaklık ve yağışın bitkisel üretim üzerinde etkileri meydana gelmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında 1990-2012 yılları arasında sıcaklık ve yağışta meydana gelen değişikliklerin Iğdır ili bitkisel üretim düzeyine olası etkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, Iğdır'da son yıllarda küresel ısınmanın etkisiyle yıllık ortalama sıcaklıklar ile toplam yağışın arttığı ve genellikle uzun yıllar ortalamasının üzerinde seyrettiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca iklim parametrelerinde (aylık ve yıllık ortalama sıcaklık, aylık maksimum ve minimum sıcaklık, yıllık toplam yağış, mevsimsel yağış) meydana gelen değişikliklerin ilde en fazla üretimi yapılan sebze, meyve ve tarla bitkilerinin ekim alanı, üretim miktarı ve verim durumlarını etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bununla birlikte sıcaklık ve yağışın dışında bitki gelişimini etkileyen birçok çevresel ve genetik etmenlerin olduğu da unutulmamalıdır.As in the world, effects of temperature and precipitation which are important climate parameters on plant production occur also in Turkey. In this study, the possible effects of the changes in temperature and precipitation between the years of 1990-2012 on the level of plant production of Igdir province were investigated. In the research, it was determined that annual average temperatures and total precipitation have increased and are usually over the long term average with the effect of global warming in recent years in Igdir. In addition, it was concluded that the changes in the climate parameters (monthly and annual average temperature, monthly maximum and minimum temperature, annual total precipitation, seasonal precipitation) have influenced the cultivation area, production amount and yield conditions of vegetables, fruits and field crops which is the most produced in province. However, it should not be forgotten that there are many environmental and genetic factors which influence plant growth apart from temperature and precipitation

    La résorption foliaire des espèces fixatrices et non-fixatrices d’azote dans une forêt marécageuse du nord de la Turquie

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    Foliar resorption of nutrients in plants is a key factor to conserve nutrients especially nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and makes plant species less-dependent to soil nutrient status. There is much debate whether N-fixing and non-fixing species differ or not with respect to N and P usage strategies. Two N-fixing (one actinorhizal and one legume) and four non-fixing species were sampled in a swamp forest in northern Turkey to compare nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing species with respect to resorption efficiency (RE) and resorption proficiency (RP). Actinorhizal and legume species were Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner subsp. glutinosa and Robinia pseudoacacia L., respectively. Non-fixing species were Quercus hartwissiana Stev., Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre, Euonymus europaeus L. and Fraxinus excelsior L. It has been found that N-fixing species had lower NRE than non-fixing species in the present study, while N-fixing species were more P-proficient than non-fixing species (except for F. excelsior). Additionally, N/P ratios of N-fixing species were higher than those of non-fixing species. Foliar resorption was not highly proficient in both N-fixing and non-fixing species in the present studyLa résorption foliaire des nutriments dans les végétaux est un facteurclé de conservation des nutriments en particulier de l’azote (N) et du phosphore (P) et rend les plantes moins dépendantes des ressources nutritionnelles du sol. La question de savoir si les espèces fixatrices d’azote diffèrent ou non des non-fixatrices dans leurs stratégies d’utilisation de N et de P demeure fort débattue. Deux fixatrices d’azote (une actinorhize et une légumineuse) et quatre non-fixatrices ont été échantillonnées dans une forêt marécageuse du nord de la Turquie afin de comparer les fixatrices au non-fixatrices dans l’efficience (RE) et la capacité (RP) de leur résorption. Les espèces fixatrices (actinorhize et légumineuse respectivement) ont été Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner subsp. glutinosa et Robinia pseudoacacia L. Les non-fixatrices étaient Quercus hartwissiana Stev., Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre, Euonymus europaeus L. et Fraxinus excelsior L. Il a été trouvé dans la présente étude que les fixatrices d’azote ont un plus faible NRE mais une plus grande capacité en P que les non-fixatrices (à l’exception de F. excelsior). De plus, les N/P ratios des fixatrices d’azote sont apparus plus élevés que ceux des non-fixatrices. La résorption foliaire ne s’est pas avérée de forte capacité tant chez les fixatrices que chez les non-fixatrices d’azote dans notre étud

    A Multivariate Analysis in Relation to Edaphic and Environmental Factors of Rangelands Vegetation of Mugla Province

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    This study was carried out in order to compare in 20 different rangeland sample areas that determined in order to environmental variables, vegetation and soil properties by multivariate ordination analysis in Mugla province. Cluster analysis was made to determine the similarity and species compositions of sample areas, and as a result of this analysis, three different groups have occurred. Additionally, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was made after the indicator species analysis. The interaction between environmental and soil-borne factors as altitude, distance to village, soil depth, pH in saturated soil with water, lime and surface stoniness were found to be significant and this significance was expressed by graphs. Moreover, it was indicated that relationship with species in the vegetation of the variables that were determined as significant by tables and figures. The relationship with the species in the vegetation of the variables that were determined as significant was also indicated. The result of the study showed that environmental variables as soil depth, soil pH saturated with water, stony surface, altitude and distance to villages had a significant effect on the species diversity and distribution in the samples areas

    Dry matter accumulation and forage quality characteristics of different soybean genotypes

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    Three different soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars (A-3127, Derry, and Yemsoy) were evaluated for dry matter (DM) yield, plant components, and crop growth rate (CGR) at different row spacings and harvesting stages in 3 locations with Mediterranean-type climate in a split-split plot design with 3 replications in 2009 and 2010. In addition, crude protein (CP), crude protein yield (CPY), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), total digestible nutrients (TDN), and relative feed value (RFV) of harvested forage soybeans were determined at the Bursa (Turkey) location. Increased row spacings significantly reduced DM yield at all locations. Combined over other main effects, the 25-cm row spacing produced 35% more DM yield than the 75-cm row spacing. Row spacings greatly affected DM yield at the R5 and particularly the R7 stage, but this effect was minimal at the RI stage. The forage-type cultivar Derry produced significantly higher DM yield in all locations, particularly at the R5 and R7 stages. The constituent components of DM were similar at different row spacings of soybean cultivars. In general, the CGR decreased from 25-cm row spacing to 75-cm row spacing in all locations, and the CGR of the cultivars varied significantly according to harvest period, row spacing, and location. Derry had a significantly higher CGR than the other cultivars in the Antalya and Bursa locations. Quality characteristics of soybean forage were not 'significantly affected by row spacing and showed little effect by cultivar. Harvest stage significantly affected CP, ADF, NDF, TDN, and RFV concentrations of soybean forage. It was concluded that in Mediterranean environments forage-type soybeans (i.e. Derry) can be seeded in narrow rows (25 cm) at high plant population (100 kg ha(-1)) and offer the most DM yield when harvested at later R stages (e.g., R7) rather than at the early reproductive stage

    Transdermal absorption of alpha amanitin toxin from amanita phalloides in mice

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    YÖK Tez No: 340816ÖZETFARELERDE AMANİTA PHALLOİDES TOKSİNİ ALFA AMANİTİNİNDERİDEN EMİLİMİMustafa Gani SÜRMENYüksek Lisans Tezi, Farmakoloji Anabilim DalıTez danışmanı Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ertuğrul KAYABir zehirli mantar olan Amanita phalloides türünde 2 toksin grubu tanımlanmıştır. Bunlar amanitin ve falloidin grubu toksinlerdir. Amanitin grubu toksinler ökaryot hücrelerde bulunan RNA polimeraz II enzimini bloke ederek etki gösterir. Alfa amanitin birçok ökaryot hücre tipinde letal olduğundan, antiparaziter ve antifungal ilaç olarak terapotik değeri olabilir. Alfa amanitinin ökaryotik ektoparazitlere karşı harici olarak kullanımı mümkün olabilir. Alfa amanitinin söz konusu terapotik etkinliğinde kritik nokta, perkutan uygulamada konağa toksisitesinin olmamasıdır. Bu araştırmada alfa amanitinin perkutan yolla deriye uygulanması durumunda, emiliminin ve toksisitesinin varlığı araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla farelere perkutan olarak 1 mg/kg alfa amanitin uygulanmış, aynı dozda intraperitoneal uygulamadaki toksisite ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Deri, karaciğer ve böbrek toksisitesi patolojik inceleme yoluyla; kan, karaciğer ve böbreklerdeki toksin miktarı ise HPLC analizleri yoluyla incelenmiştir. Kontrol grubunda deride ve organlarda toksisiteye ve toksine rastlanmamıştır. İlginç olarak perkutan toksin uygulanan grupta da deride ve organlarda toksisiteye ve toksin varlığına rastlanmamıştır. İntraperitoneal uygulamada 24 saat sonunda karaciğerde apoptotik konsülman cisimcikleri ve piknotik hücreler görülmüş ve böylece toksisite varlığı gösterilmiştir. Aynı uygulama yönteminde, karaciğer, böbrek ve kanda maksimum alfa amanitin düzeyleri sırasıyla 3.3(6 saat), 0.2(6 saat), 1.2(1 saat) µg/mL olarak ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak; alfa amanitinin perkutan uygulama ile kullanımı durumunda, deride ve organlarda toksisitesinin olmadığı ve deriden emilmediği gösterilmiştir. Alfa amanitinin terapotik olarak perkutan yolla kullanılması mümkün olabilir.Anahtar sözcükler: Amanita phalloides, Alfa amanitin, Deri toksisitesi, HPLC.ABSTRACTTRANSDERMAL ABSORPTION OF ALPHA AMANITIN TOXIN FROM AMANİTA PHALLOİDES IN MICEMustafa Gani SÜRMENMaster of Science Thesis, Department of Medical PharmacologySupervisor, Assistant Professor Ertuğrul KAYAAmanita phalloides species is known to contain two main groups of toxins. Those are amanitin and falloidin. Amnitin group becomes effective with blocking RNA polymerase enzyme II found in eukaryotic cells. Since Alpha amanitin has a lethal effect on the majority of eukaryotic cells, it can be valuable as antiparasitic drug or antifungal drug. It can be used externally against ectoparasites. The critical point is that toxin must not be toxic for host via percutaneous application in terms of the mentioned therapeutic effectiveness of alpha amanitin. In this study, the likely absorption and toxicity has been researched for application percutaneous of alpha amanitinin. 1 mg/kg alfa amanitin has been administered percutaneously in mice and the results of percutaneous application has been compared with intraperitoneal application of 1 mg/kg alfa amanitin on account of toxicity. The toxicities of skin, liver and kidney have been researched by pathological examination. As for the amount of toxin, it has been studied by HPLC analysis. The toxicity and the toxin haven?t been found in the skin and organs of mice in the control group. Interestingly enough, the toxicity and the toxin a could not be found in percutaneous application group. After 24 hours councilman bodies and pyknotic cells were observed on intraperitoneal application and so toksisty existence was proved. In liver, kidney and blood maximum levels of alpha-amanitin were measured by same application method as 3.3(6 hours), 0.2(6 hours), 1.2(1 hours) µg/mL in turn. Eventually, it has been demonstrated that the toxin is not absorbed from mouse skin and the toxin doesn?t have any toxic effect via the percutaneous alpha amanitin application. Thence alpha amanitin may be used as therapeutic via a percutaneous application

    The testing of plant diversity in the meadows and pastures of Samsun province for grazing and erosion factors according to ıntermediate disturbance hypothesis

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    Erozyon ve otlatma çayır ve meralarda biyolojik çeşitliliği etkilyen önemli faktörlerarasındadır. Tahribat ile biyolojik çeşitlilik arasındaki ilişkinin olumsuz yönde olacağı düşünülse debazı durumlarda biyoçeşitliliği arttırıcı etkisi bilinmektedir. Bu durum orta dereceli tahribat hipoteziile açıklanmaktadır. Bu hipoteze göre tahribatın orta şiddette oldduğu durumlarda biyoçeşitliliğindaha yüksek olacağı savunulmuştur. Bu çalışmada toprak organik madde içeriği yönündenbirbirine benzer olan Samsun ilinin çayır ve mera alanlarında yürütülmüştür. Erozyon ve otlatmaşiddetine göre oluşturulan grupların bitki çeşitliliği hesaplanmış ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilensonuçlara göre bu iki tahribat faktörünün bitki çeşitliliğine etkisi ortaya konmuş ve özellikleotlatma şiddetinin orta dereceli olduğu grupta çeşitlilik indeksleri yüksek bulunmuştur. Erozyoniçin ise çeşitliliğin en yüksek olduğu grup şiddetli erozyonun gözlemlendiği çayır ve meralarolmuştur. Ayrıca Samsun İli’nde çayır ve mera olarak kullanılan arazilerin tamamını temsil edenalansal dağılım haritaları çizilmiş alanlar hakkında değerlendirmeler ortaya konmuştur.Erosion and grazing are among the most important factors affecting biodiversity in meadows and pastures. However, although the relationship between disturbance and biodiversity is thought to be negative, in some cases, it is known to increase the biodiversity effect. This situation is explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, it is argued that biodiversity will be higher when the disturbance is moderate. This study was carried out in meadow and pasture areas in Samsun province, which are similar in terms of soil organic matter content. The biological diversity of the groups formed according to the erosion and grazing level were calculated and compared. According to the results obtained, the effect of these two disturbance factors on species diversity was revealed, and the diversity indexes were found to be high especially in the group where grazing intensity was moderate. For erosion, the most severely group was meadows and pastures, where severe erosion was observed. In addition, spatial distribution maps drawn on all of the lands used as meadows and pastures in Samsun Province have been evaluated

    Geostatistical analysis of Gümüşhane grasslands according to vegetation and some environmental features

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    Meralar ormanlarının genelinde olduğu gibi Türkiye'de küçük ve büyükbaş hayvancılıkta kullanılan en önemli yem kaynaklarındandır. Son iklim tipinde kötü bir seçim. Bu çalışma ile Gümüşhane ili meralarının vejetasyon özellikleri ile kaynak kaynağına göre değerlendirilmesinin yanında jeoistatistikhane çizilen haritalar ile Gümüş ilindeki tüm mera ve yaylaların hedeflenmesine yöneliktir. Bu yayla ve meraların, toprak yetiştiriciliğinden, erozyonlayıcılık, otlatma baskılayıcı ve taştan kaynaklı ile azal, çoğalıcı, yükseltici büyütülür, baklagiller ve buğdaygiller familyasına ait sınıflardan sınıf ve mera sağlık sınıfına ait özelliklerin mera özellikleri sınıfıdır. Elde edilen görece orta meraların %65'inde yüksek dereceli erozyon görülürken, meraların çok büyük sığ ve sığ topraklarına sahiptir. 12 merada otomatize edilmiş. Son olarak mera kalitelerine göre; 10 meranın ortanın kötü olduğu diğerlerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak mera kalitelerine göre; 10 meranın ortanın kötü olduğu diğerlerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak mera kalitelerine göre; 10 meranın ortanın kötü olduğu diğerlerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Rangelands are the most important sources used in animal feedings in Turkey as Earth. In recent years, global factors such as climate change, overgrazing and land use mistakes adversely affect the quality of rangelands. This study aims to evaluate the quality of the rangelands and uplands in the Gümüşhane according to vegetation features and some environmental factors and additionally the maps drawn by geo-statistical methods will reveal the status of all rangelands Gümüşhane. The slope, soil depth, degree of erosion, grazing pressure and stony from environmental factors and composition ratios of decreaser, increaser, invader plants, composition ratios of legume, grasses and other families and distribution maps of range health classifications and range condition classification were draw. According to the results, moderate and high erosion is observed in 65% of the rangelands, while the majority of the rangelands have very shallow and shallow depth soils. Overgrazing was detected in 12 pastures. Finally, when we look at the rangelands quality; the quality of 10 site was found to be poor and the others were found to be moderate and better

    Yield and Quality Features of Buckwheat-Soybean Mixtures in Organic Agricultural Conditions

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    This study was carried out during the summer of 2014 to determine alternative quality forage sources that could be grown in the Aydın ecological conditions. In the study, effects of 3 different mixtures and 2 pure species (100% Buckwheat, 25% Buckwheat -75% Soybean, 50% Buckwheat -5 0% Soybean, 75% Buckwheat - 25% Soybean, 100% Soybean) and 2 different harvesting times (50%-100% flowering/buckwheat) on yield and quality characteristics were investigated. According to measurements, the highest average herbage yield was obtained from 75% Buckwheat-25% Soybean application (3100 kg/da) at 2nd harvest time. When the average of hay yield was examined, the results were similar to herbage yield. When ADF and NDF were examined, the highest values were seen at the 2nd harvest. When the crude protein ratios were examined, it was found that they decreased at the 2nd harvesting time and the highest value was determined at 100% soybean application at the 1st harvesting time (21.08%). When Digestible Dry Matter (DDM) and Relative Feed Value (RFV) were examined, the highest values were determined in 100%Soybean applications at first harvest time and when the mixture applications were examined, the highest values were determined to be 75% Buckwheat - 25% Soybean application. As a result of the study, it was determined that the yields obtained at the 2nd harvest time were higher but the forage quality decreased. When the mixtures were examined, it was determined that the mixture having the highest roughage value was 75% buckwheat + 25% soybean application. In this study, the buckwheat which have short vegetation and good quality and the soybean, which is infront of with high quality, mixtures were examined. It has also been found that these mixtures may be important for obtaining high-quality forage in the short and intermediate periods