83 research outputs found

    Dinar (Afyonkarahisar, Batı Türkiye) bölgesindeki kömür oluşumlarının uranyum potansiyeli: Uranyum birikimini kontrol eden jeolojik faktörler

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    Random distribution of energy resources in the world, rapidly increasing energy prices, environmental problems such as global warming and climate change, the depletion of fossil fuels in the near future and their negative impact on the environment and human health, increasing dependence on foreign energy, limited energy resources of big consumer countries and being dependent on a small number of specific countries lead states to seek various sources of energy. The uranium fuel-based nuclear energy generation is an alternative energy source for Turkey. Proven uranium reserves in Turkey are 32.4 kt and exploration of sedimentary basins for uranium mineralization still continues. In this context, Dinar (Afyonkarahisar, western Turkey) coal occurences can attract attention for economic possibilities of uranium related with Plio-Miocene aged extensional tectonic regime. A total of 17 coal samples were collected for analyses from five boreholes at various depths. The uranium contents of studied coals are up to 1065 μg/g. The origin of the uranium in this basin are considered as a stratal epigenetic origin, which the uranium was introduced in the coal after coalification and consolidation of the enclosing sediments by ground water deriving uranium from hydrothermal sources or from unconformably overlying volcanic rocks. In addition, it can be highlighted that the higher contents of uranium occur in the upper parts of the stratigraphically highest lignite beds, which is compatible with other epigenetic lignite deposits.Dünyada enerji kaynaklarının rastgele dağılmış olması, yükselen enerji fiyatları, küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği gibi çevresel sorunlar, yakın gelecekte fosil yakıtların tükenecek olması, bu enerji kaynaklarının çevre ve insan sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri, yabancı kaynaklara ve az sayıda enerji zengini ülkeye bağımlılık sebebiyle ülkeler farklı enerji kaynaklarına yönelmiştir. Uranyumu yakıt olarak kullanan nükleer enerji üretimi Türkiye için alternatif bir kaynak olarak ele alınmaktadır. Türkiye’nin kanıtlanmış uranyum rezervi 32.4 kiloton olup, halen uranyum içerebilecek havzaların araştırılması devam etmektedir. Bu kapsamda, Pliyo-Miyosen genişlemeli rejim sonucu gelişen Dinar (Afyonkarahisar, Batı Anadolu) kömür oluşumları ekonomik açıdan önem arz edebilecek uranyum içerikleri bakımından ilgi çekebilmektedir. Çeşitli derinliklerden ve 5 sondaj kuyusundan toplam 17 adet kömür numunesi alınmıştır. Bu numunelerin uranyum içeriklerinin 1065 μg/g mertebelerine kadar çıktığı görülmüştür. Havzada mevcut olan uranyumun, kömürleşme süreci ve kömür tabakalarının üzerinin volkanoklastik sedimanlar tarafından örtülmesinden sonra, hidrotermal akışkanlar ile karışan yeraltı sularının etkisiyle katmanlı epijenetik köken modeline uygun şekilde oluştuğu düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca, yüksek uranyum içeriğinin, linyit damarlarının üst katmanlarında yoğunlaşması sebebiyle havza diğer epijenetik linyit oluşumları ile benzerlik göstermektedir

    Çimento sanayii hammadde kontrolü ve harmanlama: Adana Çimento Fabrikası hammadde ocağında bir uygulama

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    TEZ2014Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1995.Kaynakça (s. 71-75) var.vi, 83 s. : hrt. ; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No: FBE 95- 61

    Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Alteration Associated with Cenozoic Intrusion-Hosted Cu-Pb-Zn Mineralization at Tavşanlı Area, Kütahya, NW Turkey

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    The Miocene magmatic intrusion in the Tavşanlı zone of the Kütahya-Bolkardağ Belt (KBB) in the northwestern region of Turkey is represented by the Eğrigöz granitoids. This paper studies the petrology and geochemistry of hydrothermal alterations associated with the vein-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization hosted by this pluton, focusing on the determination of the mass gains and losses of chemical components, which reflect the chemical exchanges between the host rocks and hydrothermal fluids. Vein-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization is closely associated with intense hydrothermal alterations within the brecciation, quartz stockwork veining, and brittle fracture zones that are controlled by NW-SE trending faults cutting through the Eğrigöz granitoids. Paragenetic relationships reveal three stages of mineralization: pre-ore, ore, and supergene. The ore mineralogy typically includes hypogene chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, and pyrite, with locally supergene covellite, malachite, and azurite. Wall-rock hypogene hydrothermal alterations include pervasive silicification, sulfidation, sericitization, and selective carbonatization and albitization. These are distributed in three main alteration zones (zone 1: silicified/iron carbonatized alterations ± albite, zone 2: argillic-silicic alterations, and zone 3: phyllic alterations). Based on the gains and losses of mass and volume (calculated by the GEOISO-Windows™ program), zone 1 has a higher mass and volume gain than zones 2 and 3. Non-systematic zonal distributions of alterations are observed in which the silicic-carbonate alterations +/− albitization appeared in zone 1 in the center and the phyllic-argillic alterations appeared in zones 2 and 3, with an increase in base metals (Cu-Pb-Zn) in the zone from Cu, Cu-Pb, to Cu-Pb-Zn moving outwards

    Planning additional drilling campaign using two-space genetic algorithm: A game theoretical approach

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    Grade and tonnage are the most important technical uncertainties in mining ventures because of the use of estimations/simulations, which are mostly generated from drill data. Open pit mines are planned and designed on the basis of the blocks representing the entire orebody. Each block has different estimation/simulation variance reflecting uncertainty to some extent. The estimation/simulation realizations are submitted to mine production scheduling process. However, the use of a block model with varying estimation/simulation variances will lead to serious risk in the scheduling. In the medium of multiple simulations, the dispersion variances of blocks can be thought to regard technical uncertainties. However, the dispersion variance cannot handle uncertainty associated with varying estimation/simulation variances of blocks. This paper proposes an approach that generates the configuration of the best additional drilling campaign to generate more homogenous estimation/simulation variances of blocks. In other words, the objective is to find the best drilling configuration in such a way as to minimize grade uncertainty under budget constraint. Uncertainty measure of the optimization process in this paper is interpolation variance, which considers data locations and grades. The problem is expressed as a minmax problem, which focuses on finding the best worst-case performance i.e., minimizing interpolation variance of the block generating maximum interpolation variance. Since the optimization model requires computing the interpolation variances of blocks being simulated/estimated in each iteration, the problem cannot be solved by standard optimization tools. This motivates to use two-space genetic algorithm (GA) approach to solve the problem. The technique has two spaces: feasible drill hole configuration with minimization of interpolation variance and drill hole simulations with maximization of interpolation variance. Two-space interacts to find a minmax solution iteratively. A case study was conducted to demonstrate the performance of approach. The findings showed that the approach could be used to plan a new drilling campaign. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A system-wide approach to minimize the operational cost of bench production in open-cast mining operations

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    Abstract The production cycle of open-cast coal mines generally includes drilling, blasting, loading, hauling and coal preparation activities. Individual optimization of these activities does not mean that the whole system is optimized. This paper proposes a cost model considering all activities in mining cycle and system-wide approach to minimize the total mining cost of bench production. Since the fragmentation size and blast-hole diameter are linked to all activities of mining system, they are considered as decision variables in the problem formulation. The operation costs are then minimized by using the evolutionary algorithm. Moreover, the impact of the change in the explosive price, and the hourly unit cost of equipment on total mining cost is quantified by sensitivity analysis. A case study is implemented to demonstrate the developed model

    Addressing specific safety and occupational health challenges for the Canadian mines located in remote areas where extreme weather conditions dominate

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    The number of mining operations is increasing in the Canadian North, where extreme weather conditions govern. Currently, many mine development projects are also in progress in this region. These mines’ working atmosphere and employment circumstances are highly different from regular mines. One of the main differences is the special safety issues of the Canadian North. The primary sources of these special issues are: the difficulty of finding skilled employees; high employee turnover rate; insufficient training and certification requirements; delicate employment circumstances affecting the psychological well-being of employees; permafrost; mine inspection challenges; inventory and logistic hardship; and the legislative and regulative necessities corresponding to the particular working environment. This paper aims to set forth specific safety cases in the mines located in the Canadian North. Then, it argues the characteristics of safety organizations and management required to deal with these cases. Furthermore, how the current frameworks can be improved is discussed. Safety issues stemming from cold weather conditions and location remoteness of mines add further challenges to the viability and implementation of projects. The paper underlines that mining operations need certain safety organizations, management approaches, and specific regulations for the mines operated in remote areas and under severe weather conditions

    Reliability-based performance analysis of mining drilling operations through Markov chain Monte Carlo and mean reverting process simulations

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    In recent years, commodity prices have swiftly decreased, narrowing the profit margin for many mining operations and forcing them to find effective cost management strategies to respond to low prices. Given that equipment is one of the most significant assets of a mining company, efficient equipment utilization has strong potential to reduce costs. This paper focuses on the relationship between the number of available drilling machines based on reliability analysis and the number of holes to be created on a bench of an open pit mining operation. Since equipment availability is random in nature, a range of holes to be drilled corresponding to a specified probability level was determined. To assess the performance of the proposed approach, a case study was carried out using two stochastic modeling techniques. Evolutions of reliabilities of 10 rotary drilling machines over a specific time were simulated by Markov chain Monte Carlo and mean reverting processes, using historical data. Multiple simulations were then used for risk quantification. Results show that the proposed approach can be used as a tool to assist production scheduling and assess the associated risk