725 research outputs found

    Art in Public Works and Kitsch Objects From An Aesthetic Point of View

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    Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Faculty Of Fine Arts, Design And Architecture Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to aesthetically evaluate the overall status of works of art and kitsch objects in public areas in terms of existing problems. The importance of a work of art in the formation of a culture of high aesthetic value can be seen. People who understand the difference between kitsch and aesthetic and use it in their lives can contribute the aesthetic and culture of the society and divide works which are consistent or not. The importance of public art on human life is known. When the aesthetic works are applied in public areas and the kitsch objects will be separated from each other, environmental aesthetic will have done an important duty on making the human to possess aesthetic. We can see works of plastic arts in many different channels in Turkey. The works applied or exhibited in public can be examples. These works of art - objects are applied by being selected in a competition, by a special board or by the public rating and so on. The works of art as applied to public area are naturally under many preference judgment and some of these assessments can be very negative and positive. Sometimes, applied works of art can be evaluated as kitsch objects. The objects that were evaluated as kitsch have sometimes been taken as a result of the strictures and sometimes they can t have been taken out by some excuses as the strictures are objective. An aesthetic environment and the possibility of ideal existence of human can be achieved with the aesthetic of public art works and making people aesthetic at first. Ideally, if environmental aestheticists are able to distinguish between public art works and subjects, field experts contribute actively and the users of public domain join the democratic process of choosing, public art works are determined and appiled

    Güzel Sanatlar Fakültelerinde Eğitim Ve Öğretim Alan Öğrencilerin Görsel Algıları Ve Estetik Beğenileri

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    Bu araştırmanın birincil amacı Güzel Sanatlar fakültelerinde Eğitim ve Öğretim Alan Öğrencilerin Görsel Algılarını araştırmaktır. Projenin ikincil amacı, Projenin birincil amacıyla ilişkilidir. Güzel Sanatlar fakültelerinde Eğitim ve Öğretim Alan öğrencilerin Estetik beğenilerini araştırmaktır. Bu amaca göre, Üniversite öğrencilerinin tasarım öğelerini bilip bilmedikleri, tasarım öğelerini seçip seçemedikleri, imge-simgeler arasında ilişkileri kurup kuramadıkları, Güzel sanat eğitimi, temel sanat ve temel tasarım derslerinin öğrencilerde tasarım estetiğini geliştirip geliştirmediğini, Üniversitelerdeki, sanat eğitiminin tasarım bilgisini estetiğini artırıp artırmadığını nicel araştırma modeliyle ulaşılmaya çalışılacaktır. Güzel sanatlar fakültelerine ait bölümlerden mezun olan görsel sanatlar alanına dahil bütün öğrenciler tasarım ve estetik bilgisini çalıştıkları sürece sürekli olarak kullanmak zorundadırlar. Bundan dolayı; görsel algının, tasarımın ve estetik unsurlara ait görsel değerlerin öğrencilerin eğitim sürecinde etkisi çok önemlidir. Bu kapsamda ele alınan temel sanat- temel tasarım gibi derslerin müfredatında bulunan birçok unsur öğrencilere öğretilirken bunları özümseyip özümsemedikleri de çok önemlidir. Bu proje bu bağlamda alanda görülen en büyük eksikliklerden olan bir açığı kapatmak üzere yürütülmüştür. Bu araştırma öncelikle sanat eğitimcilerine, program hazırlayan akademisyenlere tasarımcılara ve öğrencilere büyük bir katkı sağlayacaktır. Araştırma için geliştirilen ölçek öğrencilerdeki tasarım alt yapısı üniversitede aldıkları tasarımda estetik eğitiminin yanında bu iki öğeyi görsel algıları ile birleştirip birleştiremedikleri de nicel anket yöntemiyle araştırılmıştır. Bunun yanında cinsiyet farklılaşmamasını araştırma konusu kapsamına giren farklılıkları gözden geçirilmiştir. Üçüncü amacında öğrencilerde gerçekleşmesi beklenen tasarım hedeflerine gerçekleşme-gerçekleşmeme durumuna göre stratejik önerilerde bulunulacaktır

    Evaluation of artificial intelligence and aesthetics based on Van Gogh’s Starry Night painting

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    The main purpose of this study is to examine, understand and evaluate the aesthetic role of artificial intelligence, which has become increasingly effective in art production in recent years. The article focuses on the artistic creation and aesthetic concepts of artificial intelligence. The research examines the effects of artificial intelligence on artistic creation and the role of this technology on artistic aesthetics through Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” painting. In the article, the descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research techniques, and the composition method were applied when interpreting the visuals. In this context, a review and interpretation were made on six studies created with artificial intelligence. The plastic state of the images was revealed and interpreted according to the composition method, art and design principles and elements. According to the research results, works produced with artificial intelligence have aesthetic components of original works of art. However, works produced with artificial intelligence also show some important aesthetic differences from traditional works of art. These differences include color and application, repetition of the prompt and self-development. Artificial intelligence offers an aesthetic experience that changes, expands or clearly reveals the boundaries of traditional artworks. It is understood that artificial intelligence, which applies the formal language of artists through deep learning, has limited potential to convey the emotional expression of the artist. Visuals produced by artificial intelligence seem to create a unique aesthetic while being successful in emulating traditional creative works

    Resimde Tasarım, Uygulama Ve Seçim Olarak Boşluk, Doluluk

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    Bu Araştırmanın amacı, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültelerinde Öğretim Alan Öğrencilerin görsel sanatlarda kompozisyon öğelerinden, Espas uygulamalarını deneysel bir araştırma ile ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma, T. C. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, Resim Bölümü Öğrencileri ile odak yaklaşıma uygun olarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırma uygulaması üç bölümdür. Birinci ve ikinci uygulamada, öğrencilere açık uçlu cevaplar verebilecekleri sorular yardımıyla bilgi düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. Verilen cevaplar üzerinde konu genişliği belirlenmiştir. Yapılandırmacı öğretim yaklaşımı ile ders yapılmıştır. Ders konu içeriğine, görsel kompozisyonlar da, espasın doğru ve yanlış uygulandığı resimler, grafikler, fotoğraflar eklenmiştir. Üçüncü Bölümde öğrencilere istedikleri espaslar uygulatılmıştır. Öğrencilerin çalışmaları sergilenerek öğrenci kazanımı değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada, bulgular ışığında sonuç olarak, espasla ilgili okul müfredatının ve kişisel eğitimin istendiği kadar yapılamadığı ancak espas konusuna odaklanan bir eğitimin hızla estetik ürünlere dönüşebildiği görülmüştür.The purpose of this research is to exhibit space implementations -which is one of the factors of composition of visual arts- of students that receive education in Faculty of Fine Arts. The research is conducted with T. R. Namık Kemal University Faculty of Architectural Design and Fine Arts, Department of Painting students, in accordence with focus approach. The research implementation is composed of 3 parts. In the first and second implementation, information level of students is measured with the help of open-ended questions. Wideness of the subject is specified on answers given. Lessons were given with constructivist teaching approach. Some paintings , photos, graphics were added to content of the lesson , in which the space was implemented both true and false. In the third part, students implemented spaces that they wanted to. Works of students were exhibited, thus gaining of students were evaluated. As a result of the research in the light of findings, it's spotted that neither school curriculum nor personal education was done related to space as wanted. Yet any education that focussed o space can transform to aesthetical products quickly

    Role of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Maritime Security

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    Maritime Security is one of the key international issues. Nowadays, the threats such as illegal immigrations, terrorist activities, piracy make maritime environment less secure. Thus, States which have maritime boundaries face an increasing challenge of constituting the maritime domain awareness effectively. At this juncture, the importance of maritime patrolling and aerial maritime surveillance come on the scene. On the other hand, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), with their many key advantages, increasingly fill in very important gap in military operations requirements. Therefore, this paper argues that the UAS could be one of the most important instruments for maintaining effective maritime surveillance

    Comparative Analysis of Russian Hybrid Methods in Ukraine and Syria Crisis

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    Hybrid Warfare represents a new and the most effective military strategy in 21th Century. Although it is the most common strategy, it is very difficult to conceptualize. National warfare understandings of each state seem to be the main reason of emerging diversity in hybrid warfare definitions. Russia is one of the states which use hybrid warfare as a military strategy. Ukraine and Syria Crisis are the cases that Russia demonstrate its hybrid warfare understandings effectively. This article mainly explores Russian hybrid warfare capabilities by comparing Russian hybrid methods used in both crises. This article also aims to contribute to the literature of hybrid warfare theories

    Oxygen consumption and usage during physical exercise: the balance between oxidative stress and ROS-dependent adaptive signaling.

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    The complexity of human DNA has been affected by aerobic metabolism, including endurance exercise and oxygen toxicity. Aerobic endurance exercise could play an important role in the evolution of Homo sapiens, and oxygen was not important just for survival, but it was crucial to redox-mediated adaptation. The metabolic challenge during physical exercise results in an elevated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are important modulators of muscle contraction, antioxidant protection, and oxidative damage repair, which at moderate levels generate physiological responses. Several factors of mitochondrial biogenesis, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α), mitogen-activated protein kinase, and SIRT1, are modulated by exercise-associated changes in the redox milieu. PGC-1α activation could result in decreased oxidative challenge, either by upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and/or by an increased number of mitochondria that allows lower levels of respiratory activity for the same degree of ATP generation. Endogenous thiol antioxidants glutathione and thioredoxin are modulated with high oxygen consumption and ROS generation during physical exercise, controlling cellular function through redox-sensitive signaling and protein-protein interactions. Endurance exercise-related angiogenesis, up to a significant degree, is regulated by ROS-mediated activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α. Moreover, the exercise-associated ROS production could be important to DNA methylation and post-translation modifications of histone residues, which create heritable adaptive conditions based on epigenetic features of chromosomes. Accumulating data indicate that exercise with moderate intensity has systemic and complex health-promoting effects, which undoubtedly involve regulation of redox homeostasis and signaling

    The Paradox In Vısual Arts

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    Sanat eserleri biriciktir. Bu yüzden tekildir. Sanat eserlerinin gizli yönleri vardır. Bu yüzden sanat eserlerinin analizinde birçok farklı yöntem bulunmaktadır. Sanat eserleri sanatçı üretimi de de olsa varlığını insana ve insanın içinde bulunduğu evrenden alır. Görsel sanatçılar, filozoflar şairler, mucitler, bilim adamları ve yazarlar gibi yaratıcı süreçlerde paradokstan da beslenerek eser üretmektedirler. Bir nesnenin görünen özelliklerinden bazılarını değiştirdiğimizde görsel algımız değişebilmektedir. Resme baktığımızda gözlerimiz beynimize bir görüntü göndermektedir. Bazen beyin bunu yanlış da analiz edebilmektedir. Görsel algıya tam olarak her zaman güvenmek bizim dış dünyayı yorumlamamız esnasında hatalara neden olabilir. Bu durumlar görsel paradoks olarak değerlendirilebilmektedir. Sanatçılar bu paradoksal denklemleri temalarında kullanarak izleyicide yanılsama oluşturmak isterler. Paradoks algılandığında bir açıklamaya ihtiyaç duyulur. Bu makalenin amacı, paradoksu yapıtlarında tematik olarak kullanan görsel sanatçılardan Partıck Hughes, Maurits Cornelis Esher, Ignatius Widiapradja, Rene Magritte, Chema Madoz’ un yapıtlarını analiz etmektir. Paradoks içeren iki boyutlu tasarımlarda bir sağaltma sadeleştirme söz konusudur. Bunun yanında görsel sanatçılar genellikle temayı, temel bir takım biçim ve renkler ile sınırlandırılarak sofistike yollara ulaşmada mesajın doğrudan izleyici ile buluşmasını ve düşündürmesini istemektedirler. Bu nedenle görseller izleyici ile birçok farklı iletişime girmektedir. Makalede, Paradoks kavramı literatür bakımından araştırılmıştır. Araştırma, Partıck Hughes, Maurits Cornelis Esher, Ignatius Widiapradja, Rene Magritte, Chema Madoz’ e ait on adet görsel ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Seçilen bu görseller içerik konu ve teknik olarak incelenip oluşan veriler ışığında yorumlamalar yapılacaktır.An art work is unique that's why it's single. Art works have hidden aspects That’s the reason why there are many different ways of analyzing artworks. Even though art works are artists' productions, they take their existence from human beings and from the world they are in. Visual artists, philosophers, poets, inventors, scientists and writers are producing works by feeding on paradoxes during the creative processes. When we change some of the visible properties of an object, our visual perception can change. When we look at the picture, our eyes send an image to our brains but sometimes the brain can misread it. Always fully trusting visual perception can lead to errors during our interpretation of the outside world. These situations can be evaluated as visual paradoxes. Artists use these paradoxical equations in their themes to create illusion in the audience. When the paradox is perceived, an explanation is needed. The purpose of this article is to analyze the artists who used paradox in their works thematically such as Partick Hughes, Maurits Cornelis Esher, Ignatius Widiapradja, Rene Magritte, Chema Madoz. Images depicting the paradox has a universal meaning similarity. Seen also throughout this creations due to the universal perceptions, despite the cultural differences, although at a basic level images of paradox can be perceived and interpreted. There is a simplification in the two dimensional creations including paradox. Furthermore visual artists generally by restricting the theme with some basic shapes and colors, they aim to make the audience meet with the message directly and think about it in order to reach the sophisticated way of it. In this respect the visuals are in contact with the audience in many ways. The article is limited to ten visuals of Partıck Hughes, Maurits Cornelis Esher, Ignatius Widiapradja, Rene Magritte, Chema Madoz by investigating the pradox notion in terms of literature. These chosen visuals will be examined in content, subject and technic and interpretations will be made throughout the data

    Yerli Enerji Kaynaklarımızdan Fosil Yakıt-Biyokütle Bazlı Hibrit Yakıt Biriketi Eldesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG Proje15.06.2018Bu çalışmada pirina ile linyitin ağırlıkça çeşitli oranlarda (%10-50) karıştırılmasıyla hibrit birfosil yakıt-biyokütle enerji kaynağı eldesi hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmanın en önemli amacı her ikiyakıtın olumlu özelliklerinin bir araya getirilmesiyle, hem pirina hem de linyitin kullanımınıolumsuz etkileyen özelliklerin rehabilite edilmesini sağlamaktır. Çalışmada öncelikle yakıtkarışımlarının yakıt özellikleri ve yanma davranımları belirlenmiş, daha sonra karışımlarınhibrit bir yakıt formuna dönüştürülmesine yönelik olarak briketleme olanakları araştırılmıştır.Kısa ve elementer analizler, TG/DTG, DSC, TG-FTIR çalışmaları sonucunda, pirina ve linyitinkarışım halinde kullanılmasının, yakıtların tek başlarına kullanılmalarına göre, yakıt özellikleri,yanma davranımları, SO2 emisyonları ve yanmaya olan yatkınlık bakımından önemlifarklılıklar sağladığı belirlenmiştir. Pirina-linyit karışımlarının kükürt içerikleri ve SO2emisyonlarında, tek başına linyit ile karşılaştırıldığında, belirgin iyileşmeler söz konusudur.Hibrit karışımlardaki pirina oranı arttıkça, karışımların S içeriği düşmekte, SO2 emisyonlarıazalmaktadır. Yanmaya olan yatkınlıklar incelendiğinde linyitin aktivasyon enerjisinin pirinayagöre ?2.5 kat düşük olduğu, yani linyitin pirinaya göre, yanmaya çok daha yüksek yatkınlıkgösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Hibrit yakıt karışımlarının da aktivasyon enerjisi, tek başına pirinayagöre daha düşüktür ve karışımlar pirinaya göre yanmaya daha yüksek yatkınlıkgöstermektedirler. Pirinanın yakıt olarak tek başına kullanılmasındansa, linyit ile birlikte hibritformda kullanılmasının çok daha olumlu olacağı, çünkü pirinanın yanmaya olan düşükyatkınlığının linyit katkısı ile rehabilite edilebildiği belirlenmiştir. Briketleme çalışmalarında,önce linyitin briketlenebilme davranımı incelenmiştir. Bağlayıcı olarak ağırlıkça %10 melaskatkısı ile ve belirlenen ideal briketleme koşullarında linyit briketleri TS12055 standardındaSınıf 1 briketler için gerekli kırılma, aşınma ve düşme sağlamlıklarını sağlamaktadır. Hibritpirina-linyit briketlerinin bağlayıcısız briketlenmesi aşamasında pirinanın sınırlı bağlayıcı etkigösterdiği ve pirina-linyit karışımlarının bağlayıcısız briketlenebildiği görülmüştür. Fakat,bağlayıcısız hibrit briketler ancak Sınıf 2 briketler için gereken aşınma sağlamlığınısağlayabilmekte, gerekli kırılma sağlamlığını büyük ölçüde karşılamaktadır. Hibrit briketlerin,TSE12055?de Sınıf 1 tipi briketler için geçerli dayanım koşullarını sağlaması amacıylabağlayıcı ilavesiyle briketleme yapılmıştır. Karışımlar önce melas daha sonra melas+kireçkullanımıyla briketlenmiş, melas (ağırlıkça %5-15) ve kireç miktarlarına (ağırlıkça %4-6) göre,briketlerin dayanım özellikleri belirlenmiştir. %5 melas ilavesinde dahi, Sınıf 1 briketler içingerekli kırılma ve aşınma sağlamlığı tamamen, düşme sağlamlığı büyük ölçüdekarşılanmaktadır. Yani, pirina gösterdiği sınırlı bağlayıcı etki ile, briketleme için gereklibağlayıcı miktarını azaltabilmektedir. Melas ile birlikte kireç ilavesi ise dayanım özelliklerindebelirgin bir iyileşme sağlamamaktadır. Öte yandan, çalışmada elde edilen briketler hiçbirkoşulda, suya dayanım gösterememiştir. Bu sorun linyitlerimizin çoğu için geçerli olup, hibritbriketlerin, TSE12055 standardında belirtildiği üzere kapalı ambalajlar içinde satılması buduruma çözüm olarak önerilebilir. Sonuç olarak, pirina ve linyitlerimizin birlikte, hibrit yakıtformunda kullanılmaları yakıt özellikleri, yanma davranımları ve SO2 emisyonları bakımındanönemli faydalar sağlamaktadır. Hibrit kullanım ile, iki yakıtın olumlu özelliklerinin öne çıkmasıve olumsuz özelliklerinin rehabilite edilebilmesi çok önemli bir avantaj olup, her iki yakıtındaha yaygın, sürdürülebilir ve çevreye dost şekilde kullanımına yönelik önemli bir çözümdür.Pirina-linyit karışımlarının başarıyla briket formuna dönüştürülmüş olması da, önerilen hibrityakıtın yaygın kullanımını sağlayabilecek önemli bir husustur.This project aims at obtaining a hybrid fossil fuel-biomass fuel by blending olive pomace and lignitein varying amounts (10-50% by weight). The main objective is to combine the positivecharacteristics of both fuel types to rehabilitate their unfavorable sides are potential obstaclesagainst their broader utilization. The suggested hybrid fuel is anticipated to be an effective,environmentally sound and sustainable fuel alternative. To obtain the hybrid fuel, olive pomacefrom the Aegean region and ROM Tuncbilek lignite characterized with a high ash and sulfurcontent, are used. The project has two major phases: 1. Identification of the fuel characteristicsand combustion behavior of hybrid blends; 2. Briquetting of fuel blends to obtain a hybrid fuel form.In the first phase, the fuel and emission characteristics of the olive pomace and lignite on anindividual basis as well as in the form of fuel blends, were determined. The liability of both fueltypes and their blends to combustion were also identified. The proximate and ultimate analysis,TG/DTG, DSC and TG-FTIR work revealed that using olive pomace and lignite in blended formresults in significant differences in terms of fuel characteristics, combustion behavior andcombustion liability as compared to the fuels on individual basis. Blending olive pomace and ligniteresulted in reductions in sulfur contents and SO2 emissions as compared to the lignite alone andthe extent of improvement increased as the amount of olive pomace in the blends was increased.This demonstrated that blending high-sulfur lignites with olive pomace could be an effectivesolution to rehabilitate SO2 emissions.When the liability to combustion was assessed, it was seen that the activation energy of lignite is≈2.5 times less than that of olive pomace. This shows that the liability of lignite to combustion ismuch higher than that of pomace. Activation energies of fuel blends were also less than olivepomace. This implies that use of olive pomace with lignite in a hybrid fuel form is more favorablethan using olive pomace alone as a fuel, since lignite in the fuel blend can rehabilitate the relativelylower combustion liability of olive pomace. Overall, the results of the investigations on fuelcharacteristics and combustion behavior revealed that using lignite and olive pomace in a hybridfuel form can bring notable advantages to both fuel types. The negative aspects related to the useof these two fuels on an individual basis, could be significantly rehabilitated, if they are utilizedtogether in the form of a hybrid fuel. The suggested approach is a novel and a favorable solutionthat fosters the positive sides of lignite and olive pomace in the body of a new fuel alternative.In the second phase, which focuses on briquetting, firstly the briquettability of the lignite alone wasidentified. Lignite briquettes were obtained using 10% (by wt) molasses as a binder. The effectsof particle size, water addition and briquetting pressure on the strength of the briquettes wereinvestigated. In ideal briquetting conditions, the lignite briquettes can show required levels of drop,abrasion and breakage resistance designated for Class 1 briquettes in the TS12055 standard. Inobtaining hybrid briquettes from olive pomace-lignite blends, firstly the strength characteristics ofbinderless briquettes were evaluated for several olive pomace related briquetting conditions (suchas the amount of olive pomace in blends, particle size of olive pomace and moisture content). Thebinderless hybrid briquettes failed to meet the strength conditions for Class 1 briquettes. Yet, inideal briquetting conditions they could meet the required abrasion and breakage resistance levelsdesignated for Class 2 briquettes, thanks to the limited binding effect of olive pomace. As a laststep, olive pomace-lignite blends were briquetted using binding agents to satisfy strengthdesignations for Class 1 briquettes. The blends were briquetted, firstly, by using only molassesand then by using molasses+lime. The strength properties of the binder-added hybrid briquetteswere determined with respect to varying quantities of molasses addition (5-15% by wt.) and limeaddition (4-6% by wt.). It was seen that, even with 5% molasses addition, strength requirementsfor Class 1 briquettes could be achieved. Obtaining favorable strength features with limitedmolasses addition was attributed to the binding effect of olive pomace: Pomace in the blendssuccessfully reduced the required binder amount or obtaining fuel briquettes with sufficientstrength characteristics. Use of lime as a binder along with molasses could not provide anapparent improvement in the strength of the briquettes. On the other hand, none of the briquettingconditions studied in this project could provide water-resistant briquettes. This is a well-knownproblem common for most Turkish lignites. To overcome this problem, the hybrid briquettes couldbe supplied in sealed bags to the market, as suggested in the TS12055 standard.To conclude, this study showed that utilization of olive pomace and lignites in a hybrid fuel formcan lead to several benefits in terms of fuel quality, combustion behavior and SO2 emissions. It isvery advantageous to stimulate the positive sides of both fuel types while controlling and reducingthe negative features of lignite and olive pomace by utilizing these fuels in a hybrid form. Thisapproach is therefore an effective solution towards an extensive, sustainable and environmentallysound utilization of these fuel types. Proven briquettability of the olive pomace-lignite blends isanother important aspect that would contribute to the broader use of the suggested hybrid fuel

    Chromium picolinate and chromium histidinate protects against renal dysfunction by modulation of NF-κB pathway in high-fat diet fed and Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diabetic nephropathy is one of major complications of diabetes mellitus. Although chromium is an essential element for carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, its effects on diabetic nephropathy are not well understood. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of chromium picolinate (CrPic) and chromium histidinate (CrHis) on nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) and nuclear factor-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2) pathway in the rat kidney.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male Wistar rats were divided into six groups. Group I received a standard diet (8% fat) and served as a control; Group II was fed with a standard diet and received CrPic; Group III was fed with a standard diet and received CrHis; Group IV received a high fat diet (HFD, 40% fat) for 2 weeks and then were injected with streptozotocin (STZ) (HFD/STZ); Group V was treated as group IV (HFD/STZ) but supplemented with CrPic for 12 weeks. Group VI was treated as group IV (HFD/STZ) but supplemented with CrHis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The increased NF-κβ p65 in the HFD/STZ group was inhibited by CrPic and CrHis supplementation (<it>P </it>< 0.05). In STZ-treated rats, a significant decrease in levels of nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha (IκBα) was found in kidney tissues when compared to control rats (<it>P </it>< 0.05). A significant increase in the levels of IκBα was observed in CrPic- and CrHis-treated rats when compared with STZ-treated rats. Renal Nrf2 levels were significantly decreased in diabetic rats compared with the control rats. There was a higher tendency for increase of kidney Nrf2 level and decrease in kidney NFκBp65 levels and 4- hydroxyl nonenal (4-HNE) protein adducts (<it>P </it>< 0.05) in diabetic rats.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our result show that in kidney tissue CrHis/CrPic increases Nrf2 level, parallelly decreases NF-κB and partially restores IκBα levels in HFD/STZ group, suggesting that CrPic and CrHis may play a role in antioxidant defense system via the Nrf2 pathway by reducing inflammation through NF-κβ p65 inhibition. Moreover, a greater reduction in NF-κB expression and greater increases in expressions of IκBα and Nrf2 in diabetic rats supplemented with CrHis than rats supplemented with CrPic suggest that CrHis has more favorable effects than CrPic.</p