595 research outputs found

    Optimization of Turkish Air Force SAR Units’ Forward Deployment Points for a Central Based SAR Force Structure

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    Many developed countries that have a combatant Air Force and Search & Rescue (SAR) assets designed for their Air Force\u27s SAR service have been struggling with locating SAR units due to limited SAR assets, constrained budgets, logistic-maintenance problems, and high-risk level of military flights. In recent years, the Turkish Air Force (TUAF) has also been researching methods to gather all SAR units into a central base and deploying the needed number of SAR units to defined Deployment Points (DPs). This research applies three location optimization models to determine the optimum locations for TUAF SAR units. The first model, Set Covering Location Problem (SCLP), defines the minimum number of SAR DPs to cover all fighter aircraft training areas (TAs). The second model, Maximal Covering Location Problem (MCLP), aims to obtain maximum coverage with a given SAR DP number and response time. A weighted MCLP models is also applied with TAs risk values obtained by this research to maximize demanded coverage of TAs. Finally the last model, P-Median Location Problem, defines the locations of SAR DPs while obtaining minimum aggregate or average response time. These three models are applied via a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) & LINGO Optimization Software interface that allows changing each exogenous variable of the models in a flexible way. The primary objective of this research is to provide the information for the required number of SAR units and their locations. The results indicate that the response time definition is as important as the required number of DPs. Additionally; some DP locations are indispensable because they have no alternative in their sectors

    Design Equations for Class-E Power Amplifiers

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    In literature, it is widely accepted that the design of Class-E Power Amplifier (PA) with finite dc feed inductance requires a long iterative solution procedure. To avoid such iterative solution methods, analytical design equations should be known. The problem associated with the finite dc feed inductance Class-E PA is usually ascribed to the fact that the circuit element values are transcendental functions of the input parameters which is assumed to prevent the derivation of exact or fully analytical design equations. Using a proper analytical method, exact design solutions for Class-E PA with any inductor value can however be derived. A mathematically exact analysis of the idealized Class-E PA with finite dc feed inductance has been done and analytical expressions showing the relation between the circuit elements and the input parameters are found. These analytical expressions have been simplified to obtain explicit, relatively simple design equations. In this paper, we present these relatively simple design equations. Using these design equations, Class-E PA with finite dc feed inductance can be designed without iterative design procedures. The current paper discusses these simplified versions of the exact solution of general Class-E PA with finite dc feed inductance Key Words- Power Amplifier, Class-E

    The Role of Economic Freedoms on the Road to the EU: The Case of Balkan Countries

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    Measurement of economic freedoms and cross-country comparisons based oneconomic freedom performance has become increasingly popular in recent years.There seems to be a strong positive correlation between economic freedom and themajor welfare indicators. Many Balkan nations are either on the way to, or planning tojoin the EU in a foreseeable future. Economic freedom indices may play a crucial rolein shaping the future plans of the Balkans in the context of preparation efforts. Thispaper looks briefly at the history of EU-Balkan relations and the performance of theBalkan countries in terms of economic freedoms


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    With the emergence of globalization borders are fading out and economies are getting ever more interdependent with increasing trade volumes. As global population goes up, consumption demand reinforces increases in output. In this regard, energy can be regarded as one of the most critical inputs in the process of development and growth. Accordingly, the process of growth and industrialization has been gradually increasing the dependence of world economies on energy. Energy consumption has been steadily growing with each passing year, hence increasing the dependence on energy even further. This study examines the factors that determine energy consumption. For this purpose, the factors that determine energy consumption in BRICS-T countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Turkey) are analyzed for the period of 1992-2018. Foreign direct investments, energy prices and economic growth are taken to be the potential factors determining energy consumption. Error Correction Method (ECM) proposed by Westerland and LM Boostrap cointegration tests suggested by Westerland and Edgerton is used to test the existence of long term relationship between the series. Long term cointegration coefficients have been estimated using Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG) estimator and Augmented Mean Group (AMG) estimator. The findings obtained from the analysis confirm that, firstly, all three variables (foreign direct investments, prices of energy, and economic growth) are critical and have a long-term relationship with energy consumption. Secondly, the series of foreign direct investments is significant in all countries subject to our panel data analysis. Economic growth series is only significant for Turkey and China. Energy prices series are found to be significant in Russia, S. Africa, and China.S pojavom globalizacije granice nestaju, a gospodarstva postaju sve više međuovisna, s povećanjem obujma trgovine. Kako globalna populacija raste, potražnja za potrošnjom pojačava povećanje proizvodnje. U tom smislu, energija se može smatrati jednim od najkritičnijih faktora proizvodnje u procesu razvoja i rasta. Sukladno tome, proces rasta i industrijalizacije postupno povećava ovisnost svjetskih gospodarstava o energiji. Potrošnja energije je u stalnom porastu iz godine u godinu, što dodatno povećava ovisnost o energiji. Ovo istraživanje ispituje čimbenike koji određuju potrošnju energije. U tu svrhu, analizirani su čimbenici koji određuju potrošnju energije u zemljama BRICS-T (Brazil, Rusija, Indija, Kina, Južnoafrička Republika i Turska) za razdoblje 1992.-2018. Izravna strana ulaganja, cijene energije i gospodarski rast smatraju se potencijalnim faktorima koji određuju potrošnju energije. Model korekcije pogrešaka (ECM) kojeg je predložio Westerland i LM Boostrap kointegracijski testovi predloženi od strane Westerlanda i Edgertona, koriste se za testiranje postojanja dugotrajnog odnosa između serija. Dugoročni kointegracijski koeficijenti procijenjeni su korištenjem procjenitelja srednje skupine uobičajenih koreliranih učinaka (CCEMG) i procjenitelja proširene srednje skupine (AMG). Nalazi dobiveni analizom potvrđuju kako su, prvo, sve tri varijable (izravna strana ulaganja, cijene energije i gospodarski rast) kritične i dugoročno povezane s potrošnjom energije. Kao drugo, serije izravnih stranih ulaganja značajne su u svim zemljama koje su predmet naše analize panel podataka. Serije gospodarskog rasta značajne su samo za Tursku i Kinu. Pokazalo se i kako su serije cijena energije značajne u Rusiji, Južnoj Africi i Kini

    Productivity of hauling by tajfun MOZ 500 GR cable yarder in Turkey

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    The extraction of timber is very important despite the process is difficult, expensive, time consuming, and has concerns with work safety. The extraction operations are used human, animal, and machine power. The purpose of this study is to investigate the productivity of the Tajfun MOZ 500 GR cable yarder during the extraction of timber from spruce stands in northeast Turkey. The research results imply that some working characteristics of the MOZ 500 GR cable yarder such as load volume, yarding distance, speed of the carriage, and time consumption per phase have an important impact on the productivity of the cable yarder. The results indicated that the productivity of MOZ 500 GR cable yarder was 8.39 m(3)/h for an average yarding distance of 90 m. Besides, the daily productivity of cable yarders was found at 67.12 m(3). The cable yarders seem ideal for use in the steep terrain. The use of cable yarders in wood production works is more ideal than other production techniques (human, animal, and tractor) in terms of productivity, speed, and work safety

    A Numerical Approach for Modeling the Shunt Damping of Thin Panels with Arrays of Separately Piezoelectric Patches

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    Two-dimensional thin plates are widely used in many aerospace and automotive applications. Among many methods for the attenuation of vibration of these mechanical structures, piezoelectric shunt damping is a promising way. It enables a compact vibration damping method without adding significant mass and volumetric occupancy. Analyzing the dynamics of these electromechanical systems requires precise modeling tools that properly consider the coupling between the piezoelectric elements and the host structure. This paper presents a methodology for separately shunted piezoelectric patches for achieving higher performance on vibration attenuation. The Rayleigh-Ritz method is used for performing the modal analysis and obtaining the frequency response functions of the electro-mechanical system. The effectiveness of the method is investigated for a broader range of frequencies, and it was shown that separately shunted piezoelectric patches are more effective.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2103.1317

    Sozialstruktur Und Wahlverhalten Von Türken in Deutschland

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    DergiPark: 326003trakyasobedDas Wahlverhalten der türkischstämmigen Migranten in Deutschland ist immer ein Diskussionsthema. Wegen des Migrationshintergrunds ist die Wahlentscheidung der eingebürgerten Türken ein komplexer Prozess, weil sie aus einer anderen politischen und sozialen Kultur kommen und ihre Sozialstruktur in Deutschland von dieser Kultur geprägt wird. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Zielsetzung dieser empirischen Untersuchung, die Wahlentscheidung der türkischstämmigen Wählerschaft nach den wichtigen sozialstrukturellen Indikatoren zu analysieren. Diese Variablen sind das Geschlecht, die Staatsbürgerschaft, das Alter, die berufliche Stellung und der Schulabschluss. Für diese Untersuchung wurde das persönliche (Face-to-Face) Interview als empirische Forschungsmethode ausgewählt. Nach dem empirisch gewonnen Daten zeigt sich, dass die Türkischstämmigen nach den sozialstrukturellen Indikatoren überwiegend die SPD und Grünen bevorzugen. Für diese Parteipräferenz wird keine große Distanz zwischen diesen Merkmalen gezeigtAlmanya'daki Türk kökenli göçmenlerin seçmen davranışı her zaman bir tartışma konusudur. Oy verme hakkına sahip olan Türklerin siyasi kararları, göçmen kökenli olmalarından dolayı daha karmaşık bir süreçtir, çünkü onlar farklı bir siyasal ve toplumsal kültürden gelmektedirler ve Almanya’da bu kültür tarafından şekillenmiş bir sosyal yapı içerisinde yaşamaktadırlar. Bu bağlamda, Türk kökenli seçmenlerin seçim kararlarının sosyal yapısal göstergelere göre analizi, bu ampirik araştırmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu göstergeler cinsiyet, vatandaşlık, yaş, mesleki durum ve eğitimdir. Bu çalışma için, yüz yüze anket tekniği ampirik araştırma yöntemi olarak seçilmiştir. Elde edilen ampirik veriler göre, Türk kökenli göçmenlerin belirtilen sosyal yapısalcı göstergeler bağlamında ağırlıklı olarak SPD ve Yeşiller‘i destekledikleri görülmektedir. Ayrıca, tercih edilen bu partilere olan destek, seçilen göstergelere göre büyük bir fark göstermemektedi

    Effect of some essential oils (Allium sativum L., Origanum majorana L.) and ozonated olive oil on the treatment of ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) in cats

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of certain essential oils and ozonated olive oil on Otodectes cynotis infestations in cats. Twenty-eight cats were included in the study. Infestation was diagnosed through the microscopic examination of ear secretions. Clinical findings were evaluated and scored before and after treatment. Cats were randomly assigned to different treatment groups, which included Group 1 treated with ozonated olive oil, Group 2 treated with garlic oil, Group 3 treated with marjoram oil, and Group 4 treated with permethrin. Each treatment was applied to both ears with approximately 5 drops daily per ear for a period of 10 days. The effectiveness of treatments was determined using an efficacy formula. By day 10, G1 and G4 were the groups showing the highest effectiveness. By day 30, effectiveness between the groups ranked as follows: G4 > G1 > G3 > G2. Based on these results, it can be stated that garlic, marjoram, and ozonated olive oil represent cheap, easily applicable, and safe alternatives to conventional treatments with no side effects for O. cynotis infestations in cats

    Linearization Study of a Highly Efficient CMOS-GaN RF Pulse Width Modulation Based Transmitter

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    This paper studies linearity of a 2 GHz, 10 Watt peak output power RF pulse width modulation (RF-PWM) based transmitter. The transmitter incorporates a tunable load network class-E PA as the final output stage. The tunable load network enables dynamic optimization of the class-E along with the duty cycle resulting in high efficiency over a wide range of output power levels. A digital predistiortion based linearization scheme is proposed to enhance the linearity of the transmitter. After linearization, the transmitter exhibits an adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) of -45 dBc with a 3.84 MHz, 6.7 dB peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) W-CDMA signal. The average drain efficiency of the GaN HEMT output stage is 67% and the total transmitter efficiency is 54%

    Organik Patates Yetiştiriciliği Üzerinde Araştırmalar

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    Samsun-Ladik’de iki yıl (2005 ve 2006) süresince yürütülen bu çalışmada bitkisel materyal olarak organik üretim için önerilen Sante çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada kontrol (gübresiz), ahır gübresi (1 ton/da), çeltik kavuzu (100 kg/da), ahır gübresi+çeltik kavuzu( 1 ton/da+100 kg/da), biofarm (250 kg/da) ve inorganik gübre (NPK, 15:5:20 kg/da) olmak üzere altı uygulama denenmiştir. Patates böceği ile mücadelede azadractin kullanılmış olup, etkili sonuç alınmıştır. Organik parsellerde 1.sınıf verim ve toplam verim NPK uygulamasına göre daha düşük olmuştur. Ortalama değerlere göre yumru iriliği ve bitki başına düşen ortalama yumru sayısı organik parsellerde NPK uygulamasına göre daha düşük bulunmuştur. Yumrunun kuru madde miktarı ve özgül ağırlık değerleri bakımından organik ve geleneksel yöntem arasında farklılık belirlenmemiştir. Buna karşın yumrunun kül ve protein miktarı bakımından uygulamalar arasında önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. En fazla kül içeriği kontrolden (%6.08) elde edilmiş olup, diğer uygulamalar aynı grup içerisinde yer almıştır. Ortalama değerler dikkate alındığında en fazla protein içeriği NPK uygulamasından (%9.26), en düşük ise ahır gübresi uygulamasından (%7.25) elde edilmiştir