400 research outputs found

    A Hybrid PV-Battery/Supercapacitor System and a Basic Active Power Control Proposal in MATLAB/Simulink

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    Blaabjerg, Frede/0000-0001-8311-7412; sahin, mustafa ergin/0000-0002-5121-6173WOS: 000516827000129An increase in the integration of renewable energy generation worldwide brings along some challenges to energy systems. Energy systems need to be regulated following grid codes for the grid stability and efficiency of renewable energy utilization. the main problems that are on the active side can be caused by excessive power generation or unregulated energy generation, such as a partially cloudy day. the main problems on the load side can be caused by excessive or unregulated energy demand or nonlinear loads which deteriorate the power quality of the energy networks. This study focuses on the energy generation side as active power control. in this study, the benefits of supercapacitor use in a hybrid storage system are investigated and analyzed. A hybrid system in which photovoltaic powered and stored the energy in battery and supercapacitor are proposed in this study to solving the main problems in two sides. the supercapacitor model, photovoltaic model, and the proposed hybrid system are designed in MATLAB/Simulink for 6 kW rated power. Also, a new topology is proposed to increase the energy storage with supercapacitors for a passive storage system. the instantaneous peak currents energy is aimed to store in supercapacitors temporarily with this topology. the main advantages of this topology are voltage stabilization in two sides by the supercapacitors and a limitation of the battery load, which directly results in longer battery life and decreases the system cost. the simulation results are investigated for this topology.Scientific&Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 2219 postdoctoral research program [1059B191700997]This study was supported through the Scientific&Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 2219 postdoctoral research program with a 1059B191700997 application number

    Design of wave energy converter system with linear generator

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    International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN) -- OCT 25-29, 2014 -- Antalya, TURKEYsahin, mustafa ergin/0000-0002-5121-6173WOS: 000363011700070It is not wrong to say that wave energy will be one of the most important energy sources to be used in the future, when it is thought that three-quarters of the world is covered by water. the initial investment and maintenance costs are the only expenses, beside not any price have to be paid for the primary energy. the wave energy does not leave any contaminants, as well as it is cheap, clean, environmentally, friendly and a great energy sources. in this study, wave energy converter system which has a four poles linear generator is discussed. the Linear generator model has been designed and created as a portable model. the results obtained from this model were examined

    Modelling of supercapacitors based on simplified equivalent circuit

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    A MATLAB/GUI based photovoltaic system simulator for estimation of PV parameter using newton-raphson method

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    Bu çalışmada ilk olarak güneş pilinin çalışma prensibi, bileşenleri ve bağlantı şekilleri ile eşdeğer devre modeli çıkarımı incelenmiştir. Fotovoltaik (FV) güneş pili modülü genel eşdeğer devre modeli matematiksel denklemleri MATLAB programına uyarlanmıştır. Güneş pilinin akım denklemi çözümü için Newton-Raphson yöntemi kullanılarak MATLAB grafiksel kullanıcı ara yüzü (GUI) ortamında bir ara yüz oluşturulmuştur. Kullanılan model güneş ışınımı ve sıcaklık gibi değişen çevresel koşulları da içerecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Oluşturulan ara yüz ile kullanıcı; ışınım, sıcaklık, seri direnç, ideallik faktörü ve seri-paralel bağlı hücre sayıları gibi parametreleri değiştirerek akım ile gerilim (I-V) ve güç ile gerilim (P-V) eğrilerini kolayca elde edebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada iki ayrı üretici firmaya ait güneş paneli verileri için farklı parametreler kullanılarak karakteristik eğriler elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca kullanıcı bu ara yüz sayesinde fotovoltaik hücrenin değişken değerlerini girerek maksimum akım (Imp), maksimum gerilim (Vmp), maksimum güç (Pmp), giriş gücü (Pin), doldurma faktörü (DF) ve verim (η) gibi değerleri kolaylıkla elde edebilmektedir. Bu sayede bu alanda çalışanlar için kullanıcıya kolaylık sağlayan bir ara yüz geliştirilmiştir.In this study, the working principle, components and connection types of the solar cell and the equivalent circuit model extraction were examined. The mathematical equations of the photovoltaic (PV) solar cell module general equivalent circuit model were adapted to the MATLAB software. An interface was created in the MATLAB GUI environment using the Newton-Raphson method to solve the current equation of the solar cell. The model used also includes changing environmental conditions such as solar radiation and temperature. With the interface created, the user; can quickly obtain Current-Voltage (I-V) and Power-Voltage (P-V) curves by changing parameters such as radiation, temperature, series resistance, ideality factor and number of cells connected in series-parallel. In this study, characteristic curves were obtained by using different parameters for the solar panel data of two other manufacturers. In addition, the user can quickly get values such as maximum current (Imp), maximum voltage (Vmp), maximum power (Pmp), input power (Pin), filling factor (FF) and efficiency (η) by entering the variable values of the photovoltaic cell through this interface. In this way, an interface that provides convenience to the user has been developed for those working in this field

    A Hybrid Efficient PV-Battery Powered LED Lighting Scheme

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    As we all know now a day�s developing countries across Asia and Africa are hit with the serious energy crisis. So To fulfill the power demand people started looking towards renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind energy. In this paper fully controlled, flexible and self-adjusting LED lighting PV-Battery powered scheme using a pulse-width modulation (PWM) switching and controlled by a dual-loop error driven, time de-scaled, WM proportional-integral-derivative (WM-PID) control scheme for the PV-battery interfaced to the LED load. It decreases the amplitude of transient voltage and minimize inrush current for balancing common DC bus to the LED load. The new adjustable controller uses a directed dual-loop error-driven, error-time descaled controller for the PWM switching along with MOSFET/IGBT switches. The dual-action regulator uses error driven weighted modified (WM-PID) proportional-integral-derivative controller with quick response auxiliary derivative loops to achieve efficient control action

    Bazı Kayısı Çeşitlerinde Çekirdek Kırılma Karakteristiklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Bu araşt ı rmada Hasanbey, Haciheliloğ lu, Çdloğlu, Tokaloğ lu ve Çataloğ lu kay ı s ı çekirdeklerine, paralel plakalar aras ı nda kuvvet uygulayarak kir ı lma dirençieri, k ı rı lma enerjileri, kuvvet-zaman ve kuvvet-deformasyon e ğrileri belirlenmiştir. Denemeierde kay ı s ı çekirdeklerinin üç boyutu d ı çülmüş , geometrik ortalama çap de ğerleri hesaplanm ış ve ağı rl ı klar ı tart ı lm ışt ı r. Denemeler üç farkl ı çekirdek neminde yap ı lmışt ı r. Çekirdekler doğ al durumdaki nem, 24 saat ve 48 saat suda bekletildikten sonraki nem de ğerlerinde denemeye al ı nm ış lard ı r. Denemeler sonucunda do ğal nem koş ulunda en büyük k ı nlma direnci ve k ı nlma enerjisi Çdlo ğiu çeşidinde 503 N ve 239 Nmm, erı küçük lur ı lma direnci ve k ı rı lma enerjisi ise Hacihaliloğlu çeş idinde 333 N ve 122 Nmm olarak bulunmu ştur. Ayr ı ca nem değeri artt ı kça k ı rı lma direndnin azald ığı , k ı rı lma enerjisinin ise artt ığı belirlenmiştir

    Intestinal Malrotation: A Rare Cause of Small Intestinal Obstruction

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    Background. The diagnosis of intestinal malrotation is established by the age of 1 year in most cases, and the condition is seldom seen in adults. In this paper, a patient with small intestinal malrotation-type intraperitoneal hernia who underwent surgery at an older age because of intestinal obstruction is presented. Case. A 73-year-old patient who presented with acute intestinal obstruction underwent surgery as treatment. Distended jejunum and ileum loops surrounded by a peritoneal sac and located between the stomach and transverse colon were determined. The terminal ileum had entered into the transverse mesocolon from the right lower part, resulting in kinking and subsequent segmentary obstruction. The obstruction was relieved, and the small intestines were placed into their normal position in the abdominal cavity. Conclusion. Small intestinal malrotations are rare causes of intestinal obstructions in adults. The appropriate treatment in these patients is placement of the intestines in their normal positions

    The Relationship Between Arthroplasty Surgeons' Experience Level and Optimal Cable Tensioning in the Fixation of Extended Trochanteric Osteotomy

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    Introduction: In this study, our aim was to examine the relationship between the arthroplasty surgeons' experience level and their aptitude to adjust the cable tension to the value recommended by the manufacturer when asked to provide fixation with cables in artificial bones that underwent extended trochanteric osteotomy (ETO). Materials and Methods: A custom-made cable tensioning device with a microvoltmeter was used to measure the tension values in Newtons (N). An ETO was performed on 4 artificial femur bones. Surgeons at various levels of experience attending the IXth National Arthroplasty Congress were asked to fix the osteotomized fragment using 1.7-mm cables and the tensioning device. The participants' demographic and experience data were investigated and recorded. The surgeons with different level of experience repeated the tensioning test 3 times and the average of these measurements were recorded. Results: In 19 (35.2%) of the 54 participants, the force applied to the cable was found to be greater than the 490.33 N (50 kg) value recommended by the manufacturer. No statistically significant difference was determined between the surgeon's years of experience, the number of cases, and the number of cables used and the tension applied over the recommended maximum value (P = .475, P = .312, and P = .691, respectively). Conclusions: No significant relationship was found between the arthroplasty surgeon's level of experience and the adjustment of the cable with the correct tension level. For this reason, we believe that the use of tensioning devices with calibrated tension gauges by orthopedic surgeons would help in reducing the number of complications that may occur due to the cable

    İstanbul İlinde Görev Yapan Kamu ve Özel İlköğretim Öğretmenlerinin İş Tatmin Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma

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    DergiPark: 326420trakyasobedEven though it has been observed that the number of researches relating to job satisfaction made recently has increased, the number of researches which determine the satisfaction level that the teachers who are the milestones of education feel for their work is very few. The main survey field of the work can be summarized as measuring of the job satisfaction level of the teachers who work at public and private elementary schools within Istanbul, comparing the levels obtained and presenting the reasons if any, also statistically analyzing the minor factors of job satisfaction conceptSon yıllarda yapılan iş tatmini araştırmalarının sayısında artış gözlense de eğitimin temel taşları olan öğretmenlerin işlerinden aldıkları tatmin düzeylerini belirleyen araştırmaların sayısı çok fazla değildir. Çalışmanın temel inceleme alanı İstanbul ili dahilinde kamu ve özel ilköğretim okullarında çalışan öğretmenlerin iş tatmin düzeylerinin ölçülmesi, elde edilen bu düzeylerin ve alt düzeylerin karşılaştırılması, farklılar varsa nedenlerinin ortaya koyulması ve alt düzeylerin istatistiki olarak ele alınmasıdı