1,310 research outputs found


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    The objective of the project is to design and build awireless retrieval communication system that effectively transmits pertinent data using packets from aremote control vehicle to home base station. The rationale behind this project is to provide the user with information regarding the vehicle's proximity to other stationary objects, and surrounding temperature. ARF (Radio Frequency) transmitter and receiver will be used to transmit the data. The information gathered would be useful if the vehicle is used to explore unfamiliar' hazardous areas. The sensor's data acquisition for the transmitter is done using C-programming method, therefore the receiver PIC C programming is also completed in accordance to the transmitter data acquisition coding, and so as the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 interface


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh manuver parkir badan jalan\ud terhadap karakteristik lalu lintas. Studi kasus penelitian ini dilakukan di ruas jalan Kajaolalido\ud tepatnya di depan sekolah Islam Athirah, kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan\ud mengambil data kecepatan lalu lintas, volume lalu lintas, dan kepadatan lalu lintas. Kemudian\ud dari data primer diolah sehingga diperoleh kecepatan lalu lintas, kepadatan lalu lintas, kinerja\ud jalan, kapasitas jalan, dan data waktu tundaan (volume delay funtion). Dari hasil penelitian yang\ud dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa saat kendaraan melakukan manuver keluar dari parkir badan jalan\ud menyebabkan gangguan terhadap karakteristik lalu lintas di ruas jalan Kajaolalido yang\ud ditunjukkan oleh meningkatnya kepadatan dan buruknya kinerja jalan saat ada manuver parkir\ud dibandingkan saat tidak ada manuver parkir badan jalan. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut maka\ud direkomendasikan agar parkir badan jalan di ruas jalan Kajaolalido hanya satu baris atau dicari\ud alternatif lain agar tidak ada parkir badan jalan di ruas jalan Kajaolalid

    Temporary Release in the Saudi Criminal Procedures & Jordanian Law: A Comparative Study

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    Law and order are undoubtedly the most important and primary guarantors of the rights and freedoms of individuals. This is what makes the laws and regulations of criminal proceedings important, in that they are concerned with the achievement of such guarantees. Pre-trial detention or incarceration is one of the most justified measures to restrict human freedom. The law regulates the so-called provisional release of the accused and makes him an alternative to imprisonment in return for many guarantees that prevent the accused from escaping justice or harming public security. Most laws and regulations give wide powers to varying degrees to the competent authorities to issue temporary release decisions. Therefore, this research aims to identify the nature of this procedure and the rules governing it in both the Saudi Criminal Procedure Code and the Jordanian Code of Procedure

    Method Development and Validation for the Simultaneous Estimation of Ambrisentan in Tablet Dosage form by HPLC

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    INTRODUCTION: Chromatographic Techniques:IUPAC has defined chromatography as; “Methods used primarily for the separation of the components of a sample, in which the components are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary while other moves. The stationary phase may be a solid or a liquid supported on a solid or a gel, and may be packed in a column, spread as a layer or distributed as a film. The mobile phase may be gaseous or liquid”.M.T Swett coined the term "chromatography" to describe the process of separating colorful leaf pigments in a column made of chalk.2 Chromatography is a non-destructive technique used for separating a mixture of compounds into individual components using a stationery phase and mobile phase.3 Chromatography is used routinely in almost every laboratory for a large number of tasks. These range from the separationof mixtures on an analytical as well as preparative scale, purification and pre concentration of an analyte to controlling the progress of a chemical reaction. AIM & OBJECTIVE OF WORK: The drug analysis plays an important role in the development of new analytical methods, their manufacture and the therapeutic use. Pharmaceutical industries rely upon quantitative chemical analysis to ensure that the raw materials used and the final product obtained meets the required specification. The components monitored include chiral or achiral drug process impurities, residual solvents excipents such as preservatives, degradation products, extractable and leachable matterfrom containers and closuresetc. Ambrisentan is indicated for the treatment of patients with pulmonaryarterial hypertension (PAH) classified as World Health organisation (WHO) functionalclass (FC) II and III, to improve exercise capacity. Ambrisentan, is a propanoic acid-classan endothelin receptor antagonist that isselective for the endothelin type-A (ETA) receptor. It is a Bio pharmaceutics Classification System Type II drug.It has a low potential for drug-drug interactions when compared to other endothelin receptor antagonists and requires only once-daily administration. The extensive literature survey reveals that no method has been developed for the estimation of Ambrisentan in tablet dosage form. The objective of the present work is to develop a specific, precise, accurate, linear, simple, rapid and validated RP-HPLC method forAmbrisentan. The specific aim of the research was 1. To develop a RP-HPLC method for determination of Ambrisentan in tablet dosage form. 2. Validate the optimized method in accordance with ICH guidelines for the intended analytical application. SUMMARY: On the basis of the experiments, the RP-HPLC method development of Ambrisentan was tried in Kromosil C18 column.The various mobile phase compositions were used in different ratios like methanol:water, Acetonitrile:water and Potassium dihydrogenorthophosphatebuffer:Acetonitrile. The various chromatographic conditions were tried to develop a method for analysis. Above all methods were compared and best method was selected for the development and validation of Ambrisentan in tablet dosage form. Ambrisentan was determined by reverse phase HPLC method using mobile phase A:B (30:70),mobile phase A is phosphate buffer (pH 3.0)and mobile phase B is Acetonitrile:water (90:10) by using a Kromosil ODS C18 Column, 5μ (250×4.6mm) as a stationary phase. Detection was carried out using VWD detector at 210 nm. After development of the method, it was validated for system suitability, specificity, linearity, limit of detection and limit of quantification, precision, accuracy, robustness and solution stability studies. The Specificity of Ambrisentan is shown in Chromatograms. There was no interference in this method and good separation between all peaks. It means no impurity was interfered and also reveals that commonly used excipients and additives present in the tablet dosage form were not interfering in the proposed methods. From the linearity table.16, it was found that, the drug obeys beer’s law. The calibration plot for Ambrisentan was observed as linear in the range of 50-150μg/ml and the correlation coefficient was found 0.999 .From the results shown in the accuracy table17, it was found that recovery values of pure drug from the solution were 98.0 % to 102 %, which indicates that the method is accurate. CONCLUSION: The proposed method was found to be simple, accurate, precise and rapid RP-HPLC method suitable for the estimation of Ambrisentan in tablet dosage form. All the parameters meet the criteria of ICH guidelines for method validation and found to be simple, sensitive, accurate and precise. It can therefore be concluded that the reported method is more economical and can find practical application & may be recommended for routine and QC analysis of the investigated drugs to provide simple, accurate and reproducible quantitative analysis for the determination of Ambrisentan in tablet dosage form

    The Degree of Application of The Academic Leaders in Jordanian Universities to The Concept of Trust in Achieving Integrity and Transparency from The Perspective of The Faculty Members

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    The study aimed to reveal the degree of application of academic leaders in Jordanian universities to the concept of trust in achieving integrity and transparency from the perspective of faculty members. The researcher used a descriptive survey method and a questionnaire as a study tool. The study sample consisted of (300) faculty members. The results showed that the degree of academic leaders' application of the concept of trust in achieving integrity and transparency came to a large degree, and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample members on the degree of application of trust in achieving integrity and transparency due to the variables: gender, academic rank, job title and type of College, while there were differences due to the variable type of university that was in favor of private universities. Keywords: trust, integrity, transparency, Jordanian universities DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-2-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Credit Risk and Its Impact on the Profitability of Islamic Banking Services Applied Study in the Islamic National and Islamic Elaf Bank

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    يهدف هذا البحث الى تسليط الضوء على اهم المخاطر التي تتعرض لها المصارف الاسلامية الناتجة من عمليات منح الائتمان المصرفي، وهي المخاطرة الائتمانية والاثار الناتجة عنها، وبالأخص ما يتعلق بالربحية المصرفية من خلال قياس وتحليل المخاطرة الائتمانية، اذ تم اختيار مصرفين اسلاميين وهما المصرف الوطني الإسلامي ومصرف ايلاف الإسلامي وتم استخدام المؤشرات الخاصة بالمخاطرة الائتمانية والربحية المصرفية وبيان اهم المشاكل التي يعاني منها المصرفان من جراء المخاطرة الائتمانية واثارها على الربحية المصرفية، تم تحليل هذه المؤشرات واختبارها بواسطة اختباري F،P-value وبيان الأثر من خلال معامل التحديد R2 باستخدام تحليل التباين ANOVA وتوصل البحث الى ان هناك تأثير معنوي لمؤشرات المخاطرة الائتمانية على ربحية الخدمات المصرفية الإسلامية التي على أساسها تم قبول الفرضية البديلة، وكذلك توصل البحث الى مجموعة توصيات اهمها الاهتمام الكبير في تكوين المخصصات اللازمة (مخصص الديون المشكوك في تحصيلها) وان تكون مبنية على أسس صحيحة لتكون قادرة على مواجهة اي مخاطرة.    The aim of this research is to highlight the most important risks facing Islamic banks resulting from the granting of bank credit، namely the credit risk and the resulting effects، especially their regarding to the profitability of banking through the measurement and analysis of credit risk. Two Islamic banks were selected، National Islamic Bank and Elaf Islamic bank we use The indicators of credit risk and bank profitability and we explain the most important problems of both banks were used as a result of credit risks and their effects on bank profitability، these indicators were analyzed and then tested by a test F، P-Value and impact statement by the coefficient of determination R2 using analysis of variance (ANOVA)  The research concluded that there is a significant effect of credit risk indicators on profitability on which was accept the alternative hypothesis ، The study also reached the recommendations of the most important interest in the formation of the necessary allocations (provision for doubtful debts) and be based on the correct basis to be able meet any risk.&nbsp


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    The objective of the project is to design and build awireless retrieval communication system that effectively transmits pertinent data using packets from aremote control vehicle to home base station. The rationale behind this project is to provide the user with information regarding the vehicle's proximity to other stationary objects, and surrounding temperature. ARF (Radio Frequency) transmitter and receiver will be used to transmit the data. The information gathered would be useful if the vehicle is used to explore unfamiliar' hazardous areas. The sensor's data acquisition for the transmitter is done using C-programming method, therefore the receiver PIC C programming is also completed in accordance to the transmitter data acquisition coding, and so as the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 interface

    Procedural Legitimacy between the Rights of the Victim and the Accused

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    This research deals with the subject of procedural legitimacy between the rights of the victim and the accused. » The convergence of criminal procedures with the concept of rights of the victim is not that surprising, since the ultimate goal of criminal proceedings is to protect the rights recognized by international conventions and national laws to the victim as a human being. Since individuals are not allowed to resort to a private judiciary and the victims are denied the right to retaliation, the State undertook the commitment to enforce justice in society and to ensure its fair distribution to citizens. It is a commitment that is fulfilled through prescribed rights for individuals legally and enforceable practically. If society is interested in retribution and the punishment of offenders, when found guilty, to ensure the protection of the rights of the victims of crime, the punishment should not be enforced against the innocent. Therefore, the final investigation assures the coordination between the interests of society of being protected from crime and the rights and freedoms of the victim. When this balance is achieved, it can be said that the conflict between the State’s right to enforce punitive measures and the right of the accused to individual freedom has become two sides of the same coin, as the punishment of the offender is the affirmation of individual freedom for the innocent person. But how can this be achieved? The research will show through the clear delineation of the meaning of the victim of a crime, the historical roots of the term, and how it dealt with the concept. Furthermore, the study shall deal with the substantive and procedural safeguards for the victim during the criminal proceedings with the importance of the victim\u27s right to have the court launch its final investigation in this regard since the latter was developed as a safeguard for the accused. In addition, it will have the victim and his/her heirs to obtain compensation for damages promptly, fairly, and least costly. As explained, the importance of causality of the verdict of innocence in favor of the accused is a guarantee of the right of the victim with a right of appeal against the judgments of acquittal further to the role of Islamic law in the protection of the victim’s right. The study will endeavor to answer these questions by dividing it into four sections: Section I: Definition of the victim and the accused. Section II: victims \u27 rights in Islamic legislation. Section III: the legitimacy of criminal procedure and its impact on the right of the victim. Section IV: the legitimacy of criminal procedure and the rights of the accused and the researcher concluded some findings and recommendations that would ensure substantive and procedural protection to the victim during the criminal trial procedures and even in the phase of punitive implementation