23 research outputs found

    Frontal two-electrode transcranial direct current stimulation protocols may not affect performance on a combined flanker Go/No-Go task

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been tested to modulate cognitive control or response inhibition using various electrode montages. However, electrode montages and current polarities have not been systematically compared when examining tDCS effects on cognitive control and response inhibition. In this randomized, sham-controlled study, 38 healthy volunteers were randomly grouped into receiving one session of sham, anodal, and cathodal each in an electrode montage that targeted either the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) or the fronto-medial (FM) region. Participants performed a combined flanker Go/No-Go task during stimulation. No effect of tDCS was found in the DLPFC and FM groups neither using anodal nor cathodal stimulation. No major adverse effects of tDCS were identified using either montage or stimulation type and the two groups did not differ in terms of the reported sensations. The present study suggests that single-session tDCS delivered in two two-electrode montages might not affect cognitive control or response inhibition, despite using widely popular stimulation parameters. This is in line with the heterogeneous findings in the field and calls for further systematic research to exclude less reliable methods from those with more pronounced effects, identify the determinants of responsiveness, and develop optimal ways to utilize this technique

    A qualitative investigation of the Montgomery–Åsberg depression rating scale: discrepancies in rater perceptions and data trends in remote assessments of rapid-acting antidepressants in treatment resistant depression

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    IntroductionDespite the development of many successful pharmaceutical interventions, a significant subset of patients experience treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Ketamine and its derivatives constitute a novel therapeutic approach to treat TRD; however, standard tools, such as the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) are still being used to measure symptoms and track changes.MethodsThe aim of this study was to review item-level differences between rate of data change (MADRS score) and rater-weighted perception of the most useful items for assessing change in symptoms while remotely conducting the 10-item version of the MADRS in TRD in a clinical trial of rapid-acting antidepressants. Two studies of rapid-acting antidepressants in the treatment of TRD were used to identify item-scoring trends when MADRS is administered remotely and repeatedly (733 subjects across 10 visits). Scoring trends were evaluated in tandem to a rater survey completed by 75 raters. This was completed to gain insight on MADRS items’ perceived level of helpfulness when assessing change of symptoms in rapid-acting antidepressant trials.ResultsMADRS items ‘Reduced sleep’, ‘Apparent sadness’, and ‘Pessimistic thoughts’ were found to have the greatest average data change by visit, while raters ranked ‘Reported sadness’, ‘Lassitude’ and ‘Apparent sadness’ as the most helpful items when assessing symptom change.DiscussionThe diversion between rate of data-change ranking and rater perception of helpfulness could be related to difficulty in assessing specific items, to the novel treatment itself, and/or to the sensitivity to symptom change to which raters are accustomed in traditional antidepressant treatments

    The impact of intermediate-term alcohol abstinence on memory retrieval and suppression

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    Background: The nature of episodic memory deficit in intermediate-term abstinence from alcohol in alcohol dependence (AD) is not yet clarified. Deficits in inhibitory control are commonly reported in substance use disorders. However, much less is known about cognitive control suppressing interference from memory. The Think/No-think (TNT) paradigm is a well established method to investigate inhibition of associative memory retrieval.Methods: Thirty-six unmedicated alcohol dependent (AD) patients and 36 healthy controls (HC) performed the TNT task. Thirty image-word pairs were trained up to a predefined accuracy level. Cued recall was examined in three conditions: Think (T) for items instructed to-be-remembered, No-think (NT) assessing the ability to suppress retrieval and Baseline (B) for general relational memory. Premorbid IQ, clinical variables and impulsivity measures were quantified. Results: AD patients had a significantly increased demand for training. Baseline memory abilities and effect of practice on retrieval were not markedly different between the groups. We found a significant main effect of group (HC vs AD) x condition (B, T and NT) and a significant difference in mean NT-B scores for the two groups. Discussion: AD and HC groups did not differ essentially in their baseline memory abilities. Also, the instruction to focus on retrieval improved episodic memory performance in both groups. Crucially, control participants were able to suppress relational words in the NT condition supporting the critical effect of cognitive control processes over inhibition of retrieval. In contrast to this, the ability of AD patients to suppress retrieval was found to be impaired

    Gender-Specific Degeneration of Dementia-Related Subcortical Structures Throughout the Lifespan

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    Age-related changes in brain structure are a question of interest to a broad field of research. Structural decline has been consistently, but not unambiguously, linked to functional consequences, including cognitive impairment and dementia. One of the areas considered of crucial importance throughout this process is the medial temporal lobe, and primarily the hippocampal region. Gender also has a considerable effect on volume deterioration of subcortical grey matter (GM) structures, such as the hippocampus. The influence of age×gender interaction on disproportionate GM volume changes might be mediated by hormonal effects on the brain. Hippocampal volume loss appears to become accelerated in the postmenopausal period. This decline might have significant influences on neuroplasticity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus highly vulnerable to pathological influences. Additionally, menopause has been associated with critical pathobiochemical changes involved in neurodegeneration. The micro- and macrostructural alterations and consequent functional deterioration of critical hippocampal regions might result in clinical cognitive impairment-especially if there already is a decline in the cognitive reserve capacity. Several lines of potential vulnerability factors appear to interact in the menopausal period eventually leading to cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, or Alzheimer's disease. This focused review aims to delineate the influence of unmodifiable risk factors of neurodegenerative processes, i.e., age and gender, on critical subcortical GM structures in the light of brain derived estrogen effects. The menopausal period appears to be of key importance for the risk of cognitive decline representing a time of special vulnerability for molecular, structural, and functional influences and offering only a narrow window for potential protective effects. © 2017 - IOS Press and the authors

    Continuous theta-burst stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex inhibits improvement on a working memory task

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    Abstract Theta-burst stimulation (TBS) over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) may be more effective for modulating cortical excitability compared to standard repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. However, the impact of intermittent (iTBS) and continuous TBS (cTBS) on working memory (WM) is poorly studied. The aim of our study was to compare the effects of iTBS and cTBS on WM over the left and right DLPFC. iTBS, cTBS or sham stimulation was administered over the right and left hemisphere of fifty-one healthy human subjects. WM was assessed before and after TBS using the 1-back, 2-back, and 3-back tasks. We found classical practice effects in the iTBS and the sham group: WM performance improved following stimulation as measured by the discriminability index. However, this effect could not be observed in the cTBS group. We did not find any hemisphere-dependent effects, suggesting that the practice effect is not lateralized, and TBS affects WM performance in a comparable manner if administered either over the left or the right hemisphere. We propose that our findings represent a useful addition to the literature of TBS-induced effects on WM. Moreover, these results indicate the possibility of clarifying processes underlying WM performance changes by using non-invasive brain stimulation

    Szkizotip személyiségvonások és a nyelvi kreativitás összefüggéseinek vizsgálata

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    Introduction - The relationship of schizophrenia and its milder, subclinical forms, with creativity has been in the centre of theoretical interest for decades, however, the systematic research of the topic only prevailed more recently. Purpose - Here we aimed to examine the connection between different schizotypal and non-schizotypal personality traits and verbal creativity in a nonclinical sample. We also investigated the correspondence of two schizotypy inventories, the Oxford Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences and a special character configuration of the Temperament and Character Inventory associated with schizotypy. Method - 57 healthy adults (14/43 m/f, mean age 21.51 +/- 1.43 years) - took part in the experiment. All participants received a detailed information sheet and gave informed consent prior to participation. Participants completed the Oxford Liverpool Inventory and the Temperament and Character Inventory to measure both schizotypal and non-schizotypal personality traits. Torrance Test of Creative Thinking was used to measure verbal creativity. Associations between reported measures were examined with correlational and regression analyses. Results and conclusion - Out of the specific Temperament and Character configuration associated with schizotypy (low self-directedness, cooperativeness and high self-transcendence), we only found low self-directedness to be correlated significantly with Oxford Liverpool schizotypy rates (Self-directedness-schizotypy: r=.730, p<.01). There was no significant connection between schizotypal traits and verbal creativity. In our sample, the Self-directedness and Reward dependence character and temperament subscales predicted significantly the verbal creativity level (Self-directedness: beta=.330, p=.015; Reward - dependence: (beta=-.260; p=.049). Based on our results, besides schizotypal traits, other personality measures might be considered in relation to verbal creativity, providing further details to the empirical investigation of creativity. We found low self-directedness to be correlated with Oxford Liverpool schizotypy rates, however, the sample size was not large enough to test the concurrent validity of the two inventories. Future studies might consider to extend the study sample, preferably to both clinical and non-clinical populations

    Frontal two-electrode transcranial direct current stimulation protocols may not affect performance on a combined flanker Go/No-Go task

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    Abstract Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been tested to modulate cognitive control or response inhibition using various electrode montages. However, electrode montages and current polarities have not been systematically compared when examining tDCS effects on cognitive control and response inhibition. In this randomized, sham-controlled study, 38 healthy volunteers were randomly grouped into receiving one session of sham, anodal, and cathodal each in an electrode montage that targeted either the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) or the fronto-medial (FM) region. Participants performed a combined flanker Go/No-Go task during stimulation. No effect of tDCS was found in the DLPFC and FM groups neither using anodal nor cathodal stimulation. No major adverse effects of tDCS were identified using either montage or stimulation type and the two groups did not differ in terms of the reported sensations. The present study suggests that single-session tDCS delivered in two two-electrode montages might not affect cognitive control or response inhibition, despite using widely popular stimulation parameters. This is in line with the heterogeneous findings in the field and calls for further systematic research to exclude less reliable methods from those with more pronounced effects, identify the determinants of responsiveness, and develop optimal ways to utilize this technique

    The Effect of Emotion and Reward Contingencies on Relational Memory in Major Depression: An Eye-Movement Study with Follow-Up

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    Background: Episodic memory disturbances were found to constitute a potential trait marker for major depression (MD). The recall of positive or rewarding information in a relational context is specifically impaired. Eye-movement recording constitutes a novel, direct approach to examine implicit memory performance. Here we aimed to assess the effect of emotional context and implicit virtual monetary reward or loss on viewing patterns in association with relational memory in a 6-months follow-up study in MD. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight patients with MD and 30 healthy participants were trained to associate a face (happy/sad/neutral) with a background scene. After each pair a virtual monetary reward or loss appeared briefly. During testing, scenes were presented as a cue and then overlaid with three previously studied faces. Participants were asked to recall the matching face if present (Match trials), with eye-movements and subsequent forced-choice recognition being recorded. Results: Explicit recognition of the matching face was impaired in the MD group as compared to controls. In correlation with this, viewing of the matching face was significantly reduced in the MD group. We found a significant interaction of group (MD vs HC) with the relational memory condition (Match and Non-match), facial emotion and monetary reward and loss. MD patients attended longer to previously rewarded stimuli, but significantly less to sad faces in the Match condition. The relational memory impairment persisted at follow-up and correlated with symptom severity both at baseline and follow-up. Viewing patterns associated with previous virtual reward were associated with clinical symptoms at follow-up. Conclusion: Our current results provide novel evidence for a specific relational memory impairment in MD as supported by abnormal eye-movement behavior and a deficit in explicit recognition. MD patients showed an attentional bias to rewarded stimuli and . decreased viewing of sad faces when relational memory information was present