2,403 research outputs found

    Italy in the Middle East and the Mediterranean: The evolving relations with Egypt and Libya

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    The Mediterranean and the Middle East have long constituted an important “circle” in Italy’s foreign policy, with Egypt and Libya playing a particularly important role. During 2016, two sources of tension emerged in Italy’s relations with these countries. The first reflects a wider European situation. Like the rest of the EU, Italy has followed strategic interests—on migration, energy, and security—that sometimes conflict with the promotion of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, which the EU claims to promote in its external relations. The Regeni affair, involving a murdered Italian graduate student, exemplified this tension. The second source results from the role of corporate interests in Italy, especially those of oil and energy companies, in relation to the country’s “national interests.” Italian foreign policy toward both Libya and Egypt seems to have been driven by a combination of somewhat overlapping but also divergent national and corporate interests

    Reduction for constrained variational problems on 3D null curves

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    We consider the optimal control problem for null curves in de Sitter 3-space defined by a functional which is linear in the curvature of the trajectory. We show how techniques based on the method of moving frames and exterior differential systems, coupled with the reduction procedure for systems with a Lie group of symmetries lead to the integration by quadratures of the extremals. Explicit solutions are found in terms of elliptic functions and integrals.Comment: 16 page

    Hamiltonian flows on null curves

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    The local motion of a null curve in Minkowski 3-space induces an evolution equation for its Lorentz invariant curvature. Special motions are constructed whose induced evolution equations are the members of the KdV hierarchy. The null curves which move under the KdV flow without changing shape are proven to be the trajectories of a certain particle model on null curves described by a Lagrangian linear in the curvature. In addition, it is shown that the curvature of a null curve which evolves by similarities can be computed in terms of the solutions of the second Painlev\'e equation.Comment: 14 pages, v2: final version; minor changes in the expositio

    Closed trajectories of a particle model on null curves in anti-de Sitter 3-space

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    We study the existence of closed trajectories of a particle model on null curves in anti-de Sitter 3-space defined by a functional which is linear in the curvature of the particle path. Explicit expressions for the trajectories are found and the existence of infinitely many closed trajectories is proved.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Classical Dynamical Systems from q-algebras:"cluster" variables and explicit solutions

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    A general procedure to get the explicit solution of the equations of motion for N-body classical Hamiltonian systems equipped with coalgebra symmetry is introduced by defining a set of appropriate collective variables which are based on the iterations of the coproduct map on the generators of the algebra. In this way several examples of N-body dynamical systems obtained from q-Poisson algebras are explicitly solved: the q-deformed version of the sl(2) Calogero-Gaudin system (q-CG), a q-Poincare' Gaudin system and a system of Ruijsenaars type arising from the same (non co-boundary) q-deformation of the (1+1) Poincare' algebra. Also, a unified interpretation of all these systems as different Poisson-Lie dynamics on the same three dimensional solvable Lie group is given.Comment: 19 Latex pages, No figure

    Gaudin Models and Bending Flows: a Geometrical Point of View

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    In this paper we discuss the bihamiltonian formulation of the (rational XXX) Gaudin models of spin-spin interaction, generalized to the case of sl(r)-valued spins. In particular, we focus on the homogeneous models. We find a pencil of Poisson brackets that recursively define a complete set of integrals of the motion, alternative to the set of integrals associated with the 'standard' Lax representation of the Gaudin model. These integrals, in the case of su(2), coincide wih the Hamiltonians of the 'bending flows' in the moduli space of polygons in Euclidean space introduced by Kapovich and Millson. We finally address the problem of separability of these flows and explicitly find separation coordinates and separation relations for the r=2 case.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX with amsmath and amssym

    Differential systems associated with tableaux over Lie algebras

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    We give an account of the construction of exterior differential systems based on the notion of tableaux over Lie algebras as developed in [Comm. Anal. Geom 14 (2006), 475-496; math.DG/0412169]. The definition of a tableau over a Lie algebra is revisited and extended in the light of the formalism of the Spencer cohomology; the question of involutiveness for the associated systems and their prolongations is addressed; examples are discussed.Comment: 16 pages; to appear in: "Symmetries and Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations" (M. Eastwood and W. Miller, Jr., eds.), IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, Springer-Verlag, New Yor

    Exact Solution of the Quantum Calogero-Gaudin System and of its q-Deformation

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    A complete set of commuting observables for the Calogero-Gaudin system is diagonalized, and the explicit form of the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is derived. We use a purely algebraic procedure exploiting the co-algebra invariance of the model; with the proper technical modifications this procedure can be applied to the qq-deformed version of the model, which is then also exactly solved.Comment: 20 pages Late

    Teaching mathematics at distance: A challenge for universities

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    The focus of this research is how Sicilian state university mathematics professors faced the challenge of teaching via distance education during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic entered our lives suddenly, the professors found themselves having to lecture using an e-learning platform that they had never used before, and for which they could not receive training due to the health emergency. In addition to the emotional aspects related to the particular situation of the pandemic, there are two aspects to consider when teaching mathematics at a distance. The first is related to the fact that at university level, lecturers generally teach mathematics in a formal way, using many symbols and formulas that they are used to writing. The second aspect is that the way mathematics is taught is also related to the students to whom the teaching is addressed. In fact, not only online, but also in face-to-face modality, the teaching of mathematics to students on the mathematics degree course involves a different approach to lessons (as well as to the choice of topics to explain) than teaching mathematics in another degree course. In order to investigate how the Sicilian State university mathematics professors taught mathematics at distance, a questionnaire was prepared and administered one month after the beginning of the lockdown in Italy. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were made, which allowed us to observe the way that university professors have adapted to the new teaching modality: they started to appropriate new artifacts (writing tablets, mathematical software, e-learning platform) to replicate their face-to-face teaching modality, mostly maintaining their blackboard teacher status. Their answers also reveal their beliefs related to teaching mathematics at university level, noting what has been an advantageous or disadvantageous for them in distance teaching