1,634 research outputs found

    Swirl coaxial injector element characterization for booster engines

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    Recent hot fire testing at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) has indicated the swirl-coaxial element to be a viable candidate for the STBE injector. Plans are to test the current 40K lbf thrust injector at the higher chamber pressure and colder fuel temperature which are anticipated for STBE. A cold flow program to characterize the swirl coax element over a range of operating points was conducted. The results are presented and compared to the hot fire data. Predictions for compatibility, performance and stability are then presented for the uprated test conditions

    Triaxial Swirl Injector Element for Liquid-Fueled Engines

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    A triaxial injector is a single bi-propellant injection element located at the center of the injector body. The injector element consists of three nested, hydraulic swirl injectors. A small portion of the total fuel is injected through the central hydraulic injector, all of the oxidizer is injected through the middle concentric hydraulic swirl injector, and the balance of the fuel is injected through an outer concentric injection system. The configuration has been shown to provide good flame stabilization and the desired fuel-rich wall boundary condition. The injector design is well suited for preburner applications. Preburner injectors operate at extreme oxygen-to-fuel mass ratios, either very rich or very lean. The goal of a preburner is to create a uniform drive gas for the turbomachinery, while carefully controlling the temperature so as not to stress or damage turbine blades. The triaxial injector concept permits the lean propellant to be sandwiched between two layers of the rich propellant, while the hydraulic atomization characteristics of the swirl injectors promote interpropellant mixing and, ultimately, good combustion efficiency. This innovation is suited to a wide range of liquid oxidizer and liquid fuels, including hydrogen, methane, and kerosene. Prototype testing with the triaxial swirl injector demonstrated excellent injector and combustion chamber thermal compatibility and good combustion performance, both at levels far superior to a pintle injector. Initial testing with the prototype injector demonstrated over 96-percent combustion efficiency. The design showed excellent high -frequency combustion stability characteristics with oxygen and kerosene propellants. Unlike the more conventional pintle injector, there is not a large bluff body that must be cooled. The absence of a protruding center body enhances the thermal durability of the triaxial swirl injector. The hydraulic atomization characteristics of the innovation allow the design to be rapidly scaled from small in-space applications [500-5,000 lbf (2.2 22.2 kN)] to large thrust engine applications [80,000 lbf (356 kN) and beyond]. The triaxial injector is also less sensitive to eccentricities, manufacturing tolerances, and gap width of many traditional coaxial and pintle injector designs. The triaxial-injector injection orifice configuration provides for high injection stiffness. The low parts count and relatively large injector design features are amenable to low-cost production

    User's manual for rocket combustor interactive design (ROCCID) and analysis computer program. Volume 2: Appendixes A-K

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    The appendices A-K to the user's manual for the rocket combustor interactive design (ROCCID) computer program are presented. This includes installation instructions, flow charts, subroutine model documentation, and sample output files. The ROCCID program, written in Fortran 77, provides a standardized methodology using state of the art codes and procedures for the analysis of a liquid rocket engine combustor's steady state combustion performance and combustion stability. The ROCCID is currently capable of analyzing mixed element injector patterns containing impinging like doublet or unlike triplet, showerhead, shear coaxial and swirl coaxial elements as long as only one element type exists in each injector core, baffle, or barrier zone. Real propellant properties of oxygen, hydrogen, methane, propane, and RP-1 are included in ROCCID. The properties of other propellants can be easily added. The analysis models in ROCCID can account for the influences of acoustic cavities, helmholtz resonators, and radial thrust chamber baffles on combustion stability. ROCCID also contains the logic to interactively create a combustor design which meets input performance and stability goals. A preliminary design results from the application of historical correlations to the input design requirements. The steady state performance and combustion stability of this design is evaluated using the analysis models, and ROCCID guides the user as to the design changes required to satisfy the user's performance and stability goals, including the design of stability aids. Output from ROCCID includes a formatted input file for the standardized JANNAF engine performance prediction procedure

    Records of Hahnia microphthalma from Germany (Araneae: Hahniidae)

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    Im Rahmen einer Diplomarbeit (MUSS 1997) wurde auf einer Streuobstwiese bei Duderstadt (Niedersachsen) zwischen dem 16.05. und 28.11.1996 mit Hilfe von Bodenfallen, Bodenphotoeklektoren und Stammeklektoren (vgl. MOHLENBERG 1989) die Spinnenfauna untersucht. Vier Weibchen von Hahnia microphthaima SNAZELL & DUFFEY 1980 wurden ausschließlich mit Bodenphotoeklektoren auf Versuchsflachen erfaßt, die mit Apfelbäumen bestockt waren und zwischen dem 13.07. und 15.07.1996 gemäht wurden (leg. M. MUSS, det. A. SUEHRIG, conf. K. THALER & J. WUNDERLlCH). Ein Weibchen wurde zwischen dem 13.09. und 28.09.1996, ein Weibchen zwischen dem 28.09. und 13.10.1996 und zwei Weibchen zwischen dem 27.10. und 09.11.1996 gefangen

    Adrenal Hormone and Metabolic Biomarker Responses to 30 min of Intermittent Cycling Exercise in Breast Cancer Survivors

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    The aim of this study was to explore the effect of one bout of aerobic exercise on epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, glucose, lactate, and free fatty acid (FFA) responses in breast cancer survivors and healthy controls. 9 female breast cancer survivors and 9 women without a history of cancer completed 30 min of cycle ergometry exercise at 60 % of VO2peak. Blood samples were taken pre-exercise, immediately post-exercise, and 2 h post-exercise from which plasma concentrations of study variables were measured. Immediately and 2 h post-exercise, increases were observed in epinephrine (control group only) norepinephrine (both groups), lactate (both groups), and FFA (both groups immediately post-exercise; breast cancer survivor group only at 2 h post-exercise) (p < 0.05). Cortisol decreased immediately and 2 h post-exercise in the control group while glucose decreased immediately post-exercise in the breast cancer survivor group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, breast cancer survivors appeared to display attenuated epinephrine, cortisol, and lactate responses while displaying larger magnitude changes in glucose and FFA responses compared to controls. These preliminary findings may have implications for the regulation of metabolism during exercise in breast cancer survivors

    A comparison of toxicity profiles between the lower and standard dose capecitabine in breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Capecitabine 1,000 mg/m2 bid × 14 days every 21 days (14/21) has been reported to have similar efficacy but more favorable toxicity profile than the approved dosage of 1,250 mg/m2. However, a dose-toxicity relationship of capecitabine in breast cancer patients has not been fully elucidated. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to compare a safety profile between capecitabine starting dose of 1,000 and 1,250 mg/m2 bid

    Assess the level of development of younger students of basic national values as a social and pedagogical problem

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    The problem of the development of pupils of primary school of basic national values in the context of the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual citizen of Russia is actualized; The author's position on the selection criteria and the implementation rate of younger students of basic national values is offered

    Проект «Духовно-нравственная культура студенческой молодежи» как основа теоретического моделирования духовно-нравственной компетенции студентов российских и казахстанских вузов

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    Analysis of the current socio-cultural situation in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan shows that there is a need to promote and carry out activities in the field of enriching the spiritual experience of students, the formation of their spiritual and moral culture, which plays the role of the sociocultural code of the country and ensures the creation of a single field of ideological paradigm of views and beliefs. As a consequence of the absence of these special regulators, Russia and Kazakhstan face problems hindering the transition to a strategy of priority development.The innovativeness of the proposed approach to the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of university students lies in the proposal to include in the clusters of common cultural and professional competencies of SMC competence as a method of competence ensuring its complementarity in any subject, the possibility of developing and implementing individual&nbsp;educational programs and educational work programs. The development of a multifactor model of the spiritual and moral development of human potential necessary to preserve the cultural and genetic code of a nation in a changing socio-cultural environment, to ensure human security in the emerging polycentric world at the stage of higher education, is accompanied by testing and is adjusted.El análisis de la situación sociocultural actual en la Federación Rusa y la República de Kazajstán muestra que es necesario promover y llevar a cabo actividades en el campo del enriquecimiento de la experiencia espiritual de los estudiantes, la formación de su cultura espiritual y moral, que desempeña el papel del código sociocultural del país y garantiza la creación de un campo único de paradigma ideológico de puntos de vista y creencias. Como resultado de la falta de reguladores especiales, Rusia y Kazajstán enfrentan problemas que impiden la transición a una estrategia de desarrollo prioritario.La innovación del enfoque propuesto para la formación de la cultura espiritual y moral de los estudiantes universitarios reside en la propuesta de incluir en los grupos de competencias culturales y profesionales generales de la competencia del ADN como método de competencia, asegurando su complementariedad en cualquier tema, la posibilidad de desarrollar e implementar programas educativos individuales y programas de trabajo educativo. El desarrollo de un modelo multifactorial del desarrollo espiritual y moral del potencial humano necesario para preservar el código cultural y genético de una nación en un entorno sociocultural cambiante, garantizando la seguridad humana en el mundo policéntrico emergente en la etapa de educación superior, se acompaña de pruebas y se ajusta.Анализ современной социокультурной ситуации в Российской Федерации и Республике Казахстан показывает, что назрела необходимость содействия и осуществления деятельности в области обогащения духовного опыта студентов, формирования их духовно-нравственной культуры, выполняющей роль социокультурного кода страны и обеспечивающей создание единого поля мировоззренческой парадигмы взглядов и убеждений. Как следствие отсутствия специальных регуляторов, Россия и Казахстан сталкиваются с проблемами, препятствующими переходу к стратегии опережающего развития. Инновационность предлагаемого подхода к формированию духовно-нравственной культуры студентов вузов заключается в предложении включить в&nbsp;кластеры общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций ДНК-компетенции как метакомпетенции, обеспечивающей её комплиментарность в любой предмет, возможность разработки и реализации индивидуальных образовательных программ и программ воспитательной работы. Разработка многофакторной модели духовно-нравственного развития человеческого потенциала, необходимого для сохранения культурно-генетического кода нации в изменяющейся социокультурной среде, обеспечения безопасности человека в формирующемся полицентричном мире на этапе получения высшего образования, сопровождается апробацией и корректируется

    Ketandusan Upaya (Burnout) : Satu Kajian di Kalangan Kakitangan Jabatan Pembangunan Koperasi Sarawak

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the level of burnout among the employees of Cooperative Development Department in Sarawak. The objectives of the study are to identify relationship between burnout and work stress, self efficacy and demographics variable. A total of 75 employees were involved in this study. The questionnaire consist of four sections. The MBI-General Service instrument were used that have 16 items with five likest scale to determine the burnout level. The finding indicate that the level of burnout for Cooperative Development Department of Sarawak are moderate. Result showed that all dimension of work stress used in this study such as work overload, job ambiguity, role conflict and interpersonal significantly correlation with burnout. The most dominance dimension of work stress to burnout was work overload. With this result of study, the people who concern should take stern action to prevent burnout become serious problem and arise negative output to the organization